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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9443720 No.9443720 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone so mean and petty in stocks and crypto?
They all celebrate watching others fail and lose money

If others succeed they get angry and yell it's gonna tank soon.
Why does it attract the worst people?

>> No.9443745

It's all idiots looking for easy money. The worst type of human.

>> No.9443756


Because most of these faggots are gamblers and border line criminals. They are savage and mad at the world. Fuck them.

The pussies on Reddit are here for the tech.

>> No.9443775

Why are you mad?

>> No.9443806

>mad at the world
This. They have serious confidence issues and are addicted to the feel of superiority they get when they win and others lose

>> No.9443819


Manipulation of course. Why do you think you should do the opposite of what /biz/ says? All markets are rigged, and if you become a trader, the first lesson you'll learn is that it's ALL bullshit. The financial news, Bloomberg reports, everything, it's all there to make you either buy someones bags or not buy, so they can buy cheaper. You need to cease giving all fucks anon. Name of the game is put money in your pocket, and fuck everyone else.

>> No.9443848
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Being mean in finance is nicest thing possible.

But also crypto trading modern day gladiators ring. If you not enjoy watching others fail... you going have hatd time.

>> No.9443865


Nah, all people are like that. Some people are just passive aggressive weak fucks. You only have to look at history to see that those types are even more murderous given a taste of power, see all communists ever.

Basically, all people are pieces of shit. Just monkeys hurling feces at each other. The only thing to do it take everything they have, first, and get the fuck out of the way.

>> No.9443883

Because markets are a zero-sum game, based on selling your investment to a greater fool. You can only get gains by taking them from somebody else. Unlike actually running a business, where you generate value out of nothing via hard work

>> No.9443907

Sauce me kneepad gorl

>> No.9443926


Nonsense. There is no good or evil, and laws are just an advanced form of territory marking, like dogs pissing on trees. It's meaningless to even think in the terms you mention. When the fuck did all you soi get here? >>>>plebbit

>> No.9443976

have you even been on 4chan before, you fucking nufag?

>> No.9443984

I'm not like that, I know others who aren't. Obviously people took care of you when you were a baby otherwise you would be dead. And there are adults who take care of other people in need. Get some time off 4chan and maybe you won't have such a negative worldview. Out there there are people who genuinely do things to help others, obviously you aren't one of them, but there are.

>> No.9444009

People like you are frustrated at 'mean people' because they screw others over for their own gain. This is because you feel like it's not fair, which it isn't of course. But you need to grow the fuck up because the world isn't fair. So you can either join the 'assholes' and stand up for yourself or be manipulated by others your entire life. This doesn't mean you have to be an absolute scumbag or a bad person or whatever, you just got to put your interest first and be ready to fuck everyone in the ass. If any of this seems extreme to you you're going either slowly accept this as truth or push it away and be everyone's bitch for the rest of your life. But yeah to answer OP, this is a very good thread/question. It's the perfect way of finding out who your friends are. If you are successful and your 'friends' resent you for it or are jealous, ditch them instantly. Cut that shit out. If they're happy for you/interested how, that's a real friend. This is not to be confused with the shit I pointed out above. Being like OP described is being an actual asshole human, but manipulating others for personal gain is called life. Play it or get played.

>> No.9444015
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It's psychological war. If you're asking these questions, then you're losing.

>> No.9444043

Playing others to get what you want is just being weak. When you're strong you don't need to manipulate others to get what you want. Guess you aren't.

>> No.9444048

because when times are good you faggots come to /pol/ and other boards and mock people who didn't get in. Don't pretend that you don't deserve this.

>> No.9444091

Zero sum game, faggot.

>> No.9444134

You are mentally weak if you lose mindgames.
Strenght is not just about big muscles. In the end anything goes and only winning matters.

>> No.9444137

This is what people are really like when it comes to money but there's not boss or consequences for acting like a cunt. It is pure

>> No.9444154

At what point was I equating strength with big muscles? You're projecting.

>> No.9444180

Money is the root of all evil

>> No.9444207

*the love of* you dumb cunt, moneys an inanimate object, it's not anything

>> No.9444223

lol bullshit. There's no better feeling than winning within a team and working together than going solo and winning over petty issues. You describe the lowest of the low and scraping for the bottom of the barrel losers who had horrible upbringing. If you have that mindset, then guess how I know you're one?

