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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 1.74 MB, 420x220, 1445196718832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
944118 No.944118 [Reply] [Original]

I do not care if you believe me or not, I'm just here to warn you about the dump before it happens because some of you people are alright.


>> No.944125


to elaborate: volatility in the market increased due to chinese influence and will bleed hard

>> No.944211
File: 178 KB, 1024x747, grinning dr phil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i won't be a nocoiner for much longer thanks to this hot insider info

thanks bro. i'm gonna pump a few hundred into that shit after it drops so i can make thousands of dollars by next week.

>> No.944236

I'm hearing the pump is due to huge ransom demands in BTC. Ride the Walrus.

>> No.944240

Some cryptocurrencies have already dropped. Rebound imminent. (BTCAOA, BTCALL)

>> No.944224
File: 19 KB, 403x392, efd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of you guys are alright. dont go to bitcoin tomorrow

>> No.944402
File: 130 KB, 1680x878, stopthepanicsellingidiots2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide watchhhh.

>> No.944417

some of you bitcoin are guys. dontdont go to tomorrow alright

>> No.944425

It has been a good rally so far, but this is not our breakthrough point. We will see a bit more dancing taking place on the charts, before actually breaking through IMO. Maybe ( I could be wrong) we will enter the 450-500 mark in Q2 or Q3 of 2016. I hope to see this much sooner.

>> No.944426
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In a fiat environment we're all speculators. And at the same time trying to protect our savings from devaluation and purchasing power.
Is there really a difference?
I guess we'll know for sure if BTC hits $10,000 or falls from $320 back to $250.

>> No.944435

Someone help me short sell a bc pls

>> No.944443


>> No.944805


>> No.944829

it has been somewhat up recently

>> No.944850

Good. I want to dump my weekly mining stash on you fools.

>> No.945493

How much do you get out of mining per day/week?

>> No.945586

i know literally nothing about bitcoins but i feel like they're going to be important. am I too late to into?

if not, how?

>> No.945604


>5k in shorts opened on finex around 320-330
>all that dumping only temporarily delayed the rally
>back at 332 level with large buying volume sporadically knocking down walls

those shorts are gonna get squeezed and we're gonna rocket to 375. Direction is up, not down

>> No.945771
File: 46 KB, 813x603, bitcoin supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not late. Late will be 2025 when BTC is 5 figures and plebs start getting it. Right now no fucking average joe knows what Bitcoin is. Owning just 1 BTC in 2025 will be mission impossible.

>> No.946535
File: 59 KB, 789x567, opisanigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you OP.
I can only blame myself for listening though.
I already have 5 btc but I held off for my next $500 because of you.
>pic related - literally the opposite of your prediction but worse

>> No.946661
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>listening to /biz/ nocoiners on Bitcoin

>> No.946728

where do i buy bitcoins then

theres a lot of options that come up in google...

>> No.946746

all these stock traders coulda had ezpz money on bitcoin LOL.

>> No.946753

I heard the price surge occurred becuase someone put an order to buy 5000 coins. Can anyone verify this?

>> No.946815
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>some of you guys are alright. Don't go to bitcoin tomorrow

>> No.946818
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>> No.946974


put your money where your mouth is op. I'll put $500USD saying youre wrong

>> No.946980

Do it OP, don't be a fag.

>> No.946983

He's already wrong. He's got 4 hours for the price to drop to $220.

>> No.948060

Let's all laugh at OP.

>> No.948691
File: 302 KB, 1024x430, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip in peace believers, you'll have a hard time selling when the dump begins

>> No.948695

they are right now =)

>> No.948696

when the dump begins at $10k*

>> No.948699


If you invest in bitcoins, give me the reason to the huge prince increase during the last days, which seemingly comes out of thin air.

Everytime this happend drug websites have been cracked down on AFTER internal affairs are set and covered. fuk8unm9

>> No.948703
File: 3.61 MB, 3840x2160, 157189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and a few other larger corporations with insider information on drug trafficking websites in both china and usa on darknet and when they'll be hit.

>> No.948704

obviously he is the guy behind the kraken ddos

>> No.948706


>> No.948718

lmao look at the daytraders struggle to keep the price up

>> No.948721

>tfw when you a humble tradah trying to makeh da dosh on le boitcoins vs superpowers rip rip

>> No.948736

because people FOMO when we start heading up

>> No.948745


Do you think the general population controls the bitcoin market like it used to? LOL

>> No.948749

What do you know? Inside information? Who are the big traders?

