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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9419827 No.9419827 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9419841

we're both tryin to make it
but what constitutes "it" is different and therefore also the means

>> No.9419866
File: 582 KB, 1282x822, blockstream gassed get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ obviously, /biz/ and /pol/ have always been the two most closely related, most intertwined boards.




>> No.9419872


>> No.9419877


fpbp /thread

>> No.9419882

Everyone on /biz/ started on /pol/. like how /pol/ was an outgrowing of /b/.

>> No.9419886

Is /biz/ + /fit/ + /lit/ the ultimate chad browsing experience?

>> No.9419888

fpbp, all I do is lift and check my LINK wallet ranking all day

>> No.9419902


>> No.9419936
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it's sci. if you don't already understand why you're feeble monkey mind will never be capable of comprehending anyways

>> No.9419948

/fit/ of course. GTFO with /pol/, that’s just retarded

>> No.9419979

Stop looking in a mirror all the time.

>> No.9419991

completely wasted get

>> No.9420005

/sci/, a board where brainlets incessantly compare their IQ


/lit/, a board where people discuss high level literature, creative writing techniques and philosophy


>> No.9420008

I'm either here or /pol/

>> No.9420010


>> No.9420037
File: 26 KB, 236x177, C59CBC07-D0C9-4B24-8010-287807505925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect my digits, faggot

>> No.9420039

what is your thought on the matter, anon? Which board is our progenitor?

>> No.9420053

>/fit/ and /pol/
No fucking wonder this board is filled with absolute retards who lose their money.
I will tell you the true answer and it is /g/ and /v/. Both are oldfags who knew about btc since forever and are actually making money off this game.

>> No.9420054

/biz/ /fit/ /pol/
The holy trinity

>> No.9420057
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>/biz/ + /fit/ + /lit/ + /tv/ + /sci/ + /g/ + /his/ + /r9k/ + /pol/ + /s4s/

>> No.9420059
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/pol/ and /fit/
my homeboard is /ck/ and sometimes /bant/
lets face the truth, we're all semi-fags for spending so much time talking to other men every single day. most of what we post is gossip and bitching. we're behaving like women because we grew up in a gynocentric world.

only /fit/bros and /biz/bros can provide useful info, but you have to sort through 90% of garbage threads. at least when i'm at /bant/ i've already accepted that it's 100% nonsensical garbage.

>> No.9420060
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This. Well not everyone but definitely most of us.

>> No.9420074


add in /ck/
around 1 out of 100 posts there will actually gibs you good info on how to make simple, fresh, fast meals for cheap. it's a big money saver considering that even fast food will cost you around $5-$7 per meal these days.

>> No.9420081


>> No.9420091
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>> No.9420094

/pol/ is anti-biz.

>> No.9420103


thought i was the only one, until i started seeing pink wojaks show up there

>> No.9420109


The Americans helped Germany out of their inflationary period. By the time Hitler got to power the economy was booming. This guy is fucked.

>> No.9420122


Find one thread without mention of kikes

>> No.9420124

>he holds Link
>he asks for respect

Stop being disgusting; sell your putrid Link, clean yourself up, get rid of the stinky smell, then come back as a civilized human, and then you can ask for respect.

>> No.9420164

are you retarded? america and others destroyed and raped the german economy after ww1. It's one of the main reasons a person like hitler got to power.

>> No.9420165


>> No.9420231
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This. Those are my main boards although I have enjoy anime recently and /lit/ as well can be hidden gems.
Good taste but lately I'm loving pic related.

>> No.9420247
File: 3.03 MB, 1396x1420, thot in the franxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed shit taste

>> No.9420297

the actual truth is /diy/. learning any particular skill and getting good at it can make you money and enrich your life.

>> No.9420331
File: 84 KB, 640x640, E8EFBF6B-8B86-4756-B8C6-8D6BC07B8713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy NoLinker scum

>> No.9420414
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>The Americans helped Germany out of their inflationary period. By the time Hitler got to power the economy was booming.

>> No.9420421

No, just no

>> No.9420427

/g/ or /ck/

>> No.9420544
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Pol or fit
Used to just be pol and fit before this board even existed.

>> No.9420559

/g/ since this board was literally made because of /g/

>> No.9420639


>> No.9420798
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>> No.9420829
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Glad to see another man of culture here. The newfaggotry of this thread is amazing.

>> No.9420859
File: 175 KB, 871x376, Elvis says all in on XLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/x/, all my best trades are based on ouija answers

>> No.9420885

People spend their days playing retro he's after they retire from crypto.

>> No.9420894

ja/ck/ also makes it worth browsing.

>> No.9420967


OP behind bait and switch proxy.

>>>/pol/ go home white man,

>> No.9420993
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We have descended from /g/, so it's /g/.

