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File: 190 KB, 473x399, the_absolute_state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9408227 No.9408227 [Reply] [Original]

the absolute state of the 3rd world country known as the USA
> dying a slow and painful death so that your insurance company can save some $$$
> on the phone, being denied a liver transplant by some cubicle rat with an excel sheet on his screen
every fucking day of my life I wake up
and thank god for not being born in this country

healthcare cannot be business, /biz/
most countries, including the most advanced economically, know this


>> No.9408251

And we'll pretend the NHS didn't just sentence that kid Alfie Evans to death. Fuck off queef stain.

>> No.9408255

Meanwhile some nigger will get a priority heart transplant and die in a car chase a year later. Lmfao

>> No.9408283

Feels bad man

>> No.9408298

That kid would have had a miserable life of suffering.

>> No.9408301

Fuck off socialist faggot

>> No.9408302

>>the absolute state of US
Sure! Europe's socialist medicine works vest
>>having sick child
>>hospital kidnaps your child
>>court decides that you can't seek treatment for your child elsewhere
>>government kills your child
Just wonderful

>>meantime in Texas

>> No.9408362

Born and raised in the USA. I agree our healthcare system is beyond fucked up, everything here has a dollar amount. The service is top notch; great doctors, hospital infrastructure (for the most part), great tech, etc.

The thing that fucks it all up is that Americans are really divided. They don't want to work together to have a healthcare system that takes care of everyone because most things are black and white here.

The funny thing is these people don't understand that in the end, they lose while the insurance company laughs all the way to the bank.

>> No.9408390


I agree healthcare shouldn’t be a business so let’s just get rid of all the progress we’ve made in the last 100 years. I mean it’s better that no one ever gets liver transplant than that one roastie gets rejected. Kek

>> No.9408408

Lol implying the poor should be saved

>> No.9408446

At the end of the story, the insurance provider approved her transplant. So the system ultimately worked.

The fact of the matter is they could have decided to pay for it themselves -- mortgage their house, use their boomer parents' assets, something.

Compare that to the NHS, where you can literally die waiting years for treatment with no recourse other than to go overseas.

>> No.9408459
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>> No.9408474

This is why you shouldn't get health insurance at all. You'll save a lot of money in the long run just to buy off livers in a 3rd world country.

>> No.9408483

What we really need is less competition and complete government hegemony over our health.

>> No.9408506

Meanwhile in Canada we have to wait 3 hours for ER. 8 for regular visit.
Let's not assume free healthcare is the best healthcare.

>> No.9408508

UK is just a bad example
UK has been the avant-garde of dystopia for like centuries now
If you want civilized examples, check out France or Canada
No such scandals there
Idiot fag

>> No.9408544

wew, you broke your arm and have to wait 3 hours
big fucking deal, faggot
you want to pay 30k USD for a broken arm instead ?
get the fuck out of here, tardlet

>> No.9408567

You are deluded.
Even worse in NHS
Somewhat same in the Eastern EU, but it will turn to shit soon.
You wanted ancap? Now pay for your liver transplant.
You want socialism? Sry, transplant quota of one liver per month was spent on crackhead nigger.

>> No.9408586

>no scandals in Canada

not to mention 75% of medical innovation comes out of the US. The only reason you euros can have socialized medicine is because of the innovation our system develops and the fact you don't have to pay for a large military.

They need to open up the state lines for competition in the US and we can see what happens. If that fails I might actually listen to socialized program shilling.

>> No.9408596

Broken arm is 8. It's not ER you mongoloid. You'd be the lucky ones to get to visit a doctor if you go through ER. Plus the wait times are increasingly getting worse and worse.

For liver you're in line just like any other peasant. You won't make it.

>> No.9408598

I don't think it should be free, but I don't think the current system is correct either. Shit is fucked, these companies take payments for health insurance, but ultimately they get to decide if you get treatment or not. Same with auto insurance here, its all a formality.

>> No.9408626

Socialists all need to die. If Canada had just a fraction of the niggers the US does shooting and stabbing each other every day like the US/UK it's healthcare system would be broken within a year. Not to mention if Canada/France didn't have the big dick of the US military protecting them for with their over extended military.

