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9416220 No.9416220 [Reply] [Original]

This wallet just moved half its stack 21 hours ago, 500k Linkies


Who here detective?

>> No.9416232

It moved to this wallet: https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca?a=0xe123c31ebb8307c1d966cc36b379629827ef2405

And back out again... in 7 minutes

>> No.9416249



ended up in a Binance wallet.

>> No.9416274

About to get dumped again.

>> No.9416283

So a wallet with a million Linkies halved itself, sent it to a shell wallet, and then sent that to Binance.

Amazing to follow some of these top wallets. I'm searching for clues since wallet autist disappeared

>> No.9416293

just emailed the guy. He said he's hoping to dump at $60 by Wednesday.

>> No.9416337

Wasn't there an autist yesterday threatening to dump 500k LINK until someone doxxed him?

>> No.9416345


ffs just post a screenshot as proof

>> No.9416358

He seemed like a brainlet with issues though. I'm looking for any clues on the big boys holding huge stacks. Also cool to be a top 1000 holder

>> No.9416363

LINK is gonna be 60 fucking DOLLARS?

>> No.9416400

Can confirm, I'm the guy. Please stop looking at my wallet, I don't go to your house to look at your mailbox it's all very rude..

>> No.9416405

This wallet just got over a million linkies less than two weeks ago: https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca?a=0x6aa454ad163624061f34127c812285b57602b836

The suspense is huge. Some of these wallets would have hundreds of millions at even $20

>> No.9416428
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but really, it looks to me like this wallet is from a crypto whale that bought this stack back in sept/oct and did a little bit of trading.

Doesn't look like an "institutional" wallet. Fucks around with shitcoins like Jesuscoin, Golem, etc.

But if I was "institutional" I would be putting HOT, BZG, UFR... all those coins in my wallet for obfuscation.

>> No.9416507

da fuck you talking bout retard. only two wallets would have over 100 mil at $20 LINK

>> No.9416542

I'm moving fast and typing faster, I'm a detective not a mathematician

>> No.9416645

These million Linkie wallets have been moving weird amounts of tokens around: https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca?a=0x2b1b1e27a50afd4929f773c7eed2d1cea1c964c8

>> No.9416694

thats a lot of tax

>> No.9416699

I highly doubt that they would sell at 50 cents. Something big must be coming.

>> No.9416711

Ok I'm not wallet autist so I am done. I think some of these wallets not dumping after all this time means something big

>> No.9416725

Maybe they're expecting a massive pump soon and want to swing trade. Who knows/cares. Just keep riding the waves.

>> No.9416739

And the day before and the day before that. It's all related to that astrolarp kid who got molested by his uncle.

>> No.9416758
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Yeah, but he seemed pretty retarded and stopped posting as soon as he got doxxed lol

>> No.9416788

Last one. Someone has managed to accumulate 680k Link. I envy this anon


>> No.9416829

Anyone have the link to check all chainlink wallet holdings? etherscan only has the top 1000.

>> No.9416950

Can't find it. But there's only 21000 link wallets. The top 100 wallets hold 84% of the current supply.

A select few are going to become more rich, but only 21000 people will be in on this, and most of those are probably exchange wallets with 300 link

>> No.9416967

sorry fren i wanted WalletAutism to be my gf and scared her off

>> No.9416976

tfw one of these is my wallet. Guys you look way more into than there is. that is all i will say

>> No.9417002

aka it's all a waste of time, huh?

>> No.9417012

All he wanted was a fucking Pepsi

>> No.9417040
File: 3.82 MB, 1000x1000, sl_coke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry we don't serve Pepsi here, is Coke alright?

>> No.9417083

Anyone with over 100k link are not moving link to binance to dump...i will leave it at that. More important than binance wallet movements is binance volume.

>> No.9417120

Thanks anon, that makes sense

>> No.9417127
File: 353 KB, 1536x2048, Screenshot_20180416-004343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know something about the volume sausage?

>> No.9417128


>> No.9417153
File: 205 KB, 659x525, 1520809135389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just looked over your shoulder.
can confirm

>threatening to dump 500k LINK
this is the opposite of a problem
if he market sold 500k link that would shit the price down so far catching the falling knife would be so close to printing money i'd feel jewish

>> No.9417165

Yes. Pay very close attention to the volume over May. You should expect a big increase but won't specifically coincide w/ price increase.

>> No.9417198
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fucking kek

also time time to sell my linkies, I guess the fag is going to try to sell the news.

>> No.9417201

yo dawg i have over 100k LINK, how the fuck do I find out what's going on with this thing? Is there like a secret group I haven't been invited to yet or something?