Everyone that says /pol/ are 17 year old nufags.

>> No.9421040

not a bad answer. I'm not /fit/ myself, but the mentality and the self-improvement ethos run through both.

I think a small minority of robots are here as well, the ones who think money = panacea

/pol/ this is a retarded answer. Real /biz/ men scam both sides of politics, preferably at the same time. /pol/ is more the brother board of /tv/ because they need to think that somehow their fucking space operas and capeshit are a concerted effort to undermine the superior white race or something, I dunno, all I know is if you want to get ahead in Bureaucracy or Business, you have to give up politics.

>> No.9421054
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you haven't made it until you're rich and /fit/

>> No.9421991

You meathead.

It's more like this /biz/ + /pol/ (or /his/) + /lit/

>> No.9422019

you need good values. Both /pol/ (except for all the Pagan LARPers) and /lit/ are Pro-Christian which=good values.

>> No.9422040

>we're all semi-fags for spending so much time talking to other men every single day
are you braindead? is it less gay to talk to women all day? I don't think so. If anything, it's a lot gayer to talk to physically embodied people than internet friends

>> No.9422287

Are you my friend?
>internet friends

>> No.9422337
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>> No.9422346



/fit/ comes in second after /pol/

>> No.9422444

the ABSOLUTE STATE of newfags.

The best partner board to /biz/ is whatever the fuck board can shut the fuck up and not leak into /biz/. That's the whole reason we have different boards, to talk about different topics.

/pol/ and /fit/ faggots that come to this board shit up the place forgetting this is a board about making money.
>But we need to make it for our body!
Then i'll fuck off to /fit/ to talk about and read about working out
>But we need to understand the jewish overlords!
Then i'll fuck off to /pol/ to find out how to break free from the bankers.

Any faggot that brings that shit to /biz/ however is WORSE than the fucking normies that try to blend in.

The only correct answer for the partner board to /biz/ is /biz/.
Honorable mentions to /g/ though.

>> No.9422671

I don't post content from other boards though. I only post crypto news here.

>> No.9422823

I usually hate all message posters but you are totally right: STAY ON TOPIC. It's bad enough that "business and finance" is "crypto and depression" it'd be nice if we had at least 10% non-crypto, but hustle/business/finance threads. but the tribe has spoken.

Also dubs and trips check'd and off-topic posters wreck'd.

>> No.9422859
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these three are the chose ones

>> No.9422894
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>> No.9422902

/biz/ is /x/ tier

>> No.9422917

that's not /biz/ /sp/ /asp/ masterrace

>> No.9422967
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>> No.9423078

No, you are anti-biz.
/pol/ is the origin of /biz/

>> No.9423108

/g/ is the origin of /biz/

>> No.9423314
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sorry kikes, its /pol/

/biz/ is ok with heebs, as long as you don't try to jew us.

>> No.9423392
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tfw /b/ was the one that got me into crypto but will take /fit/ or hell even /mu/ or /tv/ over it anyday.

>> No.9423720
File: 1.81 MB, 390x300, 14499838-4076-4E64-AF28-79C97F6F03D8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accurate... started with /b in grade 6. 26 now.

>> No.9423849
File: 159 KB, 640x480, Komputah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ and /fa/ makes sense though

>> No.9423943

it's /biz/ and /pol/ because /pol/ recognizes bitcoin as the capital of /biz/rael

>> No.9423957


>> No.9423997

This board is a spinoff of /g/.

>> No.9424013


so much live action roleplay

>> No.9424424

This 100%

>> No.9424543
File: 107 KB, 700x734, 1524437188534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ and /fit/
It's /biz/ and /fa/.

>> No.9424569


>> No.9424618


>> No.9424673


>/biz/ /asp/ /v/ masterrace

>> No.9424769

/pol/ they are the only other people besides /k/ who know the evils of the (((central bankers)))

>> No.9424792

/pol/ is complete cancer
they also hate and laugh at Bitcoin there

>> No.9424805

it's /fit/ because both boards are full of fags


>> No.9424824

fucking checked
when i first started coming to /biz/ i decided to stick around because it didn't even feel like the rest of the shithole that is 4chan. it was its own thing with its own culture where people actually trying in life would come to try and make money. now its just teenage crossboarders bringing their retarded unfunny personalities trying to turn this place into a fuckin AOL chatroom

>> No.9424948


>> No.9425080
File: 141 KB, 600x900, 4chanG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the holy trinity. /g/ is pic related

>> No.9425364

/pol/‘s boardfu is /x/
/biz/‘s is /trv/, lord knows she’s high-maintenance

>> No.9425378
File: 869 KB, 1181x1248, 858C8724-418C-40E2-8D82-E46E82E69563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ is /biz/‘s estranged father.

>> No.9425398

/co/ and /ck/ are forever joined at the hip.