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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9447236 No.9447236 [Reply] [Original]

Another day, another market crash.

When are just going to give up? I told you a thousand times already, cryptocurrency is Tulip Mania 2.0

>> No.9447279

Go back to pol and stay poor.

>> No.9447373

"crash" btw

>> No.9447394


we must save the white race brothers!

>> No.9447432
File: 863 KB, 2217x2955, 1526030715338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white race is doomed. You will get BLACKED out of existence.

>> No.9447537

That's true buddy. I see absolutely no reason why Bitcoin wouldn't dump to $200 in a month. The hype is over and no one else besides /biz/ is intrested in cryptos anymore. Whales have left with their money and new money isn't coming in anymore. The only direction is down.

>> No.9447616

this is illegal, someone call the cops this is bestiality and we shouldn't let this young aryan princess to go through this

>> No.9447655

this is disgusting

>> No.9447677

think im gunna puke senpai... dez niggaz phukin our girlz.. dude it burnz

>> No.9447719

ITT triggered wypipo show their racism because they don't like interracial relationships kek

>> No.9448228
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>> No.9448320
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>> No.9448366

you know this is keeping away the normies, fuck em, the longer you accumulate the better. economic collapse starting EOY, its already begun.

>> No.9448612

>he thinks being racist is a bad thing

>> No.9448649

It is. You suffer from micropenis syndrome, sorry but only white men are prone to it

>> No.9448699

>muh dick

Take a shower and go apply for a job, jamal. Be a benefit to society for once

>> No.9448716

looooooooooooool for real and dubz for the truth

>> No.9448726

Tulips never went away, they became ubiquitous - if they were actually scarce they'd still be worth a fortune. It bitcoin gets adopted the way tulips have been McCokehead will never ingest penis.

>> No.9448781

Aww in your feelings whyteboi? I know your brain must be running plotting your revenge on the next minority. What a pathetic life to live Tyler, but hey, at least your hot sister Stacy gets to enjoy this bbc while you cope :)

>> No.9448807

tiny dick bitch

>> No.9448820
File: 164 KB, 720x887, whites-blacks-jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first thing a nigger does when they achieve success is try to get a white woman - if black DNA is superior, or even equal, why don't you find your own race attractive?

>> No.9448848
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>> No.9448876
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>> No.9448902


>> No.9448930



>> No.9448934

Why do fags on here like azn women so much then? Racemixing is disgusting but you fags are twofaced

>> No.9448947

Because white women are superior for their gender, however, white men carry the same attributes which make them beta. It really isn't that difficult to understand. Black men are stronger physically but that doesn't mean i want a strong female as a partner. Get it dumbledorf?

>> No.9448954

thanks for the laugh jamal. will add this to "butthurt colored people" folder


>> No.9448964

Never, given I'm paid salary to trade crypto

>> No.9448976
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>> No.9448984

holy shit, whoever made that has no understanding of population genetics. jesus I didnt think anything could be this wrong.

>> No.9448989

ITT: White people LARPing with each other.

>> No.9449007

i take it anyone crying this hard on /biz/ is also poor?

just focus on getting rich then you can destroy as many shitskin lives as you want. feels fantastic.

>> No.9449010

The founder of the "Out of Africa" theory himself. So you just agree with him when it fits the narrative of your cultural marxist programming?

>> No.9449042

>Shaking out weak hands with a little predictable price manipulation
>"Market Crash"

>> No.9449049


>> No.9449245

>says the black ignoring reality of his existance

>> No.9449283

Yes, no one doubts that OOA is indeed in revision and the truth is probably a revised version of it with elements of a revised MR. The descriptions of those 3 types are completely incorrect.

>> No.9449676

such fud lol....the market is still in its infancy dipshit

>> No.9449740

bitch you seen a black woman before?

>> No.9449769
File: 1.29 MB, 1202x1502, 1526082321672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is running out, kike.

>> No.9449787

LOL you think crypto will catch the stock market? Guess what, pal, its NEVER gonna happen. The main goal of crypto is mass adoption, but why would that happen when every bank/corporation will make their own blockchain when the time comes? You think any of this Chinese shit is gonna be around in 10 years? Lmfao I remember when people traded to squire BTC but now people trade to acquire USD. That should say it all right there

>> No.9449791
File: 88 KB, 500x570, right hand of the free world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites cant live with blacks
No, whites can't live with niggers. pic ABSOLUTELY related
>whites cant live with jews
that is absolutely true. jews and their (((policies))) doomed my nation

>> No.9449804

to acquire*

>> No.9449844

you are beyond cucked if you think that means white power lmao

>> No.9449948

good read

>> No.9449956

Exactly my brother. The pinnacle is the black man