>> No.9444275

its late adopters that are forced to trade, they see the market rightfully as zero sum in the short term, so their goal is to take money from people like you, not let you take it from them.

early adopters don't give a shit because we know the mre people in this space the better, and you're the ones buying up the shit and making us rich anyway.

>> No.9444300

You are the type of person I would fuck over if I had to, it's easy. You think you're morally superior but you're not. You're in an inherent losing position because of your 'morals' that me, and countless people around you that don't care about morals can exploit. Morals are in place to control the populous. There is no moral high ground, only your own interest. You saying you're weak if you play others means you have already lost the first mind game, you already lost. This entire thing can be explained by a basic economics phenomenal called the prison dilemma. Look it up.

>> No.9444362

You’re not self aware to realize your insecurities are completely exposed in this post.

>> No.9444462

It's not the greater community but the medium. This is how people are on 4chan. If you go to Reddit, you get a hugbox full of retards. There's no middle ground and your only choice is to sift through the shit and pick out the gems.

>> No.9444476

>They all celebrate watching others fail and lose money
0 sum game
others losing
you're winning

>> No.9444595

You can't play me because I don't need you, because I don't need anyone. You want to hurt me? I would hurt you twice worse just to prove the point that you will win nothing by trying that. And eventually you would understand that you would get more by playing nice. At first you would fake being nice, but eventually you will begin to feel again what it's like to be nice, how it makes you feel and how it makes the people around you feel.

>> No.9444708

>playing nice = gains
every successful corporation right now proves you wrong by being successful
nobody cares about your morals, everyone plays "nice" by conforming to current social norms which have nothing to do with morals.
You are still in a losing position when you mix feelings with business.

>> No.9444812

At what point was I equating gains with monetary gains? You have a materialistic mindset, at the root of most suffering and unhappiness in this world.

Regarding monetary gains, you don't need to fuck people over to make it big in crypto, you don't need to mislead them, make them believe things that are false, hack them, doing that shows a weakness of character.

>> No.9444817

You think in 2d. I'm not an asshole. I'm not 'not nice'. I'm a regular guy like you.
>You want to hurt me? I would hurt you twice worse just to prove the point that you will win nothing by trying that.
You don't understand manipulation. I don't want to hurt you, what the fuck is in that for me? I don't give a fuck about you, I will manipulate you for personal gain without you noticing. Are you trolling or do you not understand this?
Also, playing nice doesn't accomplish more. Actually the opposite is true according to every psychology study on success, ever. People that are more conscientious earn more money than people that are emphatic, or nice.

>> No.9444845

People act like douchebags to intimidate others so they can give up and sell/buy their bags. It's an intimidation game that works. You make bad decisions when you're in fear.

>> No.9444969

When you're making money in crypto, someone else loses money, usually by taking the hot potato off your hands. This is all a big game of hot potato. You really need to understand that by investing in crypto for the purpose of selling for more later, you're not producing anything, while you'll eventually get resources from someone who did. You can argue that this is a free market etc etc, but in the end you profited off doing nothing ("taking risks"). Sugarcoat it anyway you want, the only difference is that your victims don't know they've been goofed, and blame themselves. If anything, blatant scammers are more honest than you, all things considered.

>> No.9444986

How would you manipulate me for your personal gain if you have nothing I need? If I won't believe whatever you try to have me believe but will make up my own mind independently? How would you lead me into a trap if nothing you do or say will lead me into your trap? What would you have left besides trying to hurt me?

Regarding money, there is more to life and to accomplishments than money, and you equating success and accomplishment with more money has a lot to say about your mindset, and how yourself would be more prone to manipulation.

>> No.9445053

>there is more to life and to accomplishments than money
You are literally on a board dedicated to business and finance
Success in relation to the subject of this board, usually amounts to piles of cash.
You get piles of cash by taking them out of other people.
There are 2 ways of doing it:
1. producing something (lmao)
2. buying 1s and 0s for cheap and selling them for more

>> No.9445124

It's a zero sum game if it all comes back to zero. Do you actually believe the underlying technology is worth zero? I don't. People choosing to invest in cryptos are playing a game, if they play it smart they can earn a lot, but they don't have to fuck others over to do that, they don't have to mislead them, they just have to invest early in projects that are likely to prevail down the road. Blockchain technology can do a lot for people and society, it's not all a game of worthless hot potato.

