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File: 24 KB, 972x323, killin the game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
943037 No.943037 [Reply] [Original]

So, post your monthly budget sheets.

Extra points for being a true /biz/nessman and using Excel like the real /b/ros out here!

>> No.943042

You forgot your housing expense on that sheet.

>> No.943048


Living with parents, no expense for housing, that's why its kinda slim, it's just a college expense for my car / college food and shit, but no tuition or housing because parents pay for that so its not in my budget D:

>> No.943057

Holy fuck you are an autistic faggot.

>> No.943063
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>> No.943064

The amount you spend on your vehicle is insane. Financing a car while going to school is a horrible idea, financing a car at all is a stupid idea. Where the fk do you live that insurance is $300/month? $200-250/month on gas is crazy.

I bought my car with cash and spend $130~ on insurance, $80-100 on gas a month (I commute 50~km/weekday and gym/misc places on weekend)

>> No.943079


I bought a 2015 Sonata for $14,500 (1500 off sale price, because I negotiated). Put $5000 down, and financed it for 60 months at 2%.

My insurance is $300, because I live in fucking Ontario, where insurance literally robs you and I'm 19.

I drive to university 4 days a week, 83 kilometers each way, plus stop/go traffic, it works out to around $200 - $270 a month, depending on how many days I go to university, because its usually around 13-15 days at most per month, so I drive like 2400 kilometers a month, for 8 months of the year basically. The other 4 months, I'm always home so I spend no money on entertainment, food, and misc stuff.

But yeah, vehicle is quite cheap, most people my age who financed new cars (mine was used) are paying like $500 / month, and some people who bought used cars, for like $20k from a dealership, are paying like $400, and I've been driving for like 3 years now, almost 4, so my insurance is pretty cheap, because some of my friends are paying like $450 or $580 even, for 2000 year Civics...

So, yeah its a lot, but its still low compared to my friends, which is good I think?

>> No.943082
File: 21 KB, 577x133, two weeks redacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to budget

>> No.943086


What job do you do :o $33 an hour after tax, nice men

>> No.943094

i'll just say a certain kind of engineering.. today's pay look quite a bit better too

>> No.943096


Interesting, I've always looked past engineering, wasn't really interested in it because I never really knew what it was about, and I did not want to be designing new plastic bags lol

I'm in college for Financial Math, and hoping to get into Consulting eventually or an Analyst job or something like that

>> No.943102

i deal with commodities in a way, but i would say one the best classes i took dealt with net present values, rates of return, basically economics analysis. (NOT economics, which is useless) it was a very useful class and i highly recommend it.

>> No.943110


Alright, I'll look for a class like that for next semester, sounds interesting already, I love analyzing stuff and picking it apart, figuring out why something changed, and how something was changed and shit, looks cool

I have to take an economics class, either macro or micro, right now I'm signed up for both, but do you know which is more interesting?

>> No.943114
File: 363 KB, 160x160, 2Fancy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell your car Buy a used one for 3-4k and use the money for a rental apt closer to Uni.
Less insurance, less wasted time, less gas.

Gain - Time, Money, Car Skills + Man points, Better Grades, Doesn't have to eat at taco hell for 6 Canada$ a day, Muscle, hole for your dick

Loss - That sweet Hyundai Essence attracting all the fuckbois you can't fuck because you're driving for 3 hours a day and live with your parents and have no time to do homework.
Body Fat, condom money

Future you - Saves money on professional labor b/c car knowledge, Sweet Twink kitchen warrior sandwiches on command, Better job like this petroleum engineer. >>943082

>> No.943118


Meh, I'm actually very comfortable, I pay for the free toll road, so instead of 3 hours daily commutes, my commute is only like 1.5 hours total. The car was pretty cheap, considering 5 year warranty, and we have another 2013 Sonata that we bought through the same dealership, so that was helpful, also we have a mechanic that does work for us, for extremely cheap prices, mainly just cost + $10 - $50 for labor, no matter what the job is. I can change my fluids on my own, tires for free at Costco, and random light bulbs I do on my own so I'm pretty 'handy' I guess.

Car if I sell now, I'll get like 10k for it, so nah, not worth selling it lol, and it's extremely cheap to use so why not? An apartment closer to my university will be like $1500 / month (big city). Also insurance will actually be MORE expensive, because I live in a smaller city than my university is located in, and I won't be eligible to go under my parents insurance, because I live in my own apartment, and in Ontario, even if you don't have a car, you still have to have insurance, if your parents own a car, so again, not worth it.

