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9422923 No.9422923 [Reply] [Original]

in this thead we discuss the Jibrel Network Token (JNT). reminder that you may not post in this thread unless you hold JNT.

>> No.9423003


>> No.9423013

anyone knows who are l'expert partners?

>> No.9423163

seems like a legal advisory group. never heard of them. it's just two guys:


>> No.9423232

ohhhh nice, they're from Switzerland. The pieces are coming together, i think major news is coming soon. But we need someone who knows about this group or Switzerland to chime in this thread

>> No.9423286

> reminder that you may not post in this thread unless you hold JNT.

Nice try, Shanjeet. I rate your shill - 2/10

>> No.9423504

I am looking forward to the first succesful pilots :)

>> No.9423527

I do not hold yet, but I'm planning to enter soon. Is there something expected to happen during the next 30 daysy?

>> No.9423560

Maybe an official announcement from a central bank, but I don't think so.

>> No.9423613

Nothing announced because they don't care about public marketing, but exchange listings are imminent... obviously...and a lot of milestones will be due in the next weeks to months

>> No.9423733

Yes, looking forward to the jWallet beta and the new website at the end of Q1 2019!

>> No.9423768

it's a long term hold and not much is expected to happen until Q3. that said, i would try to get in sooner rather than later. i got in around 29 cents and i think anything under 35 is an excellent entry point for the long term.

>> No.9423784

Hoho. That's a good one. :)

Inbefore they release something and you will miss the obvious moon mission because you were greedy af

>> No.9424046
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Thirsty... need... new... information...

>> No.9424099

i said the same thing and bought at 29 and it ended up dipping to 17. could have almost doubled my stack. nothing is guaranteed, if btc shits the bed nothing is going anywhere for several more months

>> No.9424116

do you not see the first comment in the thread jibroni?

>> No.9424129

I fomo'd in $.64 or something like that.

>> No.9424204

in the longterm you'll be rewarded handsomely for finding this under $5

>> No.9424247
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It's not new though, I remember hearing about it somewhere else. AMA perhaps? I want exciting new announcements! I know it's too much to ask but I'm just bored

>> No.9424299

That's what I keep telling myself but watching my reitrement money drop by 80% was not a fun feeling at all. I told myself I would sell before it it kucoin but I'm was too much of a coward because I thought the fundamentals were so good that it'd have to pump.

>> No.9424417

i'm in a similar boat. if this project goes under i'm fucked. but i have about a year and a half to see if that's the case

>> No.9424674

Do not put in more than you can afford to lose

>> No.9424795

Very clever statement sirs. Thanks sirs.

>> No.9424869

A partnership with Mr.whothefuckareyou experts from Europe. A whole $100k share capital !


>> No.9424964

almost 0.40 only way up from here jiblets

>> No.9425347

Bought my first 1k JNT this weekend boyos. It’s accumulation time.

>> No.9425530

You're never gonna make it

>> No.9425544

>That's what I keep telling myself but watching my reitrement money drop by 80% was not a fun feeling at all. I told myself I would sell before it it kucoin but I'm was too much of a coward because I thought the fundamentals were so good that it'd have to pump.

or at least put it into safe gainers like btc or eth

>> No.9425596

Sirs don't copy other statement sirs. I thought you are clever sirs.

>or at least put it into safe gainers like btc or eth

I am not here to make garbage returns. My own strategy allowed to me to get into the 7 digits club. But thanks again sirs, please keep buying the top 5 coins and expect some great ROI.

>> No.9426090

welcome jibroni

only a fucking moron would buy eth and btc in this market. you buy low cap alts with solid fundamentals, partnerships, teams, etc and you hold. i fully expect to be a millionaire from JNT. all it will take is about $33 per coin. i think we could def hit that this year but i'm willing to wait until EOY 2019 for it

>> No.9426212
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wa 'alaykum as-salām infidels buy jibrels sirs buy buy buy may the god of small smells bless you efendi and may the wind be passive special price efendi special special price for you ilā al-liqā'

>> No.9426313

Exactly. When I first looked into JNT it was just getting listed on gate.io. I looked over everything I could on the project and decided that I'd risk everything I had on it.

With hindsight I can see that it'd would have been smarter to wait, but at the time it sure didn't seem like it would stay under a dollar for very long. Then I started to spread FUD just for fun and a bunch of other people did too and then it crashed.

I still feel like this project could moon anytime just based on speculation alone.

>> No.9426373
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>> No.9427541

the absolute state of that partnership

>> No.9427592

although kucoin runs a good business generally Iv learned when anything gets listed to kucoin it dumps.

>> No.9427604

In order for people to speculate on it...they have to at least understand it on a surface level. Crypo is a dumb market though. It seems crazy to me that this project is still so low until I think about who the average crypto investor is.

>> No.9427615

those comments were quality shitposting.

>> No.9427632


>> No.9427727

I wouldn't touch such a complex project either, but thanks god it doesn't need a single pajeet to moon

>> No.9427760

>is literally an erc 20 token with a 'concept'
>wonders why it's not worth $1bn yet

never change biz, never change

>> No.9427778

This is crypo buddy. EOS and VEN are erc20 tokens with a 'concept'.

>> No.9427789

Where is wallet bro?? Hope he's safe

>> No.9427802

I wish I spent money on TRX instead of JNT.

>> No.9427808

I kinda bought low so I'm not bagholding as hard as some of you. Down 2% in eth value right now. Should I sell as soon I go up 1-5% again?

>> No.9427825

Best argument i have ever seen on this board.

Check out the top 26 crypto coins since they are worth more than 1B and tell me how many of them have a mainnet so far.

>Wonder why nobody takes me serious. My logic is flawless.

>> No.9427829
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I can already feel him, he is doing research.

>> No.9427840

JNT is such a boring hold especially when you are aware it probably won't do anything until late Q3 to Q4.

>> No.9427860

classic bagholder response

>shit like (insert coin) is (insert marketcap) therefore there's no reason why my shitcoin shouldn't be worth billions

difference is that there's a handful of devs, moving goalposts, jnt now useless and headed by a guy who sells bouncy castles for a living

>> No.9427873

Sell now before it's too late,
Talal is obviously buying time but truth is that the project delivered nothing and deadlines went into the trash. Big red flag...

>> No.9427877

Guy you logic is completly flawed and i even showed you the reason why. This has nothing to do with JNT right now.

>> No.9427944

I'd love to buy a bouncy castle desu, can I buy it in tokenized form?

>> No.9428452

Something I do find interesting though is that Yazan and Anna the PR person are at Consensus together.

>> No.9428527

I noticed Don Tapscott is speaking too.

>> No.9428548

Yeah it was a good talk, no mention of JNT though

>> No.9428741

Well what good is he then!?! Mother fucker...

>> No.9428788

There are rumors floating about that when Tapscott went to talk to the bank of england that Talal was there with him.

So at the very least he has connections and gives the project access to things they would not otherwise have.

>> No.9429762

You sure? I have it from a *very* reliable source that Talal is actually just a hospital janitor.