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9468576 No.9468576 [Reply] [Original]

So the EU might stop using the dollar to trade oil with, and instead switch to Euros. I wonder how this will affect our markets?

Trading in Petro dollars is what keeps america in power. I wonder if the prices of cryptocurrency would go up.

The scary part is what if we invaded Europe to stop them,

>> No.9468584

You'd alienate the entire world from your country and start WW3 consequently. Your administration might be clumsy, but they're not THAT retarded.

>> No.9468620

fake news

If that would be real US would collapse

>> No.9468635

its real

>> No.9468637

its a rumor

>> No.9468642

OP forgot other countries than the US have nukes.

>> No.9468669

It's like that petro-yuan meme that never happened. Wake me up when it's for real.

>> No.9468686

>You'd alienate the entire world from your country
US is the only country that matters.
> start WW3 consequently
The only country that can stand up to US is Russia and they won't get involved. Eurocuck armies will last 15, maybe 20 minutes.

>> No.9468703
File: 62 KB, 567x800, Chloe_Grace_Moretz_Cannes_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trading in Petro dollars is what keeps america in power.

a gold bug myth. oil trade is not large part of gdp. why dollar is king is it's sustainable, europe cancels their currency average once a 20 year

>> No.9468723

you can still pay with dollars in asia and even in eastern europe. in russia dollars were valid currency. prolly about half of cash dollar flow are around the world, not in the usa. in europe even chf and pound is more sustainable and wide spread than euro

>> No.9468754

nah m8, russia and china will team up with EU just to get on US ass. even the middle east might join, hell, why not africa too?
everyone wants murica dead honestly, you are a disgrace to our society

>> No.9468769

Typical amerimutt worldview

>> No.9468813

Holy shit it's real

>> No.9468865

Euro is dead anyway, it will be gone in a decade

>> No.9468873

hahah deluded amerimutt think you can take on the world

>> No.9468916
File: 3.39 MB, 312x290, 1387900219671_chloes-infectious-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would russia, 150m country try to invade "europe" which is 650 million area. Yes, you can invade it but then you need to keep it under control which is super costly and bankrupts you. Even if eurozone had no army at all it would still be impossible task. As hitler showed, your leaders will only commit suicide invading large areas.

>> No.9468919

The world has no value beyond Japan and USA. Nobody else does work.

>> No.9468942

We have taken over the world long ago. No one dares to fart without our approval.
Russia and china are competing against EU for Eastern Europe and will just get some popcorn watching the eurocucks getting ass raped and NATO eating itself from the inside. Effectively an open US dictate will be installed in europe and everyone will eat it up.

>> No.9468945

>Grug told tribe stop using gruggy cheese token to buy black slime from bearded towlhead tribe
>grug mad grug invade tribe

>> No.9468969

every 1st world country could pretty much destroy every other country with nukes if it really wanted to. Thankfully that will never happen because the people in charge are more civilized than the fags in this thread

>> No.9468981

Liar, only US has nukes

>> No.9468983

but not BLUMPF lol!

>> No.9468993

But it did happen ya dingus. Two months ago.

>> No.9469017

Without allies and military bases on the continent your army is fucking useless, you mutt. And kek at the EU, Russia and China fighting over shitholes in Eastern Europe.

>> No.9469018

Somehow they seem to forget that even of they succeeded in global domination, the American casualties to get there would be imense. Never mind the economic fuck up that would happen with all your imports and exports in ruin. It doesn't matter if you control the world if there's no resources to make use of.

>> No.9469020


No. Only a few do. Last time I checked, it was only about a dozen countries and that includes India, Pakistan, China, and North Korea. The Israelis stole the secret from us and sold it to those shitholes.

>> No.9469059

It creates an artificial demand for USD which means burgers can keep printing like fuck without debasing their currency too much. Having the world reserve currency that all global oil is traded in is a massive advantage

>> No.9469084

Only a little. The petrodollar "conspiracy" is vastly overblown. Oil makes up only a small portion of daily USD value. It only serves to disguise the actual cause of America's Middle Eastern wars, which is Israel.

>> No.9469109

>Without allies
The "allies" were occupied zones until 1990.
They shall be occupied zones once again, they forgot their place under our boot and aren't thankful for the freedom we gave them.

>> No.9469149

Why isn't Japan's currency debased when they have even higher debt levels than the US?

>> No.9469169

we have all the oil

look up shale oil

useless post

kys for not knowing about MAGA has

>> No.9469193

Not gonna happen.

Go ahead, dump the dollar and you lose US military protection and naval protection of the oil being shipped to Europe. The amount of power the dollar and the US yield over the heads of all other inferior nations is unprecedented.

This is what happens when you get in our debt. The Marshall Plan doomed Europe into being submissive cucks that bend to our every whim. They want to stop trading in dollars? Let them. Watch the Eurozone implode and WWIII start within 2 years of ditching the greenback.

>> No.9469289

>>blind to the fact that drumpf and the reps have taken most of their freedom and prosperity already

US are the dumbfags of the world

>> No.9469490

>We have taken over the world long ago. No one dares to fart without our approval
you are rapidly turning into an extension of mexico while getting btfo by china

>> No.9469543

BTFO? Those fucks buy our debt that we'll never pay back and have made their countryside into a toxic wasteland producing our shit.

