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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 107 KB, 640x480, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9459484 No.9459484 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody here actually bought shit with pic related?

>> No.9459500

This scam won't have anything ready for another couple of years. Same with EOS

Avoid at all cost

>> No.9459525

Where do you think you are? You can claim the same about BTC or cryptocurrencies as a whole.

>> No.9459544

yeah, when shelley is fully available this thing will easy 2x

>> No.9459564

I suggest you stop buying tulips and see who's
really dominating this market


>> No.9459626

Aye, fuck off already, wanker.

>> No.9459750


who the fuck cares about dominating? there is no money to be made investing in already biggest fucking organizations

we're looking for shit yet to blow up and cardano is exactly that

>> No.9459765

cardano actually has a blockchain though

>> No.9459796

The article was actually bullish for ETH, brainlet. If Ethereum can get a few more companies like Amazon, you can expect to see a 10k ETH.


>> No.9459838

>10k ETH
this I can agree on, see you there with ADA at $10

>> No.9459852
File: 22 KB, 800x800, request-network.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment when interoperability has been implemented for Cardano, pic related is kill.

>> No.9459857

you disagree with the fact that Cardano has a blockchain?

>> No.9459864
File: 82 KB, 645x729, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9459910


Cardano has some piece of shit alphanet that's yet to be proven. Get back to me when the faggots launch

>> No.9460101

>waiting until it's proven to buy in
you'll never make money that way
it's obvious they're not a scam and can deliver a great product

>> No.9460174

You obviously never saw their ICO event in Japan.
Cardano originally wanted to create a gaming dapp but changed their plans to copy EOS and Tezos. What's unusual is they launched the token like a month after changing to a smart contracts platform (with no working product) to allow their ICO buyers to cash out. gl with ur shitcoin

>> No.9460284

Now they have a world class team of PhDs who can actually deliver a smart contracts platform
I don't care how they started, it's where they're going that matters

>> No.9460364

Just be careful senpai.

Amazon partnering with ETH> some indifferent shitcoin that copied other projects.. Not hard to guess where the smart money is

>> No.9460371

Fuck of m8 Cardano and IOHK have been around longer than Eos ya spastic mong

>> No.9460420

They had an earlier ICO, but Cardano did copy EOS and Tezos. That's all

>> No.9460426

Amazon did not partner with ETH, you got baited by headlines of articles you obviously didn't read. You think the price would still be tanking like this if they actually had a partnership? lol

>> No.9460453

>You think the price would still be tanking like this if they actually had a partnership?

Yes, sometimes that's how crypto works. Daddy BTC makes shit fall

>> No.9460990

sounds like a eos holder who doesn't understand cardano because too much for muh brain

>> No.9461236

I'm more of a BTC Chad who's interested in smart contracts

>> No.9462257

I bet you've been speculating since 2013.

>> No.9462370

Chad but doesn't hold Chadarno? wat

>> No.9462388

no chads hold this tranny coin

>> No.9462456
File: 67 KB, 498x531, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
