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9431724 No.9431724 [Reply] [Original]

>be krautfag
>make million$ via trading crypto
>cash out some, buy a tesla to show off status
>get rekt in a crash, burned alive
>become an actual flaming faggot

don't let this happen to you. be modest. buy a sensible car, like a toyota corolla. they have high fuel efficiency as well, and sleek designs. tesla is for fags who want to preen via their high-tech high-status purchases.

>> No.9431757
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>retards relying completely on autopilot


>> No.9431759

i'll get an electric car eventually, but never a tesla

>> No.9431761

tesla isn't even a show-off car. especially in switzerland.

>> No.9431762

>toyota corolla
no thanks OP, had one years ago and it was trash

>> No.9431811
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What way to go kek

>> No.9431830
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>mfw yesterday people said automated cars were going to take over in 15 years

Even without a software glitch, or hacking they are going to be killing machines.

>> No.9431833

This. I won't trust anything that isn't self aware

>> No.9431893

planning on buying another honda civic when the 2012 I'm driving now dies.

>> No.9431918

you’ll be an old man by then kek

>> No.9431932


>implying nonautomated cars aren't already killing machines

>> No.9431959

especially with an angry arab at the wheel

>> No.9431960

Not if we just made it have more physical safety barriers on the inside, as well as something physical possibly on the roads similar to how we operate trains.

>> No.9431961

what year, anon
the new ones look pretty good.
i had a 1998 one and it ran pretty well.
think toyota started going downhill around those recall years between 2005-2012.

its a show-off car to tech-nerds who want to prove their not middle class. only mid-class people are impressed by a tesla. upper class people prefer german luxury, supercars, etc. a rich asian in the usa would prefer to drive a new lexus or benz. i live next to some rich asian girls and they have a convertible red benz.

>> No.9431969

Might wanna look at the autopilot fatality rate vs the manual driving fatality rate, brainlet.

>> No.9431979

>going to be
they already are crashing at much higher rates
and the time/effort put into semi-autonomous cars is wasted since they should be focusing on fuel cell safety, range, recharge rates, etc.
elon's too busy banging ugly chicks to actually improve his shit.
but that's none of my business.

>> No.9431999

perfectly fine if these idiots want to kill themselves, but clearly broken "auto" pilot should be illegal on public roads.

>> No.9432072
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elonfanboy tsla investor detected
enjoy your bags

also, your reading comprehension is weak. i didn't even say shit about the autopilot. the most troubling thing about these crashes is that people get trapped and burned alive. we're hearing about tesla owners getting paul-walker'd at least once a month. this isn't a manual vs. autopilot issue, it's just a shitty car with batteries that explode into flames too easily.

there was a webm of a woman who was checking her makeup after the car she was in got totally rekt. she survived. the driver died. but the point is that even in major crashes, people don't always get trapped and burned alive.

>> No.9432477

Listen up Faggots. Elastos will provide Tesla with the solution to hacking and safe contained software. Cars will be able to communicate with one another, with traffic infrastructure, IOT, with no attached risk.

You fuckers, don't understand, you don't research.
>SAIC is partnered with Elastos,
>SAIC provide Tesla a large portion of auto parts
>Elastos had a meeting 8 miles away from Tesla factory a couple weeks back
>Bitmain owns a 5% share in Tesla & is dedicating 1/2 his hash power to Elastos mining
You have been gifted gold today, you are lucky.

>> No.9432556

>>Bitmain owns a 5% share in Tesla
checked. sauce on this?

>> No.9432681
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I can reuse this meme almost every day

>> No.9432850

0.5% apologies. No sauce, obscure Chinese site a friend linked me too.

>> No.9432888

As a whole drivers are unlikely to behavorially be programmed to intentionally seek out ways to inflict casualties, or ignore certain inputs.

Computers still have innumerous bugs, and exploits that lead to system failure. When your ram is bad and your computer crashes no one dies.

When a single aspect of an autonomous vehicle fails people die.

Compare truck driving to aviation, and the margin for error in driving is much lower. We are decades away from true driverless cars/trucks at a minimum. If an industry like aviation, or oveamic freight still has crew, drivers will be needed for a long time.

We can't automatically assume that machines will always be a better alternative to biological systems, or processes in every situation.

>> No.9432906

>hundreds of fatal car accidents every day
>this one is a big deal because it's from the big company owned by the billionaire that's fucking my smelly waifu
Who cares

>> No.9432919

>implying musk isn't just a evil villian letting out some steam

>> No.9432931

>I’m a fucking retard the post

>> No.9432947

>based musketeer thinning the population by killing off retards dumb enough to buy a tesla

>> No.9432962

Just a daily reminder that machine learning is overhyped bullshit alchemy.

