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9416471 No.9416471 [Reply] [Original]

So. I'm going to be a father, /biz/
Roughly four weeks in, I'm only 20, still living at home, same as my girlfriend.
Currently earning at least $700 AUD a week (at minimum, can earn extra as commission)
Currently paying $100 a week rent and putting away $100 a week savings in a savings account accruing interest.

We're going to move in together, which puts my weekly expenses up to $175 for rent, plus utilities, food, etc

All in all, I can easily save $300 a week right now in preparation as long as I live frugally.

That'll give me a several thousand in savings as a safety net for when we move in together.

My concern is, once I've moved in, I'll be spending roughly $250 per week on my own bare necessities and i'll have about $650 left over. Is this enough to raise a baby on? keep in mind my girlfriend currently works and earns similar money.

Pic related. MFW I found out

>> No.9416502


>> No.9416519

gg op, have fun becoming a slave

>> No.9416523


>> No.9416525

Ahh the birth of poverty, domestic violence, and eventual divorce. Look & laugh everyone, even the link cucks are laughing.

>> No.9416526
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Mate, she'll get that centrelink gravy train for pushing out another unwanted child (seriously cunt, use fucking birth control I dont want my tax money going towards that shit).
Pic related, its mfw people dont know how to have safe sex

>> No.9416531

this, fpbp

you're fucked op your girlfriend will refuse to abort and you'll be poor and miserable the rest of your life

why didn't you just use birth control

>> No.9416544

Kek, this. I bet op wears adidas track pants with nike sneakers and a nike bumb bag

>> No.9416554

you'll be fine, OP

>> No.9416557

no, abort

>> No.9416559

Id like to be a dad though.
However, only if it's going to be possible to give that kid a good life. We were planning on a child in the next few years anyway.

Just going to you guys for financial advice. After all your own needs are taken care of, is it possible to raise a kid with $350 - $400 a week?

>> No.9416568

Hey there, congrats! Thinking about these things tells me that, at the very least, you arent a complete fuckass. That said - are you four weeks in to KNOWING? Is it too late? Having a kid at 20 will absolutely wreck any chance you have of making it. Sure, it may give you character and grit through hardship but the fact is, your life will be considerable worse for a very long time. If it is AT ALL possible, please have an abortion. For your own good. Do you live in east AU or west? From what I understand legality is not congruent from state to state much like the US.

>> No.9416573

He probably vapes too, that homosexual.

>> No.9416577

you're only going to give your kid a perpetual cycle of poverty and misfortune

stop while you're ahead, you can still abort

>> No.9416591

push her down the stairs pls

>> No.9416600


You can, but it will not be easy. Also - have you ever NOT lived at home? You're not ready to raise a child well and have infinite opportunities to do so in the future after you are stable.

How long have you been dating your GF?

>> No.9416629

four weeks into pregnancy. and I dunno, I might just not have a realistic view of it, but I feel like the money wont be too bad. Claim benefits for smoother ride, IDGAF

Been with her for a year and a bit. Been friends for about 3 years before that. We briefly lived together when we were friends for about 3 or 4 months, then we both moved back in home. Didnt have the financial stability at that point.

>> No.9416632

OP - also - have you considered what happens when/if you break up and will no doubt be paying child support while now oly having 1 income stream yet 90% of the expenses you had when you were together? Then, it will not be enough.

>> No.9416647

fucking hell op how do you manage that youll never make it, honestly you shouldnt shackup with a girl until your atleast 25+ if you wanna make it. Im a 26 year old sparky and just work FIFO construction jobs currently making 3.3 grand after tax 4 and 1, got into crypto june 2017 (first mini bullrun when it got on the news) and manage to have around 600k in crypto (mostly antshares or neo now off coinspot lmao) and around 100k in oil stocks and on my week off i just stay at parents house (whats the point of paying for shit if your working away).

Honestly im just working and playing the markets hopefully ill make it and buy a nice rural property here in aus and just live a nice reclusive lifestyle off the land with a coupla rifles and sheep dogs

>> No.9416675

should've given her the 'ol lickaroo instead

>> No.9416678
File: 83 KB, 600x719, D06842F0-3296-4599-892B-5101B1EE6D78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bunch of faggots this thread is full of. OP, keep the kid. Shit will be rough absolutely, but you’ll figure it out. Do what you can to keep expenses low, but make certain you take your lady out every now and then. The real tragedy would be if you ended up paying alimony and child support for the rest of your life because you were to focused on saving every shekel you owned.

>> No.9416680

Yes, easily if u aren’t materialistic retards, especially when counting tax credits/ government handouts
You’ll be fine OP

>> No.9416683

nigga, its time to jump ship.
take out a loan and take off to another country, change your name. start fresh
the only boundaries or concepts of "honour" exist in your mind.
the world is your oyster take it

>> No.9416693

What site you at mate?

>> No.9416731

also nice little picture but you would submit this poor fool to 18 years child support slavery for a kid she can take away at anytime and never let him see again? when she can absolutely fuck him over and take almost everything he has on a whim?
I've seen it over and over, she'll enjoy his attention for a while until she gets bored, feels like a change or finds something better.
fuck off out of here with the idea his life belongs to her.
Women are awful creatures, always treat with them under the context that they are.

>> No.9416741
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great, this is where the 1k in tax i pay a week goes towards

>> No.9416742

>calls everyone in the thread fags for telling op he just ruined his life

>proceeds to say shit will be rough


>> No.9416751

Incel or MGTOW? I’m sorry you’ve never experienced a good, worthwhile woman.

