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File: 105 KB, 481x381, york1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
942936 No.942936 [Reply] [Original]

ok /biz/

what are the best entrepreneurship books/blogs/sites/resources

and none of these horseshit 'the secret' or think and grow rich tier books, i want practical advice on all aspects of starting a bidniz, not astrology

>> No.942963


that really depends on location, branch, scale, and a whole lot of other factors.

Donald trump is a real estate genious but he can't run an airline for shit. why do you think that is?

>> No.942979

Guessing those rape tunnels at york will get a bit more rapier

>> No.943008

just curious why does everyone talk shit about york? is it true that everyone there is fucking stupid

there is an interesting masters program there, might apply to it tbh

>> No.943016


how to get rich by felix dennis.

that's it. that's all you seriously need

>> No.943095

are you speaking from experience?

>> No.943101


I don't know either man, I'm going there too, and I loved the campus, but like I'm not a manlet, and I'm fairly popular, and I'm very light skin brown, and modern and I have a car and I'm fairly rich and yeah, it seems like a dope place. Lots of white girls for me to fuck there, as well as those dime naughty Indian girls on a power trip because they just got to leave home.

Seems like a great university to me, I liked it better than the vibe I got at UofT and Ryerson too lol, the vibe at York is easy going and fun, and the vibe at UofT and Ryerson is like, everyone is out for themselves lol.

Are you going to the York Open House next Saturday?

>> No.943200


He has more of a focus on startups since he has a tech background but the info should still apply.

>> No.943209


lmao this guy is a fag

>just curious why does everyone talk shit about york? is it true that everyone there is fucking stupid

School for absolute degenerates, in a really bad area where robberies and sexual assaults regularly happen.

Commuter school so no school spirit.

VERY incompetent staff who have huge delays, regularly fuck things up, that sort of thing.

>> No.943220


Did you go to York? Is this reliable information? Who cares about school spirit? Why is commuting bad?

>> No.943229
File: 27 KB, 854x476, yungtailoopez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want real knawledge read by website, drop out of college and get mentors for knawledge

>> No.943273

>Did you go to York?

No but numerous of my friends do.

>Is this reliable information?
Yes. Literally anybody who goes to york will confirm

>Who cares about school spirit? Why is commuting bad?

It's important for networking, atmosphere and enjoyment. People getting on the bus in the morning to go to lectures then going straight to the same bus to go home without talking to anyone isn't exactly an enjoyable university experience.

>> No.943288

>sell your laptop and drive 18 hours for real knowledge

>> No.943289

You need knawlegde to get a garage in your lambo!

>> No.943442

pic hella accurate btw

york is shit

>> No.943447


>> No.943628
File: 65 KB, 332x313, 1441545106042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


York is a pleb tier school, rapes, muggings and assaults happen all the time there. Not too mention the quality of education is sub-par. I wouldn't waste my money on an undergrad there, let alone a master's.

also, you will get criticized for picking York for your master's by anyone with a master's.

>> No.943629
File: 283 KB, 363x304, farage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cousin excited about going to York
>said it was a classy uni

>> No.943728


> Bill Gates dropped out of university
> Steve Jobs dropped out of university
> Mark Shmuckerturd dropped out of university

Enroll in a local university. Get to your second or third year and drop out.

There are a few steps that happen after this, the process is a bit hazy, requires some level of genius etc. then you're rich. Finito.

>> No.943861

Lmao tbfh

York is the shittiest school in the world

I honestly would go to community college over York.

>> No.943900


If you happen to live in Palo Alto or Cambridge

>> No.943901


Reel them in m8

>> No.944374

Neil Gordon of Milton Ontario is a loser manager.

>> No.944374,1 [INTERNAL] 