I've done the math before, having a car and driving to school, while accounting for my 1.5 hour of lost time, is actually still saving me $4000 or so, per term, than if I lived in an apartment near my university. It's also saving me $6000 per term, if I lived on campus at university.

I also eat at Harveys usually, 2 veggie burgers, for $11, with 2 drinks and 2 fries, and sometimes I get an x-large pizza, with 2 pops, and dipping sauce, for $11 too.

The way I've set it up for myself, is the most cost effective way, and I love to drive and listen to music and the news in the morning anyways, it's like a "relaxing" time for me, so yeah.

>> No.943131


Usually this tripping faggot gives shitty advice + tries to get attention but I partially agree with him. Sell your Korean shitbox (Don't buy a new car though), and get a roommate and live within walking distance of your school.

You drive 160km/day which will take you close to 2 hours given no traffic, plus you're pumping mileage into a car that will already lose value pretty quickly.

If you can find a 2-3 bedroom, you can split the rent/utilities with someone and spend probably $600-900/month (And you'll be saving $700+ on vehicle expenses), then your only additional expense is whatever food you were getting from your parents. The only reason I can see you not moving out is if your parents are supporting you heavily, or your home is very close to your job.

>> No.943143


Yeah, and the food I'm getting from my parents is like Breakfast, Dinner, and snacks, also free water, utilities, electricity, free parking, free car washing, free tv, free internet, and all that shit, which will add up to $700 / month anyways, LIKELY more.

Commuting is not always more expensive than living closer, and I've already worked out the cost, and I'd have to spend around $4,000 a month to live with 2-3 roommates in a 2-3 bedroom apartment or condo, because that's just how expensive it is in Toronto. It's not cheap at all to live in this city, that's why I live in another city and commute there, because it's more cost effective, and I save over $8,000 per year doing it. If I were to move to the city and live in it, I would have to spend money on bus tickets to ride 6 hours a weekend, which is like $200 a month, then there's also the transit pass I'd need to get from here to school in the winter, which is expensive in Toronto, around $150 (not included in your tuition), I'd also have to pay for the university medical plan, which is another $400 for the term, or $800 for the entire 8 month term. I'd have to take taxi's to and from weekend nights, which is like another $100 a month. I'd have to pay for my own clothes shopping, my own groceries, a lot of other things.

Living at home and commuting is just much cheaper than living near the campus, because I'm saving $8000 a year in total, which is like, a lot of money.

I can pay off my car whenever I damn please, but I'm only doing financing, to build up a credit history, my parents are earning more than enough money to support me through school, but this is the way I WANT TO DO IT, because it fits the lifestyle I ENJOY. I love having a car, driving places, going to festivals, and all that shit, and I can go out to different cities whenever I need too, I don't have to rely on people for rides, or be stuck at home because I have no ride for the night.

I like having convenience, and I like driving.

>> No.943194

Fair enough. I don't like driving on the shitty roads and stop and go traffic in my area so I'd easily spend an extra few hundred per month to live within walking distance of school.

Building credit score is a meme more or less btw. If you're not in debt and you have a reliable income, you won't have any trouble applying for loans/mortgages.

also lol @ your parents paying for your clothing still

>> No.943205


They make too much money, we literally waste $30,000 a year on 'disposable income' shit, like food, clothing, shoes, fucking groceries, and donations and a bunch of fucking shit, lmfao

>> No.943210
File: 131 KB, 1364x969, toronto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole apt for yourself, nah bro. Rent a Room

Its not 4000 a month to live in NEW YORK CITY. You're fucking up here.

I'm not sure what inflation is in Canada but it makes more sense cashflow wise to not spend that much on a car.
I'd be posting ads for the car any way see if you can get someone to bite for 14k+. and downgrade the car. Insurance on Used cars is extremely cheap, I'm not sure you factored that in. Cost of replacement is so low that it doesn't matter and you can get minimum insurance.

A cheaper used car gets all the same benefits of the new car but doesn't reduce value nearly as much. You can go to every place you want and are not stuck in the snow.

Don't discount the 160 extra waking hours of not driving saving 150

Really Hot Toronto Girls need a private place to fuck.

>> No.943215


My insurance on a 2007 Impala LS is $460 a month, insurance is not cheaper depending on how old or new your car is, insurance is just rape in Ontario.

Also, my car was used, brand new it costs $24,000 + tax + import, works out to around $31k? I got it for less than 50%, and it only had 35,000 kms. Also it wasn't even a year old. Sonata's depreciate really fast, but they work for a few years, which is all I need.

