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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9439654 No.9439654 [Reply] [Original]

>ignore women your entire life
>now 30 years old
>rich and successful from crypto trading
>nice house, lambo, rolex, designer clothes, etc.
>however, still touchless incel virgin
>finally break down and try to pay for sex
>spend 3 weeks doing research and trying to figure out a safe way to do it
>meet up with some girl, she looks nothing like the photo
>desperate and horny, don't care, hand her $300 for the first hour
>it was a sting operation
>spend 6 months in jail
>finally get out, learn that while in prison the market crashed
>can't afford lambo payments anymore
>severely in debt from all of the vanity purchases that were made over the years
>lose basically everything
>move into shitty apartment and find a minimum-wage job
>at work on a friday
>recognize high-school crush
>she's hanging out with some 8/10 black guy
>overhear them talking and giggling about how great their morning sex was
>go home that night feeling depressed
>can't stand the thought of being a wagie living in a shitty apartment
>buy a handgun the following morning, just in case, two-day waiting period
>monday night at work again, see high-school crush again with the same black guy
>see them kissing
>finally snap, pull handgun out jacket pocket
>walk over and try to shoot them both
>shoot the guy in the arm, they both scream and run
>miss every following shot, they escape, neither die
>try to commit suicide, don't have the guts to do it
>pace around in a panic, keep sticking gun to head but can't do it
>cops show up after about 10 minutes
>hands shaking, set gun on floor and surrender
>life in prison for attempted murder
>arrive at the penitentiary, sit on hard prison-cell bed
>reality starts to kick in
>close eyes and imagine high-school crush getting fucked by a big black dick
>still no idea what pussy feels like and will never find out either
>start crying from sexual frustration and regret
>roll up shirt sleeve
>reveal LINK tattoo
>cell mate looks over and says "nice just bought 100k"

>> No.9439678


leasing a car, are you serious ?

>> No.9439682

Thanks for sharing the daily struggle of a stinky linky. 10/10 post

>> No.9439705

2/10 didnt flinch

>> No.9439721

fuck off normie

>> No.9439745
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I snortled

>> No.9439801

I might lease a cuck-tier Charger. Definitely not a Lambo though wtf lol. Gotta secure gains before going full Lambo.

>> No.9439844

>even contemplating not buying a car in cash
>thinking a black male is 8/10
Even outside of this larp you're fucked.

>> No.9439878
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>> No.9439910
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Why are you a virgin in Jail are you so much of an incel even Bubba doesn't wanna fuck ?

>> No.9440257

won't be for long

>> No.9440282


>> No.9440318

>ignoring women

>> No.9440338

Should've followed them home, pulled the gun on them and forced them inside, tied up the nog, violently raped the girl while he watched, then killed them both and dumped them in a lake.

>> No.9440362

Link holders must have the lowest iq on this board. I mean you actually find this funny and not cringe? Tryhard as fuck. Take it from dgb marines on how to make a sassy larp thread. Fucking wasted 15 seconds of my life. Sage.

>> No.9440398
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>> No.9440429

This was actually crushing

>2 day waiting period
What kind of shit hole do you live in?

>> No.9440453

Buying an overpriced depreciating asset instead of leasing low mileage and buying out after the lease for pennies? You must be retarded anon

>> No.9440479

Tldr fuck off boomer

>> No.9440493

>hookers are illegal


>> No.9441162

this, also kek at $300 an hour

>> No.9441164
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>> No.9441223
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>> No.9441265

>announcing sage
read the rules, newfriend

2-day waiting period is pretty common for buying guns bro

how much do you think hookers cost?

>> No.9441329

here in europe its $160-180 an hour with a solid 9,10, all legal of course.

>> No.9441400

>cell mate say And you about to get an hunned k
>start to cry but in prison no one hears your screams.

>> No.9442264
File: 85 KB, 852x1280, DC56983D-374E-4CAA-B26A-F5BCABC3846A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore women your entire life
>now 30 years old
>rich and successful from crypto trading
>however, still touchless incel virgin
>whores and brothels are legal
>too much of a pussy to go there because scared of herpes
>family making fun of asians so can‘t get asian gf either
>forever doomed to not have a gf

>> No.9442331

>8/10 black guy
>8/10 black guy
>8/10 black guy

>> No.9442346

Take your pity larp to r9k

>> No.9442390

>too much of a pussy to go there because scared of herpes
unless you live in russia or far eastern europe and use a condom you will be fine, fuck ive even barebacked a few whilst drunk and never got anything more than an itchy dick for a few days.

>> No.9442410

didn't read but just focus on self improvement and doing things that provide meaning for yourself. you know that bitch that left John fucking Cena? she said the exact same shit my fiance did. literally doesn't matter how successful or good looking you are women are women, and you shouldn't get depressed over them. they're not worth it

>> No.9442438

>Designer clothes

Get the fuck off /biz/ you nigger rich normie.

>> No.9442447

<caring what your family thinks when it comes to who you fuck

go for that sweet azn puss anon

>> No.9442463
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the absolute state of white men

>> No.9442471
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> The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.9442718
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tell me about it brah.

>> No.9442816

>there are people who unironically believe that there are people on this board who believe OP is posting from prison and "lost everything" with 50% crash from multi-million to zero and his prisom butt buddy legitimately bought 100k link.
No really?

>> No.9442930
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What matters is the struggle. OP was not a faggot.

>> No.9443466
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LOL whiteys BTFO

>> No.9443639

>cell mate looks over and says "nice just bought 100k"