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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9478539 No.9478539 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people here freak out when shit dips? Why not just put a stop-loss order on the USDT pairing to manage the risks?

>> No.9478552

I'd love to fuck these roasties.

>> No.9478713
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>> No.9478733

Because it's been "dipping" for nearly half a year already with no signs of recovery?

>> No.9479340


Look at those goddamn toasties. Absolute sluts.

>> No.9479831


If there is a pairing, I do. Trail it up on pumps, leave some wiggle room for regular movement. Doesn't everyone?

>> No.9479868

i mostly don't like roasties that behave that way. But if they are hot, it's acceptable. those girls arent hot though with perhaps the exception of the left one.

>> No.9479895

Only the one on the right is attractive to me
I think my attraction is becoming increasingly gated by desiring the feeling of someone's personality, and I'm not sure I want that.

Soon I won't even want to have a masturbation session every time I see a brapper on biz.

Actually that's probably a good thing.
I'm sad.

>> No.9479911

absolutely degenerate

>> No.9479919

i hope you mean the one in the background on the right

>> No.9480556

>stop loss orders
>in volatile markets
>managing risk
pls be trolling

>> No.9480643
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>> No.9480667

lol yah this tard. probaby new and just set his first stop loss. tomorrow he wakes up and sees it got hit but the price is already back up 5% above his buy in price.


>> No.9480684

i bet you do ta aswell
/biz/ is turning into reddit normies more and more

>> No.9480729
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looks like summerfags are on their way again.

>> No.9480748

fucking nasty 3d whores

>> No.9480784

if you would only know how little you know about finance and markets

get some education, read some papers and stop being such a normie pleb. please.

if you dont know what a paper is. google it. everyone has to start somewhere

>> No.9480789

>not using stop loss in a very volatile market
Degenerate gambler

>> No.9480824

do me a favour and stop talking about stuff you dont even remotely understand

>> No.9480898

you having a bad day anon?
I was agreeing with you genius.
I just remember last year and got douche chills thinking about what's about happen here.

>> No.9481060

>wow Bitcoin is 17k, I guess Im buying because it will Keep mooning forever
>BTC goes don to 6k
>hurr HODL
>hurr BTC will be 10000000 EOY
Of curse you are not a brainlet Who buys at 17k because you're so smart and your trading strategy is surely great and profitable, but you get the point why stop loss exist right?

>> No.9481733

disgusting worthless whores

>> No.9481769

ITT: sexuality is threatening unless i'm jerking off

>> No.9481803

hahahaha it's your first time trading?

>> No.9481841

God i want to hate fuck women and forcibly ipregnate them.

Then force them to give birth to shrek.

>> No.9481867

t. degenerate beta male / disgusting roastie

>> No.9481900

<calling ppl beta male

>> No.9481930

why don't you like titties, anon
are you gay or a pedo or what

>> No.9482055

>if you don't like bimbos you are a fag/incel

I find modesty attractive and think that this behavior for women is destructive and a red flag. But yea just keep calling me a faggot.

>> No.9482078

i find modesty attractive too, but I also like titties
why do you care so much what random bitches do anyway, what are you trying to signal

>> No.9482129

Because it validates their lifestyle by giving them the attention they want. Then this lifestyle typically leads to drugs, being unemployed, being a single mother ect. And guess who has to pay for that shit? Us. Fuck the 'let girls have fun and be themselves' mindset. They can do that shit if I don't have to end up paying for it.

>> No.9482163

there's always gonna be shit you don't like that you're paying taxes to support anyway. blame the system, not the titties
i mean fuck, how much money do you burgers give to israel every year anyway. tbqh that's the greater tragedy

>> No.9482177

I know an anonymous shrimp farming board is probably not the best place to ask this, but... Is there a smart contract that will market sell your erc20 shit coins?

>> No.9482214

>Trail it up on pumps
What does this mean?

I'm a noob so I just HODL because I don't trust myself with trading

>> No.9482224

prostitution ?

>> No.9482332

move it higher

>> No.9482419
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Imagine having a daughter and this is what she does on her weekends. Lol.