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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9464144 No.9464144 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.9464154


>> No.9464188

been wanting to sell half my HOLO stack for a zencash supernode. should i, holofren?

>> No.9464218


>> No.9464598

it's a risk to hold holo but if you can afford losing money,

it's worth taking the risk for the big reward.

if this project did succeed then you might say hello to early retirement

>> No.9464637
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>> No.9464652

This piece of shit just keeps on tanking

>> No.9464662

this mofo bought into ETH ico and still needs to wagekek for his shitcoin. WTF

>> No.9464739
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>> No.9464959

u gotta be online to make a transaction. major disadvantage. dump hot its vaporware

>> No.9465067

He said they were a volunteer project up until a year ago. This project is about potentially changing the world. Saying someone is "wage cucking" while following a passion is stupid.

And still... we have zero fud on this project other than a fat lady on the floor. Meanwhile, tons of actual shitcoins are shilled here constantly.

>> No.9465069

Oh my God you brainlets are fudding without understanding what you're fudding.

>> No.9465103

To them its just ripe content with the SJW shit. They are acting like Buttcoiners.

>> No.9465197

That's the perfect comparison. It's baseless FUD based on anything but the tech or the company.

>> No.9465225
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Yes right, the team doesn't matter in a start-up... Said no serious investor ever.
> MFW holofags are that delusional

>> No.9465270
File: 379 KB, 185x116, 1526158993986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! A middle aged HR manager!!! What will we do?????

>> No.9465302
File: 296 KB, 806x2250, 1526464336878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe some intuitive eye reading could help?

>> No.9465370

Lol @ hodlers of shitcoins. I already went 3x and dumped it with the rest of the biz hivemind just like any other coin that gets shilled here for a week then disappears

>> No.9465377

You don't have to be... It's a broadcast just like a blockchain transaction and the DHT is the ledger.
He is a decentralization advocate. He has been working on this shit for years, dudes a millionaire fighting for a better internet. All of these guys are bankrolled already and have been working on cryptocurrency for over 10 years.

>> No.9465381

Oh shit she's fat and ugly! Sell! The code is bunk! The project is bunk! Nobody will buy this! Fuck she's so fat and weird.

>> No.9465394

Nah but it's not going to die like that. It's a groundbreaking protocol like ETH or EOS or NXT or any of those other coins that keep gaining traction. It's the next best thing so until something else stomps it out it will keep growing.

>> No.9465438

im just happy that people are still talking about this, helps me know it won't die

>> No.9465442

You're the one commenting on her looks. I'm talking about intuitive eye reading, spiritual healing and empowerment events, KEK.

>> No.9465469

I'm kidding because you spammers are brainless as fuck. I'm making fun of you.
You seem to overlook literally everything else going on with this project in order to pick on one team member that has almost nothing to do with the project itself.

>> No.9465475

I just knew this was sticking around when Ivan posted that hashgraph interview and everyone in the comments was saying that it was just a worse version of holochain.

>> No.9465478

you know that only autists on /biz/ care about an hr manager for a coin's personal life right? you know it won't make the price go any lower, right?

>> No.9465497

Zencash is a currency and it is not going to be the currency so I wouldn't bother. Not trying to FUD but basically we have currency and distributed computing projects and there aren't going to be 200 of each that do well.

>> No.9465542

kek the dumb cunts on biz thought eth was a joke because of vitalik's appearance, just remember 90% of the people on this board are late-teens to mid-twenties who do, in fact, buy or not buy based on appearances and expect others to as well. also shown by the early 'success' of amb

>> No.9465556

Look at the rest of the team, kek.

>> No.9465581


>> No.9465582


>> No.9465597

yep its good to hold HOT for the sole purpose that its new tech and has no rival.

>> No.9465654

Oh trust me I can tell. I grew up in the Silicon Valley. You learn to accept these SJW lesbo types as just people. Yea sure I laugh at them when I am at home and I think its hilarious but at the end of the day I would never let some fat lady who has nothing to do with the Tech stop me from investing in one of the biggest up-coming platforms in the coming decade.

I think these guys get a kick out of it because they are the same types of people who would poke fun of you in real life over something trivial that they know will trigger you.

