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File: 263 KB, 536x800, Evil-Doctor[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9480993 No.9480993 [Reply] [Original]

fuck these "people" why the hell should they get paid 6 figures to be meat carpenters?

>> No.9481015
File: 78 KB, 270x319, 1518199241565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*gives you autism*
>haha probably you had it before faggot pay up

>> No.9481042

because they have to go to school for 11 years, giving up their entire 20s and half of their 30s to work 100 hours a week for shit pay

>> No.9481073

Of all the professions, doctors and surgeons seem to earn their high wage in my opinion. I make around 200k a year a cash for gold business I started 5 years ago. Still not as hard as med school, and dealing with medical shit. I have a lot of friends that are doctors some make more some make less, some paying off loans still make a lot less. All of them work harder the I do.

>> No.9481103

Please be ironic. I find it hard to believe somebody with a brain of a single molecule exists.

>> No.9481151
File: 45 KB, 240x273, 1523498824335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the market decides how much they are worth.

>> No.9481157

Whenever it comes time for me to have a life-saving surgery, I want the man performing it to be smart and capable. Smart and capable men are willing to do what it takes to become doctors because it pays a lot of money. I'm good with how much money they make.

>> No.9481201

"meat carpenters"

Your patient is a 45 year old single father of 4, he arrived in the ER unresponsive, he presents with a heart rate of 165BPM, blood pressure is 150/97, and his pulse is rapidly fading. How do you save his life?

Also without googling it, can you define the following terms/acronyms (don't worry these are really simple ones, the hard stuff comes in later)
>Trisomy 21 (this is easy, you have it)

This is roughly the easiest a doctor's day will ever get.

>> No.9481269

OP is clearly jealous of people who are smarter than him lol meat carpenter get the fuck outta here im sure that phrase is the best thing youll ever come up fucking idiot

>> No.9481347

I'd be curious for someone to do out the math with the modern cost/benefit of becoming a doctor. Factoring in high interest $250,000 student debt and the opportunity cost of not having a paying job until you're like 32. Versus someone like me who graduated college at 21, started a job in IT and will be socking away money and investing during that time frame (75k salary).

I have a feeling that opportunity cost of not investing from a young age plus all the debt that comes with med school really puts a damper on how well you make out.

I'm 26, my salary is 85k, I'm debt free, and have a net worth of around $125,000. My friend in med school on the other hand is 26, close to $300,000 in debt, and still won't be making that "doctor money" until he's at least 30. He basically has a mortgage worth of debt with no asset backing it other than the promise of "you're gonna make booku bux someday".

Really activates my almonds.

>> No.9481626

Except they benefit from a state granted oligopoly

>> No.9481690

If I was smart, I would rather be a scientist. Being a surgeon is disgusting and stressful.

>> No.9481726

give him an aspirin you retard

>> No.9481738

>implying education is state granted

>> No.9481784

lmfao if you actually got to doctors for anything other than serious medical procedures

doctors don't care about your health, they are there to make money, you can do better just by doing your own research online

>> No.9481788

>job requires knowledge
no shit anon quit wining and read a book

>> No.9481795

>having the reading comprehension of a 6yo schizo

>> No.9482125

The license is

>> No.9482208


Doctors don't give a single fuck about your life. They all get paid by your insurance company. They just want to make as much money as possible and as fast as possible.

>> No.9482246

Looks a lot like the tren I inject to my thighs before I go fuck your girl.

>> No.9482320


Who cares? It's specialised knowledge. So what? OP isn't claiming to be a doctor. All they are is glorified technicians. The body is just a bunch of meat, with some tubes and valves, it's not that interesting. Why people think it's a good job is beyond me.

>> No.9482337


Kek, how those balls though? You never come in her do you anon, not possible.

>> No.9482364

how about an ECG and some adrenaline 1mg/kg i.V?

>> No.9482415

ups, make that 1mg/kg to 1ml

>> No.9482446


Because of market demand and societal demand for better healthcacre (limitless). Health care workers should actually be paid more.

>> No.9482454

I'm a dentist and I can tell you it's absolutely not worth it financially. Can't speak for MDs but I'd imagine some of them are in a similar boat or even worse off than I am.

>> No.9482460

Salty bitch, you jealous?

>> No.9482501

>Giving adrenaline

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.9482505

you don't know if he has already taken that, he dies due to your lack of action.
your patient's aorta dissects due to increased strain on his arteries, killing him within seconds.

He was having a standard heart attack. Enter his circulatory system through the femoral artery, through his groin. run the probe through his aorta, into his coronary artery and clear the blockage, leaving a stint in its place.
Admit him to critical care and monitor closely.

>> No.9482546 [DELETED] 

That's a meaniness statement. They could make a minimuk wage or they could make $10 million dollars a year, and it would still be "what the market decides they're worth." And keep in mind that the market for doctors is artificially manipulated by the American Medical Association to keep prices high. They actually lobby for laws that make it harder for new doctors to enter the workforce. Absolute bastards. They're like lawyers that somebody put in charge of keeping people alive.

