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9444164 No.9444164 [Reply] [Original]

my parents are the best, seriously. coming from an eastern yuropoor country though, retirement funds are useless. my grandma worked her ass off for years upon years just to get $100/month before she died.

my parents dont know this, but a part of me being in crypto is to make them a small retirement gift if i make it. they dont know, because they're pretty bad with tech and wouldnt understand it anyway.

my stack:

1300 RLC
250 OMG
650 ICX
1800 ENG
50000 ELEC
9000 REQ

it's not much compared to other anons here. but if i make ~$100k out of it, i plan on giving paps and moms around $20k each and leave the rest 60k for me or something. i hope i'll make it.

any other anons with similar thoughts?

>> No.9444211

Yeah gonna pay off the house once I made it

>> No.9444315

you're a good one anon

pretty decent picks, not sure about ELEC but for the rest you should succeed once the next bullrun appears

good luck.

>> No.9444345

Have the same plan with my mom (my dad is involved anyway) and I hope I can make her a retirement gift

>> No.9444380
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Good on you fren.

>> No.9444398


wishing you luck too, anons. hope we make it for our parents' sake too

thank you, anon. i think i like ENG and RLC the most. i guess ELEC was my closest take on a moonshot, i'm still up some 30% or so on it. REQ is currently a big loss but i like the project too.

i hope in a next bull run this goes 4x or 5x, that would make me happy.

>> No.9444405

Im definitly giving back to my father. He gave me so much when i was growing up. I want too return the favor. He wanted nothing but the best for me. He is old now but he has a few more years to enjoy life and i want to make it the best for him. I really hope i make it

>> No.9444433
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im trying to do the same, but also for my sister
my parents have a decent living, but they deserve so much more, they sacrificed so much for me
sister is mentally disabled, no way to ever make a living
i gotta make it for 4 anons
together we will, frens

>> No.9444455

Reminder that not every one from us will make it. Some will fail and be unable to give back to their parents financially

>> No.9444470

thanks, anon. wish you all the best too

my parents are actually divorced, but they're still on good terms. they divorced when i was around 13 and they made it as smooth as possible. amazing people.

i hope for you and your father that you'll make it too. let him enjoy his final stage of life peacefully

>> No.9444471
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>the real moon mission isn't just making it, but to share the wealth and joy to your parents who loved you, mantained you and were there during your worse moments of your life.
>those who achieve this, gets ascended to the greatest realm known as the Singularity.

>> No.9444500


>> No.9444506

funny, i was about to post the same image. i'm rooting for you with double the power anon. what's your biggest holding?

maybe none of us will really make it, but i like to believe that we'll get something out of this. who knows

>> No.9444518

Just go all in RLC

>> No.9444544

Good luck anon, you're a very pure human being. I've been managing mine and my dad's portfolios for over a year, and it makes me happy to know that in a few years I'll be able to say "here you go dad, here's your $500,000 retirement present".

Personally I'm holding ETH, OMG, MANA, BAT

>> No.9444564
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unironically link, rlc, zrx are like 90% of my folio
>tfw i trusted biz, probably wont make it
well, here's to hoping anyway. up a total of about 25% since i started

>> No.9444582
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>> No.9444594


>> No.9444612

saged you faggots

>> No.9444654

i really like BAT but just can't afford to add one more project to my folio. never heard of mana

good that your dad understands crypto, though. i tried to explain to my parents, but they didn't grasp it that much so i just went ahead

interestingly enough, i sold my zrx for rlc. feel a bit bummed about missing it pump but that's crypto. i'm up around the same amount as you. considering we're still technically in a dip that's not too bad i guess

>> No.9444672

>1300 RLC
my nibba

>> No.9444752

Even though my parents are doing pretty good actually (some 200k USD/year income combined before taxes) I'll invite them to a pretty fancy/expensive-ish restaurant along with my little sister and girlfriend to celebrate some pretty nice gains by margin trading ETH.

Feels good to give back