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9469373 No.9469373 [Reply] [Original]

I bought an alt coin at 7830 sats and sold at 7949 sats. From 0.05 bought to sold at 0.06 and it says I only made $1 in Eth?? Shouldn’t it be 0.05 divided by $82 multiplied by 0.06 which = some $15-$16 in profit?? What am I missing??

>> No.9469389

If the value of ETH fell during your trade time, then there you go. Plus exchange fees.

>> No.9469391

Exchange fees are like 10cents on binance??? Also Eth is $700 it didn’t fall

>> No.9469443


>> No.9469469

Yeah the fucking fee was 0.08 cent where did my $15 go what bullshit

>> No.9469683

>measuring in sats
>expecting more eth

Which is it, son? Did you buy in btc and sell into eth? Like fuck, this is basic math

>> No.9469720

Screenshot trade and post it. Idk if you’re talking about sats or buts and idk if the fee was 8 cents.

>> No.9469752

Never seen a more stupid post in my whole life

>> No.9469774

This, please post screenshots, pretty curious now.

>> No.9469834

What's the total amount of ETH you paid for the coins, vs how much total you got after you sold? Take the difference between those two and multiple by it by the price of Ethereum now and you get your profit. It's not that hard anon.

Plus, why are you talking about sats and ETH in the same sentence....? Totally different systems

>> No.9470049

I bought into ETH and traded for XVG

>> No.9470096

I bought 1500 XVG for 0.11760660 ETH and sold 1500 XVG and that gave me a total of 0.11923500 ETH which is only $83? How is this possible when I bought in at 0.05cent and sold at 0.06 cent? I’m confused as fuck now

>> No.9470155

Then I traded back to ETH selling my XVG

>> No.9470181

The difference in ETH for your trade was
0.0016284 ETH
Which is worth right now $1.14
You do not assign the value to the alt it's pointless(I can explain the reasons but it's long)
You assigned the value to the ETH sats.

>> No.9470222

You didn't buy at 5c and did not sell at 6c.
You bought for X ETH and sold for X+Y ETH

>> No.9470233

How do I calculate my day trades with math then so this never happens again? Because I thought it was $82(MY ETH VALUE) divides by price bought(0.05 cent or 7830 sats) multiplied by price sold (0.06 cent or 7949 sats) = 92$ total Eth value at the end? How do I calculate a day trade ? What’s the formula

>> No.9470264

>conflating satoshis, gwei AND dollars

holy shit you're fucking stupid. The only thing that you can hold constant is gaining or losing in the currency you purchased the shticoin with. What those gains are worth in dollars or any other currency is irrelevant because those market prices might also have moved in the time you executed that trade.

>> No.9470281

holy shit you absolute fucking brainet

If your currency is ETH, you only care about the price IN ETH of the shitcoin, and you only care about the sale PRICE IN ETH when you exit. The difference between those two PRICES IN ETH is your gain/loss IN ETH on the sale. If you want, you can then multiply that profit or loss IN ETH by whatever other currency you wish to convert it to.

>> No.9470297

You are a new trader.
My advice to you- forget, and I mean completely forget, the USD value.
You trade for ETH or BTC, not USD or USDT.
If you buy a coin you look at the sat value only.
So let's say a coin hoes from 100 sats to 200 sats.
You made 100 sats.
The USD is not important until you decide to cash out.
That's the 101 really.
Obviously USD value is important if it comes to BTC and ETH and to a lesser degree LTC and bch (maybe)
The rest of the altcoins- seriously forget the USD value.
Do math, like I just did.
Price sold - price bought= difference IN SATS between your orders.
Then you can compare the difference to the USD value.

>> No.9470350


total cost: 0.11760660
total sale: 0.11923500
net change: 0.0016284 ETH

value in dollars: 0.0016284*702.11 = $1.14

>> No.9470395

I want more fiat not shit coins so how do I get more fiat? I plan to cash something out every week. What should I be trading? Yeah I’m new. First day trade today. I just don’t fucking understand how people are making any money making $1 a trade like what the fuck is that how can I execute a better trade then?

>> No.9470454

If you want more fiat, trade coins with fucking fiat pairs you retard. How do you expect to make profit in fiat by trading ethereum? People trade shitcoins to increase their BTC or ETH stack, which they hold in the expectations of higher prices down the road. Dollars don't enter the equation unless you're directly trading in dollar pairs (BTC/USD, ETH/USD), or actually cashing out your ETH/BTC gains for dollars. It really isn't rocket science and if you're having this kind of trouble understanding how it all works you're really just going to end up giving all your money away to much smarter traders.

>> No.9470495

Its no use . muh fiat traders are brainlets

Sats or gtfo

>> No.9470538

>I just don’t fucking understand how people are making any money making $1 a trade like what the fuck is that

It's almost like trading is hard, or something. Weird.