>> No.948761

Damn, OP was right. it's crashing like crazy right now.
The Plebbit Hugbox already has a thread where you can find comfort.

>> No.948763


ask yourself the following:

who profits the most from the drug market?

Yes I have inside information, both daytraders and regular savers are gonna get crushed hard. If you look at the charts you'll see repeating patterns of small dumps and then it buys up again, this motion is created to get a larger scope of the market and to make people believe in bitcoins and hold longer when the dump comes, this is ABC psychology in big trading.

>> No.948771

okay mr inside information guy,

please stick to your robin hood threads and sucking off warren buffet

>> No.948774
File: 144 KB, 1673x876, SweetNoCoinerDenial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have inside information
Those are people getting in due FOMO you pretentious retard.

>> No.948775


Robinhood is a good way to throw your money away, use real investment technology.

Warren Buffet is of average intellectual capabilities and had luck and a slightly alright business sense, but it was the best for the time he was in.

>> No.948778


Yes and no, they want small investors to come in aswell as they will hold longer in a dump because they usually have the ill go down with the ship mentality.

you're welcome

>> No.948781
File: 21 KB, 600x436, 20151103_BTC1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have started to realize that they can move money across the planet without government consent whatsoever. It only takes a couple of Chinese whales to put some of their wealth it to drive the price up like crazy because the potential for growth on Bitcoin is insane (the fact it's 5 billion dollars while a company like Uber is 50 billion should tell you something)


If you still don't see the massive implications of what this guy does in the first minutes and what does it really mean you are out of the fucking loop.

>> No.948784
File: 94 KB, 763x399, LRRIWu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, why dont you put your money where your mouth is and short?

like me i might add, have a short from $502, gonna close when we push for 440~ soon

>> No.948786
File: 27 KB, 465x470, BTCLTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keked a little.

>> No.948788


You've got a point, but I'll tell you, no of the larger whales will EVER invest in bitcoins long term, they'll shoot the price up momentarily then dump.

>> No.948789

>I believe no whales hold btc therefore I'm right

you're like that retard in class that nobody likes

>> No.948790

Volatility in the bitcoin market has no bounds, not walking in.

>> No.948792

>volatility is bad for a trader

you're just a kek, why do you even come on /biz/?

>> No.948794

kill yourself fool

>> No.948795


it's good for daytraders

bad for real traders

>> No.948796


enjoy missing the train, AGAIN

see you at over $1k by Christmas

>> No.948797

I kekld my shekl mister

>> No.948798

What is exchange that's leading on the price? Anyone know?

>> No.948800


by volume, many futures are leading the price though

>> No.948801

Let me rephrase: which exchange has seen the biggest increase in buying volume recently?

I'm driving so I can't check

>> No.948802

We'll see about that, trading algorithms are moving the market at the moment to get more parts of it before the heavy bleed, it might go larger because of the FOM but that is kind of the point of this happening aswell.


Bought stocks from biometrics, bitcoins are really a laughing stock for the drug market, not really intrested.

>> No.948804
File: 1.50 MB, 1028x763, magazines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you whales that have been holding throught the entire last bubble, Satoshi, The Winklevii, rpietila, Wences Caesares..

In any case, as the marketcap grows, a whale dump will be absorved easier. At the same, as time goes on, trust on fiat will keep going down as well, which means there is an high interest on whales looking at Bitcoin with positive eyes. Bitcoin is going to function more and more as a Ying-Yang against goverment issued currencies fucking up.
Make no mistake, this time is different. Back in 2013 we were a bunch of pedo-drug-dealers whatever, now we are on mainstream magazine covers. Even those plebs are slowly starting to catch up.

>> No.948806

Lol gtfo retard

>> No.948807


The real whales buy gold, the thing with the bitcoin market is that the inflation is capped, so it will not be absorbed easier.

>> No.948808

Err, everywhere has its volume going up.

Gemeni (new exchange just launched by the wini twins) has come online, so theres a bit of hype around that.

The volume increase is mainly from China though, over the past year they've always been ahead of the west but right now the volume from Huobi and OkCoin is fucking outstanding

>> No.948810


>> No.948815

Those chingchongs where do they get all this filthy money from?