>> No.9432979

if you want to be #innovative and make a self-driving omelette, you'll have to break some eggs.

"some folks got burned alive" -elon, probably

look, moloch isn't going to feed himself new burnt corpses. you have to feed the beast to make progress.

>> No.9433008


a gentle reminder that future autonomous cars, arent going to look like cars at all.

i'm betting on spheres.

>> No.9433011

if the more affordable model3 version ever gets released, and more pepo buy it, and get roasted alive, it'll happen a lot faster.

right now there's only very few people who buy the $70K model so it's happening at a snail's pace. it seems like their SUV version isn't crashing and burning at all. i've seen that on the road a few times. it looks very slick. i'd rather have that than the sedan.

>> No.9433029


People seem to think autonomous cars have to be 100% perfect and never crash in any situation yet it's okay that human drivers cause tons of accidents every single day.

>> No.9433056

Wew, good thing humans don't cause any fatal accidents.

>> No.9433072

They need to get that flaming shit under control, though.

>> No.9433075

the issue isn't that they should be perfect 100% of the time.
the issue is that it's a completely unnecessary tech right now, especially if you mix them with existing infrastructure.

imagine if elon and a group of investors built a small city with roads and infrastructure designed around self-driving cars. then it would make sense.

and yes, we also need to see real stats on whether self-driving cars are reducing accident rate that would've been higher had the same people drove themselves manually.

>> No.9433140

I plan on buying a fully loaded Suburban to drive me and my friends real comfy to the mountains to ski

>> No.9433149

Shorting Tesla rn

>> No.9433206

They shouldn't advertise it as autopilot then. It's false advertising and a scam. Musk confirmed for scammer.

>> No.9433220

I’d rather buy some luxury car
I like Lincolns

>> No.9433275

>trusting female drivers

shiggidy diggidy

>> No.9433286

Tesla loving basedboys detected.
I bey you love Nintendo switch and cuckolding too.

>> No.9433300

>implying women are self-aware

>> No.9433345
File: 153 KB, 404x303, Road-Rash-3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you guys really listening to this propaganda? Is gasoline not flammable anymore in modern cars?

I swear this is the 105r equivalent to black people sharing articles of police officers killing black people on social media.

I'm not defending tesla or anything but this is silly, I'm sure the petroleum companies are paying for this sort of exposure some way.

>> No.9433382

It's not even about gas/electro. It's about you losing the freedom of movement, because acceding the the EU parliament and the Democratic Party normal cars must be banned until 2025 and everything must be self-driving.
Every single one of you retards are giving away your freedoms for the sake of being "progressive".

>> No.9433424

Hundreds of cars crash every day: not news.


>> No.9433482


>In other news Marlboro funded research labs with science people that wear white coats have came to the conclusion after much science stuff that you're way too stupid to understand, that E-cigs are WORSE for you than tobacco!

>> No.9433490

>unnecessary tech

stopped reading here.

we don't always make tech because it's "necessary" we do it because it will make lives better and make us more efficient. If you think the television was "necessary" or the laser was "necessary" then you understand nothing about why we do science and advance technology. You think going to space is "necessary"? We do that shit anyways. Once we understand what we can learn from new technologies, we find the need.

>> No.9433504

That's like someone starts selling guns, that have a chance to kill the owner and when it makes the news an army of numale limp wristed fanboys starts yelling "people get shot by other people more"
If you support Tesla, you are a cuckold. Plain and simple.

>> No.9433530

>we do it because it will make lives better and make us more efficient
7 millions of jobless professional drivers putting strain on the social services and potentially turning to crime will sure make life better, cuck.

>> No.9433547


>that's like someone sells guns that have a chance to kill the owner
>a smaller chance of killing the owner than the average misfire
>that automatically aims itself and makes target shooting 99.9% accurate
>gun automatically aims itself so people close their eyes at the gun range

This is a better comparison. In order to die from Tesla autopilot while it's basically in public beta, you need to not be paying attention. If you are not paying attention, you will die on the road anyways.

>> No.9433560


Do you know how many people and horses were put out of work when the telegraph was invented?

>> No.9433583

Checked. Based

>> No.9433592

>a smaller chance of killing the owner than the average misfire

Actually a Tesla has a much bigger chance of killing you than a normal car due to it being more complicated and having 4x the critical parts that can break.

>that automatically aims itself and makes target shooting 99.9% accurate
The government also has a full control over it and can make it shoot you.
Like I said, only a cuckold like self-driving cars, because the idea of giving control over his life to someone else makes him pop a boner with his small dick.

>> No.9433595

Sorry dude. I don't think regular cars on auto-pilot is next-gen. "Flying cars" and their eco-systems will be developed from the ground up to accommodate and plan for autonomous "flying".

