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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 376x134, RLC iExec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9413274 No.9413274 [Reply] [Original]

EASIEST x100 of your LIFE!! DONT let this opportunity pass; this will CHANGE ENTIRE INDUSTRIES. iExec (Ticker: RLC) is probably the most underrated project in crypto right now: V1.0 working product, huge partnerships (last mentioned was with Ubisoft), massive v2.0 release in end of May (GAME CHANGING with testnet immediately ready for devs to work directly with new features!!!) plus TWO MAJOR announcements at Consensus conference the coming days. You DO NOT want to be left behind when this giant goes for supra 1000% returns. You have NO excuse; I let you in on this huge fucking gem before it exploded. My goal is to help you make it and get rich, this is from the bottom of my heart the most promising B2B project with incredible product that I have ever seen. It is PRIMED for price discovery at this point and there is no ceiling. Take action and go make your first million dollars in crypto. To let you know a few of my outstanding trades, I was in the DGB pump last year, put all my profit into Raiblocks in early summer and dumped my XRB after new year's eve with more profit than your entire net worth. I fancied TRON back when it was shit tier at Liqui before its pump and I have been slaying MAD % trades the past half year. This is your chance: In crypto, you can literally start with $500 and turn it into a million within a SINGLE YEAR. Play smart; buy undervalued gems before the market goes crazy about them - RLC is one of them. Short term this is at least a x10, but I see it going SO much higher.
Your money, your call - but you could walk out on a LOT of money here if you don't get in SOON.

>> No.9413298

I own 2000 RLC. But you just shilled my ass into buying 1500 more. God bless you

>> No.9413301

So you think the price is going to 107 dollars?

>> No.9413316

not impossible at all

>> No.9413318

This fucking gem didnt even FLINCH when the whole market was in red. You know why??? NOBODY WANTS TO SELL = NO SELLERS = SUPPLY LOWER THAN DEMAND = PRICE GOES UP.


>> No.9413336

i need moar! you fuckers keep compounding my fomo but i don't know what to dump for this

>> No.9413388

>he thinks that cloud computing is something that really exist and not pure waporware
>muh top tier French team
>muh baguettes
>muh libertè, egualitè, homosexualitè

>> No.9413392


>but i don't know what to dump for thi


>> No.9413425

Raiblocks went from CENTS to $40. This is the result of a strong project, bagholders (community members) and a fuckton of hype. You know, RLC goes directly for adoption before anything - and they are SLAYING it. This project is so huge in itself that without retards speculating in price, the project valuation will pop x10 as the announcements and v2.0 are made. Call it value investing, but what happens after may is pure speculation hype, FOMO and greed that will take this baby to insane heights in its price discovery.

>> No.9413481

Just bought 1k more of these gems after reading this.

5.7k RLC right now.

We are gonna make it brahs

>> No.9413483

Almost everything is cloud based these days, decentralised CC on blockchain is probably one of the most useful products in this era - not sure if trolling or 98 years old grandpa with no tech insight

>> No.9413528
File: 136 KB, 1080x1350, 1Mw95mg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its about as likely as this fine young lady showing up at your door and offering services for free because you are the ultimate chad.

>> No.9413558
File: 432 KB, 469x632, buffexecunigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iExec is literally unfudable

>> No.9413580
File: 8 KB, 253x199, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm considering it but everything i'm holding is green and comfy...decisions

>> No.9413598

>tfw only 110rlc
Never gonna make it

>> No.9413600

still 4x ico and dropping like a rock

>> No.9413605

People don't realise RLC solves HUGE fucking corporate issues. Nerds are thinking "muh store of value" and p2p stuff, SURE that is the goal of some projects, but this single project can save businesses millions in cost savings from traditional resource planning to straight up eliminating CC scalability issues.

>> No.9413611

Fuck you all that was a damn good shill. Dropping CMT for this

>> No.9413621

>all that autistic random caps
ya no. its a scam.

>> No.9413625
File: 521 KB, 758x775, comfyexecs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copypasta from other thread

It's going to enable off-chain processing for ETH, but their endgame is edge/fog computing. It's essentially next-gen cloud infrastructure, which by the way is being developed by iExec, IBM, Microsoft, Samsung, Intel and CISCO_FUCKING_SYSTEMS. Why is this huge? Well. 80% of the world's data is handled by Cisco routers and switches. Now iExec is working with all these behemoths side-by-side @ OpenFog consortium. If these guys want to push new tech, you'd be an absolute retard betting against them.

Imagine you're a datacenter. Now what does it cost to run it all? Literally hundreds of millions to build it and then some more to keep it running. Now imagine you could provide hosting and computing (Amazon Web Services, Netflix runs on it for example), without having to build a huge fucking datacenter. You just rent any goddamn hardware that is idling anywhere in the world to provide your service.

Now, you don't pay for infrastructure. So you cut your prices down. You become appealing to customers. You grow. You become the airBnB and Uber of data networks/service providing.