>> No.9416769

Man honestly don't have a kid when you're 20 years old. My mum had my sister when she was very young, who in turn had her daughter when she was young, both were your age. I was born 12 years later than my sister different Dad and the difference in the quality of childhood between me and my sister is ridiculous. If you haven't made it yet, or aren't on your way to making it, your child's life will be considerably worse. I want to be a dad too man, but you need to think about the consequences of having a kid this young, and look at it from the perspective of the child. If I'm really honest I think it is a very selfish act to bring a child into the world at this age. Who knows in a few years, you could be in better circumstances, would have spent more time with your girlfriend and have a better idea of whether you want to spend your life with her and raise children. I advise against it anon.

>> No.9416795

looking around and being real about the world
>generic white knight response

>> No.9416796

At least he was providing discussion instead of meming

>> No.9416811

Enjoy being miserable and alone

>> No.9416813

You can do it, Ive done it on my own working while my wife went to school.

>> No.9416839
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>im going to be a father biz
>im only 20 living at home
>Currently earning at least $700 AUD a week
Do what makes you ''happy'' op lol

>> No.9416862
File: 481 KB, 1900x1440, 1526040521356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more generic responses
>look your reply's are even charted
>white knights / male feminists never
>come up with something new
>enjoy a life of being cucked

>> No.9416878

itll go as good as your girlfriend is op. if she is a cunt then you'll just have to eat a shit sandwich every day and smile or your kid will end up a stripper or he'll cut his dick off. if she's great it'll go great. breastfeed and your kid eats free the first year.

>> No.9416942
File: 148 KB, 750x1131, 08b7bd5b62a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No argument ITT thread holds stronger than this one, OP

It is a fact that people who wed before the age 25 or after the age of 33 have much higher divorce rates
And in your case, your guys' brains haven't even fully connected yet, as they finish finally at 25
You are not the people you will be for the rest of your life, you are not yet 'minted'
You and your gf still have time in which you'll change, and in meaningful ways too
Thus you should think on the potential of her breaking up with you almost as a given; and in that situation you can't afford the baby
As others here have said, you will have much more time to become more settled and have a baby at a steadier time in your life

>> No.9416955

You can do it anon I believe in you! :)

>> No.9416991

Get an abortion. Seriously.

>> No.9416997


>> No.9417402
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Op got cucked by an abo JUST.
Also welcome to the boomer club.

>> No.9417462

Lmao dude your life is over
>700 Australian dollars a week
That is piss poor

>> No.9417533
File: 21 KB, 212x250, 20180227_101444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not actually black right?

>> No.9417546

>only been with her a year
>having a child
This can only end well

>> No.9417584

$700 a week? Damn son I'm making 2k a week and it's not enough. Also you should have gotten a degree. Also you shouldn't have knocked up someone. Also you've ruined your life and now your child's life. Also you'll never EVER make it. Stay poor

>> No.9417640

Same here fren. You're better off than me though. I tricked a woman into thinking I was a crypto millionaire when in reality I have a shitty job.

>> No.9417666

~$500 a week isn't bad money at all. ~24 grand a year. You can easily get by on that and save a little bit for retirement.

>> No.9417670

bro idk this AUD shit and on top of that you gotta confuse everybody by talking about weekly expenses? talk about monthly expenses. from there you can break your budgeting into weekly if you'd like.
anyway work as much overtime/go as hard as you possibly can for commissions before the kiddo comes because you won't have any energy to focus at work for the first year after birth. any chance of gf picking up a job for the next few months to lighten the load post pregnancy?

>> No.9418197

Tfw get a third tier shithole brown girl pregnant and skip town. Come back a few months later, get another third world girl pregnant. On and on every few months. No child support. No alimony. No bills. Just dem feels when I pump my hot semen right st the one eyed cervix monster without repercussion. Dat freedom!


>> No.9418276

What job nibba?

>> No.9418322

>fucking brown girls

>be me
>half convict trash/ half panjeet trash
>go to europe at 19 and a virgin
>in europe for 6 months
>fucked 11 girls
>came inside 4 of them
>one german girl (26) was the biggest whore ive ever met, came in her a few times, call her my cumslut and the dirty talk would make her cum
>for 2 weeks i fucked this 18 year old irish mullato, who didnt understand or care what comdons or pulling out was
>mutiple instances of cumming inside her
>very likely that i have some 6 year old bastard spawn in europe
>feels good man

>> No.9418364


Are your parents kicking you both out or did you make the stupid decision of leaving and trying to be "independent"? If second, should have just lived together in a room with family and paid them rent. Both could have also used the extra money to get into a trade/schooling while using parents as (paid) babysitters. Instead, you'll barely be making it and staying as wage slave. Enjoy :)

>> No.9419295

Don't do it OP. Abort. Everyone in this thread is screaming at you to not do it. Your life will be fucking over. Let this be your chance to dodge a fucking bullet.

>> No.9419493


>> No.9419519

My family lives on $500AUD total.
Our mortgage is small, we grow food and collect firewood from various places near our house. Still saving $40+ every week.
Don't fall for the consumerist Jew and you'll be fine.
GL mate!

>> No.9419520

You really fucked up OP. 28 here and every friend I have that has kids had to settle for a shitty job and is currently miserable.

>> No.9419530

This. For christ sake move in with the parents and learn a trade.

>> No.9419540
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> 22
> browsing biz with my son sleeping next to me
> laughing at you degenerates
money is a meme OP
but you better love that bitch