>> No.9417219

The three main theories are:
1.New wash bots
2.Accumulation for bitcoin pump
3.Accumulation for big exchange listing
To me, accumulation doesn't make any sense, as you can do that much more effectively OTC.
What do you think?

>> No.9417284


This wallet got 1,000,000 linkies 20 days ago from a wallet that was wiped out. Man this will be one of the biggest mysteries until news comes out

>> No.9417296


I think its accumulation related but I haven't really decided who's accumulating. That would imply someone knows more than us, which could be partners who want to increase their positions but its hard to say which would be getting a jump on it.

New listings I do think we'll see sooner than later. They're going to add an American listing for sure, but I'm not sure when since they may be waiting on SEC rules or audits or some other external factor before that happens.

>> No.9417440

Sergey speaks to people and companies. These people decide if Chainlink is the best solution for their needs. Expect at least 10 people to have knowledge that their company will be working with Chainlink.

None of the above from what I understand.

>> No.9417463

Could some of this be partnership companies and their wallets? Advisors and employees getting paid?

>> No.9417489

10 people altogether? Out of all companies possibly using chainlink?

>> No.9417507

I'm not privy to any of that so couldn't tell you. I will tell you two things. One, there was a very important reason Chainlink set a deadline to get on Ropsten at least a week before Consensus AND an IC3 event with a very important female attendee. Two, Chainlink will be in action at Consensus but you will not see any Chainlink or SmartContract logos.

>> No.9417525

10 people is an anti-hyperbolic figure. It's on a need to know basis and the bottom line is money saved, not normie consensus, approval and fawning. You wanted a link super sekret club? You're already here and this is as good as it gets for better or worse.

>> No.9417540

Doing the lord's work anon

This week will be an interesting one indeed

>> No.9417564

its Charles dude
better watch out
hes going to keep that wall at 50c
even when btc moons.
we will be able to get link for 1k sats soon thanks to him
thanks Charles

>> No.9417569


>> No.9417577

Obviously you're not going to reveal the institution you work for, especially if this isn't a LARP. But can you give a hint as to why there is all of this secrecy associated with this project? Is this the norm for all projects/partnerships, or is this a special case?

>> No.9417618

Some of these top 100 wallets have massive amounts of other coins as well. But most of them have more Link than any other shit coin. That's how I know this project is big

>> No.9417624


likely just the teams style. they were a 2 person team for a long time which requires laser focus to pull off. that meant a coder, and a business dev guy, so that's what they focused on because everything else was secondary.

now they're getting ready for mainnet and I believe have a marketing hire working with them but haven't announced them yet, but rather than announcing announcements, they're going to stick to business dev behind closed doors and let partners make announcements at whichever Chainlink milestone they're comfortable with. I think that's why you didn't see even a blog post saying they had a node on Ropsten, because any testnet release will be timed to coincide with partner announcements.

they're playing the Apple game. keep people in suspense and only speak about new products when they're being released. already have their fanboys locked in and everything kek

>> No.9417664

Off to bed anons. This wallet just got 2 million Linkies a few days ago


The only thing in this wallet is Link. And $70 of ETH. Things that make you go hmm

>> No.9417665

Fuck dude I want this to be real. How do you think Sergey and Steve met?

>> No.9417747


>> No.9417987

I saw a screenshot of a Bittrex LINK wallet yesterday somewhere. I couldnt confim if it was a larp or not. Cant find it now... am I imaging things?

>> No.9417997

The guy with 800,000?

>> No.9418079

From what I understand is Chainlink is positioned to be a behind the scenes service for institutions. This is the reasoning behind the open sourcing the project early as this is part of their sales pitch. Chainlink will be an option for any company that needs to implement an open source oracle decentralized oracle solution. Companies will offer their customers services to connect legacy infrastructure to smart contracts using chainlink. There will be many instances where the end customer will never see or hear the word chainlink. The companies will offer USD pricing (even monthly) for these smart contract services. These companies will be the ones paying the link fees to node operators.

>> No.9418084

>but only 21000 people will be in on this
that kinda puts into perspective what's goning on here. also, some of those will be multiple wallets held by one person.

we really are the select few. and we're all gon make it...

>> No.9418105

That definitely makes sense, I mean the average consumer wouldn't give a flying fuck about Chainlink, let alone the inner-workings of any technology whatsoever. Do you believe these companies will announce publicly that they plan to utilize Chainlink, or are we going to have to wait to see the traffic at mainnet?

>> No.9418108

Who is this mystery women you speak of fren?

>> No.9418133

I think the decentralized oracle concept is hard for a lot of people to wrap their heads around because you need to already understand blockchain tech for chainlink to make sense so this keeps the normies out.

