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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 454 KB, 1080x1330, Screenshot_20180515-105042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9433805 No.9433805 [Reply] [Original]

So XRP was just showcased facilitating a cross border fiat to fiat tx in under 2 min.

What did your coin achieve today?


>> No.9433831


Great. Wow.

So why is the fucking price doing nothing?

>> No.9433833

My coin wasn't sued.

>> No.9433850
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What's the joke in this comic?

>> No.9433872
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To the ovens.

>> No.9433905
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Is it because its irrelevant?

>> No.9434035
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So you think XRP is worth more than the current price?

>> No.9434140

bought ath, lost 889 usd and sued ripple
is this the state of xrp fud? a class action lawsuit for 899 usd?

>> No.9434178

Do you think anyone will actually use this? I don't. There are no details, $100 sent from NY to Mexico, 2 different conversions, was it dollars to pesos? The end result was pesos in a Mexican bank account. Was it dollars to pesos converted? Where can I find details? I do see the advantage over Western Union or Money Gram which is heavy handed when it comes to fees. Western Union transfers fiat pretty quick, what advantage does this have? Lower fees? I doubt it.

>> No.9434229

dude you are retarded, and im telling you sincerely.
and yes, usd was sent from ny and it arrived as mexican pesos to mexico.
WU and Moneygram are both partners of ripple and use xrapid (xrp)
>transfers fiat pretty quick, what advantage does this have? Lower fees? I doubt it.
bad start. lower fees and faster speed is the whole point of it.

>> No.9434241
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Dollars to pesos is correct.

Less intermediaries = less fees. Western Union for example requires transfers between many reciprocal banking relationships to facilitate a transaction of this type using nostro/vostro accounts. It takes days to settle a transaction.

Western Union and Moneygram are partners with Ripple anyway and are trialling this very product to improve their back end.

>> No.9434258

no one is going to partner with centralized jewish shit

>> No.9434269

History she will be gangraped by big burly Soviety men, while an Americans come in late and jerks off over her face

>> No.9434293

>no one is going to do the exact thing that is happening right now

Holy shit. The absolute state of this board

>> No.9434314
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Kek. Nice ironic shit posting

>> No.9434343

Oh fuck, that's right about Western Union, forgot what a convoluted mess it is on the backend of things. You get the money in minutes, but in reality, the money was already there in a sense ahead of time by WU. With XRP the local banks or whatever the money is being sent to won't have to hold local currency in a sense like WU and MG do now, that's a huge plus I guess.

>> No.9434388

you are wrong twice in a single sentence. watch.
not centralized. https://xrpcharts.ripple.com/#/topology
with xrp 1vote=1vote, in bitcoin for example (pow) and (pos) 1 vote= 1vote*mining power. do you really think small time miners are able to compete against massive mining operations like bitmain with ASICs, think it again. xrp is going from centralized to decentralized really fast. pow coins are doing the oposite.
also you can find a list of partners in this link http://rppl.info/

>> No.9434399
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Yep. Globally its estimated that 27 trillion dollars sits dormant in nostro/vostro accounts.

>> No.9434415

RIDF leave.

>> No.9434444

cant believe people still think xrp is going to be adopted by any banks. ripple has to beg companies to use xrp by handing it out in the millions to these companies.

the second they get a whiff of a network that works in the exact same way, but like swift, is managed and controlled by their own, that lets them profit, instead of handing those profits over to an outside company, xrp will literally be over.

>> No.9434461

Give it time m8, biz dont deverse the greatness of this shitcoins

>> No.9434487
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>once a product comes out that is better than the current product the former will be obsolete

>> No.9434489
File: 172 KB, 1598x1801, 27 trillion dollar problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, you got it right bud
and yes it is a huge plus
is already being adopted

>> No.9434492
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I don't give a fuck if it's going to be adopted or whatever, give me that fucking pump baby.