>> No.948816
File: 292 KB, 799x1198, warrenfailet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real whales buy gold because they are old deprecated people that don't know how to use technology. Wait for new whales that understand how technology works to get it. Once Bitcoin makes that "click" in your brain then it's game fucking over, there's no turning back. Storing gold in some centralized shithole without being able to move it freely will seem like a joke in 50 years. Once their sons inherit their wealth they'll all be aware on Bitcoin.

>> No.948818



>> No.948819

well, they've ramped up capital controls in China, so many ordinary people have literally no choice but to use bitcoin to transmit money around

>> No.948823


The older generation is right when it comes to this and fiat currency, bitcoins are digital, requires infrastructure to fullfill its function, therefore it is capped as a way of "saving" capital.

Gold is also used as a conductor in industries, and has been with humanity since early egypt. Bitcoins IS a currency, therefore it has no inherited value to it, therefore it is also a zero sum game, it has value because of trust.

>> No.948830

Warren Buffet commits several crucial mistakes with that quote. He has no notions on what open source software means and can't fathom how the blockchain works.

There is no civilization without electricity/internet. Stop picturing in your mind some sort of Mad Max scenario where people trade gold for food to justify not getting on Bitcoin, that's a brilliant form of nocoiner cope I might say.

>> No.948839


It's just another trust currency, give me one reason why people wouldnt create a new cryptocurrency if fiat currency hits a roadblock? Why would people support it and not turn to a new wheel?

Not to mention that nano-technology is coming out with the new processors which opens doors for new kind of cryptocurrencies and the FOM's will run there instead.

>> No.948843

Bitcoins value should be stable above all, these continuos ups and downs only hurt adoption

>> No.948845


>> No.948855


This guy gets it. As China goes down the shitter its implementing capital controls that make it impossible to get money out of the country. Aside from hooping diamonds, Bitcoin is the only realistic way to get your money out of the country.

22 trillion US dollars are desperately trying to find a way out of China. If 1% of that went to Bitcoin, look out for six digit bitcoin prices. This isn't a prediction, just a possible scenario - and a likely explanation for the recent surge.

Aside from black-market uses the technology is totally retarded and will never catch on.

>> No.948864
File: 313 KB, 1828x1329, 20151103_BTC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah this isn't a bubble at all anon :^)

>> No.948865


I like the reference to diamonds, as they are the most overvalued thing currently on earth.

kinda like bitcoins

>> No.948875


I have eight from mining in the early days in slush's pool. I am not commenting on value current or future. I am simply stating that there is a problem - getting money out of the country and a possible (albeit fucked up) solution - put it in Bitcoin and then take off, cashing out in another country.

Ya its a fucked up idea but look what happened in Cyprus. It could happen in China too, and they could get their money out with Bitcoin. Again I am not saying it will happen, I am just saying if it did anyone who owned a coin would have the world by the balls - that is a fact.

>> No.948893

Because the Bitcoin protocol it's good enough and the network effect is huge now (biggest network on earth).

Guess what was good enough too, TCP/IP. All the other supossedly better contenders didn't make it. All the fear of "it will never scale up" was FUD, because as you can see it did scale up. Hell, im still waiting for ipv6 to "take over" after 20 years of FUD about how ipv4 was "over".

Once a protocol solidifies just new layers are built on top, it's already happening with the Bitcoin protocol.

>> No.948899

>Aside from black-market uses the technology is totally retarded and will never catch on.
Keyword(s): Will never catch on.

This is how a wrong technological prediction exactly looks like.

>> No.948902

this desu senpai

When people wake up to the fact that everything that isn't bitcoin is irrelevant due to sidechains thats when the real money will start flowing.

>> No.948903

holy shit these filters tongue my anus

>> No.948907

It would have to be embraced by the credit card and bank companies. Why would they do that? They would just create their own. People are too complacent to demand it.

It has a solid role in the black market - especially if we are ever faced with a cashless society. But that's about it.

>> No.948909

>It would have to be embraced by the credit card and bank companies

Either they pick on or they die like countless other 'static' firms, times will move on with or without you.

>They would just create their own

but they will never create the first

>> No.948915

Why would normies demand service in Bitcoin? They wont. You sound just like the gold bugs of the 80's and 2000's. Just because you really really like it, doesn't mean everyone else will. Don't underestimate how complacent people are. They just don't want any headaches. Most people are happy to carry credit card debt ffs.

