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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9456671 No.9456671 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy knowing I am going to make it.


>> No.9456788

bump so that people watch and learn

>> No.9456826

Holo I don't have time do something

>> No.9457187

You won't make it because you'll be shaken out by the whales long before this reaches a price where you could consider making it. There's a reason you don't see millionaires on /biz/ just from holding. It's either because of greed (selling too son for 5x-10x), shakening by the whales or just lack of patience. Look at how many people could have "made it" if they just held ETH from 1$ to 1000$, but you couldn't find a single one right now even if you tried. It's just human nature.

>> No.9457200

So you're telling me there's a chance?

>> No.9457280
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well of course there's a chance. Holo is probably the best project in crypto right now and probably the last one to do x1000 since ICO. The problem is everyone assumes it will be a smooth ride. This is topkek at it's finest. We already had a gore chart with more than 30% drop. At some point in the future it will get worse than that. Wealth MUST concentrate in the top 100 wallets, even if the ICO tried to limit this. It's just the way life works.
2 years from now, top 100 wallets will probably hold 80% of the supply. They will achieve this through multiple shakenings.

>> No.9457301

I bought ETH at 7$ and still have it, I bought EOS day 0. This is my last 10x before I retire. I originally invested with the plan to pick three 10x projects and that's how it went.

>> No.9457357

I take back what I said then. Thought you were just some random dipshit that can't hold for more than 12 months like 99% of the people. If you held ETH for 2+ years and EOS for 1 year without selling during the dumps, you are Captain Iron Hands.

You'll make it.

>> No.9457373

Bros, once Holochad Matthew Schuttes gets on mainstream media and starts explaining the shit he does this shit going to be the fuck up. He is a very good communication and explains things for normies. They will eat this up

>> No.9457428

incorrect on your last part.

When Holochain launches in 6 months you will have to convert your tokens to HoloFuel. This will accelerate things.

>> No.9457482

Last time i felt this sure about an investment was eth post ico. Its not a matter of if but when.

>> No.9457500

im putting all my spare sheckles every fucking paycheck

>> No.9457650

Invested in ICO and not planning on selling or taking profits till this reaches a minimum mcap of 5 billion.

>> No.9457741

Yeah that's the move. I have a lot in, enough to where the paychecks are fractions of a percent added to my stack but I still do it just because it still makes my time feel worthwhile. $30/hr x 10 suddenly is 300hr for my shitty fucking job.

I just want to retire in the south and paint my bros.

>> No.9457759

I love him. Email the project and tell them what a good job he does. Arthur reads all of the emails personally still.

>> No.9457778


Soon as Mainnet goes live, all decentralised Shrimp Farms will be ported over. Ethereum is crumbling under the awesome power of Shrimp right now, we need Holochain to drop so we can scale up.

>> No.9457796

I'll put up a node just for shrimpfam, we can all make it brother.

>> No.9457923
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>> No.9458148

Nice logo with a nice message.

Holochain : Normies are welcome

>> No.9458242
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5x'ed the indiegogo
10x'ed the ICO

Best FUD they got is one fat SJW on the team.

We're gonna make it boys.

>> No.9458251

The tech is just too good

>> No.9458267

And some of the most intelligent front men in the whole of the crypto space.

Most of the front men in crypto are fucking cringe.

These Holo guys are just amazing to listen to.

>> No.9458294

Can you explain why?

>> No.9458311

This is the next bitcoin. Easy 1000x. w0000000000 b00mer time

>> No.9458372

Would you like to know more? Y/Y


>> No.9458440

Let me tell you /biz/ i've been in this game for only about a year.
I've gone from 10k to recently 1mil getting lucky with Antshares, 0x, ICX and WAN.

Yes i got into the ICO but this remains one of my largest holdings. I suggest holding a bit til the mainnet release (couple of months).
Pro tips:
are strong holds
for the love of god, don't daytrade but hold mid-long term
Chink coins are gold mines
don't go into icos over 40mil cap
research is the investment you can make

>> No.9459246


I know this is /biz/ but can you explain how you expect there to be a significant price increase for HOT? The company wants to keep the price of holofuel reasonably low to make the platform accessible and they can use inflation to push the price down. There is no cap on the amount of HOT created.

>> No.9459282
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is this like a brain virus that infects the minds of brainlets?
How many fucking times has this been debunked here, yet here we are again. Someone asks this stupid question 500th time. I'm not even sure if you're too lazy to do research or this is some veiled attempt at FUD again.

>> No.9459305


Not FUD and I haven't seen this asked or answered here.