I'm not trying to be as frugal as possible, I have a lifestyle to maintain, I don't want a $2000 car, and still pay $300 in insurance, or even more. I wouldn't feel safe driving a car like that. Also, why would I get minimum insurance? I'm not poor, I have money, so why shouldn't I spend? I have a $350,000 life insurance policy, and I'm not even 20. When I turn 24 it'll be around $700,000. I have life insurance policies in Singapore, which are worth around $250k US. I have a few one in the US as well, worth $350k US.

By $4000 a month, I meant, it would cost that much for me to live on my own, eat the food I enjoy at home right now, and live the way I live right now. I would also be paying more in insurance for my car, since I'm living on my own, not with my parents. Also, Toronto gets some really bad winters, and a $2000 shitbox, isn't going to have reliable AWD, and the winter tires I'd be putting on it, will be like half the price of the car. That's literally a waste of money, and it's not good 'value'.

If I need a place to fuck, I can just rent a room? I have a few friends that live in Toronto right now and I can always head to their place to crash after parties, which I do sometimes now. I'd rather spend the $100 or $150 on a night, than spend thousands being miserable, having a horrible ride, that no girl is going to want to get in, in the first place.

This was a budget thread, not a "tell OP how to spend his and his parents money so that he can be really cheap and look like a pleb among his peers" thread.

>> No.943291
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Props on comparing actual to expected. I don't follow through like that.

>> No.943298

>A whole apt for yourself, nah bro. Rent a Room

Enjoy getting your shit stolen fam. Fuck that

Just rent an apartment. You can get a nice one in a good part of Toronto for like $1500

>> No.943336


Thanks man, it helps show me what I'm spending too much on, and what I'm underspending on and shit

I plan to add more columns to my budget soon as well, like clothing and stuff that soon I'll start buying on my own when I start co op or an internship and stuff like that

My income is all one column atm because it's sort of 'random', since I work sometimes and sometimes I just get some free money here and there, so meh

Been following this budget thingy for like 10 months so far, and it's been working great, I've gotta start learning some new things in Excel though, like making an expense tracker and a debt manager thing, so I can see how much of my car is left to pay off and shit, and also put some of this info into graphs, so it's easier to read / see how much I'm getting raped in insurance lmao

Yours looks good and concise, mine's sort of all over the place, I'll clean it up eventually!

>> No.943363

What are you majoring in and how are you making money right now btw?

>> No.943371


I'm doing a Double Major actually, but thinking of adding one more major to it next year

Law and Society
Business and Society

I chose a double major, because these two have very similar courses especially in the Society side of things, so it made sense, and there's only like 5 or 6 more courses I have to do just to get the Double Major, so it was a no-brainer for me to do.

I'm thinking of adding a Computer Security Major next year though, since I really want to get into Cyber Security when I'm older, find it all really interesting, and I'm taking a few Computer Science electives at the moment, which are very interesting

Right now, I currently do a bit of everything that I find 'fun', so recently I've been getting into WordPress sites for people, since I'm fairly advanced at it, as well as Squarespace and Wix. I also do YouTube, making videos on how to use Photoshop, Excel, Word and stuff, and I do reviews of phones, cars, and whatever I can get my hands on, so far I'm averaging about $100 from the web design thing, and $80 - $120 from YT. I also work part time, at Best Buy, and it's only like 40-50 hours a month, I'm basically the guy they call when they need someone to fill in, so that usually gets me around $450 - $500 sometimes, sometimes less, I've held this job with them for like 4 years now, and I'm good at it, so they let me pick my shift usually lmao, but during the Winters I work there exclusively, other than that, basically, I don't do much else

Sometimes when I'm playing a game online or something, people pay me to sell them game items and whatnot, so that can sometimes get me $2000 a month, or sometimes $0, so my income is generally random, nothing is 'concrete', and I just dabble in a bunch of shit that I find interesting for a few months

>> No.943380

You got me. I'm triggered.

>I bought a 2015 Sonata

No, you borrowed it. You don't own anything yet.

>b-but most people my age pay X for a car payment

.. and most people are stupid. That's called justification. It's what people do to gloss over foolish decisions.

>Car if I sell now, I'll get like 10k for it, so nah, not worth selling it lol

That's where foolish decisions meet reality. All you're doing is drawing it out so it hurts less and isn't as noticeable to you.