I have actually noticed there's pretty much no FUD posted on Holo anymore other than her picture. This is actually a really good thing.

>> No.9465852

Agreed, anyone without even a small million bag for suicide insurance is probably going to neck themselves when they realised they didn't buy based on the boomer hippy meme

>> No.9465954

Yeah I live in the bay and didn’t bat an eye at this shit. This is what women do here when they get divorced after their kids grow up.

>> No.9466220

People think California isn't only full of women like this and Mexican men but it is.

>> No.9466653

Jesus my all-in 2.5 million stack is just a small suicide insurance stack for you fuckers. If I don't make it with Holo it's an hero for me.

>> No.9466968

don't worry anon. It's a small stack compared to some of us, but it's still decent. Think of it this way:
- at 1 cent it's 25000$
- at 10 cents it's 250000$
- at 1$ it's 2.5 million

we probably won't get to 1$ anytime soon, but there's a small chance we could. But be sure as shit we will get to 10-20 cents either this year or in 2019. If you have iron hands, worse case scenario you will end up with something between 250k and 500k.

>> No.9467045

Is this holochain or holotoken

>> No.9467121,1 [INTERNAL] 

We are you n00bs that burnt lots of holochain this weekend?. I WANNA FILL MY BAGS!

>> No.9467121


>> No.9467163

why do you think this shit can hit even 1 penny let alone 10 cents. There's 177,619,433,541 HOTts. we will be luck if it aths at 1 cent.

I do hold some but i just don't believe god would let me have that kind of money

>> No.9467805

my geek cousin gave me 1 bitcoin when it was $15

a year later it turned to $400 and I thought damn this is the highest it can be so I sold it and bought some fucking Jordans.

"God will never give me a lot of money without even trying, i know this is the highest it can get oh well"


>> No.9467830

We are talking about Holochain which has an ERC-20 HOT before main net.

I think we will see a penny eventually, maybe more if there is adoption.

>> No.9467929

Ya bro you're so right. I mean any time you create something so groundbreaking and innovative, you really gotta make sure no fat SJW ladies are in the building.

Definitely don't wanna invest in the a one of the biggest things to come along in the dApp sphere in years.

>> No.9467965

lol all these 20 year old faggots that have no grasp on how crypto really even works or how the market responds to projects like this.


>> No.9468513

Looks like the fud is working. The price is tanking and holofags are sounding more and more desperate, kek.

>> No.9468556

>Price has barely moved in 24 hours
>Brainlet says "tanking"

This place confuses me so much. Like I understand FUD and trolling, but like, blatantly lying about what the price is doing. What's the point? You think someone will see you saying the word "tanking" and they will rush to their wallet and sell before even checking the latest price action?

Ya man 7x ICO price still and its down in a market where literally EVERYTHING is tanking

But ya, logic.

>> No.9468985


>> No.9469407

It has been tanking since the biz fud began. It's also down 8.5% last 24h fwiw. I think the tech is vaporware and far from worth $144 MM at this point. On top of that the team is a red flag. Good luck.

>> No.9470057

>what is total and circulating supply?

>> No.9470918

> I think the tech is vaporware

this is why we can't take the fud seriously, you can literally download working code and start building holochain dapps right fucking now and you fucklets are either too fucking stupid to use github or just lying through your teeth.

Fucks sake at least fud about something remotely plausible like theoretical DHT security issues, but no, you have to lie about stupid shit anyone can see for themselves.

>> No.9471151
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Why do you retards even post? You obviously don't understand technology enough to even be here.

Not even a simple youtube search can be done by these guys. Lets just go walk around saying something vaporware when a two second search of their git or youtube can prove you wrong?

Holy shit look at this vaporware they are discussing 2 years ago! They been planning the ultimate PnD for so long guys this is epic I found the proof right here:


>> No.9471404

have u heard of quantum holochain/ceptr yet?



>> No.9471440

>github has almost as many pushes as monero's (a 4 year old $3.3 billion coin)
>it's vaporware

It's so easy to btfo these brainlet fudders it almost seems unfair

>> No.9471488

They say it don't be like it is but it do.

>> No.9471541



>> No.9471554

Holo would be good if the holofuel would not be centrally managed and would be fixed, thus it could appreciate in value.