>> No.9434571

>the second they get a whiff of a network that works in the exact same way, but like swift
>is managed and controlled by their own
Doesn't address the issue of trust and ignores the fact that major international banks are in direct competition with one another. The banking sector hasn't progressed in over 30years because they're so heavily regulated and conservative as a result. They would rather let a third party do the leg work and co-opt it.
>that lets them profit
They profit from the savings achieved and the obscene amount of funds that are freed up from the existing nostro accounts. You obviously have no understanding of how international remittance currently works

The 5 commas in your absolute abortion of sentence should have been evidence enough you aren't all that bright, but I persisted for the sake of others that may enter this thread.

>> No.9434760

Lets all sue satoshi everytime bitcoin drops

>> No.9434812
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Once Xrapid goes live xrp will go to the moon. If you do not see what is going on with BTC and bitrex your a fuckin moron

>> No.9434976

mmmm fresh harvested baby brains
mmmm.... yummy...

>> No.9435128
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For only around 400 xrp
Its the legal precedence it creates, if they win that small ruling it adds credence and cause to justify the classification of it as a security. Its not exactly fud, it could be by some of the actual major stake holders of the coin. They essentially poking at its legal defenses to see how it would do under increased scrutiny. Its smart, maybe if yall had half a brain in between yer nuts you might get the thoughts going in between jerking scratching to read in between the lines.

>> No.9435134

27tril right? Just so you can get money in minutes or a few days. That right there alone is reason enough for crypto to come along and solve this problem.

>> No.9435147


>> No.9435201

SEC has already said the only crypos that MIGHT be securities are ICO's

>> No.9435207

Maybe do some of your own research and you'll understand that Ripple has been working closely with the FED and SEC for years and knows exactly where it stands. Hence why it's able to get these xRapid pilots off the ground, it already knows what XRP is classified as. Cases like these are just your run of the mill ambulance chasers looking for an easy settlement.

>maybe if yall had half a brain in between yer nuts
And for a brief second you were able to delude yourself into believing you had one yourself. Now you're just here holding your own dick. Whoops

>> No.9435219

The reason this coin won't amount to anything is that the speculative aspect of XRP makes it kind of a scam. There's no reason they can't just create 1 trillion of a coin and assign them each a value of $1 or something; doing this would eliminate the volatility risk for banks and also eliminate the pointless speculative ponzi aspect. Maybe I just described xCurrent, I really only am familiar with xRapid. XRP was an interesting experiment but is as pointless as most other cryptos

>> No.9435231

The opposite is true though aswell. Its an opportunity for Ripple to prove that XRP isnt a security.

>> No.9435250

>standing room only
there's no fucking chairs

>Shill your coin here
QLC Chain has announced its rebrand, is partnering with ONT, announced an upcoming airdrop, is teasing some big partnerships on one of its main team member's Twitter account, etc. Most undervalued project in all of crypto.

>> No.9435269

this shit doesn't even matter. coinbase is registering with the sec so they can list them even if they are securities and every other major exchange will follow. Nothing is going to 0 because you have to fill out a form and pay your taxes as if they wouldn't assrape you for them eventually if you aren't paying

>> No.9435279

So what does the xrp coin do exactly

>> No.9435289

Many currencies used to have fixed values but they were 'floated' to have supply determined by supply and demand. This has a few advantages such a pricing in new information faster and protecting currenies from external economic issues.

>> No.9435332

... to have *price determined ...

>> No.9435348
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You should read the rest of this thread friend

>> No.9435368

>doing this would eliminate the volatility risk for banks
There is no volatility risk to the user because you don't hold XRP in reserve to use xRapid. It is sourced ON DEMAND. The speed that it is sourced and used in the xRapid (XRP) part of the entire transaction is so fast (2-3 seconds), volatility becomes irrelevant. The dollar proves to be more volatile in remittance because of the shear amount of time (3-5 days) it takes to complete
>I really only am familiar with xRapid.
No you aren't. Because the scenario you described and the problem you perceived doesn't exist the way xRapid works.
>There's no reason they can't just create 1 trillion of a coin
and then do what? Without the tech, infrastructure and partners to support it (xRapid, xCurrent, xVia) the coin is pointless. XRP the token is just another gear in the machine, it isn't the product. So yeah, anyone can magic 1 trillion of a token on some network, but you can't magic 5 years of development, pilot programs and partners. If you could, FIs wouldnt be using a slow, expensive, cumbersome 30year old system still today, would they.

