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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9446136 No.9446136 [Reply] [Original]

They bought "equity" in VeChain (who was apparently non-profit?)

He confirmed VERY quickly that they have NOT bought any tokens

He also confirmed that they will run one of the 100 VeChain consensus nodes and stated that they will then produce ALL the THOR that they would ever need for their transactions

All in all, I was completely right from the beginning. None of these enterprises are buying VET or THOR, in fact they're getting them for free and dumping. None of these partnerships have added any REAL value to VeChain or its holders, they just get a free public blockchain, taking away all game theory driven incentives not only to be honest but to buy and use tokens and gas responsibly and commensurate to their needs. Now they'll just generate, spam and sell. Congrats on this, seriously.

DNV GL get to say to their shareholders "look we're in this crypto thing AND we get free internet money to dump on the retards!" and the retards celebrate.

>> No.9446189

the time to buy VEN was at 100 mill market cap, anyone still holding this, hoping for another10x is deluded.

>> No.9446202

Very shady. I've just sold my thunder node.

>> No.9446274

>He confirmed VERY quickly that they have NOT bought any tokens
timestamp required

>He also confirmed that they will run one of the 100 VeChain consensus nodes
which means they bought 250k VEN

>they will then produce ALL the THOR that they would ever need for their transactions
timestamp required

>> No.9446746
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>He confirmed VERY quickly that they have NOT bought any tokens
>He also confirmed that they will run one of the 100 VeChain consensus nodes

>> No.9446764

how do i operate an authority node without any tokens, seems too good to be true!

>> No.9447238

I didn't say they don't have any, I clearly said they have some and they're dumping on people like you who close their eyes and scream like it'll go away because you're holding a heavy bag.

They bought none. They will never buy any.

>> No.9447316
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>> No.9447460




>> No.9447464
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hes just fudding to get it cheap b4 it hits 100$

>> No.9447551
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>> No.9447644

Basically companies were given VET for free so Sunny could say VEN has partnership deals with those companies?



>> No.9447646
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>B-but Breyer holds VET tokens

>> No.9447733
File: 40 KB, 1024x759, rs_1024x759-170414135801-1024.Ralph-Bunny-A-Christmas-Story.kg.041417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked it up. He only advises vechain. FUCK YOU BIZ YOU CHINKED MEEEE

>> No.9447800


you can see the look on his face. Sunny didnt want this released, his chink hype coin is become increasingly apparent. even with this reddit and venletts will still hold on im sure.

promise everything, over hype everything, never explain in detail. no fucking wonder.

>> No.9447880

>promise everything, over hype everything, never explain in detail.
This. Luca is way more transparent than Sunny.

>> No.9447910
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now it makes perfect sense why Dj Qian and Sunny have so much controversy, and why Sunny is so childish towards him, as far as lying and smearing his name and project.

>> No.9448101

DJ seems much more tech savvy and actually much more honest too, based on interviews I've seen from both

The statement that Sunny put out stating that DJ has never had anything to do with vechain was an extremely shady move and a red flag

This news is just a cherry on top

>> No.9448183


interesting how the Venletts have not posted much in here. have they finally realised that China Hustle wasn't just a meme, but the actual white paper for Vechain?

>> No.9448251

Because this is a comedy thread not a serious FUD thread.

>> No.9448295


>muhh every thread talking about Vechain is just holders FUDing for fun.

This was true when it was 10k sats. Please tell me you didn't buy after that and still believe in that meme?

>> No.9448301

of course they were. and there's nothing wrong with that. why do you think 2/3 of the link supply is locked up? because getting large enterprises to adopt new technology is difficult and this lowers the barrier to entry significantly. would you prefer crypto remains a bunch of teenagers trading pointless shitcoins forever? shortsighted retards

>> No.9448364

Well, nothing has been said here that isn't laughable so I just assumed it was meant to be comedy. The alternative for the posters involved is too dire to contemplate ...

>> No.9448395

>shortsighted retards
>buys shitcoins to crowdfund a business then gets no equity in return

>> No.9448453

hope you are selling...huge dump is coming!!!

>> No.9448488

Huge announcement within 2 hours, expect moon, sellnewsfags have already sold and aren't prepared for this shit.

>> No.9448501
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How's your "investment" in VeChain going?

>> No.9448734

Amazing thanks! It has been my only coin that has earned me more than a 10x that I was comfortable putting more than pocket change into. Currently up about 900% and looking forward to about the same again over the rest of the year. So sorry you missed out though! This has been a real blinder.

>> No.9448994

>What is a bubble where all shitcoins are perfectly correlated
>looking forward to about the same again over the rest of the year
>What is a bubble where all shitcoins are perfectly correlated
Not saying you're delusional but... you're delusional.

>> No.9449197

You're delusional if you think you're not calling him delusional.

>> No.9449244
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>> No.9449901

>How's your "investment" in VeChain going?
>Great thanks!
>Buh ...buh...buht it doesn't count because ....

>> No.9449958

That's not what they said at all, but ok.