>> No.9482573

That's a meaningless statement. They could make a minimum wage or they could make $10 million dollars a year, and it would still be "what the market decides they're worth." And keep in mind that the market for doctors is artificially manipulated by the American Medical Association to keep prices high. They actually lobby for laws that make it harder for new doctors to enter the workforce. Absolute bastards. They're like lawyers that somebody put in charge of keeping people alive.

>> No.9482737

No, he probably can't pay for his stay because he is an amerifag, so he'll have it easier to pay off his debt.

>> No.9482770

This was my fist thought, but isn't he already in Vfib at this point ?
Just asking, I'm a physicist and not a MD

>> No.9482784

I have lung problems for years now. Went to the hospital one day because it was very bad when I caught a cold. Most they can do there is give me a one time treatment, and a prescription for one inhaler, plus a little advice like stay away from smoke. Costs several hundred to go to the ER to do this

Today I'm calling around trying to get an appointment with a decent doctor and they're all telling me to go to a walk-in because first of all most of them won't even see me without insurance and even if they did it would take weeks to get an appointment

fukken shit sucks and I'm sitting here wheezing like a cuck

>> No.9482870

You're right, he is in VFib, but adrenaline would put far more strain on his circulatory system than there is already, likely bursting an artery or a vein.

Best course of action is to get to the blockage as fast as you can, if heart function ceases THEN you give him adrenaline, because that is his only hope at that point. you want to avoid the blockage causing any more cardiac ischemia than he has already sustained, because then he would likely have to be placed on the donor list, which is basically death row for heart recipients.

>> No.9482967

can someone post a good link thread I need to sell

thank you

>> No.9482969
File: 39 KB, 700x525, House-karakter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lupus tests came back negative

>> No.9483022
File: 139 KB, 323x573, CFF5BD13-D803-452E-B578-5681A6064714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What none of you fucks are considering is the priceless aspect of respect when people say they are a doctor. The dynamics change INSTANTLY. And another point, the majority will never have the godly gift of saving someones life. You will never know how that feels, ever. The majority of you have absolutely no balls to make decisions that might kill someone, they live with that thought everyday but they stay sane somehow, can you even fathom how strong of a mind you need to have to do that? Anyone saying doctors are here to make money are somewhat right, its just like saying all cops are bad...of course not, some are bad and some actually wanna make a diff. Come up with something smarter to say.

>> No.9483048

Everybody who drives could decide to kill someone by running them over

>> No.9483085

Ok cool, what is your point?

>> No.9483158

>Smart and capable men are willing to do what it takes to become doctors because it pays a lot of money
you should become a doctor because you are interested in saving and helping people, not because it pays well you mutt

>> No.9483349
File: 452 KB, 489x768, 4rMhnFCl7ydm7X0HS4HeJBR3Wihscv0Mbm0cqa0EnVY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And another point, the majority will never have the godly gift of saving someones life. You will never know how that feels, ever.
>These are the types of power-mad psychopaths that medicine is attracting
You're a lot like Zuckerberg tbhfam

>> No.9483609


Reality and the real world are out there, young naive anon. I'm sure helping people is part of it, but if it paid $35,000/yr, it wouldn't be the same caliber of people practicing medicine. I'd like to be a teacher and make a difference in people's lives, but there's no fucking way I'm doing it because of the pay.

>> No.9484042

Doctors tend to be less intelligent than other scientists and engineers and yet they get paid 5-10x more. If anything, the high salary is a detriment to the level of care because it attracts narcissistic scum like >>9483022 who prey on patients to inflate their own egos.

>> No.9484250

>implying all cops aren't bad

>> No.9484884

But engineers/scientists hit the ground running. My entry job after college was 75k, and now I'm 24 with 105k. Youd hit around 27+ years to make a good doctor's salary if you played your cards right.

>> No.9485351

There are tons of extremely brilliant Math/Physics/Chemistry/etc. postdocs out there in their mid 30's making $50k a year. Medicine is insanely overpaid in comparison to that.

>> No.9485413

6 figures? An MD/PhD internal medicine physician and assistant professor only earns 80k in Netherlandistan
>before 52% income tax h-heh

>> No.9485461

you had it for sure before you autost

>> No.9485690

Supply and demand idiot

Protip doctors are idiots only go to them if you’re really sick or something. Fucking dumb kikes are worthless 99% of the time and will make you worse or fucking kill you the other 1%

>> No.9485791

The market of keeping humans alive past their productive years is truly a despicable one. Death should be embraced after one's purpose is complete. If one can no longer fulfill any purpose, they should save humanity the effort and cost of keeping them on life support.

>> No.9485914

That's only in USA... In the rest of the world its just a job, anon

>> No.9485992
File: 1.57 MB, 1080x994, DEXATI20180517164153~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balls are fine. I still cum buckets (and I've even had a vasectomy)

>> No.9486075
File: 387 KB, 994x765, DEXATI20180517164652~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your girl loves it when I do this in her

>> No.9486098

Autism doesn't exist you doofus. It's a made up disease to cover up the damage caused by the toxic adjuvants.