>> No.9445170

>I'm in it for the technology
9/10 trolling good sir

>> No.9445250

And you can get piles of cash by providing in exchange something of value to the people who gave you that cash, or by cheating them. Business and finance doesn't have to be about cheating others and shit on them to get at the top, even though it is the most prevalent mindset.

When you give something of value in exchange others are happy, when you cheat them they are angry, sad, hateful, hurt, afraid, depressed, and then they might try to take revenge, in an endless vicious circle. You can get piles of cash by making the world a better place to live in, or the world a worse place to live in, the latter is easier but is that really a win?

>> No.9445275

Alright, let's pretend you sold BTC at 19k because you knew it was gonna go down in the short term.
Did you do the right thing morally?

>> No.9445314

I'm mostly in it for the money, and I feel good about investing in projects that can bring good to people on the long run. And I don't need to fuck others over in the process.

>> No.9445364

>There is no good or evil

We have a 12-year-old tipper here, or a 110 IQ brainlet STEM graduate nihilist. Watch out, boys!

>> No.9445383

>And I don't need to fuck others over in the process.
But you do, they just wallow in pity over "their" own stupid mistakes. You also helped pump the price the moment you bought whatever it is you sold them, so you're partially responsible for their potential loss.

Answer my fucking riddle >>9445275

>> No.9445389

This most crypto investors on biz have probably committed a crime at some point in their lives. Also this board has become filled with filthy pajeets.

>> No.9445433

/biz/ is full of teen brainlets with room temp IQ.

>> No.9445455

This. I don't hate other people. But unfortunately most other people are retards who would rather screw someone over than work together to make the world a better place. So I have to screw them first, just to keep them from screwing me.

Stupid people shouldn't have the power associated with money. So by taking money from stupid people, and giving it to a smart person (me), I'm making the world a better place.

>> No.9445457

You are an emphatic person.
>how can you manipulate me?!
Well, that's really easy. For example: I just tell you about some shit in my life, true or not. Then I ask you if you could help me. You are a good person with morals. You will help me, it's the right thing to do. Badabing, you just got bamboozled. This has already happened to you in your life, a lot. Think about school for example. How many times were you the one that had to do everything in the group project? I guess a lot. You're pretty smart, but naive and innocent. There's beauty in that, if you're a child. But this is the real world and if you're not careful you will get hurt by people because you're easy to take advantage of. I'm not posting this to make you feel like a moron, I'm legitimately trying to warn you. Even if you will not accept this reality of people being this cruel, look at it this way. Me, the asshole over the internet believes it, so there is a very high chance there's others like him. Be careful anon.
Also, there is no trap. Manipulation isn't to change your mind. It is to know your mind and then exploit it. This is extremely common, some just do it more consciously than others.

>> No.9445464


Nice argument. Point me at a defined, quantifiable metric for morality.

Finance & stats grad actually. I'm sure your arts degree is amazing though kek. Why are you plebbit faggots raiding tonight anyway? Half the board is fouled up will moral faggotry, slow night in SJW land is it?

>> No.9445481


Yep. This right here.

>> No.9445508


I'm not frustrated though. I like shit the way it is. Without marks there's no game.

>> No.9445536

Morality could be defined as whatever is best for the survival of the human race, and you could also add whatever helps humanity achieve its full potential (whatever that might mean). Keeping yourself alive and happy is part of that, helping other people can help promote that, sacrificing SOME of your happiness for future generations is also part of that. There is the expression that "Civilizations begin when men plant trees they will never live to rest in the shade of." It's not a perfect metric, but it's pretty damn reasonable, and nothing in life is perfect anyway, or else it wouldn't be interesting.

>> No.9445579

I didn't and I feel sad for those who invested in it at that point without understanding the technology, pressured by the media and dreams of riches, I sold my BTC way earlier, but assuming I had sold it at 19k, well I wasn't responsible for others buying into it, I warned some friends that it was a speculative bubble and not to buy it. I invest in projects that I believe will be worth more in the future, so I'm not cheating anyone when I sell some to take some profits. If I believe the project I'm invested in will go to zero, well I try to sell it as soon as possible. These are speculative investments so there are risks involved, anyone wanting to play the game should have the risks in mind. However I don't attempt to cheat anyone by shilling bags of a worthless project, by misleading others into buying my bags to dump on them, by hacking others and justifying it by saying they were too dumb to get hacked so they deserved it.