>> No.9471592

Ehm, there is no way these pictures were taken in the same building, and it's not coincedence that the pictures do not share a single person.

>> No.9471615


this bitch will single handedly destroy this garbage vaporware scam. i can't wait.

>> No.9471623
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>> No.9472701

Wait for it....

>> No.9473421

I have to admit, this shit is pretty funny. Doesn't mean this shit isn't going to absolutely explode though.

>> No.9473527

Are you intentionally being retarded?

>> No.9473626

God wanted you to research, anon.

>> No.9474590

Jian Yang, is that you?

>> No.9475405

>why technology that BTFO every blockchain technology will reach 17 billion market cap?
Yeah, can't see a reason why. It's totally useless, amirite?

>> No.9475757



>> No.9475775

Why the fuck do you think it will be centrally managed? It's going to be directly created and destroyed based on how much computing power is on the network and how much is being utilized.

It's an algorithm. They don't wake up and say today there will x amount of holofuel.

>> No.9475800

Also it is value stable not USD price stable.

So x holofuel will be x compute
Not x holofuel will cost x usd so you can join our network.

Technically this makes it better then ETH as far as its value backing because gas fluctuates so hard.

>> No.9476033

I thought they meant USD value stable. Either this or EOS is going to solve scaling allow dapps or we are fucked

>> No.9476135

im 10 minutes in and ill ive heard is
>muh airbnb, muh uber

>> No.9476588

lmao its getting justed again

>> No.9477091
File: 470 KB, 1364x708, whatdotheymean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holofags, explain pic related. Are white men not encouraged in the project? Because the sentence explicitly exclude them. This is Cardano tranny level bullshit. Are they gonna get away with this crap?

In every fucking crypto project, when you look at the team, if you managed to find or two ladies, they are in marketing or communication. Is it because "they are not encouraged" to do technical stuff, or because they don't like or don't care?

>> No.9477174

Then buy more

>> No.9477232

It's so that the whole team isn't white dude autists. This is actually good in the real world.

>> No.9477279

>Holofags, explain pic related.
As long as I'm making money I couldn't give less of a fuck about all that SJW bullshit even if I tried to.

>> No.9477316

You write: "White males encouraged" and the whole world enter in rage.
You write: "Women and POC encouraged" and you are trying to tell me that it is actually "a good thing" and a different thing. But it is not. BOTH are bullshit. A sentence like that does not encourage nobody to get interest, it is just projecting an agenda. You ask people to join you, and you accept them based on how competent they are. You want to join someone, you do because you like the topic, not because they will discriminate you positively. You say that you want a specific sex or color because that is more relevant than what the person is capable of, you are discriminating the ones that do not fit your agenda, and also those who do by telling them you don't care how competent they are, just what they have between the legs or the tone of skin.

Just twist it a little bit more. Are they referring to women, or those who identified as women? Are they equally encouraged? Have you ever seen a female dominated environment (early teaching. nursing, etc.) encouraging men to enter?

>> No.9477330

if the Cardano tranny posting how he wants to get fucked hard didn't drop the price. This sure as shit won't.

>> No.9477343

What an autist

>> No.9477356

What an argument. You must be really successful.

>> No.9477364

can't believe you wrote this fucking saltmine, not reading

>> No.9477394

I bet you're one of those that reply "all lives matter" bs to BLM bs movement. Both sides are bs.

Encouraging one group does necessarily discourage the other group.

>> No.9477517

is this good? are these big youtubers?

>> No.9477532

>does necessarily
I don't reply to those movements because I am no burger and don't care. I just try to expose how the ones that use such sentences and say "they are not discouraging anybody" really get triggered when a single word in the sentence is changed and magically the sentence start discouraging. As mentioned above:
"White males encouraged" or "White lives matter" really means something different to you, right? Even when you say
>Encouraging one group does not necessarily discourage the other group.

>> No.9477962

What's there to explain? In a way, wanting to help humanity and being for human progress (decentralization, tolerance of others, individual empowerment) is the essence of Christianity and European culture.

It is only when this ideology is corrupted with Judaism (by nature hypocritical and immoral) that you get hypocritical SJWs that want to empower minorities while benefiting the already powerful. Or "progressive" jews pro bombing brown people in the middle east