Autism is actually brain damage caused by mercury poisoning.

>> No.9486136

hit him with the defibrillator, give him a valium, and send him on this way. easy as pie

>> No.9486142

Because it's literally a violent government monopoly.


>> No.9486171
File: 119 KB, 925x699, DO3tUpsVQAAHH25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't
The government does in every country in the world, including the USA.

The AMA is literally a government monopoly.

Why do you think healthcare costs so much?

>> No.9486187

>>before 52% income tax h-heh
Holy shit that's terrible

>> No.9486199

If you don't think they deserve it then don't use their services.

>> No.9486225

>not reading beyond text
How does it feel to be <120IQ?

>> No.9486255

>thinks memorization is difficult
bio majors for you folks

>> No.9486445
File: 80 KB, 900x900, 1522325905651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Echo and electrocardiogram plus lactato-hd and routine heart exams will pretty much cover 99% of possible malfunctions/degradation or miocardiac stress/heart failure. Proceed with either valve surgery in case of tissue damage/severe mitral valve regurgitation, concatenation in case of artrtial fibrilation and or medication (rare cases require heart transplant) High bp points towards lifestyle illness though, since heart failure correlates with very low bp plus low irregular bpm.

t. anxious person who reads 30 wiki pages when heart skips a beat

>> No.9486801

>can't even impregnate a woman

>> No.9486917

Are you fucking retarded? PhD programs are waaaay easier to get into than MD or MD/PhD and being a doctor involves much more independent decision making and problem solving

>> No.9487470

>shoots nanoparticles of aluminium and aluminium compounds into your muscle tissue, where it stays forever and ever and disrupts the function of over 200 different natural enzymes

>> No.9487653

My parents and relatives are doctors and they're absolute brainlets. Med school is competitive in the same sense that Tinder is competitive: it's all about social status and appearances. Premeds take bullshit classes to pad their GPAs and med students learn how to become glorified technicians.

>> No.9487704


this argument is lame af. you know thats not impressive at all right? lots of people do this all the time for less.

but the worst part is the kind of people that make that argument. They start off applying to schools boasting about how much they want to save lives and make the world a better place. Then they turn around and complain about how hard they have it. Its dishonest. Hopefully brofag doctors get automated in expensive countries.

>> No.9487747

>Doctors tend to be less intelligent than other scientists and engineers

Engineers have been some of the dumbest people I've ever met once they step out of their narrow realm of expertise. A small percentage actually create, the rest of engineers are good at following instructions. Creative thinking and problem solving are absent. If they're not told what to do, they can't do.

>> No.9487778

That's what happens when medicine has been socialized. The rest of the world, on average, probably has dumber doctors.

>> No.9487819

I’m a radiation oncologist, and a damn good one basically an intellectual baller in the world of medicine and the stuff i do in a given day the number of lives I save and make better and improve it’s fairly unimaginable. I make a good salary but it’s eaten alive by taxes, ive started saving and 401k etc later in life. I’m definetly behind the curve of my age group. It kills me that I can’t just straight up ask a patient for $$ for the service I just provided to them bc of how good I am. I’m like I don’t want chocolates from them, I want them to leave me part of their trust or their real estate fleet. For gods fucking sake I cured your cancer or made a critical decision that has prevented years of suffering for you. Anyway, I like it, but I’ll never be wealthy as fuck like I feel I should be

>> No.9487824

>thinks all it takes is memorization to perform open-heart surgery, or remove a tumor from a spinal chord.

>wait until you have a tumor on your prostate and you need a doctor to sort you out so your dick will work. At that point, hopefully your surgeon did more than memorize.

>> No.9487850

Fun fact: there's a significant population of doctors that don't even believe in biological evolution, even though it's extremely relevant to their job. "Doctor" is a title of social status, not a certification that you aren't a complete fucking moron.

>> No.9487904

By the way if any of you autists want to start a business that puts me in touch with cancer patients to explain to them their situation or go through records for them or something that they’ll pay us for, hit me up

>> No.9487921

Breathing problems are awful, get well.


>> No.9487944

Honestly kys, entitled prick. Machine learning is better at radiology than you are, and I'm going to personally see to it that you get automated away.

>> No.9487983

Hahahahaah. I’m a radiation oncologist. You have no clue what that is clearly.

>> No.9488023

The guy that pushes the button on the multimillion dollar gamma knife machine that teams of engineers built. We get it.

>> No.9488050

That’s the therapist. Good gosh y’all are total autists. Ask around, Rad Oncs are by far the smartest in the hospital. Surgeons? Those guys bow down to us.

>> No.9488109

If you fags were at least good enough at your jobs to justify your pay then I wouldn't be mad.

>> No.9488173

ah ok, that explains it thanks.

>> No.9488206

The diagnosis was a heart attack.

>> No.9488256

Fucking lol, I would love to see you get a cardiothoracic or neurosurgeon to bow to a fucking rad oncologist. Or even an interventionalist for that matter.
Your knowledge base and skillset are awesome, but you dont have shit for stress or pressure in the moment.