>> No.9408632

Cubans are healthier and live longer than burgers
Canadians and french are expected to live 4 years longer on average than a burger

>> No.9408650

I'd rather pay 30k uninsured than 500k+ over life time through taxes, you short sighted fuck. Plus let's not forget the potential amount I would have if I left that money in the snp500 index.

>> No.9408651

Same situation, only the bean counter rat works for government now.
Your pajeet worshipper Trudeau could easily employ more doctors into ER., but is saving leafbucks by not doing so.

>> No.9408653

France is a nuclear superpower, you utter mongoloid

>> No.9408655

You want to know a secret? Cubans don't have niggers, Canadians don't have a lot of niggers, and the French niggers aren't as feral as the American ones (yet).

>> No.9408668

And? So is Pakistan, but you don't see them with a top notch military force. You guys just have nukes so Russia doesn't come skull fuck you into oblivion.

>> No.9408692

we're making weed legal to stop crime and invest money in healthcare and education
you burgers will be so fucked in the longterm
you're already fucked regarding life expectancy and child mortality rates


that's some 3rd world shit right there

>> No.9408718

>equating life expectancy directly to healthcare
you don't know anything about cuban hospitals do you?
The thing about America is you have choices, 90% of any population is made up of dipshits and here they make the choice to live unhealthily
but if you're smart you can make the choice to have an extremely healhty lifestyle

>> No.9408748

Yet our illegal immigration has skyrocketed 200% since Trudeau's government started accepting them in masses from America. Who are coming from Mexico/South America. They are getting housing and welfare.

>> No.9408837

Migrants are super chill here
Wonder why ?
Also, I will outlive you. Haha.

>> No.9408885

>Meanwhile in Canada we have to wait 3 hours for ER.

Have you ever been to an ER at a hospital in a large US city?

It's no different.

>> No.9408938

>Tries to blame something on black people
>Admits American black people aren't the same as European ones

/pol/ intelligence

>> No.9408988

Europe is accumulating
In US, in the beginning, they were quiet too

>> No.9408997

French here. The state of Amerifags. We have our nuclear weapons and a united military force in Europe. Your big dick is just there to show that you have a big dick, and its diverting all the blood from your brain and liver : shitty education and shitty medical systems, that encourage niggers to act like they act.

>> No.9409036

Why do leftist brainlets not understand that usa does NOT have a free market in health care.

If they did, healthcare would be incredibly cheap.

Switzerland and Singapore have privatized healthcare and it works amazingly.

Why can't we get the government out of the healthcare system?

>> No.9409059
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Forgot pic

>> No.9409061
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sure whatever creatura
How much did you had to pay to be told you are 56% germanic like 100 dollars to 23andme right.

>> No.9409107

Switzerland has a system of mostly free market healthcare and they have the best healthcare system in the world.

Healthcare in the USA used to be incredibly cheap in the 50s/60s before the government got involved which created these health insurance cartels.


>> No.9409128

Imagine actually believing someone as fat as Michael Moore.

>> No.9409147

I am surely a creatura, in my 97% white country :^)

>> No.9409151
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>found the nigger / nigger lover

>> No.9409152
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Privatize healthcare in the USA



>> No.9409171

aaaaaah you fucking idiot
do you know on the other hand how generous is swiss welfare ? you can literally travel the world on that shit, numbnuts. and the poor get automatic healthcare.
i know cause I've lived there for a while
also, fun fact : do you know a kebab, aka the cheapest street food, costs 11 USD in switzerland ? everything is at least 1.5x the price there, and more like 2x
they all go shop in france, brainlet retard.
switzerland w/o france or germany doesn't even exist

>> No.9409182
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>97% white country

>when it has been confirmed countless times that they make people from arab countries and hispanic countries count as white





>> No.9409197

I fell off a 20 foot tree and had x rays and a cast done for $400. Why do Yuropoors always exaggerate prices?

>> No.9409202

so in theory if they are great for their healthcare system we should also adapt their welfare system

>> No.9409203

That would be the solution but it's far from possible.
The middlemen insurance companies and government siphon the most of resources.
If patients were paying directly to healthcare providers, the difference would be drastic.
Cheaper healthcare. Better salaries for personnel. Better quality fo healthcare.

