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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 184 KB, 512x512, 1526252974204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9443298 No.9443298 [Reply] [Original]

It's going to enable off-chain processing for ETH, but their endgame is edge/fog computing. It's essentially next-gen cloud infrastructure, which by the way is being developed by iExec, IBM, Microsoft, Samsung, Intel and CISCO_FUCKING_SYSTEMS. Why is this huge? Well. 80% of the world's data is handled by Cisco routers and switches. Now iExec is working with all these behemoths side-by-side @ OpenFog consortium. If these guys want to push new tech, you'd be an absolute retard betting against them.

Imagine you're a datacenter. Now what does it cost to run it all? Literally hundreds of millions to build it and then some more to keep it running. Now imagine you could provide hosting and computing (Amazon Web Services, Netflix runs on it for example), without having to build a huge fucking datacenter. You just rent any goddamn hardware that is idling anywhere in the world to provide your service.

Now, you don't pay for infrastructure. So you cut your prices down. You become appealing to customers. You grow. You become the airBnB and Uber of data networks/service providing.

What do you need the tokens for, you might ask? Well let my autistic-as-fuck ass tell you.
It's to pay the hardware owners for computational cycles. Just like mining, but actually doing work and not wasting electricity for frivolous shit.

Oh, this sort of network model is also ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to IoT, since it kills all sorts of problems associated with latency and security. FUCK. This project makes my dick hard. I'm out, let me tell you another bedtime story after V2 has launched.

>> No.9443395

dumped all my shitcoins and loaded up on this yesterday during the pullback. fucking ready.

>> No.9443447
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Same. I'm 100% in RLC because I know something most don't.
But I'll tell you, just wait til their partners start using their platform for computational power, it will drive the price up 1000x.

>> No.9443543
File: 521 KB, 758x775, comfyexecs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To expand on this, just wait til all of their dapps start using rlc. Imagine this page FULL of dapps and partners like flixxo/request using their offchain computations to fulfill their needs. You'll essentially be an oil sheikh in 2020. Thousands/millions of dapps on the iexec network will increase demand equivalent to the amount of people using it. It's a big fucking deal, especially because RLC is blockchain agnostic and the market cap is well under 200m. This will all happen too, because the future of apps are decentralized.

>> No.9443564
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forgot link

>> No.9443618
File: 438 KB, 638x639, execunigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see if anyone can even fud RLC, I've never seen it done. That alone is a huge buy signal, if you aren't already convinced.

>> No.9443663

have only 1500

hope half of the stack makes me some cash at some point in the future. i'd like to run the other half, i really like RLC's concept.

>> No.9443691
File: 256 KB, 1185x605, rlcrsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also with this announcement, people think it's nothing but it's actually huge in the long run. iExec will literally be the first to power bitcoin smartcontracts. Wanna know why that's huge? Bitcoin is the largest network, and smart contracts are the big pull in crypto. They will change the world in ways we cannot imagine.

Imagine owning a coin that is literally the backbone powerhouse to every single computation and smart contract on the planet. You want a lambo? All in RLC.


>> No.9443733

thank u pajeet just bought 100k

500 $ in 2 year sirs

>> No.9443788
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500$ in 2 years is definitely possible if something like ETH or any other shitcoin that +50,000%'d in a year did. Opportunities like this don't come around often at this price. It's another "ETH at 1$" event, I guarantee it.

>> No.9443797

how did RLC become the nibba coin?

>> No.9443814
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Because RLC is hard to make memes for and since the logo is black and yellow people started talking about wiz khalifa and then nigger memes started pumping and some of them were actually decent.

It's ironic too, because niggers aren't smart enough to buy into this coin.

>> No.9443815


What do my fellow iexecutives think about this?

>> No.9443841
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, rlcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u will never own 5000 RLC and see the fattest of gains cus your a poor asf nibba

>> No.9443846

Looks like it's not competition for iexec at all. It's not even a coin, and it's probably not even decentralized.