>> No.9470547



>> No.9470558

by having money to trade to start with.
fuck off poor fag

>> No.9470571

I expected to boost my ETH stack and convert it back into usd and maybe even gain a little more if ETH went up in price. I only have $82 on the market. I’m learning.

>> No.9470601

you are in this for the quick buck and have no basis of understanding. failure incoming.

>> No.9470606

I have 20k usd IM LEARNING

>> No.9470630

And there you go, you boosted your eth stack by 0.0016284 ETH. If you want more than that, throw more skin in the game or hold for bigger moves.

>> No.9470705

Then trade ETH/USDT or eth/btc or btc/USDT.
This isn't a market that will allow you get fiat out easily and every week.
You better off trying Robinhood and their penny stocks for that.
I mean you want to build up your ETH or BTC stack, right?
But no one is going to guarantee that their price is going to increase.
So no one can guarantee any kind of cash out weekly.
Plus 20k USD is very good compared to my learning stack....I entered with 2k.
But I forgot about USD as soon as I bought in and I'm in it for the long run and long time.
You could call swing traders ETH/btc holders really. Because the point of the game is increasing ETH/btc stacks.
Again though-> not USD.
The hope is that ETH and BTC stack will increase in USD later. Not that you can cash out $1k a week. This isn't a market for it.

>> No.9470714

Not sure if troll or extremely fucking stupid

>> No.9470761

If I trade ETH/USDT how do I calculate profits? Can you give me the formula? I don’t want to put that much capital into ETH or BTC. I wanted to take my $100 turn it into $1000 and then make hodls but I do not want to use my savings to make hodls thst will probably tank. I need to generate more capital via day trading to put into hodls

>> No.9470806

You need to risk money to make money. The days of easy 10x gains are over.

>> No.9470812

Then fuck off and go nigger nobody cares what you think irl or here

>> No.9470829

>T. Brainlet
You bring nothing to the table here fuck off. I know you need to risk to gain you moron

>> No.9470845

>I just want to make 10x my intial investment

yeah, you and everyone else. Good luck lmao

>> No.9470879

If you can’t even make 1 grand off of $100 then why are you in this? You just like memeing coins like a faggot? No money no point

>> No.9470917

Here's the thing. To make $100 into 1k you need to swing trade eth/USDT or better yet eth/btc pair OR put it in a shitcoin that does x10, OR swing trade a shitcoin/ETH pair.
I don't know what you mean by
>> I don’t want to put that much capital into ETH or BTC
Do you mean you would rather swing trade shitcoin/ETH pair?
How experienced are you in trading in general?
What you would have to do is to increase your ETH to the point when it's worth 1k USD.
How much ETH do you currently have?
How much BTC?
SATS value only plase

>> No.9470959

I have 0.11875266 ETH. My sell just went through

>> No.9471116
File: 58 KB, 515x672, 1321940528976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post that gave it away. You were doing pretty well too.

>> No.9471143
File: 161 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180516-190100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have $83 in ETH.
ETH is low-ish.
You can wait for it to go up 10x(it's not going to happen) or you can wait for it to go to $850 and sell into tether.
The sat value stays the same, the fiat value goes up.
0.11875266x850= 100.939761
That can take a month.
Then you wait for the value to go down with your USDT. You buy at the very low. Rinse repeat.
Can you see the obvious dangers of doing this?
Another strategy is, you go all in(or 50/50) into 1 or 2 shitcoins.
You spend your .11 ETH and then wait for the shitcoins to increase in sats. Not less than 20% because your investement is so small.
You sell the shitcoins to ETH
And asses the condition of the ETH

Look a step by step here would be a book.
The bottom line is. You have 2 options:
Increase sats of ETH that you have through shitcoins.
Increase the value of your sats through ETH/USDT swing trading.
And it will take a l9ng time for you to reach $1k, unless you get lucky.
Now if we counting on luck then shitcoin strategy is better.
The shitcoins that you buy are not on Binance(you do not have enough capital for this) they are on IDEX or fork delta or a myriad of small exchanges and are literally worth 0.00000003 ETH
It's the only way to make it faster. But also the way to lose it all.

>> No.9471223

If I increase the sats of my ETH to 1 full Ethereum couldn’t I just cash that out? Or half of it out? How long would it take to get my current ETH stack to 1 full Eth to cash out?

>> No.9471266

>If I increase the sats of my ETH
being this dumb

>> No.9471276

Are you larping?
I just told you how.

>> No.9471308

dude just cash out, literal retards like you can't make it in this market

invest in a nice index fund and just wait 30 years before you lose it all

>> No.9471332

Fuck off nigger I’ll make it you idiots aren’t that smart you just have experience. I get laid more than all of you so it’s not like your some pro at life better than me so shut the fuck up irl I’d beat your fucking ass>>9471266

>> No.9471334

I swear I'll start charging for that info and tutorials.
I'm not even joking.