>> No.9459328

It's a legit question, though. With infinite supply the price will never moon.

>> No.9459409
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>> No.9459877

Okay cunts. I'll try not to make this too long.
First of all there is no infinite supply like in Ethereum for example where new coins are created from jack shit daily. Holo is neither PoW nor PoS. There is no mining. Even when you have a holoport, you don't actually mine new coins with it. Anyway that's not the point.

I'll try to give you an example. Not sure if it's a good one, but I hope it gets the point across. Let's say you're a developer that just launched a successful dapp on Holo. You have your own hardware to generate holofuel for hosting, but your app is growing faster than you expected. Let's say you don't have enough money for now to buy more holofuel to keep your app live. In that case there is a Reserve Account from the holo organization. I'll quote below how it works:

"Reserve Accounts - We expect the largest variations of supply to happen through Reserve Accounts. The supply of credits expands when a reserve account (such as the Holo organization) sells hosting credits for a correlated outside crypto or national currency. Reserve Accounts have a special algorithm for expanding their credit limit by committing a Proof-of-Reserve record to their chain to demonstrate receipt of a payment in the accounts’ correlated outside currency for Holo credits. The outside funds are then held in reserve for network hosts who provide credit purchasers services. Any credits redeemed through a Reserve Account must have been earned for providing hosting, which can be confirmed by auditing hosts’ Proof-of-Service entries and transaction histories. While Reserve Accounts may temporarily expand the supply, they only do so in response to increased demand. As hosts redeem their hosting credits, the supply decreases again. The expansion of the supply raises liquidity for hosts giving them an opportunity to cash out increasing perceived value."

Basically, this is far from "muh infinite supply" and it's more like a temporary...FUCK COMMENT TOO LONG

>> No.9459882

Nice rare Shimayo.

>> No.9459934

But they have feet

>> No.9460025


Basically it's like borrowing money from a bank, except there's no interest on it and you can only borrow a certain amount based on how reliable the network sees you. It's just a temporary increase in supply. Arthur Brock described it as a wave that passes through the network and cancels itself out eventually. Also this doesn't affect the price much because when an inflationary wave like this happens, it means there's demand in the network and you can earn more holofuel from hosting, which will bring more computational power in the network, which will make the price of holofuel rise since it's pegged to the computational power. The wave analogy is actually quite beautiful and makes things a lot easier to understand.

>> No.9460037

But boomers haha very good joke

>> No.9460051

Then i should get rich with a holoport

>> No.9460055

This kills the Holochain

>> No.9460095

forgot something important, to dispel the bullshit about keeping the price down. The only thing that should matter to you is that the price of holofuel is pegged to the computational power it can buy you. The more computational power there is in the network, the more your holofuel is worth. You shouldn't even concern yourself with the Reserve Account and dynamic supply bullshit, cause it won't affect things too much in the grand scheme of things.
- 1 holofuel buys you X amounts of computational power now.
- new hosts come in the network and compete to provide cheaper computational power
- 1 holofuel now buys you more computational power

This is a free market and the price quickly adjusts when the computational power in the network increases or decreases.

>> No.9460103

Depends on network usage, but the code is new standard good. All the fud is garbage which says a lot in this market where the top coin was made by a mystery person and most projects are vaporware

>> No.9460528

I have a bags of these bad boys, and i dont even know what is does.

>> No.9460613

good point youre right

>> No.9460928

not everyone stays in 4chan 24/7 like you

>> No.9461169
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where did you come from, buddy? are you lost? do you need help navigating around here? can I be your guide, fren?

>> No.9461287

I'm just surprised a bunch of hippies, boomers and other sorts of people ready to cause a disaster came up with something that isn't shit.

Like rules don't seem to apply to holo

>> No.9461650

Not everyone is meant to rich. Enjoy wagecucking the rest of your life if reading couple papers is too much work for you.

>> No.9461796

rofl i aint selling this shit until 17 bln market cap no matter how hard whales FUD this shit.Holo money is lost money to me.Im not missing another ETH

>> No.9462635
File: 133 KB, 501x600, 39971306-23291b74-56cf-11e8-9081-76cc8432c61f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing is that since there's actually working code, you can already develop shit for holochain and since it's a protocol and not some really specific corporate middleware the barrier of entry is really low.

which is why you end up with shit like this:


>> No.9462714

I'm trying to buy holo from idex with 0.3eth but the order wont go thru.

What is the problem? It comes with 'order no longer available' or something like that. Google wouldnt help either, any anon here to help me out