>> No.9443863

post your address and if im not too lazy ill donate you 5 rlc from my 15k+ stack

>> No.9443870

offering a service that helps companies understand how they can apply blockchain meme to their process. doesn't look like competition at all

>> No.9443886

less than 400 over here...i'm almost crying


>> No.9443909

ty my homie, that's like 5% of my 240 stack


>> No.9443911

lol :(
it's like you have a carrot hanging in front of your face and you can't reach it but you're so close. I would do everything in your power to get as much money as possible and pour it all into RLC.

>> No.9443933
File: 126 KB, 866x1300, rgregrgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off my turf nigga

>> No.9443944

i'm waiting for more money, but i'll all in my next paycheck. execunigguh in training

>> No.9443948
File: 357 KB, 1075x1024, 1526317048663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis IEXEC TURF NIGGA fucc a GOL nigga

>> No.9443971
File: 5 KB, 207x243, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheeeit don't step homie, i aint strapped!

>> No.9443985

have a buy order at around the mid 18500ish sats, what do you think lads

>> No.9443990

both of you dont have any rlc in your wallets. I cant help the men who do not help themselves. Anyway if you post your wallets with some RLC in it i will donate some

>> No.9443994

I don't think it's going below 20k, maybe later in the month but since v2 launches EOM...i doubt it.

>> No.9444003
File: 451 KB, 1125x750, fvvsdvdv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey wassap my execnibbas
its ur boi checking in from 2020
these whypipo mad asf at our mad gains haha
we all make it

>> No.9444004

buy now, big news tomorrow. waiting for sub 19k sats is bit risky imo

>> No.9444018

wat u sayin
i got 242.1912

>> No.9444034

it will dump hard tommorow

>> No.9444054
File: 63 KB, 640x480, fefef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gang gang gang
gang gang gang
gang gang gang

>> No.9444059

im only seeing 0.14890417 ether in it

>> No.9444074

The opposite actually. The news tomorrow will be bigger than RSK(which is actually huge but everyone has less than 120 IQ), plus V2 EOM and letting people mine in early summer.

>> No.9444090

that's not mine bruh, i only got 0.000000692 eth
does it take time to show recent trades or something? i had some yesterday swapped it for some rlc

>> No.9444108
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If only you knew

>> No.9444110

this is the address you've posted: 0xb40353ce9277ff985d5d0eba4b62275df2bddd71

>> No.9444152
File: 31 KB, 933x275, rlcbal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copied it: 0xb40353ce9277ff985d5d0eba4b62275df2bddd71
don't know what that's about

>> No.9444186

oh, its a binance address, ok. wait a few mins my execunigga

>> No.9444210

ah shit my bad homie, got millions of my mind u feel me dawg

>> No.9444246

It's a good idea but they'll never pull it off. It's really that simple bros.

>> No.9444247

I am waiting to get JUSTED. Lost 5% already. Retards think it will hit $10 at the end of the week. Why would you think that? Is Intel that big of a deal?

>> No.9444249

Oh I know. ((rendered by iexec in blender))
Imagine movie studios using iexec to render huge files to save on cost and time.
The possibilities are endless.
You're a good person, better than me.

>> No.9444251
File: 15 KB, 536x341, RLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Address: 0x2bfbc147929b5ca07859501794e3a73d3057642e

Im poor as fuck but going to put my savings into this, fuck it lambos soon.

>> No.9444255

>largest computer processor company
no. not a big deal at all

>> No.9444258

nice try white boy haha

it's not going down from here nigga, every alt getting slaughtered today

>> No.9444284

What won't they pull off exactly? Because they already pulled off a lot.
5% is nothing. This coin swings like a motherfucker. Intel is a huge deal because it's a fucking huge company dealing in the computation space. 10$ is possible because testnet/mainnet are coming very soon.

>> No.9444285

Did anyone care about pornhub?