>> No.9409217

x rays and a cast done for $400
>$400 for a fucking cast
>thinking that is somehow cheap

>> No.9409221

Haha Jesus Christ thank God for socialism and universal health care. Amerifags BTFO.

>> No.9409228

To make you feel even worse
I'm from country without a single mosque
(((Google))) which one is it, you will find out , you mutt ;)
COPE for you my fren

>> No.9409237

Hipocracy capital of the world. Why? They spend trillions "defending" you from Akbar but will let you die from a conmon cold like fucking dog. Can we rename cancer something terrifying like Bin Cancermhed or something?

>> No.9409238

$400 for xrays and a cast is cheap if you're not a literally impoverished brainlet
why are you even on biz if you think $400 is a lot of money?

>> No.9409241

This is hilarious, it's like someone from Africa or Thailand claiming goods are expensive in Europe or USA.
Learn how international currencies and purchasing power works, brainlet.

Also swiss healthcare is privatized, dipshit. Either way both systems are vastly inferior to American healthcare from the 50s/60s, it was mostly free market and cheap as fuck back then.

>> No.9409246

I'd rather pay $400 and get on with my business than to be stuck in pain waiting in line for a week.

>> No.9409255

oh so you are from a third world country that is only used to extract their resources

got ya

>> No.9409272

or be stuck not being able to speak out against your tyrannical government because they control the fucking healthcare system

>> No.9409278

NHS is also shit. Both USA and UK are overrated shitholes among 1st world countries.

>> No.9409286

No they don't.
You're thinking of Scandinavia, you fucking brainlet.
Switzerland has one of the freest markets in the world.

A free market in healthcare would mean people would pay directly to healthcare providers.
This is literally how it worked in the 50s/60s in USA before the government started intervening and created these health insurance cartels.

>> No.9409299

> A free market in healthcare would mean people would pay directly to healthcare providers.
This is literally how it worked in the 50s/60s in USA before the government started intervening and created these health insurance cartels.

That's exactly what Im saying.

>> No.9409303 [DELETED] 

you poor uneducated burger... what are you ? trailer trash ? sure sounds like it.
do you even know where europe is on a map ?
Switzerland is a big, boring meme
Even the Swiss agree, that's why they leave the country whenever they get free time

So yeah, you can have swiss healthcare if you have the same welfare, retarded burger
Oh BTW my swiss friends are laughing at your fat burger, low-life expectancy, high child mortality ass
they're travelling all year long on welfare and get free healthcare

>> No.9409307

Imagine actually being dumb and thinking socialized healthcare is a good thing.
Countries with free market healthcare have it a million times better
Switzerland and Singapore.
Also 50s/60s healthcare in the USA was incredibly cheap and nobody went without care.
Fuck off.

>> No.9409308

Are you talking about Europe where you can be jailed for possessing a basenall bat or mentioning the Nazis?

>> No.9409330

>U.S. is objectively the center of all technological and healthcare development in the entire world
>rich people come to the U.S. for healthcare regularly
>burgers are stupid

Makes sense.

>> No.9409345

>Roastie gets hepatitis from gang fucking niggers
>Makes POWERFUL beg for free shit

>hope she dies

>> No.9409356

that is great britain that you are talking about which is not part of the european union
and have BASED ukip to band all assault kitchen knifes

>> No.9409377

you poor uneducated burger... what are you ? trailer trash ? sure sounds like it.
do you even know where europe is on a map ?
Switzerland is a big, boring meme
Even the Swiss agree, that's why they leave the country whenever they get free time

So yeah, you can have swiss healthcare if you have the same welfare, retarded burger
Oh BTW my swiss friends are laughing at your fat burger, low-life expectancy, high child mortality ass
they're travelling all year long on welfare and get free healthcare whenever they decide to go back

>> No.9409383

Get a load of this fucking brainlet.
The average swiss warehouse worker makes 2x the average Canadian warehouse worker.
Using pure exchange rates in this situation makes no sense.

So fucking glad there's a country with free market healthcare and ZERO WAITING LINES in Europe that BTFOs all of the socialized medicine shitholes.

