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9458183 No.9458183 [Reply] [Original]

Who ruined crypto and the bullrun?

- Warren Buffet + Bill Gates
- BitMex shorting manipulation
- Governments / SEC
- Niggers / Stay-at-home-moms on Twitter

>> No.9458191

You. You did.

>> No.9458203

this is the dotcom crash of 2001, either invest in project now and be the next jeff becuck in 10 years time or rope your neck. Patience isnt for losers

>> No.9458212


>> No.9458225



>> No.9458243
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Fuck anon, now 10 years is the new eoy ?
Funny where this trip will take us.
t. $35k in
$25k now
Hodl till 0 or $1MM b/c 37yo booma.

>> No.9458313

>Mt. Gox/That Japanese guy with like 160,000 bitcoins or some bullshit like that
>Maybe the Chinese

>> No.9458315

the hype is rightfully out of the market.
The people who are accumulation through all the carnage will reap the rewards in a couple years
It happens EVERY TIME.

panic sell in great depression of 1930 and recession of 2008 said fuck stocks look where we are now.

>> No.9458465
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I must coinfess that I bought in the Feb justening thinking I bought low, but it seems I was dead wrong.
Also I bought alts b/c muh projects.1k Omg, Link,Req and some Nani.
My hope matches what you just said but one thing is clear: I won't put anymore of my Sorosbucks in crypto.. Good thing, since I'm a booma, I just invested money that I can lose.
Good luck fren !

>> No.9458648

yeah no prob, but i think you just drip drop more money in. You'll regret it in a few years if you dont

>> No.9458722



Buy the future. You're welcome.

>> No.9458780

already own some enigma

>> No.9458792

MtGox faggot is to blame. need a scapegoat, his fat ugly face will do. skin him, tar him, feather him