I'm mostly invested long term but one thing I'm doing now also is shorting BTC. I know there are people on the other side of that trade, longing BTC. At that point there is so much manipulation going on that margin trading BTC is mostly gambling if you aren't in the know, if you don't have inside info, I don't have inside info but I try to put the puzzle together by getting pieces of information there and there, it's educated gambling, and everyone playing that game should take it as such, and not try to invest more than they are willing to lose. But I wouldn't manipulate others into taking the other side of my trade if I was a whale manipulating the market, that's pretty much cheating and stealing, and we're back to my point where that leads to an endless vicious circle making the world a worse place to live in.

>> No.9445603


Lies, 3 missed meals and you'll eat your friends like any other rat. Your insipid ethics are a product of your privileged upbringing in some sheltered middle class home, nothing more. You're just a domesticated puppy instead of a wolf, that doesn't mean you're moral - merely weak. You assume everyone here is a child. 33 year old boomer here sorry. Take your college age SJW faggotry to /r9k/, they're a bunch of self delusional pussies, they'll love you there.

>> No.9445642

Its not a zero sum game though. If you buy 500k shares of google for market price and immediately sold 500k shares for market price you won't end up with the same amount you started with and the price of the stock will not be the same price you bought in at.

>> No.9445675


How arbitrary a standard! Why not define it as "whatever helps the survival of the shrimp race/dog race/musk rat race"?

Even your moral standard is merely a matter of personal bias and convenience. It's just a kin selection instinct enlarged, again 0 difference in substance to dogs pissing in trees to mark territory for their pack.

>> No.9445735

For the survival of the human race it's probably best to kill off like 80% of the human population. This does not make that morally right. A very bad standard.

>> No.9445786


Since the beginning, 2 things have driven humanity. Fear and Greed. That's all there is, you're just projecting your slave morality on an uncaring world.

And why are you even here? This has 0 to do with business. I'm out, ffs what a waste of time you are.

>> No.9445812

I've gone a week without meals though, silly Americans :^)

>> No.9445889

You're mistaken about me. For a while I survived on my own in nature. I wouldn't eat my friends, or kill someone who had more than me.

In the wild sometimes you have to hunt to survive. Now there's the whole question of whether a human life is worth more than that of another animal. But if you do it right you can get pretty much all you need without having to kill. You kill plants sure, I don't feel bad about that.

But this whole thing of fucking over others in society when you don't need it? When you know cheating them will give them a worse life, whereas you could elevate both theirs and your life? No, I'm not like you.

>> No.9445950
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Schadenfreude and the luxury of anonymity
It's that simple, what the fuck is all the mental masturbation in this thread?

>> No.9446065


fuck you

>> No.9446072

This is a trait of stupid people really. They cant do anything but live of the misery of other people.

>> No.9446103

i guarantee you most people in crypto would kill each other if it were legal to earn 100 bucks

>> No.9446242

Some of what you're projecting never happened, however I do have been fucked over in the past, I could have become an asshole to prevent that from happening again, instead I got over it and became stronger, mentally and spiritually. If you say you need help I'll assess the situation, see whether what you say is true, whether what you ask for would really help you, whether you couldn't be helped in a more efficient way differently. Maybe I would spend time with you or provide you with something you need. I'm extremely good at reading people face to face, but let's assume you did manage to "cheat" me, by convincing me you needed something while you didn't really. I would feel good about believing I helped you, my life wouldn't be worse off, you would feel good about getting something from me. Now what if eventually I find out you lied? Well next time you need help I won't be there for you, and you would find out that you could have got more from me, more time, more help, by being genuine. But you would have a hard time getting something from me by lying in the first place.

>> No.9446328

There's more to life than what you see there is, more than fear and greed driving humanity. As to why I'm here, I'm just trying to make people open their eyes, see that things don't have to be the way they are. In OP's words, people don't have to be mean and petty in stocks and crypto, if you believe they have to then you're missing something fundamental about life.