>> No.9471346

No I confused sats with my ETH stack which is 0.11875266 Eth how long would it take to get 1 full Ethereum by trading alts?

>> No.9471350


fees nigger, you lost money in fees when you bought and when you sold. post your trade history (binance provides this) and we can tell you for sure.

>> No.9471373

0.08 cent fee I didn’t lose shit in fees

>> No.9471377

>This isn't a market that will allow you get fiat out easily and every week.

except that's wrong, Coinbase sends me fiat any time I want

>> No.9471398

>I want more fiat not shit coins so how do I get more fiat?
Get out.

>> No.9471418


There are two fees in trading, makers/takers bruh. One is more expensive than the other.

>> No.9471423


If you wanted gentle and kind hand holding you came to the wrong board faggot. Filter out the insults and soak up the actual information you're getting here, for free.

>> No.9471431


and just post your fucking trade history so we can all see how retarded you are.

>> No.9471441

That depends on alts.
An example: how long did you spend to increase your stack by swing trading with XVG?
And how much did you earn?
If you have 0 trading experience it will be tough.
And it will take you at least 3-5months. If the market doesn't crash, if the shitcoins that you chose increase in the value etc.
Bottom line is-> if that's your learning money, start one of the strategies I told you about and see how much(percentage wise ) you can increase your stack.
Then go in with bigger money. Because, seriously, $100 is a very very small investement.
So instead of going to 1k, see how well you'll do by swintrading the shitcoins.
See how good you are in picking them and how good you are in calling bottoms and tops.
That's more important than making 1k out of 83 dollars.
Crypto is seriously a number game.
If I had more fiat to put in it I would.
But also I'm not rich.
So I doubled my money in a month when I entered, but because it was only $800 I got 1.6k (give or take).
If I put 20k then we would be talking big bucks. But on that 800 I learned that I'm good at picking shitcoins and calling the bottoms etc.
Then I added as much fiat as I could safely lose.
Doubled that.
I'm actually trading, like I advised you to do.
But it takes a long time when you are a poorfag. Lol

>> No.9471458

Did you invest $83?
And to be honest, if your holdings are 1mil or above, then OF course you can cash it out in chunks.
But we are talking hundreds here, not even thousands.

>> No.9471459

less than a day, or a lifetime

>> No.9471461

My limit is $50,000 cash out at a time, nooblet

If you ask them to increase the limit, they'll do it eventually

>> No.9471479

Not a nooblet. That's one
We are talking weekly allowances with a person that invested $83 That's 2
Learn to read. That's 3

>> No.9471516

Less than a day? Explain how

>> No.9471544

If the shitcoin you chose goes x10 overnight...You made it to 1k.
It's as possible as winning the lottery.

>> No.9471568

why, they can't send $83?

>> No.9471582

They can't cash out 1k, that's for damn sure

>> No.9471629

Not gonna happen especially when the entire market is red and BTC is going to shit. Daytrading is where it’s at I just need to figure out how to increase my Eth stack to a full Eth then cash out and do it again

>> No.9471643

>gets scared
Square up fuckboi lol jk I just would irl have punched you by now but I’ll cool off and fuck your girlfriend when I make it but I don’t need to make it because I’m still a 6pack chad without money

>> No.9471655

Post your sisters nudes first

>> No.9471662
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wtf are you talking about faggot? This board has IDs. Pull your head out of your ass nigger and you'll see that was my first post in this thread. You weren't addressing me before that. I'm just dropping some advice on you, but you're too fucking stupid. Enjoy your $1.

>> No.9471694

You were talking shit Tyrone then I said square up and you flee. The weak should fear the strong

>> No.9471731


>unironically being an internet tough guy

what fucking year is it

>> No.9471748

You talked shit first I wasn’t being tough you were, then you flee

>> No.9471769



I'm right here having a dialogue with you, you stupid faggot.

I didn't talk shit I told you to stop being retarded. Why are you such a fragile pussy?

>> No.9471800

Stop fucking fleeeing and one day you’ll be tough to

>> No.9471835

He is mad that he cannot understand simple trading concepts and so is lashing out. He is like a cornered animal, too stupid to understand why it is angry.

>> No.9471873

Imagine trading for 15 bucks in profit and getting this mad about it.

>> No.9471886
File: 53 KB, 403x448, Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holyshit I didn´t know there is such brainlets even in /biz/
this must be you in the photo.

>> No.9471961

Lol I’m just having fun you incel

>> No.9471977

Is dis ngga srs?
The formula is
(Sell price / buy price)*principal*eth price

>> No.9472070

Did you just admitted that you were larping dude?
Ok. Note to self. I'm done answering questions for free lol

>> No.9472252

bump. kys op you aren't smart enough for this game. and you got hung up on the simplest part....

>> No.9472262

nvm kms