>> No.9435462

cobalt brings the time down to like one second or less from what i've heard.

>> No.9435765
File: 221 KB, 200x222, 1518848091611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transfers 25 XRP from Binance to poloniex
>only recieves 5 xrp to polonies
>20 xrp is forever stuck in a forced cold wallet for security reasons.

Why does XRP do this?

>> No.9435795

>being this retarded

>> No.9435807
File: 58 KB, 600x600, XRP Smug Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9435858

you havent really transfered any xrp from binance to poloniex otherwise you would know
>security reasons.

>> No.9435927
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But I did.....

>> No.9436086

nvm, poloniex has a true xrp wallet,
xrp wallets require a minimum balance of 20 xrp, its a way to prevent users from spamming the network by creating tons of empty wallets
you know 20 xrp are going to get stuck in a exchange if the exchange doesnt require a destination tag

>> No.9436106
File: 34 KB, 867x667, 1526344594773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my dog died last night. :(

I'm taking him outside when I notice the collar he has on.
My wives boyfriend and I handmade that collar. It was a really nice piece of aluminum with a wooden box.
It had the dogs name on it also, but that isn't important right now.

I'm holding the dog in my arms outside heading to the woods using my other hand to mess with the collar and I trip.
Some background: this giant toad has been digging this hole out by the woods.

I fall down this hole and I swear it goes on forever. I wake up and my eyes slowly adjust to the light.
It feels cold, like the the place is air conditioned. Suddenly I realize I'm in what looks like a server room.

I access what looks to be a unix like operating system and I say out loud: "I know this!".
Going through all the commands by memory, man pages and GUI are for babies, I discover something.
Someone has been ether mining down here!

I suddenly get a sense of dread and now I understand why my electric bill has been so high.

*Loud noise

There was a loud noise and suddenly giant toad!
I realize I'm still holding a dog carcass. I never really liked the dog, so I rip off the collar and throw the dog to the toad as like an offering to the gods or in this case lunch.

So I ran out of there and was just about to climb out of the hole, when I realized there was a lift.
Not sure why I didn't notice this before. I come up right next to the garage.

So as I'm trying to catch my breath, even though I only ran about 10 feet. Man, I have to join that planet fitness my "wife" is always talking about. I say wife in quotations because we stopped having sex. Not sure when it actually happened.

I have the collar in my hand and I break open the wooden circular box, in a little anger because of the lack of sex.
In the box was a private key for Ripple.

I then am confused because Ripple can't be mined. Then I realize the Toad must be Jewish and now it all makes sense.

>> No.9436132


how do I get the 20 xrp out of the exchange?

>> No.9436230

You have to wait until Ripple lowers the wallet reserve requirement. It used to be 50-something XRP. They will lower it when the price goes up. Then you can withdraw the excess XRP.

>> No.9436271

you cant bud, polo exit scammed you, they have a pretty retarded system desu, they could use destination tags like every other exchange

>> No.9436624

The last XRP bear market lasted 7 months. We are 5 1/2 months into this bear market.

>> No.9436816
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Best kek of the day right here.

Im out baby!

>> No.9437264

so instead of using a more or less decentralized system of nostro/vostro accounts in various different centralized banks, they should use only 1 centralized system? so if the system has any troubles (bugs, slowdowns, hacks, whatever) everything stops?
great work there genius.

>> No.9437318

>circulating supply- 39bil
>total supply- 100bil
please explain to me where the rest (60bil) of ripples are? and how they might impact the voting youve described?

>> No.9437597
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I didn't come up xRapid so don't call me the genius.

The current cross border payment system breaks down all the time. All those different centralized banks create too many moving parts that are all points of failure. Swift states they have a 6% error rate. Imagine if 6% of your emails never got to the recipient.