>I can pay off my car whenever I damn please, but I'm only doing financing, to build up a credit history

Assuming you're not lying (which who would do that on the internet?).. Then you'd be left with nothing as an emergency fund but mommy and daddy. Good idea on building credit though - you'll be able to borrow even more expensive shit in the future you can't afford.

I'm not trying to be as frugal as possible, I have a lifestyle to maintain, I don't want a $2000 car

Clearly. No one wants a $2000 car. As adults we crawl before we walk before we.. nevermind. You're a college student with a lifestyle to maintain. You have fun with your excel spreadsheets.

Good choices. Stay far the hell away from anything even remotely close to finances.

>> No.943385


I have $15,500 in my TFSA, $5500 more next year, I have $1,500 in cash, and I have a $7,500 credit access, as well as $40,000 in a line of credit

I don't need an emergency fund, I have enough money I can use anytime

Bank of mommy and daddy is just a bonus

Again, this isn't a tell me how to handle my finances thread, I'm doing pretty well so far, without your help. I probably manage more money than most of you here, my parents didn't teach me to be frugal, I live within my means, and I'm very good at it.

So stop telling me how to spend MY money.

>> No.943386


You don't quote a credit line as an example of your financial strength. Especially when your real cash flows are as random as described previously.

>> No.943390


I sure am glad I don't live in a place where I need to finance a new car because all the old ones are full of rust and the insurance is sky high.

What a waste of money.

>> No.943395

To be clear, $1500 is your emergency fund. The rest is your lack of understanding as to what an emergency fund is.

>my parents didn't teach me to be frugal
I figured that much out already.

>So stop telling me how to spend MY money.
I'm not. When you post in a public venue someone may tell give you their opinion of what you're posting. In this case I did. It's foolish.

Now that I've said that, continue the exchange of valuable knowledge going on in YOUR blog post. I mean thread.

>> No.943408

I've heard that a triple major looks worse than a double major (It gives off the impression that you could never grow up and just wanted to fuck around in college for an extra 2 years) so keep that in mind.

Also how the fuck do you get paid with Squarespace or Wix? I've resold WP themes and setup hosting/websites, but are people really stupid enough to pay you to setup those already brainless site creation tools?

>> No.943493

>no need to budget
>$75k/year I'M RICH BITCH
I hope this is not indicative of this board

>> No.943563

lol you guys suck at excel

>> No.943575

>spoiled faggot thinks a shitty overpriced car is actually impressive when you live with your parents

How can you even respect yourself when your parents pay for your clothes and pretty much all your living expenses as an adult? Pretty sad desu sempai

>> No.943584
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>financing a car at all is a stupid idea.

When are you guys going to stop with that line of bullshit??

I just financed a $50,000 Buick for 5 years at 0%. I even financed tax, title, and license.

How stupid of me!! I should have just sold $55,000+ worth of my dividend stocks yielding between 5 and 14% on cost, pay capital gains taxes so I could then pay cash for the vehicle. That would have been so much more financially prudent.

>> No.943587

Why the fuck would you even get a $50k car?

Literally for what purpose?

>> No.943589

>50k car


>> No.943590

It's not even that you paid 50k for a car it's that you paid 50k for a buick that is making me literally roll on the for right now

>> No.943613

Whether or not I should have paid $50 grand for a Buick is completely separate discussion from whether or not I should have financed it.

You can make a very good argument that I shouldn't have bought it at all but you can't make an argument that financing a vehicle of that price point is not the smart way to go.

>> No.943617

Because my wife and I like nice things. Literally no other reason.

>> No.943627

I agree on financing a car
I am a big GM guy
I just literally don't know why (or how) you spent 50k on a buick. Why not Cadillac?

>> No.943635

>financing a car

It seems that you guys should visit /o/ more often. At least read our sticky

>> No.943637

This board is full of shit posting, circle jerking about degrees, and memes about chip warmers... and you pissed because in a thread about personal budgeting (which according to the sticky is not allowed as it doesn't fall under 'business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.') I asked a question about why he choose a Buick over a Cadillac.

How fucking autistic are you.

>> No.943642

Loaded Enclave. Found the SRX kind of ugly and overpriced to be honest. And didn't particularly like the dealership either. Plus got a 3rd row of seats with the Enclave (not that we actually need that).

Everyone says "A Buick???" until they see it in person. The LeSabre your grandma drives is busch league. GM is finally starting to do some pretty good things with Buick now. I think the Chinese market is driving Buick to improve. There's a reason they killed Pontiac and kept Buick after all.

>> No.943643

I bought it to use for my business. Fuck off now.

