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9433699 No.9433699 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss where we'd retire

>> No.9433743

A nice ranch in Idaho where thots like these would be banned

>> No.9433755

what are you a fucking faggot?

>> No.9433818

A ranch in idaho is a pretty good choice. For myself i think acupulco mx for my winter home and back to idaho for the summer.

>> No.9433821

Portugal, Malta, Netherlands. In that order

>> No.9433837
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I'm not a degenerate, I only like wholesome women

Honestly I'd live anywhere- im tired of shithole cities

>> No.9433902

t. Virgin
Can't imagine anyone who's ever been near a woman using the word wholesome lmao

>> No.9434047

I've done things with women you probably won't ever experience your life- enough to know that a million nympho thots will never come close to an actual bond with a genuine, kind, and pure woman.

>> No.9434066


>> No.9434067

Costa Rica

>> No.9434629

oops, dropped your fedora

>> No.9434664
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>> No.9434668

any nice white country for rich people, or a nice white island country in general.

the idea being you have to be able to buy your way in, but they also won't allow any old shitskin to buy his way in either.

>> No.9434722
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>> No.9434767

>OP posts his la creatura el goblino crush
>gets assmad when she rightfully gets called fucking ugly

>> No.9434792

fucking qt koreans in daegu or busan

>> No.9434809

I hope you guys figure it out soon

Go ahead with your degenerate House of Gord porn and continue brainwashing yourself and destroying your natural sexual energy, see where it gets you.

>> No.9434814


>> No.9434829

I always wanted to bang a qt who doesnt speak my language like the good ole days of exploration.

>> No.9434890

Amen brother
Dont let these nogs get to you
Find that woman and have her birth many sons

>> No.9434898

Across the street from my parents so I can take care of them in their old age as God intended.

>> No.9434911

>using the word wholesome
degenerate detected
Only betafags need to resort to being as degenerate as an unrestrained woman in order to reel one in

>> No.9434934

anywhere with UBI so i get free money to throw at shitcoins

>> No.9434936

When did Idaho all of a sudden get a bunch of love on here?
I mean I moved here 2 months ago and it's amazing.
Just interested why,

also you're obviously a faggot.

>> No.9435083
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Thailand is my first, second and third choice. If I somehow made it to a million, would that be enough to live there like a king for the rest of my life?

>> No.9435102
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thanks, friend

I've heard good things, I've been considering moving to Boise but I think it'd be tough to find a job.

Also, if liking pic related makes me a faggot, then I guess I am.

>> No.9435405

Only if you stay away from the places in your pic

>> No.9435603

A chateau with a vineyard in Bordeaux, south France or a Dutch villa in front of a lake. I might get both and alternate in-between if I make enough money.

>> No.9435841

yes, until you get robbed and threatened within an inch of your life to some gangsters because your high drunk dumb fucking mouth let on that you were a millionaire hanging out in the seediest country in SE Asia fucking prostitutes

>> No.9435992

People realized it's Colorado with none of the garbage

Boise has been exploding in the last two years

>> No.9436079
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An O'Neill Cylinder orbiting at the L4 or L5 Lagrange point.

>> No.9436140

That's not me sir. I don't get blackout drunk and I definitely don't flaunt money. Also crime in thailand is a meme. Crime is everywhere, but It's not more dangerous in thailand specifically just because you think prostitution is a bad thing.

>> No.9436464

Ur a good dude I have the same aspirations brother. Best of luck.

>> No.9436538
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I hate women as much as any guy these days op but if you have one that is a unicorn then am happy for you. They exist they are just 0.0000000000000001% of the population, worse every legbeard femwhale things shes one.
If I had your situation I'd buy a property in the middle of fuck knows where and enjoy a beer and blowjob on the veranda every afternoon watching the sunset.

>> No.9436610


Beautiful women, anti-immigration, 97% european, etc.

>> No.9437333


>> No.9437577

Romania. All of the above plus faster internet and better weather.

>> No.9437599
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>> No.9437621

I'll check it out.

>> No.9437624
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>> No.9437660

Thailand is much safer than you think. You can wander around any part of Bangkok in the middle of the night and the chance of being robbed is almost zero. I can’t say the same of European, let alone American cities.
Most of the Thailand horror stories you hear are from brainlet tourists who do stuff here they would never do back home. Also Western media likes to portray Thailand as some seedy, lawless 3rd world hellhole which Thailand might have been 40 years ago. Today it’s a fairly civilized, well developed country. Except Pattaya. That place should be nuked from orbit.

>> No.9437715

>sexual energy
I'm with you brother, but it's just energy. it's all the same energy, that's why getting drained by fetishism is so bad. I know you realize this, I'm just clarifying for others.

>> No.9437774


>> No.9438075

their whining voices are so fucking annoying

>> No.9438096

Isle of Man or Jersey