>> No.9437652

>Even the tiniest, most minute risk of failure immediately invalidates any system
Guess every single system in every industry ever is now worthless. You could make this argument about everything from an assembly line, to VISA to any intranet anywhere.
>so instead of using a more or less decentralized system of nostro/vostro accounts
But they aren't "decentralized" are they. In fact, I'm not you know what decentralization means. The current system is highly centralized individual sovereign banking systems with no inter-connectivity. The nostro accounts are a round-about, ham-fisted way of loose affiliations to try and transfer value between countries without actually every transferring anything across borders.
What has resulted is a slow, opaque and incredibly expensive system that is stuck in the 70s

>please explain to me where the rest (60bil) of ripples are? and how they might impact the voting you've described?
>I'm going to tell everyone how this system doesn't work
>I also have no fucking idea how this system works

XRP the token has absolutely nothing to do with the validation of the network. What >>9434388
is referring to is all the validators that decide what happens on the network. So 1 validator is only ever 1 validator and only ever = 1 vote. Unlike like BTCs PoW where 1 mining pool = 1 vote multiplied by it's collective mining power. PoW effectively makes smaller pools or individuals miners increasingly irrelevant and allows networks to be hijacked by a 51% majority.

XRP validators are currently run by Ripple itself and other trusted sources like MIT, Microsoft or individual ISPs (Japan, sweden). Since there are NO rewards or financial incentives for running validators, the only interest is the integrity of the ripple network itself. As more partners adopt the technology and run their own validators, Ripple itself will reduce the number it runs to further decentralize the network.

>> No.9437667

60 billion XRP are held in escrow by Ripple with timed monthly releases to industry purchasers to foster adoption.

The voting system anon desribes is a very simplified desription on how XRP validators accept which is the correct ledger (I think). Actually holding XRP doesnt give you any voting rights on anything to my knowledge.

>> No.9437909


>What's happening isn't happening

Jesus H Christ why do I even come to this dumbass board anymore....

>> No.9437937

I do not own, and will never own a currency coin. With that being said, XRP is the clear winner for blockchain transactions. Ripple labs has the Interledger protocol that renders OMG obsolete, and in addition they have all the normies on board. I would buy some XRP, but I think it's too expensive right now and would rather focus on projects that use the blockchain in different ways. But yes, NANO, OMG, LTC, or whatever the flavor transaction coin is are all shit and will be destroyed by XRP.

>> No.9437970

Being decentralized

>> No.9438345
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they also give a lot of redundancy to the system. sure, it might lead to additional costs and waste, but it also guarantees that the system is constantly operational. the failure rate might be 6%, but if i have 3 channels it gives me 0.002% failure.
of course everything fails, thats why we have redundancies in properly designed systems. what youre suggesting is to get rid of the redundancy and just hope and pray that everything works out fine.
and the system of centralized nostro/vostro accounts can be considered decentralized in the sense that a failure in one point (center) does not lead to a total collapse of the whole system, as it would if everyone just used ripple.
why didnt you answer my questions and just sperged out that i dont understand ripple? answer them, i didnt claim i have deep knowledge of everything ripple does, its enough for me to know that its centralized and requires trust for me to avoid it.
>XRP validators are currently run by Ripple itself and other trusted sources
pic related

>> No.9438412


This has to be a joke right

>> No.9438547

Bitcoin is not a security though.....
the fuckin state of XRP tards

>> No.9438581

>other systems have redundancies
>I know nothing about xRapid but for the sake of my argument I'll make the unfounded assumption that it has no and never will have redundancies at all
>i have no basis for this assumption other than the need to be right
>trust me even though I've repeatedly demonstrated a staggering ignorance of the workings of xRapid and XRP
>please take me seriously and spend even more time spoon-feeding my stupidity

Burden of proof lies with you brainlet. You're making the assertion that Ripples products are catastrophically flawed despite all evidence to the contrary. That includes the successful and ongoing pilots performed with SBI group, Cuallix, WU, Moneygram and Mercury. Or even just the day to day use of the network by retail users to send XRP between private wallets.
You're basing your arguments on the assumption that the implementation of xRapid means ALL other payment systems get dumpstered with no alternative (why?). That the system is prone to catastrophic failure that would result in complete collapse (based on what knowledge?).

>i didnt claim i have deep knowledge of everything ripple does
You have no knowledge

> its enough for me to know that its centralized and requires trust for me to avoid it.
then I can only assume you don't use anything

>XRP validators are currently run by Ripple itself and other trusted sources
XRP and it's validators are becoming more decentralized as time goes on. More and more Ripple validators being retired for unrelated 3rd parties with a vested interested in maintaining its integrity. Meanwhile PoW systems have been proven to only become more centralized as time goes on.

