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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 177 KB, 622x982, Photo 15-05-2018, 21 20 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9441667 No.9441667 [Reply] [Original]

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will have to stay away from /biz/ and crypto for almost a year.

I'll be moving to a different country to work. I'm gonna leave my holdings on my ledger. This is everything I have in my life. I toiled and put up with so much bullshit to get this portfolio. Had to do double shifts, hell, even triple ones. Worked weekends and nights for months on end. Ate like shit, just 1$ noodles and bread. Shit like that. Now, I'm gonna move to make some extra cash. It won't be easy but I'm doing it with hopes of coming back to a nice surprise.

I have a family with a lot of debts and I just wanna be able to one day take care of it. Thanks for all the fun /biz/. Browsing this zimbabwean curry selling image board really was what put a smile on my face.

>> No.9441846
File: 353 KB, 476x520, Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 10.43.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell telcoin and Mooncoin for MAN.
Maybe even sell link for MAN.

This is why: https://medium.com/@CremeDeLaCrypto/matrix-ai-network-man-x50-inbound-87a1240bb17c

Thank me in a year.

>> No.9441976


Congrats. You're gonna come back to less money than what you have now. LINK may save you though

>> No.9442007

you do know TEL and MOON are just like 3% of my portfolio? It's just lunch money I threw at some shitcoins. What matters is LINK and REQ. That's what's gonna make me or break me...

>> No.9442024

sell every shitcoin you own.
get fully into BTC that's the only safe haven.

>> No.9442029
File: 538 KB, 1574x2100, FA589E68-F4CA-4EDC-9703-4967CF0AE5EB-10541-000006E1E0D19130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would reconsider

>> No.9442030

For fuck's sake anon, you've got 100 ETH worth. In ethers it would comfortably build value over the years. In Link and Req, you're going to lose most of it, all because of big mac memes on an anonymous message board.

>> No.9442107

What are you talking about? BTC, safe? BTC has more chances of crashing than LINK and REQ. Fuck me, I forgot now most people here are normans from reddit and shit.
old fud.
I like ETH but its returns will pale in comparison.

>> No.9442131

Don't listen to anyone else in this thread, you've made the right choices with link and req. Your life will be much better in a couple years, all of that hard work is going to pay off.

>> No.9442151
File: 32 KB, 486x387, JUST KILL ME SENPAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean losses?

>> No.9442164

This op

>> No.9442201

Sell all crypto and buy Canadian cannabis stock. No joke. It's super cheap right now and when rec use starts it's going to explode

>> No.9442210

Thanks anon. I know most are just anons fudding. I made my research and accumulated for a long time. I'm very confident in my folio and hope most of us who are smart enough to see through all the shit here make it.
I do love these memes. That fucking hair gets me every time.

>> No.9442313

The best way to be immune from fud is to fully understand the project you're inested in with many hours of research. This is why I'm so confident about my link stack and my shrimp farm I have running in my basement.

>> No.9442343
File: 35 KB, 355x355, 61QryznQbsL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried selling mushrooms?
Pretty good roi for minimal work

>> No.9442391
File: 17 KB, 320x364, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Snail greenhouse > Shrimp tank

Get on my level shrimpfag.

But seriously, you've got a good chance of making it with REQ. LINK is a bit of a wildcard since the team seems so unprofessional, and I doubt the corporate world is going to leave an important matter like oracles to a guy in his basement, I mean, Sergey is no Vitalik.

But I wish you luck. I also hold major REQ and minor LINK bags.

>> No.9442427

>not growing microgreens
not gona make it desu senpai

>> No.9442455

Mushrooms are great though. You can only get fresh oyster mushrooms locally since they don't make it through shipping, so high end restaurants will pay good money for them. Also farmers markets.

>> No.9442484

Thanks anon. Best of luck to you. At worst, even if req and link are a total failure, I'll still be in profit. I won't be a millionaire, but with the growth of the market these will be 1$ which would still be a nice amount for me. Wouldn't complain.
I also started to look into these shrimp farming memes. I have a chinese connection that would buy them for me if I got into this. Maybe next year I might invest in this.

>> No.9442540

But oyster mushrooms cost like 6 bucks per kilo in supermarket. How much kg do you produce?

>> No.9442594

Roughly 1250 a year

>> No.9442607
File: 267 KB, 1200x1800, dero_time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the chance of your life, dont ignore it

>> No.9442633


>> No.9442648

Holy shit. How much space do you use?

>> No.9442726

100 sq feet. Maximized space by having substrate bags hanging from the ceiling and tubs stacked on the ground

>> No.9442865

That's a really small space. Do you have a pic of your setup? Got me intrigued.

>> No.9443406

all this time spent on crypto when we should be shroomin all along.

>> No.9443463

It doesnt matter if you understand link it is not a guaranteed succes, just a chance at making it.

If another project solves the oracle problem before chainlink all your money is gone.

>> No.9443544

True but link is the project closest to deliver a working product. Unless some other oracle solution can magically deliver in less than 6 months, we're pretty much golden.
We will make it. Not talking about 1000$ EOY memes or whatever. Just solid growth and maybe next year we can have 10$ LINK or more.

>> No.9443773

replace req with bch

req is a useless shitcoin

>> No.9443879

Its a very good portfolio anon, i wish you the best of luck

>> No.9444125

t. I would reconsider your financial future based on this shitty Word doc what I done did.

>> No.9444357

Jesus Christ I hope this is bait. Your entire net in volatile lowcaps locked for a year? Not a single top 5 coin? I have to say that is beyond stupid and honestly I hope you get fucking rekt.