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9458866 No.9458866 [Reply] [Original]

What is something that's easy and fast to learn and I can turn into a business without needing too much capital?
Literally all I have done the past 4 years is browse 4chan and play runescape. I have tried to apply to decent jobs but no one wants to hire me so I need something else to sustain me.

>> No.9458899

look at instagram and see smart marketing tactics businesses are doing

approach local businesses in your area and for a monthly rate, handle their instagram marketing by copying what these others are doing successfully.

i've had success doing this personally, as far as business owners being interested and actually giving me money (first client paid me in weed). but i'm not social enough to actually follow through with it and keep hustling. i might attempt it again this summer.

>> No.9458932

- find market lacking Bitcoin ATMs
- find business willing to let you setup a Bitcoin ATM
- take out a small business loan to buy ATM
- charge fee on trades, selling/buying directly from the market to start
- if you offer sales, take the cash from the machine to the bank every other week and then take out more money from the LoC to refill the cash. this keeps your min-payments always being met
- after a while sell/buy from your own pool of crypto to play the arbitrage game (selling from your stack on peaks and buying from there's when its low)
- rinse and repeat for additional businesses and passive income

>> No.9458946

>without needing much capital

>just take out a bunch of loans goy

>> No.9458974


why not? if you're not going to work, you're never going to buy a house, which means your credit score is a pointless number. rack that shit up under a corporate loan and take a chance and then just burn the corp and walk away if it fails.

>> No.9459020

i mean i agree, it's just not answering OP's question.

i was thinking about doing this myself. why the fuck not? it's all or nothing for a lot of us.

>> No.9459119

What kind of monthly rate were you asking?
And is it a lot of work to handle those instagram accounts?

>find market lacking Bitcoin ATMs
I might be a brainlet because I already don't understand what you're trying to say here

>> No.9459147


guess I assumed you were a cryptofag. what are you current skills/interests (other than 4chan and runescape)? I have a million business ideas I'll never get to so i'd be happy to mind dump on you and see if any pique your interest.

>> No.9459231

Studied economics at uni and did some tutoring work in math/economics for a few years while studying.
Did some programming traineeship for 2 weeks and then quit because commuting distance was too much for me. But I do have an interest in IT.

I enjoy reading up on the latest technological news and shit. I like autistically calculating diet plans for myself too.

I am open to new things though, it's just that the only thing I've been doing is kill time to get through the days so I don't have that many skills.

>> No.9459290

whatever rate you're comfortable with. it varies on the business of course.

how much value they get out of instagram, how many of their fans are engaged. if you come across a business that has tons of engaged fans or followers but they're barely posting. you can take advantage of that market they're squandering.

start small in the beginning just to guarantee they'll say yes. say "i'm charging you this cheap price because i'm so confident that you'll become a long-term permanent customer due to the value i bring"

then you get some testimonials under your belt, start showing those off as you ask for the bigger checks and since you have a reptuation with their peers, the higher cost you're asking doesn't matter.

>> No.9459301
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>> No.9459439

And you've done this before right? Did you have any experience marketing with instagram before you started offering your services to a business?
Or is it that easy to figure out ?

Thanks for taking your time anyway I appreciate it

>> No.9459462
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Not OP but am also trying to start a business so please go ahead and dump your ideas.

>> No.9459482


interest in IT: small businesses don't know how to manage their tech, but don't all have a solid tech guy. security concerns only go up each year and being hacked could cost them enough to justify spending against the problem. hooking up with a few of them for a retainer to help plan, setup and manage their networking setup + computer needs + software needs + backup needs can pay pretty well. if you can afford to buy some enterprise drives and run a backup server from home you can also bill them for offsite backups which can add up.