Neither is XRP

>> No.9438636
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XRP is literally better than Bitcoin in every single way. It's been around for YEARS as a top-3 coin, something uneduted faggots do not (want to) understand.

They will be left behind - and ultimately kill themself - when XRP goes to 589$.

XRP will likely be the cause for one of the largest mass-suicides in human history.

>> No.9438647

How come noone is buying XRP though? So many partnerships and whatnot, yet the volume is pitiful and price is shit. Why doesn't the market seem to appreciate the wonderful strengths and huge potential of the coin?

>> No.9438714

I think one of its main problems is that its actually looking to solve a real world current problem instead of a future sci fi infinite growth AI smart contract cloud based synergised blockchain problem that doesnt exist yet

>> No.9438756


No marketing - that is why. Ripple has been DEAD silent as of late. Compare this to December.

>> No.9438788

Just need another crypto hype bubble and ripple will up their marketing again - it would make little sense to do it now to be fair

>> No.9438798

XLM can do that in under a minute.

>> No.9438810
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Sending a cross border transaction from Bank A to Bank A for example with the current system is a bit like a circuit in series. Sure there are some points in parallel but overall any break down during the tx leads to a failed transaction. Thats not even the worst part. What happens at these reciprocal banks is unknown. Bank A pushes out a transaction into the swift system. They dont get any feedback until its made it to its final destination Bank B. What happened at Banks C, D, and Z etc. are unknown. Sure they could launch an enquiry, maybe Bank D in India missed typed the desination tag, but that costs money to track down. That is where the 6% failure rate comes from.

I dont know everything about xRapid but from what I have read it will have redundancies. Ill let you in on a secret. They have stated that they plan for xRapid to use other digital assests other than XRP. Say Bank A wants to send to Bank B but Bank B country doesnt have a fiat to XRP exchange in theory xRapid could use BTC or any other supported digital asset.

>> No.9438817

Where the fuck is the live demo?

>> No.9438841

The XRP part took seconds. The rate limiting steps are the fiat to fiat conversions at banks at either end.

>> No.9438863

so much text and you havent actually said anything. gj, pajeet, i hope you get payed per word.
>XRP and it's validators are becoming more decentralized as time goes on.
who chooses those validators?
>comparing centralized db with dlts
>thinks hes smart
btw, did ripple finally managed to recover the 32k missing blocks, or is the "blockchain" still full of holes and impossible to audit?

>> No.9438913

but then it means that xrp token is useless and this whole xrp cryptocurrency bullshit is just a scammy front for getting investments without accountability (that would come with something like stocks). by buying the xrp token, youre basically giving money away to a company that is using your money to develop a product that they alone will benefit from. they wont have to compensate you, they dont have to give you reports on what theyre spending that money on, you wont get any dividends and in the end, they can flood the market with their 60+bil airdropped tokens and just switch to using any other digital asset for their xrapid product, even further assfucking any "investors".

>> No.9438926

These boomers are so retarded, do they even do a bit of research about blockchain? It really blows my mind how uneducated and incompetent these "professionals" actually are.

>> No.9438933

" .. for every two independent validators ... one Ripple-operated validator will be removed."


Yes blocks 0-32569 are missing.

Please continue the FUD

>> No.9438948

It's one of the most overhyped and overvalued coin of the market right now. If you want gains there are hundreds of other coins to invest in that will give better returns.

>> No.9438981

At the moment XRP is useless. We need a product like xRapid to make use of it.

Ripple believes that given a level playing field using xRapid banks will want to use XRP and sometimes other digital assets as an alternative to the current shit show that cross border transacting is. This creates use for XRP AND other cyptocurrencies. Obviously the system will be designed with XRP in mind but other coins can be your redundancies.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

>> No.9439006



This is how stupid people actually are. Mutts awake yet? There is not a single working asset currently on the market that provides even near as good as XRP.