>> No.9446905

Look up prison dilemma. Everyone goes for the dominant strategy, if you're smart at least. This is why people manipulate in crypto, and this will never change.

>> No.9446988

money is the root of all people

>> No.9447151

Crypto isn't a prisoner's dilemma.

Trying to dominate others usually fucks you over in some way on the long run if not before. You lack meaningful connections with other human beings, and some of those you fucked over won't let you enjoy your life.

>> No.9447401

where are you supposed find meaninful connections with people?

>> No.9447438

I don't fuck over other people, you got that wrong. If you fuck friends/people you actually know then yes, it will come to bite you in the ass of course. Crypto is anonymous and on the internet, this is not the same. You also don't get that manipulation is not fucking people. They don't know they're being fucked. They do what they think is right, and it just happens to be what you want too. You guide people to do what YOU want by making them think that it is what THEY want, that's manipulation. Crypto is definitely prisoners dilemma. You whine about people being mean and shilling bags, or hacking. How is this not prisoner's dilemma. You are either A. Naive, or B. Shill Pajeet. You're naive and will get fucked by shill pajeet. Shill pajeet is objectively the better option. All I'm saying is, be careful. Don't be naive. Don't be so virtuous and moral, because that will bite you in the ass too.

>> No.9447447

Dumb normie, we enjoy the pain, the desperation, the lamentation, and most important the attention.

>> No.9447471

>Being mean in finance is nicest thing possible.
Agreed, you make an example out of the failures to ensure others dont make the same mistake

>> No.9447552

Nah, you weak. You’re like arguing shady salesmen and con artists are strong.

>> No.9447572
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stole a candy bar when I was 8 desu

>> No.9447626

>markets are a zero-sum game
>If you buy 500k shares of google for market price and immediately sold 500k shares for market price you won't end up with the same amount
It's not strictly a zero-sum game, but it's close to one.
The economy is constantly growing, there is constantly more companies coming into existence and as such the economy as a whole isn't a zero-sum game. But if you consider a limited amount of companies, and the number of shares of those companies, the "game of trade" is: using the economy to get more shares.
If you manage to sell high and buy low, and get more shares from the deal, someone else gets less shares because of that, and in the closed system no more shares get into play, that game is as such zero-sum.

>> No.9448382

>ITT Upper middle class conducts fistfights in the only way they can, by shiting out ideological arguments and accuding each other of "insecurities"

kys Upper middle class oblivious never-farters

>> No.9448430
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Because bulls are always pompous dickheads and then when it comes bearin' time they break out their pink wojaks while bears laugh and say I told you so

>> No.9448688

It's the same thing, it's still self interested. Everyone wants to buy when they believe they got a good entry, you only need to protect yours, not the one of anybody else. When someone buys something and it multiplies, it can't be a good opportunity to tell people to buy forever. All I mean is that not only your bags are good.

We're not always interacting with people face to face, we're on an a taiwanese knitting forum, it can be hard to know if incorrect information is said with good intentions or bad intentions, there's no history. Sometimes we may try to help someone and we hurt him, sometimes the opposite and it's not always that easy to discern. And those who are more dependant on others for their emotional needs are more exposed to getting the short end of the stick. People with strong characters may feel a certain degree of responsibility towards those who are weaker and others may see that as justice and enjoy their suffering. But

> Good people live happy lives, cruel people live miserable lives because karma
Is just the wrong mindset and it makes people very likely marks. You can cheat an honest man and it's probably easier than cheating a liar.

>> No.9448977
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it's like this everywhere on the Internet. can't think of a single place except maybe small isolated forums where most people actually know each other IRL where they aren't like this in every aspect.

>> No.9449011

Zero-sum. Anyone wins mean you lose or at least win less.

>> No.9449059
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3 parts:
2. these folks have no hope for themselves
3. belief it's zero-sum

>> No.9449065

It's a competition, just look at the bcash camp, their victory condition (over taking Bitcoin) would crash the entire crypto market, but they are trying for it anyway.

>> No.9449069
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>> No.9449212

>tfw zero sum game
>tfw others must lose if you want to win
Or you can believe some false human concept of how we all deserve anything we want and life should be good for everyone.

>> No.9449323

It's not zero sum, but it's close. The difference is all of the infrastructure that gets built.