economics + tutoring: financial planner of some kind. afaik you don't need any real certification to do it, but I have no idea how you'd seed that business. a crypto financial planner will very quickly be a growth job if you were willing to take the plunge into that. i've thought about starting something like that locally 100 times since I'm p sure I'm one of maybe a couple dozen people around my area currently into crypto, but lack the economics background so I'd have a lot of gaps to fill before I'd feel comfortable giving any advice.

tutoring: any kind of tutoring would likely pay at least what a min wage job would, if not more depending on your area. toss ads up on classifieds boards offering tutoring services for any subjects/grades you feel comfortable tutoring in and then try to scout out some facebook groups with parents and toss a line out there. once you get a couple clients its all word of mouth from there so have some shitty business cards made up and be friendly/mention you're open to new clients if they have friends who might want a tutor.

there's also lawn/property maintenance, which sounds like it appeals to none of your interests but IMO a job where you get paid to exercise is worth considering. I'm a developer and sit on my ass 24/7 and kind of regret not trying to just grow my lawn care business when I was a kid instead of becoming a programmer.

>> No.9459558

Shit, I was thinink of getting into a Software engineering masters programme. You wouldn't recommend it (uni is free where i live) ?

>> No.9459559
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yeah i was successful with it but i didn't want to keep it up i didn't like having to stay engaged with these business owners.

but the interest these people had in it good enough and the amount of work miniscule, i'm a tech guy so i had programs automating the uploading. i would pre-schedule 10 posts or so for the week and that would take a total of 2 hours or so (i made valuable campaigns that would get shared, not just shitty spam)

but yeah they're certainly interested, why else would they say "follow us on instagram?" you gotta lead with how much more important instagram is than facebook

"your customers arent on facebook anymore they're on instagram" etc

it takes sales skills for sure, but it's also really rewarding and fun. that first time someone said "yes" i felt amazing. i framed the service agreement on my wall.

i also did this in my small town, if you live in a city... holy fucking BANK

>did u have experience marketing instagram before u started
sort of, i've always been curious about internet marketing and read forums like blackhatworld. but mostly all you need to be good at is research.

RESEARCH ALL the competition in a global scale, take the best ideas and apply it to your local market for your clients customers.

>> No.9459587

udemy has a tonne of courses on practically evrything. programming, PS, after effects, whatever.

>> No.9459721


certainly not. there's basically no real reason to pay higher education to become a developer unless you want to work for a bank, government, or for a huge corp like Facebook. most compsci programs are horribly out of date and everything about the field is online. I didn't pay for a single textbook in the 3 years I was in school because it was unnecessary. they're also too theory focused, whereas colleges are too hands on and completely lack theory. there's no balance and neither extreme is great for becoming a proficient developer IMO.

grab some courses off Udemy or Udacity or whatever for $15 a piece and teach yourself. then just make up random side projects to learn. projects are honestly the best way to learn programming, and are crucially important on your resume. I've passed up masters compsci students for unpaid internships because they listed no projects and hired someone who had some shitty education but a bunch of side projects desu. it shows you care and development and are able to challenge yourself.

once you've burned through a few hobby projects, toss some ads up online to find work. even if the pay is shit, or it doesn't pay at all, its still better than going into debt to learn all this shit. get a few pro-bono/heavily discounted projects under your belt and then lean in to sell your services at closer to market rates to new clients with your portfolio in hand.

>> No.9459740

Thank you both for the great advice. Guess I'll start with tutoring since it's very easy to start up in my case since I already have the required skills.
I will definately get into the other suggestions and see if there's any that I like or am good at.
Again thanks a lot and if you guys have any more advice feel free to post.

>> No.9459808

If I had that much free time I would've at least made a game by now

Shame on you for squandering that free time

>> No.9459818

This but unironically

>> No.9460085

pls no bully

>> No.9460156

fishing lvl?

>> No.9460348

best post

>> No.9460531

>What is something that's easy and fast to learn and I can turn into a business without needing too much capital?

Sucking dick. Go buy some kneepads.

>> No.9460582

99 ;)

>> No.9461149
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