>> No.9439072

who chooses the "independent" validators? can anyone become one?
why would anyone buy xrp (the token)? if half of their pr bullshit is true, i would consider buying ripple (the company) stocks. i imagine that most of token buyers think thats what they bought, while in reality, they just gave away their money for a private company to develop a product. its socialization of costs and privatization of profits and theyre doing that by confusing people (for example naming both their company and their token ripple).

>> No.9439092
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We are not buying Ripple securities when we buy XRP.

XRP has a huge advantage over other coins that a large professional outfit is driving adoption, software and use of the coin. Sure they could turn around and make a new coin anytime but they would undo all of that work on the XRP ecosystem. They also cannot dump all their XRP as it is locked in escrow for timed release.

>> No.9439111
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You are arguing that blockchain technology will not replace legacy money-transfer systems.

On the contrary. It is you who has played himself.

>> No.9439197

Yes anyone can make a validator even yourself. Ripple adds trusted nodes to a "recommended Unique Node List." This is just for the process of taking down their own validators.

Ah the old ripple stock but not XRP meme. You can buy Ripple stock if youre an authorized investor in the US. Ripple is making an active effort to push Ripple does not equal XRP. If you truely believe that Ripple is going to be successful but XRP then thats fine. I personally think thats very unlikely as they obviously have a strong financial incentive to continue to find use cases for XRP

>> No.9439206

So it's centralized then. Thanks for confirming.

>> No.9439207

i absolutely believe that blockchains will replace legacy systems. what im arguing (there really shouldnt even be any questions regarding this) is that xrp is not a cryptocurrency, it is not a blockchain and is centralized and trusted.
thats exactly a problem that youre not buying a security. i mean its great for ripple (the company), but its awful for "investors". like i mentioned multiple times, this just means that youre giving away money to a private company to develop their product (basically a way shittier kickstarter) without getting any accountability, future profits or anything in return.

>> No.9439222
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>muh bad bank coin
>muh they use another coin
>muh centralized
>muh security
>muh buttcoin
Bois u see this?

EOY 99% of this board.
Pic related

>> No.9439246
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But but but mahdecentralized arguments.....

Choke on the XRP cock decentralization mongoloid.

>> No.9439255
File: 57 KB, 640x577, BTC is decentra....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Centralized heading towards decentralized as opposed to some other coins that are going the other way.

>> No.9439293

>what are dust?
>what are exchange wallets?
>what are casino wallets?
>what are early miner lost wallets?
i guess youre too stupid to understand that 1 address != 1 person.

>> No.9439342

Blockchain/cryptocurrencies are cool tech but what is going to become apparent to everyone is that you need a link between it and the current systems. Good software, UIs, APIs and a corporate face to sell it etc. XRP has Ripple and now Coil which are dedicated companies driving these advancements. I guarantee that coins that rely on their community to push them to industry adoption will not get there.

Sure there is a theoretical possibilty that they could all exit scam but with that risk comes huge upside potential. Overall it just sounds like the risk profile your after is below XRP which is totally fine.

>> No.9439361

No it's not. It's centralization towards a different kind of centralization, re-read what you wrote if you don't understand. Nowhere in the process is trust removed by the way.

>> No.9439387
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The only person COIL if following, is THIS MAN ;)

i let your imagination run now for a while. And for the others ---> FUCK YOU. die on the XRP dick that will penetrate you an your fancy freedom and flowers phantasy

>> No.9439404

again, im not trying to dispute that ripple (the company) might be successful. like i said, i would gladly buy some of their shares if i could.
the problem i see is with the xrp (the token), which like i mentioned multiple times is useless and just a scam to take peoples money without offering anything in return. just like kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms were used by scammers in 2012-2014, those same scammers moved to cryptocurrencies and just want investments without accountability from stupid and gullible idiots.
as for my risk tolerance: im heavily invested in cryptocurrencies. i dont think it gets any more riskier than that.

>> No.9439496
File: 71 KB, 752x500, Scattered Ripple coins on a lighted background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think youre implying that the fact that Ripple pick trusted validators before turning off theirs therefore that is centralized. They only do that to prevent one person making heaps of them and corrupting the network before they turn theirs off. Anyone can make a validator and XRP ledger will be run by the various stakeholders and any extra add ons with no central entity. Please inform me how this is centralized?

