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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9423107 No.9423107 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9423229

Not fake?

>> No.9423250

Not according to the EOS subreddit

>> No.9423377

this again... rly?

>> No.9423437

fake as fuck.

>> No.9423473

kys nigger loving pedo methcuck

>> No.9423508
File: 267 KB, 498x446, 1513097921404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not according to the EOS subreddit

>> No.9424245

>being this retarded

>> No.9424298

There's no tweet like this on his wall

>> No.9424338


where is your god now?

>> No.9424575

It's real but he deleted it shortly after due to backlash

>> No.9424593

im holding eos but you are starting to make me consider to sell. have you ever heard of inspect element you dumb shit?

>> No.9424600

it's real.

>> No.9424638

There is no fucking way this is real

>> No.9424682

I hodl eos, but even I have my doubts about this one. You'd have to be really stupid to tweet something like this.

>> No.9424688

I am Vitaliks brother, its real, he said it was because of a anonymous cloud appreciation board. Something about how they are racist and don't deserve to make it

>> No.9424983

what a brainlet. it was made by a biztard some weeks ago, I saw it posted
I can't believe eosfags are taking it seriously

>> No.9425061

Is Vitalik a leftist?
I hope he doesnt waste the dev funds feeding niggers.

>> No.9425128

>I hope he doesnt waste the dev funds feeding niggers.
that's stellar

>> No.9425723
File: 39 KB, 248x203, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vitalik will never abandon us

>> No.9425784

how hard is eth crashing after this?