Socialised medicine is barbaric.
Also I am Canadian, our system is a joke.

>> No.9409385

>hope she dies

>dat incel who is angry that a woman would rather die OF HEPATITIS than going out with him




>> No.9409399

Get a load of this fucking brainlet.
The average swiss warehouse worker makes 2x the average Canadian warehouse worker.
Using pure exchange rates in this situation makes no sense.

So fucking glad there's a country with free market healthcare and ZERO WAITING LINES in Europe that BTFOs all of the socialized medicine shitholes.

Socialised medicine is barbaric.
Also I am Canadian, our system is a joke.

>> No.9409405

At least we don't get pejeet doctors beheading babies: https://www.google.ca/amp/s/tribune.com.pk/story/1707178/9-unborn-child-decapitated-inside-womb-owing-doctors-negligence-uk

>> No.9409419

>Y-y-you just want to fuck the yellow eyed diseased ridden pozzed coalburner
>haha incel I learned this term from the media a week ago it's real right

>> No.9409430

That is uk
uk is not european because of based ukip just look how based they have become after leaving the eu

>> No.9409443

You mean the child who literally couldn't live without life support, had zero chance of recovery, and was kept alive because his parents were lied to by delusional amerifat evangelicals?

>> No.9409462

>admiring the EU
Please mommy government, please take care of me!

>> No.9409484

you mean the kid that Italy gave citizenship to and agreed to provide treatment to? But for some reason the parents weren't allowed to remove him from the hospital and the NHS panel got to decide he was in too much suffering?

>> No.9409489

>I'm sorry, he'll never do X again
>Makes full recovery

I've heard this story a thousand times

>> No.9409518

dude, you're literally mentally ill
switzerland is a meme country with a population lower than like a canadian province
they have money because they pussied out of world wars and got part of the nazi gold
they were POOR AS FUCK before WWII, end of STORY.
Switzerland is DEFINITELY not ancap. They have the best welfare in the whole fucking world. How is that ancap ? Idiot ! Go read a fucking book instead of eating McDees all day !
you know nothing, you degenerate ancap incel
download the mcdees app and go get a burger now

>> No.9409533

or the amerifat evangelicals that every year has their child die because they think a vaccine will turn them into an autistic faggot

>> No.9409544

and how the fuck is that relevant to Alfie Evans?

>> No.9409556
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>thinks that niggers are the only people with hepatitis
>doesnt even know her sexual history and already calling her a coalburner



>> No.9409578

>meme country
Holy shit what kind of pathetic argument is that?
They're rich because they've had high levels of economic freedom for a very long time.
I never said they were perfectly ancap or whatever.
Your argument is still btfo.
Keep crying.

>> No.9409655

le retard is still at it
the fact is that they have free healthcare for the poor, and more.
this alone instantly breaks any claim to anarcho capitalism, you illiterate redneck.
sure you can start a nice little country in the mountains with nazi gold and pussying out of world wars

do you have like an IQ of 30 ?
what's wrong with that brain of yours ?
I'm seriously asking this

>> No.9409675

The only post worth reading in this entire thread.

>> No.9409715

>I went bankrupt from a broken ankle because insurance cartels write US laws but it's good I don't live in europe because reasons

>> No.9409760

>civilized examples, check out France
>mfw typical anglo thinks he's in safe waters because the language barrier makes it less likely a frog will take the bait
oh, sweet summer child
sit down and hear the tale of the wonderful french healthcare system
do you work? good. you will pay for 1/3 of your "free" healthcare, while mohammed on welfare gets it for free
do you want a doctor's appointment? ok, we can pen you in for next october. well, if you could come in the middle of the afternoon, it'd be much easier. not our fault if fatima has all day to lounge in the waiting room while your work won't let you out before 7
finally, you're here, come in, come in. i've got 15 minutes to see you, so better make it snappy. what, surely you don't expect the 23 euros you pay per consultation will pay for a doctor's salary + a secretary's salary + taxes + medical equipment
it's strange there's such a lack of doctors these days. no worries, we'll fix it in two ways: first, raise the standards of med school even further. second, import more moroccans and eastern europeans with diplomas just as good as ours
nevermind that, let's go to the dentist. taking a look at your teeth... oh shame. i see a nice cavity i will have to drill so i can bill you a non-reimbursable implant for €800. hold still, this will just take a moment. by which i mean several moments, you're going to have to come back next week, and next month. don't worry, your teeth will be good as new by 2019
you sprained your wrist? quick, to the radiologist. lay on the table, stay still alright, we got it. give me a moment, got to step out of the room. ok, i'm back. sit down again. there we go, that'll be two radios. well of course there was two different medical acts, didn't you see i stepped out of the room? who cares anyway, it's reimbursed so the money is free