>> No.943647


Well at least you can depreciate it on your taxes. Christ.

Oh wait. You could have leased it, done the exact same thing, had less cash outlay, and then got a new vehicle at the end of the lease to do all over again.

>> No.943650

That makes sense, I always am thinking in terms of cars. Cadillac suvs and crossovers are overpriced. That would explain the 50k though, nature those types of vehicles. There is a high mark up on those that really are the bread and butter of GM as a BUSINESS.

While they are a far ways away from GM of the 50's and 60's, they are getting much better than the trash they put out for the last 4 decades. They let accountants run the BUSINESS, effectively killing it. GM SECURITIES are about as good of an INVESTMENT you can have for a car company right now.

Pontiac and Oldsmobile are some of the saddest things I've seen compared to what they used to be, but it was a good BUSINESS decision for them to get rid of them. Especially Saturn, one of the worst car brands in the BUSINESS.

As long as you like driving you Buick COMMODITY that's all that ultimately matters.

>> No.943653


You're still poor, especially if you're an engineer.. you should be making six figures starting

>> No.943676

Excel sucks ass. Anybody who is still being shilled into paying 250 for this shit when open source alternatives work just fine better be able to write it off as a business expense.

>> No.943702














>> No.943798

I used to pirate back in high school. Why break laws for something you can get for free? All ms does is take the most recent open source office, garble it up to force compatibility issues, then slap a 250 dollar price tag on it. Their new strategy with office 365 of charging a monthly fee for a Google docs ripoff shows how irrelivent ms is in the current day.

>> No.943803


I got it for free through my educational institution, so again,











>> No.943806

Congratulations on getting free software for free like the rest of us.

>> No.943817

yeah but in the real world there are so many businesses reliant on excel spreadsheets that they can't simply change without going to a lot of effort... it is going to be a cash cow for years still

>> No.943982
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>$700/mo for a car

>> No.943989

ms office actually does decent conditional formatting whereas it's an abortion in libreoffice

>> No.944130
File: 270 KB, 1460x1173, msftbudget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor college student using MSFT's free sheet.

>> No.944140

>buying a fucking korean piece of shit designed by a 12yo
I hope you die a slow death

>> No.944156


Wow you r a excel wizard! Bro!

>> No.944161

>tfw nobody will pay me $40 an hour to be their excel wizard making if statements

>> No.944249


How the hell do you only pay 9% in taxes when your base pay is over $4000 a month??

>> No.944266

There is a place on college I brought a girl to to fuck. It was like 60 for the hole night or something. Its an asian place. Its for hookers cause they wanted rate for an hour lol (they thought the grill I was with was a hooker I guess ?)

>> No.944267

post templete ?

>> No.944269

What kind of fucking moron finances a new car at 19?



>> No.944467
File: 95 KB, 220x220, seabee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As resident of a certain state, my state taxes are waived. In addition, BAH and BAS are considered "Allowances," so they are also tax free.

I'm gonna be pissed when I leave the military, get a good job, and all of a sudden 40% of my income is going to the state.

>> No.944469


The template came prefilled.

>> No.944486
File: 190 KB, 1654x2339, d1lj5ecbq7gsdmfhbshoitsh913405-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine. I'm lagging 2 months though


>> No.944487
File: 117 KB, 1654x2339, d1lj5ecbq7gsdmfhbshoitsh913405-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.944491

Also, lol @ enlisted guys complaining about getting paid nothing when they get everything for free and pay no taxes.

fucking enlisted i mean goddamn. nothing but time on their hands and they sit around complaining all day instead of living their lives and learning. most officers are no better, i guess, but still.

>> No.944529

I've never heard of allowances being tax free income. Just during deployments. But they take taxes out of your checks so all you get is a refund.

The smartest guys in the military I knew rented out to other military and set up a host of businesses around the base to service those customers lawn mowing etc... They were millionaires before 30.
They also heavily used signing bonuses every 4 years.

>> No.944636

While I do have respect for enlisted members and their technical knowledge into whatever subject their rate is in, your point is spot on for junior enlisted.

I've sent several junior sailors to Fleet & Family or helped them make their own budget due bad financial choices like buying a fucking new sports car and their payment is more than half their base pay.
I think it's because they've never had to deal with money before. Remember, lots of E-1/2/3s are straight out of highschool.

Yes, allowances are tax-free income. It's from the tradition that a members get room & board covered for their service. Instead of living in barracks and eating awful food from the galley, now they can go out and rent their own place and buy their own food
