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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9451892 No.9451892 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9451927

I don't really care about any of you, I have friends dude.

>> No.9451969

i feel like the op of threads like this is jacking off thinking about the sins of bad investment moves, which is weird

>> No.9451989

If you look in the archive, you'll see that he's made the exact same thread now for the past 7 months, every single day, without missing a single day.

>> No.9451998

I larp in r/buttcoin and make fun of butters.

I’m a bitcoin maximalist.

>> No.9452011

i'm all in on link

>> No.9452031

I bought EOS

>> No.9452050
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i shill in scamcoin threads because i like seeing pink wojaks from noobs. i justify it by thinking that im teaching them a fundamental lesson.

>> No.9452059


>> No.9452076
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I don't really have much of a stake in crypto. I invested about $2k a year ago and now I have $20k. I don't really give a shit if it goes to 0 tomorrow, it's just something extra to do like fantasy league. I also have friends and outdoor hobbies and a great job that I love. I'm pretty damn normal, maybe a little shy. I love coming here and seeing all the losers who need this to succeed in order to escape their shit autistic lives. I also love fucking with all of you. Idk what it is, but /biz/ is waaaay easier to manipulate than other sites.

>> No.9452085

I missed selling iExec at 0.0002386. I hold and it was just a useless RSK announcement.

>> No.9452098

A couple of hilariously bad choices:
>i bought signatium
>i bought a rental property for dirt cheap under the guise that the complex was supposed to be renovated - it's been a year and I still haven't been able to raise my rent because very very little work has been done
>went into a business venture(that ultimately failed) with a close friend, ruining the friendship

but worst of all

>accidentally told my (ex)girlfriend how much I make.
I'm 19 and as you may realize, most 19 year olds work minimum wage whislt in college. Now I never started college and instead run a digital media agency, but my girlfriend at the time(who goes to the local university) thought I was making peanuts compared to what I was actually making, and that was on purpose.
One day, she walked into my condo after class one day without my knowledge and overheard me on the phone with a client, and she heard the whole conversation of billing and pricing, and how much of an outstanding bill the client had. From that point on, she expected me to buy her all of this shit "because I could afford it if I really cared about her."
Lost a great relationship, but she was a bitch anyway.

>> No.9452107

RLC is crap symbol. It's confusing because it's too similar to LRC (Loopring). Should rebrand from RLC to the symbol IEXEC.

>> No.9452134

I'm starting to get tired of this. I'm trading sideways since the start of the year and any move up is sapped just as soon by another dip. I'm spending entirely too much time on this and it's not going anywhere anymore, I'm starting to wonder what the next steps are, this is frustrating.

>> No.9452135
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I am a nocoiner. There I said it. NOCOINNNERRRRR. I have no coins. ZERO COINS. None, nadda, absolute ZIP. And you know what? I dont even care thats the worst part. I dont even mind. I have watched crypto since bitcoin was at $100 and never. even. bought. one. coin. NONE

Why do you ask?

Simple. Fuck that volatility. I would just become obsssed with it. So I put my money into stocks, oil, and my own company. I would probably be rich right now but I also would have aged 40 years by investing. I still come here for the memes and to hopefully watch link go straight to 0.

I also really want sergery to fail because he sounds like a fucking twat. All companies need marketing with notably rare exceptions has a company gotton off the ground relying on tech alone. To ignore marketing and think good tech will carry a project is totally arrogant.

>> No.9452147

If I don't make it in crypto I might seriously kms

>> No.9452165


As a child, I was forced to eat dogfood for dinner...


>> No.9452640

I was up 3x on SIGT and didn't sell.

>> No.9452673

holy fuck anon i bought those bags
i even got like a $40 donation on /biz/ that night which prompted me to buy
its now worth like $5

>> No.9452815

I'm The Real Astro

>> No.9452963

I've fucked my neighbors wife for years. Karma has come around and fucked me in thw ass. Crypto has been my divine punishment.

>> No.9452989


>> No.9452999

You are retarded and ignorant, they said the will start with marketing once the mainnet is out

>> No.9453047

Fuck, I want my ex back despite acting like I don't in front of my friends.
I just wanted us to work :/ but she was so abusive. Fuck dude, she had a perfect pussy and ass, and she would let me eat it. She enjoyed.
If only she could stop being such a bitch, we could have been great.

>> No.9453051

Got banned from a telegram group for recommending them a non shitty very new and smooth and professional exchange where btc pairing was available in addition to eth pairing and as a bonus fiat pairing too. I don't know what I did wrong. They regularly kept asking for an exchange with btc pairing and I gave them exactly that. But they banned me. I don't understand gooks

>> No.9453116

My neighbor is a hot latina.
>One day I got locked out of my apartment and I had to wait outside for the super.
>My neighbor saw me outside and told me if I wanted to wait in her apartment since it was extremely hot that day
>She gave me something to eat and we started talking
>We started fucking after like 30 minutes
>This went on for 3 years until it came to the point where the guilt was weighing heavy on me. I couldn't stand watching her kids being all nice to me and talking anout how nice their father is.

>> No.9453119

I’m unironically gay and I’m ok with dying alone bc nobody should kno since it does nothing for western civilization. You wouldn’t kno it if we were to meet irl or know how much zcash I hold

>> No.9453141

I bet you think the general threads are all made by the same person too.
I've made about 20 of these confess threads you stupid faggot. They're funny so people keep making them, WOW. So fucking hard to understand!

>> No.9453177

same except for zcash meme
>tfw fell for coming out meme as teenager
>tfw had to move to new city to escape homo past

>> No.9453993
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My success relative to the utter failure of 99% of /biz/ fills me with spasmodic glee.

>> No.9454494

I'm literally fucking starving