>> No.9444289

5 iexnuggets are on a way to your wallet.
Pray for our gains

>> No.9444313

us execnibbas gotta keep it tight u feel me

ty my man, big loves
i hope i can repay the favour some day

>> No.9444317

>randomly gives 2500$ to a stranger
good on ye m8

>> No.9444324


help me get over 1500 RLC

>> No.9444332

yeah and if it's not Intel tomorrow it will dump to oblivion so that's pretty big gamble

>> No.9444341
File: 35 KB, 674x425, imapoorfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is legit i would love you, im a poorfag also trying to make it
this is all RLC stack and im too poorfag to get more


>> No.9444373

1: they're doing a presentation with intel tomorrow
2: who gives a fuck if it isn't because V2 is EOM and mainnet shortly after
3: nothing matters because in 2020 iexec will be the backbone of every popular dapp in the cryptospace

>> No.9444414

Thank you based anon


>> No.9444422
File: 28 KB, 480x268, iexecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf why am i crying in the club rn
this dawg sent me 5 RLC, execniggas best nibbas


>> No.9444428

hey if you don't mind answering, what do you anticipate the gain will be after the announcement? assuming you're not larping about having exclusive info. I went all in last week and will be holding long term, but I'm just curious

>> No.9444434
File: 332 KB, 582x550, execunigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black and yellow comes on spotify randomly when it never does anymore
it's a sign boyos

>> No.9444461

If the announcement is ANYTHING with intel, or ibm, it will 5-10x in a span of 15 days.
If it's something less impressive but still impressive, easy 2x or more.
If it's nothing, probably float around 20k sats until V2 EOM where it will definitely double.
I see zero risk in RLC this month.

>> No.9444481
File: 378 KB, 1440x1080, 1515149162649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8500 mid tier iexecutive. $500 tokens in 2 years. $1500 at peak.

This is the next biggest thing since Eth was $10 and was shilled back in 2015. Get in now before you get left behind

>> No.9444491

The funniest part about this picture is that it's real, and also the same colors my lambo will be in 2020.

>> No.9444515

If it's anything less than intel this nigga is going to dump into the ground. Do not be caught holding bags.

>> No.9444519

Fml. Studentfag can only afford 10 after selling 5% of my other coins. Whales please suppress price till i graduate.

>> No.9444529

Sell 100% of your other coins or stay poor.

>> No.9444532

Nah. V2 this month prevents any extreme dumping. You seriously do not understand the magnitude of this coin.

>> No.9444534

just sell some crack my nibba

>> No.9444568


If your lambo is anything but black and yellow after we make it with RLC, youre doing yourself a disservice

>> No.9444588

I'll get a fucking iexec wrap if i get a lambo before 2020

>> No.9444779

It's because no one knows what the fuck it does.

>> No.9444873

If people would read they would understand.

>> No.9444974

>tfw just want a comfy 911
Am I dreaming too small?

>> No.9445028

911's are dope cars too
i just like lambos because its the ultimate fuck you

>> No.9445036

these black memes are getting out of hand you absolute madman

>> No.9445109

>mfw I've known RLC could be huge since February but I own only 20 because I'm poor

>> No.9445142

sorry nigga

>> No.9445219
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>> No.9445231


>> No.9445252
File: 77 KB, 171x229, whypipo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this white boy

>> No.9445302

Its actually good considering the market will tank 50% this week

>> No.9445349

shit bruh do you not have a job, son?

make some fuckin money and invest in crypto fa m

>> No.9445460

im about to make more...wiz khalifa is next
black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow

>> No.9445551
File: 160 KB, 2082x1158, 2RLCz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price suppression is happening btw

>> No.9445559

It's getting link tier in here

>> No.9445561

I've been working. Waiting on pay right now. Holding 80 cripple I refuse to dump at a loss

>> No.9445563


>> No.9445581

haha nice try get outta here white boy

>> No.9445620

Yo whassuh ExecThuggs lemme holla atchu real quick with my 25K stack nahm sahn. We be goin places

>> No.9445631

ur gonna miss out on tomorrows moon mission if you don't get in soon bruh
u finna sell them cripple or stay broke ya feel my nibba

>> No.9445654

true dat

>> No.9446112

Bought 2k @ 12k sats back in the beginning or march at $0.84. /comfy/