>> No.948920

Why would normies demand service on the internet? They wont. You sound just like the gold bugs of the 80's and 2000's. Just because you really really like it, doesn't mean everyone else will. Don't underestimate how complacent people are. They just don't want any headaches. Most people are happy to shop on the high street, use telecomunications and fax.

>> No.948924


Bitcoin isn't offering anything else so your analogy doesn't work. Its like saying we need a new internet when we already have a perfectly good internet.

>> No.948926
File: 83 KB, 1023x570, CSgGzNIUsAAR9oT.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly 1994 again and you are right on the loser team. The "bank blockchains" are a form of cope. A way for the status quo to re-brand what's already unstopable (notice how they tend to talk about "blockchain technology" and avoid as much as possible mentioning Bitcoin). It has been an ongoing joke now by people that get what's going on.

>"Why would big money go for the Bitcoin blockchain? they can just create their own one"

>"Why would big money go for the Internet? They can just create their own Intranet".

Guess how all those Intranets ended up? Anyone remembers Compuserve?

Jesus fucking christ, it's so obvious it hurts.

>> No.948928
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>Bitcoin isn't offering anything else

>> No.948930

Why didn't the credit card and banks switch to backing their services with gold in the 80's and 2000's when everyone was foaming at the mouth over gold?

>> No.948933

Its solving problems that normies don't have. It is relevant to the black market, that's it.

>> No.948940

>the whole "fiat" thing isn't a problem

You're just deluded, soz m8

>> No.948944

Trying to diverge from the fiat system would be met with violence from those who run the fiat system.

>> No.948957

okay, dont buy bitcoins incase Yellen runs an Abrams through your living room


>> No.948959

price will keep dropping, biggest dump since the climb, yescoiners on suicidewatch

>> No.948964
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>> No.948968 [DELETED] 

You don't understand the Internet/Intranet Bitcoin/centralized muh-bank blockchain. Please go study.

They will once cash is over from society and everything they have is basically a closed source, centralized Bitcoin with an unknown money supply where there is only one big "miner" delivering coins at any given rate.

They will once they see fees with Bitcoin are cheap as fuck compared to whatever the fuck TPTB comes up to try to stop it.

It's a ticking clock.

>> No.948973

You don't understand the Internet/Intranet Bitcoin/centralized muh-bank blockchain analogy. I don't blame you tho. Unless you were a geek during the 80's you will most likely not. Please go study.

They will once cash is over from society and everything they have is basically a closed source, centralized Bitcoin with an unknown money supply where there is only one big "miner" delivering coins at any given rate.

They will once they see fees with Bitcoin are cheap as fuck compared to whatever the fuck TPTB comes up to try to stop it.

It's a ticking clock.

>> No.949040

warned you

>> No.949042

>tfw people dont believe you because "hurr im to smart 2belieb insidr informtn"

>> No.949055

Stop fishing for glory, just admit defeat. Price is far from a 30% drop.

>> No.949058

im short :^)

>> No.949062

since the 58 hour mark has the price started dropping y/n?

will it continue to drop? yes

where will it land?

200~ < usd

>> No.949064

>You don't understand the Internet/Intranet

I understand that just fine. You are interested in Bitcoin, just like others are interested in silver/gold backed currencies and swearing up and down that people will demand it. Like Bitcoin, one could argue the gold / silver backed currency is superior and that people will demand it. Yet bubble after bubble passes and where are the gold / silver backed financial services. Just because you think its better (and maybe it is) doesn't change the fact that no one gives a fuck and those running the show aren't going to relinquish their control because of muh superior blockchain tech.

>cash is over from society and everything they have is basically a closed source

I already mentioned these points. There is enormous potential for black market use, smuggling money etc. But the first thing people are going to do with a bitcoin or a hooped diamond is trade it in for cash. People need to be spoonfed. You know this if you have parents, brothers, sisters, friends, coworkers. The people doing the feeding will only every supply something that benefits them. I am old. I have been listening to this bullshit about people leaving cash for a better alternative for a lifetime - you will hear this shit you are spouting literally 100 different periods of your life and nothing will ever change.

Currency debasement has been a non-stop effort in Canada for 95 years marking the point where they scrapped the fishy for the nickel and the large cent for the small cent.

>> No.949068

i feel bad for the traders trying to buy it up to stop the drop


>> No.949074

congrats on your wins, never follow sheep

>> No.949076

swapping to a long at 420, ez money

>> No.949077


>> No.949081

No, you posted that on 1/11/2015, price was 302 exactly on that hour.