>> No.9439590
File: 239 KB, 994x974, 1_oyOK0ga1XSWrMi2EFUDXgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure but what Ive said a few time is that Ripple has a huge financial incentive to find use cases for XRP. Therefore Ripple success very likely (not guaranteed) to equal XRP success. That is what differentiates it from crowd funding via Kickstarter where there is no financial incentive to grow the wealth of funders.

Im tired of arguing. Best of luck with your coins anon I hope we can both make it.

>> No.9439791

The fact that Ripples controls who can be a validator makes it indirectly centralized. You have no way of knowing why and how they are picked, nobody but Ripple has cobtrol over who is picked, and there is no way of knowing if there is a deal done behind closed door or not between Ripple and picked validators.
It's a shit system overall.

>> No.9439845
File: 128 KB, 256x256, tb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call me a shillbilly, just found this hidden gem tillbilly

marketcap = 0

hasn't even had it's ico yet
on stellar blockchain so you won't pay $5 in fees like on ether

>> No.9439891

i'd actually rather have them choose validators because in the current market we just get gangs of chinks as of now. i'll give up decentralization to not have chink monopolies on everything crypto related. any deal done behind close doors would be to boost the value of XRP seeing as the founders own shit loads of it. your fud is actually the kind of things that banks want to hear. you just have your head stuck in this "decentralize" meme space. that shit is irrelevant. a working product and gains for my stack are the only things that matter anon.

>> No.9439945

Provides what you paid shill scum bag?

>> No.9439990

if its not decentralized, theres no point in using an abortion of a blockchain that is xrp. just use a regular database.
you fanboys dont understand what the term blockchain even means. its just another way to store data. if you dont need your system to be trustless and decentralized, theres no point in using blockchain, because you sacrifice a lot for it (and thats why 95+% of current 'projects' are fucking retarded and will soon fail).
ripple (the company) is just riding the blockchain/cryptocurrency hype train to get millions in investments with zero accountability from stupid, gullible idiots like yourself.

>> No.9440024

actually i do know what a blockchain is. and having validators spread out is more advantageous than a database because it's not a single point of failure. i'm up shit loads of money because i'm not a retarded pleb. buy low anon. got my xrp for under 15 cents, sold heaps at over 2 dollars. i'm gullible? sounds like you are because you listen to the same tired fud and think it matters.

>> No.9440087

steal money from lazy greedy clueless investors

>> No.9440119

Ripple Incel DIY Fag?

>> No.9440127

They only choose trusted validators in order to take down their own. Anyone can be a validator. The difference is that there is no financial incentive to run a validator other than supporting the XRP ledger which you probably have a stake in.

>> No.9440130

if all validators are chosen by a central authority, its the same thing as having several backups for your central db (thats exactly whats done in the industry). its still centralized. in btc i can run a mining or non-mining node as long as i abide the protocol. i dont need any approvals, permissions or be included in some special list by central authority.
gratz on your gains. there were plenty of people who made a profit on bcc too, that didnt change a fact that it was a centralized scam. hoards of idiots were defending it to the last drop too, buy crying fud at anyone not blindly praising their shitcoin.

>> No.9440166

They are not choosen by Ripple. Ripple are just listing reliable ones before they take down their own. We could start our our validator right now with no permission from Ripple.

>> No.9440173

There is no point in using a blockchain and a cryptocurrency then. And if gains are what matters to you and you don't give a shit about the technology then you should not put your money into the 3rd biggest marketcap. There are hundreds of projects with a marketcap 100 times lower and a better working product than xRapid.

>> No.9440266

sure, i can become a validator and just jerk off in my little corner. as long as ripple is deciding the default and authoritative list of "trusted" validators (mostly themselves) it wont change centralization of the system.
in btc, if i find a valid block, the whole network will accept it without inclusion of my node to any special "trusted" lists by central authority.

>> No.9440348

They do not control the validators at all. They only choose trusted validators in oder to turn off their own so the network doesn't go to shit. If anything you'd have much more power than BTC miners as you wont have the hash power to compete with the industrial sized chinese guys.