What do you need the tokens for, you might ask? Well let my autistic-as-fuck ass tell you.
It's to pay the hardware owners for computational cycles. Just like mining, but actually doing work and not wasting electricity for frivolous shit.

Oh, this sort of network model is also ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to IoT, since it kills all sorts of problems associated with latency and security. FUCK. This project makes my dick hard. I'm out, let me tell you another bedtime story after V2 has launched.

>> No.9413670

Got my AMBs. Should I sell them for RLC. from 2.4k ambs for 850 RLC?

Real deal folks, should I?

>> No.9413671

that was an informed non brainlet anon. i remember another anon dropping some serious knowledge. wish i saved it because it's the reason why i bought. any more non brainlet anons that know what's up feel free to post a wall of text. need pasta

>> No.9413676

Sure thing, only up $10k in my third entry a couple of days ago. I'll take this while masturbating over any wageslave position. While you're busting your ass, I am busting my nuts and making shit load of money. It's BORING to be rich alone, I am trying my best to help you here.

>> No.9413701
File: 47 KB, 636x382, 1522612645849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be an 'exec nigga.' how many do I need?

>> No.9413711

IMO yes, but that's me being OP so incredibly biased. Unbiased, however, FUCKING YES, this is finally a really good, useful project in crypto with tons og real world corporate demand.

>> No.9413725

I feel the price is already priced in at 1.77$ at 100M Marketcap already. To make a x10 (10$) you would need 1B MC which is quite a lot.

Very good project but the more I think, the ROI is not that big.

>> No.9413734

USD is green but definitely never comfy for me
it's like a hot potato :(

>> No.9413735

Damn sure smells PnD in here.
Thanks faggost almost bought this piece of shit.

>> No.9413741
File: 438 KB, 638x639, execunigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least 3k nigga

>> No.9413746

just unironically bought 5k at market price
will I make it biz?

>> No.9413768


>> No.9413800

organized PnD have gotten better. Gg Ranjeet

>> No.9413802
File: 86 KB, 640x640, 1522387904541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my budget.

>> No.9413829

get ready for the dump

>> No.9413852
File: 73 KB, 1200x675, dasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He bought dump it.

>> No.9413871

BTG is over 1B - MC does not mean shit. Also, don't think in dollars, think in satoshi. When Bitcoin tanks to 3k or whatever, current MC valuation means shit. In general, MC means shit. Friendly advice, leave it or take it. I am not here to make you buy my bags, the pajeets here don't even have enough money to impact the market with their orders anyways, so I could care less.

>> No.9413883

>implying nerds browsing /biz/ can move markets LOL

>> No.9413910

>Implying biz is full of noobs to dump on
o wait

>> No.9413934

Yes, like anybody here has the funds to clear 50% of my bags. Stop talking shit, I am trying to help people make money and I ask for nothing in return. MM dominates the market anyways, none of you have any impact whatsoever.

>> No.9414011
File: 15 KB, 251x201, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be the only one posting iexec threads a few months ago. O my how it has grown.

Im the iexec guy who would drop knowledge about how eth works and why it needs iexec. Im also very close to the development so if anyone has any technical questions i may be able to assist with that

>> No.9414045

Absolutely. Whats your elevator pitch as to how DLT can compete with the centralised cloud in high performance computation? Intuitively it seems like a huge mismatch.

>> No.9414099

Look at awd lambda which is what i see iexec competing with. The price per million computations will be so vastly different that most developers will be seriously enticed into dlt

>> No.9414147

just post a wall of text. you were probably the guy that made me buy this. do it anon. it's what biz should be.

>> No.9414157

Ok fair enough

>> No.9414179

EOY price prediction?

>> No.9414213

Anon, I bought 5 on your recommendation. Its now 5% of my holdings. Don't let me down.

>> No.9414223

Bullshit. Shitcoin

>> No.9414234

you are the guy. post the long form brainlet explanation of what this means. i don't know what any of that shit is but you laid it out concisely before. pasta needed for shills on other platforms please

>> No.9414297

hahaha sheeit i didn't see that coming. well played but i was obviously talking coins. gonna have to sell something, it's happening

>> No.9414559

The team of iExec worked on the nodes of the Large Hydra Collider in geneve. Let that rest for a sec...

Oh and they won the red Herring award as the #1 new upcoming tech company. They have 100+ academic articles published in the field of distributed, parallel and cloud computing. It's a all star team with at least a decade of experience. There's not a single blockchain team with better credentials out there. I'm pretty sure that's a fact.

If you want to hold a crypto that will likely set a new standard and is surrounding itself with EEA members at consensus. Now is the time to do so.

Iexec doesn't market itself much outside of b2b. This is indeed a once in a lifetime opportunity at this current marketcap. Don't miss out!

>> No.9414667

thanks for your input anon. i didn't know any of that

>> No.9414699

All in since october

>> No.9414871

Comfiest hold in all of crypto. I don't care if retail investors with 10 bucks don't pump this. RLC is aimed at B2B and they will pamp it accordingly.