58 hours later, at exactly 13:45, price was 394

Whoever listened to you lost gains up to the 502 mark. Fucking idiot lol.

>> No.949082

It'll go under 394 dont worry

>> No.949084

momentary upswing might come but downfall will continue lel

>> No.949085

nvm, filled long at 432.

Now bounce :)

>> No.949086

The only people that used the internet at the eraly stages were criminals and geeks.
You can either give up on your ego and start being a pioneer or keep looking for straws.

Btw never buy, Bitcoin Always crashes.


>> No.949088

>people buying in right now

rip in peace

>> No.949089

>putting all these nobodies next to Warren Buffet


>> No.949090

You fucked up badly by 100's of dollars and tons of hours. Your insider information is legit shit. Fucking lol at having such big error margin on such a volatile market. Out kid.

>> No.949091

>start being a pioneer
Read the conversation. How many did you mine?

>> No.949092

>listening to a literal grandpa about anything that has to do with technology


>> No.949094

>people buying in right now



>> No.949096

>listening to a successful investor when it comes to investing


>> No.949098

The internet started in the early 80's, you were still a pioner in 1995. Get some fucking perspective. You are saying no one gives a fuck about Bitcoin yourself. Use that to your advantage to position yourself instead of pretending you have insider information about anything on anonymous forums.

>> No.949099

>even Warren Buffet has said to not get invested in what you don't undrstand
>having an opinion on something you don't understand
Literal dementia.

>> No.949101

we'll see about that

>> No.949104

You clearly didn't read any of the conversation, just shut the fuck up or learn how to use the 'highlight posts' feature. Jesus man, do yourself a favour don't make any investment decisions, you are clearly far far too stupid.

>> No.949106

Yeah we'll see. Btw don't buy Bitcoin, it always crashes.


>> No.949108

Im so stupid im 60K up in a matter of weeks. Fucking nocoiners. Keep coping.

>> No.949111

Illiterate fuck.

>> No.949112

>nocoiner tears
>I am old.

This explains everything. You are old and you weren't a geek. As a result, you are not gonna make it.

>> No.949113


you do realize the reason why it increased was drug trafficking right? And it crashed when the sites where cracked down on.

I bought bitcoins at 4 dollars because I saw this potential, sold at 700 dollars, because I knew what was coming. enjoy titanic

>> No.949117

>I bought bitcoins at 4 dollars because I saw this potential, sold at 700 dollars
Typical nocoiner last resort.

>I nailed it since the begining and made a lot of cash

You sure did, faggot

>> No.949120


I did, but my portfolio has 0% bitcoins, 15% gold/silver rest in stocks and hedgefunds, for obvious reasons. I can thank bitcoins for making me a lot of money, or rather idiots buying in.

zero sum game

end of story

you should buy in right now the price is low i mean you'll make a 100% profit in a month, go for it buddy, trust in the bitcoin

>> No.949122
File: 156 KB, 1913x952, crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this 'crash'

looks like a healthy retrace imo

>> No.949124


this is what daytraders tell eachother and genuinely believe, remember that this is not stocks, this is not FOREX, this is cryptocurrency.

>> No.949126
File: 110 KB, 634x482, 1446479672823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for you to get BTFO when we're at 500 again tonight

>> No.949129


i hope it does so that more daytraders jump in for the slaughter, natural selection at its finest.

>> No.949132

You are an idiot that knows nothing about Bitcoin. You heard about Bitcoin in 2013 in Fox news when they reported about the bubble, just like every other nocoiner.

>> No.949133
File: 108 KB, 963x659, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying something you could have got for free if you had half the intellect you pretend you have.

Again keep reading, all the way to the top this time. Your complete lack of attention span is why you have all your eggs in this one shitty basket instead of making a life for yourself.

>> No.949135
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>> No.949143

Just wait until people in China are awake, $500 in no time.

>> No.949147
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>> No.949155
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>that call

>> No.949161

>has horrible grammar
>believes internet went out to the public in the 80's
>actually thins he needs to point out that you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet
I thought 4chan was 18+?

>> No.949168

Its desperation, pure and simple.

>> No.949177


>we're at the point where bitcoin looks like a good investment again

>> No.949311
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coo coo kachoo mofo

>> No.949331


for the trading algorithms the volatility is good

the dragons will still fuck yuo shet yup