>> No.9440423

What you all should be arguing is that if there is no financial incentive to run a validator the network may eventually become unstable when Ripple pulls out if validators don't have a stake in maintaining the system. Its an attempt at decentralization without direct financial incentive.

>> No.9440464

if a validator not approved by central authority (ripple) is just as powerful as one that is approved, whats stopping industrial sized chinese guy spin up thousands of "validators" thus centralizing the whole network?

>> No.9440522

There is no financial incentive to do so. Also the consensus algorithm requires a supermajority (over 80%) of validators to agree to a transaction.

>> No.9440543

People choose their own validators. Ripple provides a default list for people if they don't care. People can change that list to whatever they want.

>> No.9440593


gona check it out just for the gif

>> No.9440714

1- Every node validates transactions before accepting them.

2- Nodes are identified by public key. You can run millions of servers, you would still count as one.

3- Ripple's UNL is optional. You can create your own list.

4- The additional purpose of nodes on the UNL is to agree on an order for the new transactions.

5- Unlike proof-of-work coins, reorg attack is not possible with Ripple, once a transaction is accepted, it can never be reversed. With PoW, someone can rollback the chain.

6- if an entity misbehaves, you can simply removes its public key from your UNL. With mining, you have no choice, either hardfork or wait for the attacker to tank the market.

7- Neither PoW nor Ripple's consensus algorithm are bad, they just have different trade-offs that don't suit everyone.

8- Ripple's UNL validators include reputable public and private organisations such as MIT and Microsoft

9- you should invest in coins with different technologies unless you can see the future and know which ones will be chosen by big money

>> No.9440742

wow you still believe the "mcap" meme. if i took your advice last year i wouldn't have made over 35k from xrp. money isn't distributed over every coin equally, if 35 billion is inserted into the crypto market overnight, and all 35 billion goes into xrp, guess what...the other coins don't boost. you're a fucken retard. you hate money and when this coin goes to $5 you can eat your baby dick

>> No.9440767

Whew good stuff ty

>> No.9440772
File: 53 KB, 933x481, ripple xrp roi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow you still believe the "mcap" meme

lots of people fall for it

>> No.9440783

Oh my god you're retarded

>> No.9440792


>> No.9440794

yeah so if i market by 35 billion dollars worth of xrp how much will LINK boost? asking for a friend

>> No.9440826
File: 65 KB, 800x803, link 232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is intrinsically worthless. Node operators can be paid in existing cryptocurrencies. Just look at the testnet right now, it only accepts ETH instead of LINK lmao. It means that ETH can easily be substituted for it, that is, if someone wants to fork the token to accept ETH (an established cryptocurrency instead of some fucking ERC20 token made with a two-man team), LINK is basically useless. That is besides the fact that everything LINK aims to do can be easily done by cryptographically signing the data from the API source.
>muh next ETH

Uh oh, pissed stinker incoming HAHA.

>> No.9440841

If you buy XRP at $1 and its market cap is $500 000 000
it would be $1 000 000 000 if its $2 per XRP
market cap is not a meme you retard

>> No.9440847

TFW the link pump dwarfs yesterdays 'moon' of XRP....

>> No.9440893


Ripple was already at 3.60 you fucking idiot

>> No.9441045

Whether you Love of hate xrp, over the course of the next two months the old ath will be passend, Mayen Even easily past.
All signs Point to a huge growth in adoption of xrapid. ONCE this goes live, 10$ eoy will be in play, Maybe Even more

>> No.9441473

That's not the point you retard. Your xrp needs a lot more money than other lower mcap coins (100x more) invested into it to give the same returns.

>> No.9441522

you have no point retard. you're saying that because X coin has a lower mcap than XRP it has a better chance for gains. that's fallacy. sorry about your skin color nigger

>> No.9441638

XRP has a better risk/reward than your scamcoins.

>> No.9441772

Well, some coins require only 350k for a 10x while XRP requires 35 billions, and xrp is a useless token while many low market caps have a much better usecase.

>> No.9442056

XRP is literally a scamcoin at this point

>> No.9442098
File: 908 KB, 1296x1311, 1518967774993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XRP is literally a scamcoin at this point

>> No.9442144

XQT seems like a decent long term investment