>> No.9433597


>professional drivers

boo hoo muh poor trucking jobs
jobs are going away anyways you fucking faggot, when costs of operation go down a billion percent because half of that shit is paying human labor youll realize that its all machines making and delivering shit all the way down. And you don't need to pay machines, only people.

If the best work you can do is sitting in a fucking seat staring forward for 12 hours you deserve to be unemfuckingployed by 2025.

>> No.9433619

>And you don't need to pay machines, only people.
You still have to pay the people to keep them healthy, fed and happy. Guess who's taxes are getting raised to feed them all?
Prepare your ass for 80% crypto tax.

>> No.9433620

>Actually a Tesla has a much bigger chance of killing you than a normal car due to it being more complicated and having 4x the critical parts that can break.
[citation needed]

>The government also has full control over it and can make it shoot you
muh government conspiracy. hey, have you ever considered that the government isn't interested in killing it's income?

>> No.9433636


you're literally retarded, sorry I wasted my time replying this long.

>> No.9433668

>He spends 100 billion on research for putting shitty sensors and software in cars
>Doesn't spend any money on putting additional sensors in human neurological systems or understanding biological programming

>Mfw we build external speciel systems instead of internal ones.
>Mfw it would probably be cheaper and more efficient to genetically modify humans to survive in a vacuum than it is to build external systems that create a hospitable environment.

We're an extremely inefficient species.

>> No.9433684
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>muh government conspiracy. hey, have you ever considered that the government isn't interested in killing it's income?

So you do admit you have power fantasies and enjoy giving up control so you can get a boner? What a pathetic cuck you are.

>> No.9433700

The people aren't going away, m8. They will keep reproducing and multiplying. And unless you pay them for existing they will come and take your shit. That's why you have taxes. But the less people are working, them more taxes the working ones must pay.

Eventually 10% will be working and paying 90% of income in taxes and everyone else will get free shit.

>> No.9433706
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agreed. it's really hard to go wrong with Toyota

>> No.9433733

Go live in the jungle if you don't like gobernments.
Automation makes things 100x cheaper. That's what you brainlet don't get. What you also don't get is that there will always be new kinds of jobs. People don't have to be unemployed.
The industrial revolution has put a lot of traditional craftsmen out of work yet employment has drastically increased since then.

>> No.9433829


Biological programming is a really new field anon, I'm as fascinated by bioinformatics and proteomics as you are (I've been hypothesizing designer organs like something to let electronics charge off of your metabolic energy)
but realistically, he's getting pretty old, and he's working with the tech that's available. If he wanted to design humans that could survive in any space environment, he would probably need to be alive a few generations from now. That said, I'd be surprised if Musk hasn't invested in any bioinformatics research firms.

That said
>humans that can survive in a vacuum
It wouldn't be a human anymore, because it a. wouldn't be compatible with gasses or b. would have to seriously have a different body shape and designed organic materials that the body could produce from birth. Cool idea though

>> No.9433859


>the cuck lumberjack who uses a table saw instead of a hand axe to split logs
>gets a boner from how little control he has
>the cuck chef who uses a oven with a preset temperature instead of holding his pan over a fire
I could go on all fucking day

>> No.9433906
File: 543 KB, 1920x2250, 477AF3BF-D55C-4DEB-85C6-32B9542F7CF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore a blatantly obvious warning, defeat the safety features, and disregard logic
It’s natural selection

>> No.9433976


No one used a table saw to split wood, they used hydraulic log splitters....

>> No.9433979


>200k a year
>honda accord 20k

no one actually follows this do they? That's some jeff bezos shit to have 800k+ saved up in 5 years and drive a cloth interior car. What's the point of making money then? That's past frugal samuri, that's like some monk shit.

>> No.9433993
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Quintessential 30 year old boomer cope.

>> No.9434014


I really really really like that picture, anon. Can I save it?

>> No.9434034

I hate firetrucks.

>> No.9434143

Money buys you time. Spending it on an expensive car is a waste.

>> No.9434175

We don’t advance technology for the betterment of people. It gets advanced because the scientist are “interested” in the research or money. Have you read the “genius” Mr. Kaczyinski’s work, Industrial Society and It’s future? http://editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf paragraph 87. Describes the motives of a scientist.

>> No.9434191


time for doing what? enjoying yourself later like driving a nice car?

>> No.9434207

That would be insanely impractical.

>> No.9434236

Just some fancy statistics and back propagation

>> No.9434246

Toyota Corolla is a god tier car...reliable, fuel efficient, comfortable...it has it all.

>> No.9434327

85k and used honda accord here, although I live in an apartment in the middle of the city so I never have to drive it