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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9480263 No.9480263 [Reply] [Original]

Who here holding strong? Fudders be damned, we are all in this together.

>> No.9480288

Fundamentals are the same. Anyone selling now is a weak handed bitchcuck that deserves to be poor

>> No.9480297

Actually wanting to buy some more, am I crazy?

>> No.9480300

Keep holding while we go double our linkstack. Good boy.

>> No.9480321

I plan to, have a bit of fiat ready. Just waiting to see if it drops a bit more

>> No.9480337

>not selling so you can re buy at 30 cents

stay cucked bagholder

>> No.9480338

The goal with Link is to be a Node Operator once it's released. Buy when you can, who gives a fuck if the price fluctuates within a few cents? This is a hold, low risk.

>> No.9480345
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1517552167939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not selling not b/c I didn't want.. If you catch my drift..

>> No.9480363

Wait for the FUD to end. There won't be any price action for a long time now

>> No.9480367

Its unironically fuckng ogre. Sergey has finished his scam coin dump. Bagholders have been cemented/demented. Volume has dried up over night. No one is actually buying this shit coin. All that's left is a multi-month bleedout followed by the final dump as Sergey puts up a 100,000,000 Link wall to finally push the price to 0 cents. The singularity would have occured at this point; the 0 cents price singularity. No linkers around the world will be comfy with their tendies, and linklets cry out. No one will hear their voices. It's time to let go of this shitcoin.

>> No.9480381

I've seen 1000 link shill threads in the last few months and I still do not know what it does instead of "solving the oracle problem" - whatever this means. And there is a fat dude named sergey.

>> No.9480390

I have been through countless FUD cycles like this. I bought more at $0.28 and will buy more if it drops under $0.30 again. Not even bothered in the slightest.

>> No.9480393


>> No.9480395

I'm filling my bags slowly but steadly. It's now or never, frens.

>> No.9480408
File: 927 KB, 740x900, 55CD7C2E-967A-4F97-A389-F412B41DEE43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been holding since SIBOS.

Oh, you think fud is your ally. But you merely adopted the fud, I was born in it, mounded by it. The fud you use betrays you, because the very fud you use was used by me.

>> No.9480413

do you guys think, we ll get more cheap linkies at 30 cents?
I literally bought the bottom in april, I'm a poorfag and I'd like to increase my stack to 5k some time soon...

>> No.9480414

I'm holding on. Been holding on since october. will continue to hold on. but what the fuck. this whole last week has just been the worst. all this bullshit here. over and over again. doesn't even fucking matter. at this point i am genuinely wondering if all of this is even real...

>> No.9480418

I seriously doubt anyone is selling because of this fud. It's the same old shit

>> No.9480420

The 10 fud threads alone make me wish I had more money to put into Link.

>> No.9480438

Jesus, no wonder you all bought in, you are so fucking stupid - YOU CANNOT SELL BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE BUYING. There was never any whale conspiracy to keep the price down, no one discovered any secret news. Fucking come on biz, are you this fucking dumb?

>> No.9480441

You're havin trouble talkin... you got shit in your mouth?

>> No.9480449

I'm pretty certain that Smart Contract and co tried to basically stretch who they were connected to, without being obnoxious about it. But just like these other shitcoin companies, they don't actually have working partnerships beyond "oh sure we'll take a look at your presentation and concepts"

I would not invest in Chainlink until it has been proven that they have a chance of working with big banks and global companies

>> No.9480451

link 10 sat EOM

>> No.9480470

you got trouble selling friend

>> No.9480475

Wont sell untill 2020

>> No.9480491

This fuckers want our bags. NOT SELLING NEVER. I will live on staking Link.

>> No.9480507

See, you're still havin trouble with that speech. Go go the shit out your mouth

>> No.9480526

Guys: fud isn’t some calculated effort to manipulate the price. FUD is weak handed Linkies looking for someone smart who understands smart contracts that can come along and make them feel comfy when the price stops going up. After these past two weeks, I’m convinced these annoying Delphi fags and other retards have driven anyone remotely intelligent away. If you’re not investing in Link and/or haven’t been holding BTC since 2010 like some of us, why the fuck are you even investing in cryptos now?

>> No.9480539

LINK is going to decide on the future of 4chan.

Honestly, I have great respect of the though that a bunch of highly autistic neo-nazis get the financial means to change the world for good or evil.

>> No.9480551

Go go the shit

Bye now.

>> No.9480805

im buying more.

>> No.9480836


>> No.9480868

Unfortunately ChainLink is a scam. It's copying a similar project which was created years ago that no one ever used because decentralized oracles are useless in practice:

>> No.9480883

We get it m8 you said it in every thread and no one cares. Think of something new for tomorrow's FUD this one's already worn out.

>> No.9480896


>> No.9480921

Have you noticed that no work has been done today in the GitHub?

First weekday where that has happened forever.

Don't panic everyone

>> No.9481136


exit scam confirmed. GTFO

>> No.9481256

I agree, sick of reading this FUD. Why do they continue to post in Link threads if they are non-believers.

>> No.9481273

Travel day, the team is/was in New York. Jesus u fudding dickheads are desperate.

>> No.9481602

holding to at least 2020

>> No.9481678

Unfortunately ChainLink is a scam. It's copying a similar project which was created years ago that no one ever used because decentralized oracles are useless in practice:

>> No.9481752
File: 82 KB, 378x433, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole team?

Rory said it was just the marketing guys who were in New York. Plus Tom Hodges is answering on Reddit 50 minutes ago so he obviously isn't miles away from a computer.

So you shut the fuck up brainlet.

>> No.9481891

You aren't able to see the private repo.

>> No.9481909


>> No.9481947

Unfortunately Apple OSX and Macs are a scam. It's copying a similar project which was created years ago that no one ever used because Unix variants are useless in practice:

>> No.9481970

Putting in buys after my BTC confirms. Thanks fudderfucks.

>> No.9482250

Just sold 100k

>> No.9482253
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>implying there are no computers in New York

>> No.9482339
File: 82 KB, 654x616, IMG_2905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get turned on when I hear deluded linkies crying.
>muuh singularity

>> No.9482379



>> No.9482486

Agreed, me too.

>> No.9482492

dubs of truth.

>> No.9482589
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is this the dip boys? i want to grab a bag

>> No.9482604
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>> No.9482697


Have you ever heard of a smartphone?

>> No.9482744

I think it'll sink a little lower. I wouldn't buy over 42

>> No.9482851
File: 273 KB, 600x315, reallybadidea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret the decision to buy into this almost as much as Hitler regretted invading Poland.

>> No.9482911

Where the fuck did all of this recent FUD come from anyways? It's almost as if everyone got super impatient all at once, and just started bitching about "muh announcements". Bitch, there was never a reason to expect any announcements. Stop creating imaginary expectations. Chainlink will make me rich. Nothing has changed.

>> No.9482964

>Fundamentals are the same.
>salesforce which was speculated to use chainlink unveils their blockchains product and link is nowhere in sight
That was the one speculation that was the most realistic to be true and the dream died

>> No.9482989

Whales know there's going to be a major price move soon with partnerships being confirmed so they're trying to get it as low as possible before a big move happens and LINK sits at $10+

>> No.9483001


lel. this is the week that destroyed chainlink. Sergey ghosted you all. you'll get CryptoKitties but nothing else will use you when they could use Microsoft, IntellectEU, SAP or Salesforce tools instead. its ogre brainlets.

>> No.9483387


>> No.9483397

Sergay is a fat fuck.

>> No.9483413
File: 51 KB, 474x355, 1525011179374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide insurance is intact
$1000 eoy