that's only a hint of the bullshit that is our medical system and i'm already hitting the character limit

>> No.9409816

les français, vous ne faites que ralez c'est bien connu
alors que vous vivez dans le pays le plus agréable, avec des gens encore un peu éduqués, une culture commune qui ne tourne pas autour du seul mcdonald's, une langue, une intelligence, une des plus grandes variété de paysages, de sites historiques, d'architecture, etc.

allez, arrête de râler, pauvre petit !

>> No.9409829

>buzzword of the week
>Actually believes it's a legit thing
>Uses hip lingo, desperately trying to fit in

>> No.9409836

incel detected

>> No.9409916

Literally nobody claimed that country was ancap, you straw-manning retard.
Also, america is not a market driven healthcare system either.
>muh nazi gold and world wars
Irrelevant today. All economic growth comes from a mixture of productivity and competition.
I bet you believe Africa is poor because whipepo stole da gold.
>look mommy, i can strawman

>> No.9409929

this isn't the 1950s, faggot
average IQ went down 7 points the last 30 years, most young people in the Paris region are of African origin and the average French native is more interested in eating sushi and indulging in vapid nihilism than in any shared culture
let's see you describe that fabled culture, for a laugh
can't wait to hear about bread baguettes or whatever nonsense you pick up from movies

>> No.9409971

>doesn't know what palliative care means

>> No.9409983

still, you were citing switzerland as an example for "a more ancap system" while forgetting the socialist-like welfare/healthcare portions
you're either a low-IQ, ignorant trailertrash incel
OR a lying bitch
my working hypothesis is option 1)
and so it's very likely that you will never visit switzerland and see how meme the country really is and also, just how dependent on france/germany it really is

>> No.9409990

he was a braindead vegetable, it's like saying you're sentencing lettuce to death if you eat a salad.

>> No.9410022

All the white matte in his brain was destroyed there is no coming back from that

>> No.9410040

je voyage constament partout dans le monde, je suis à même de comparer
allez, arrête de versé des larmes
et compte toi chanceu
si vous arrêtiez de râler ça serait encore mieux
tout ça m'a donné l'idée d'ouvrir un Meursault
santé, monsieur râleur !

>> No.9410090

ah oui, et une devinette pour toi
d'où vient à ton avis tout ce recul pour l'intelligence moyenne ?
début de réponse : de l'autre côté de l'atlantique, qu'est-ce qu'on retrouve ?

le meursault est tonifiant
merci à vous, même si vous râlez

>> No.9410144

>miserable life of suffering.
>braindead vegetable
This was my favorite part of the ordeal, so many people happy to defend the doctors but in reality they were just projecting their own symptoms onto the kid

>> No.9410177

Are you saying the life of a person of colour (POCCers) is no way to live

>> No.9410416
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>Defending you
Kek, good goyim.
Now go back to work, you filthy animal.

>> No.9410582

>have to pay for a large military

>> No.9410587 [DELETED] 

> Now go back to work, you filthy animal.
ok, but only if you don't skip your antipsychotics intake tonight

>> No.9410609

ok, but only if you don't skip your antipsychotics prescription tonight

>> No.9410615

just so you know no one is or would ever be denied care if they did not have the money
not sure why people have this misconception

>> No.9410639

Your shithole country leaches off the US for their medical inventions anyway. Not only that, but your country is fucking irrelevant as well.

>> No.9410750

Oh of course. You're a fucking French faggot that lives in Quebec.

>> No.9410780
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If this woman were a real asset to society she'd be able to buy organs with bitcoin. Our civilization is collapsing under dead weight.