>> No.9418145

the devs need to eat

>> No.9418149

Nope. Sergey is selling Chainlink as this "here is an open sourced decentralized oracle solution and here is how it works, don't matter how you package it." This is actually a great thing as companies are tripping over themselves to implement and sell this as an offering of their own. It is a small price to pay for link holders that will pay dividends in the future.

>> No.9418157

There were only a few. Wouldn't be hard to figure out.

>> No.9418200

So you're saying all of these projects that sound like Chainlink knockoffs created by large companies could actually be Chainlink with a different logo slapped onto it?

>> No.9418228

past or future event?

>> No.9418251

Close. I am saying Chainlink is built in a way that allows adapters. These adapters can be whatever they want to be as long as they follow Chainlink's schema. For example, I could the same service as chainlink but allow a company to write the smart contract code in a language they are familiar.

>> No.9418259

This past week.

>> No.9418294

And she wouldn't give it to me.

>> No.9418305

it makes sense, that way these companies don't have to dirty their hands with ICOs for distributed crypto projects to get going.

Microsoft/Azure Cryptlets
IntellectEU Catalyst
whatever Salesforce releases?

>> No.9418324

Someone please figure out who this mysterious female is. I have to go to bed unfortunately.

If you're truly not larping, thanks for all of the info. You're a swell guy.

>> No.9418337

Ultimately they will be using link as the mode of transportation though? Have an idea as to when main net will launch?

>> No.9418344
File: 140 KB, 1031x895, Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at 1.46.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe ENJ?

>> No.9418394

There is a certain big project with a childish dev team releasing one of these LINK style systems amidst much fanfare. I wonder if theyre related.

>> No.9418467

You seem to understand the project well and are reasonable in your thought process. Do you think $20-40 link is feasible by 2020?

>> No.9418468

nah, they're just a candidate oracle-user.

>> No.9418530

Looks like there was only one IC3 event last week:

Some kind of spring retreat? A list of attendees isn't available. Anyone have any ideas? Or am I being too creepy here?

>> No.9418532

If you're speaking about people fluent in Greek they're definitely using Intel hardware for 3 -> 8.

>> No.9418556

Maybe it's actual testing use?

Test oracle clients send LINK as payment to test node operators who sell on binance, which gets bought back by those test node operators?

>> No.9418573

How I see it playing out is a few more smaller projects will announce they will be utilizing chainlink. This may come from dlt projects like Request Network etc. This may move the price a little. I think the real price jumps will occur when link node operators see the type and volume of requests and connect the dots of what type of businesses are requesting data. At this point node I expect node operators to communicate their node returns to the larger crypto community. At this point supply is dried up (tied up in nodes) and I think you guys call this the singularity. This is where the price jumps a few dollars a day.

Now if you are asking me when main net, all 'I can say is my company is announcing our project in September...I don't know if main net will be live or we are just announcing. I think this is a Chainlink goal though.

>> No.9418587

>fluent in Greek

>> No.9418820
File: 34 KB, 500x400, 1522940371024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just figured out the company you work for, it is Salesforce because they announced to release their blockchain project in September

>> No.9418826

It's a chink woman from JP Morgan's blockchain team.

I seen it on twitter and so did the LARPer.

>> No.9418854

So we won see price increase from normies ? Who can increase the price if not binance buyers-normies ? This big companies will buy OTC from sergey :/

>> No.9418862

Ethplorer has the full holder list.

>> No.9418881

Is 10K LINK actually enough to make it in a couple years. I could probably get by with like 500K after taxes. I have 8500 now.

>> No.9418893

Think of it this way anon, the grocery store has lots of bottles of water. One day theres an earthquake, and that same water is worth 20$ per bottle. The grocery store ran out of stock. You want water to survive, now you end up paying 1000$ for the bottle.

>> No.9418912

This makes my weewee tingle!
Thx for the info fren

Also was the women you mean also on the sxsw panel?

>> No.9418935
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>> No.9418945


probably one of the women on here

>> No.9418964

ChainLink is a scam. It's copying a similar project which was created years ago that no one ever used because decentralized oracles are useless in practice:

>> No.9418971

I too saw the post that said Salesforce has a crypto related product announcement on September, hope it's chainlink fren :)

>> No.9418988

No if you look above I just gave you the answer. It is some Chink woman from JP Morgan look at IC3s twitter. Christine is her name

Hint: some larper seen this info and kidded on he is an inside

>> No.9418990

Isn't the binance wallet divided into more individual accounts?

>> No.9419062

Hardly anything there, much less a working project. Try again