They've made money off the deal but we'll never let them usurp us. Hell they just announced that the Chinese convoy is headed to Washington to kiss the ring. Not US going to Beijing. How about that...

>> No.9469555
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japan's debt is mostly domestic unlike european debts, bank of japan holds most of it. they dont own other countries. also japan is 4th largest country in gdp still. household debt in japan is very low compared to western countries, people are afraid of debt because of the 1990 housing bust

>> No.9469573

Guess we gotta bomb europe now. Damn shame.

>> No.9469585

these kind of news are probably due to recent euro weakness to dollar. the panick will prolly get pretty bad at some point in europe

>> No.9469596

If America takes over the world we’ll just hire Vietnam to sort them out. Job Done.

>> No.9469666

Zoom out though. The dollar is still down a ton since the end of 2016.

>> No.9469672

>The scary part is what if we invaded Europe to stop them
HAHAHA you fat fucks got BTFO by Afghanistan.
Not too concerned.

>> No.9469677


Your views on International Relations are somewhat misguided. The US can't take the world on by allies.

Just look at the wars in the middle east. The US can't wage wars like that everywhere, and one can seriously question the effectiveness of said wars in achieving aforementioned goals.

This is proof that the US is moving and finding itself in an increasing Multi-polar world.

>> No.9469692

without allies *

>> No.9469724

unironically this. Or we could just do nothing and let Europe destroy themselves from within with massive 3rd world Muslim immigration

>Has no idea that Hitler escaped via Uboat and died of old age in south America

>> No.9469773

US can always have vassals and slaves who will wage war. Why would the sole world superpower controlling you the whole way the world thinks and breathes need any "allies"?

>> No.9469781
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somebody always lobbies a proxy war. the country and it citizens pays, but few companies make big buck easily. in the middle east oil companies fight each other ;) also now in usa military is the largest employer (with wal-mart :D) and nato also employs lots of people, these people like to have a tiny war. nuclear war they dont want tho.

desu hitler faced about 50 failed assasination attempts few years before his "death" and would have been killed most likely in a year or two anyways. that is often how maniac dictators end up. he pretty much was living in a bunkers seeing nobody because he was so afraid of getting assasinated. he did not calculate that before started invading or simply was a total maniac and didnt care

>> No.9469846
File: 693 KB, 1200x879, adolf-hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler actually only had so many assassination attempts, because his security was very lax by modern standards and he was always among the people.
Hitler was neither maniac, nor a dictator, he was democratically elected and every major decision he made was confirmed by a referendum.

You are completely brainwashed, aren't you?

>> No.9469880

getting so sick of bcash shills S M H

>> No.9469883

the fact is he became a paranoid about his safety, completely withdrawn from public 1-2 years before his death andnazi defeat

>> No.9469961

He wasn't paranoid, he wasn't making any appearances, because the war was going to shit and he didn't have anything to say.

It's preposterous to think that someone who volunteered for the WW1 front lines, was wounded and went back into trenches again and started an armed revolt in 1923 was somehow concerned about his safety.

>> No.9470039
File: 46 KB, 258x586, 1499761246088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this entire post, are amerilards really THIS fucking stupid?

>> No.9470132

they truly are the most stupid people on this planet

>> No.9470160
File: 201 KB, 1000x1500, Chloe-Grace-Moretz-out-and-about-candids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, clearly he was very concerned about his safety when he personally insisted of plannig very carefully his absolutely ridiculously huge safety networks etc. the man even survived few assasination attempts by pure dumb luck :) sorry to disfigure your personal hero but he seemed very scared after the failed assasination attempts started to pile up, at least the times he was not completely drugged out :)

>> No.9470244

>he personally insisted of plannig very carefully his absolutely ridiculously huge safety networks
Never happened. The only thing that was in place was Gestapo and it's structure wasn't changed since early 1942.

>> No.9470323
File: 17 KB, 480x360, mutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eternal mutt strikes again

>> No.9470338

...the fuck are you talking about? The Taliban and al-Qaeda were destroyed and the US achieved its objectives.

Eurocucks never cease to amaze me with their frantic unhinged insecurity when it comes to the US

>> No.9470358

Well fuck your woman and conquer your land you better watch your mouth you faggot. How’d the stupidest people become the most powerful? Huh

>> No.9470397

bollocks. utter garbage rom Russia. Why the fuck would the eu do that, no reason?

Russian bullshit of the zerohedge/globalresearch.ca kind

>> No.9470427
File: 694 KB, 1500x1500, vatniks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its real

dumb faggot

>Typical amerimutt worldview

says Italy 2.0, reduced to spewing utter site onto the internet as if it matters

>> No.9470486

America will cause the fall of Western Civilization

>> No.9470499

>America will cause the fall of Western Civilization

Well Russia tried hard enough with Marxist Leninism and failed. That being the case you think Russia would shut the fuck up. But no. Still spewing shite.

>> No.9470508

Russia is still trying (Trump)

>> No.9470610

>Russia is still trying (Trump)

nope Trump is Trump. Russia likes to give the impression to their serf population they control world events with their economy smaller than Australia. Muh Russia. Muh bullshit. EU is not dumping the US for Iran, you can be certain of that despite Russian fake news daydreams.

>> No.9470742

>Well fuck your woman
how does it feel knowing that english is my third language and I still speak it better than you.
you also have the smartest people, but on average your people are stupid as fuck
t. someone who has 10+ american friends