>> No.9410797

Not "my" country, but I do happen to live there at the moment and quite like it to be honest. Enough to use the "we" to reference it, I guess.

Try learning french as a second language like I did. It gives you a great edge in business dealings in Africa, for instance.

>> No.9410847

Went to the doctors here in taiwan, seen within 15 minutes, 3 hours of checkups, ultrasound and a blood test in a busy modern central Taipei hospital. Total cost: $100 USD

>> No.9410870

Isn’t that called letting people die.

>> No.9410888

Being so poor that you need an insurance company to save you.

I’d offer someone half a million cash for a liver.

>> No.9410936

God damn Jewish insurance companies

>> No.9411547

but healthcare is a business. its a trillion dollar industry/yr.

>only the strong survive nigga step up

>> No.9411558

>only the strong survive
you mean
>only the rich survive

>> No.9411911

We can't have free healthcare in the US because brown people abuse the system and overuse it. Also because medical costs are inflated. Also because modern medicine is mostly bullshit.

>Her battle to live began almost as soon as her daughter, Loïe, was born four years ago, when Erika was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic colon cancer that had spread to her liver.
>The cancer was removed from her colon and, her doctors say, she responded well to treatment. But a microwave ablation surgery last year to remove two tumors from her liver went terribly wrong, leaving a fist-sized hole in her liver and destroying her bile ducts.

Come on, do any of you seriously think this is (1) an unavoidable disease and (2) good quality medical treatment? How the hell did she wind up with stage 4 colon cancer? Oh right, nobody cares. Blame genetics. Fucking morons.

>> No.9411928

it was palliative care, same as in the UK, you stupid piece of Daily Mail shit.

>> No.9411932

More like jewish medicine. The doctors accidentally blew apart her liver with fucking microwave beams. Modern medicine is kiked beyond belief.

>> No.9412018

Wow she has really pretty eyes. Never seen a gradient like that.

>> No.9412086

>But a microwave ablation surgery last year to remove two tumors from her liver went terribly wrong, leaving a fist-sized hole in her liver and destroying her bile ducts.

Incompetent surgeons.

>> No.9412231
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Yeah America is pretty overrated on pretty much every level. Sinking ship. Brainwashed basement dwellers in echo chambers, who never go outside, let alone see other countries will never even realize how far behind we've fallen, but will fight to stay stagnant and even move backwards. Really sad. Oh well, I like guns and sluts so I guess that's a plus.

>> No.9412420

In the UK or Canada you'd die before you could go to your first appointment to see a doctor and be diagnosed with anything
All these non burger faggots itt pay 55% tax only to be told 9 months to wait for an MRI

>> No.9412511
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If you cant get free healthcare in AMerica, you dont deserve to live you moron
>b-but in the book it says
Fuck off faggot, try living here first

>> No.9412689

just like student loans. us government is totally fucked

>> No.9412784

>doesn't spend a dime on military tganks to Uncle Sam
>have the gall to boaat about free healthcare
Nothing is free, europoors

>> No.9413171

cuba has the best medicine

burgers lost before the war began

>> No.9413199

There are good doctors in the US, you just have to pay cash for them.

>> No.9413233

A liver costs 5x the average US home, so no, they really couldn't

>> No.9413250

So national heathcare would somehow deplete the liver stock?

>> No.9413376

hey mother fucker, lettuce has feelings too, probably... maybe a soul too. asshole.

>> No.9413563

The us is the greatest place on earth if you don’t believe so you’re either a dumb ass chink, a eurofag, or a dumb worthless spic. Poorfags complain about the us

>> No.9413588

Yes. You dont realize how many poor people need surgeries they dont get. NHS cancelled 50,000 surgeries this January alone cause they didn't have the resources to support the feeders. You dont care though, you'll never learn, you'll always demand free shit.

>> No.9413630

I had my appendix removed 2 weeks ago in the usa, i waited 3 hours in the er

Oh, and with insurance i still owe $3000

>> No.9413660

redundant when we have the technology to grow livers it's just being held hostage by IP

>> No.9413690

>there are people who actually believe this

Shit have you ever been to Cuba?

>> No.9413827

it's literally like "buy your existence and right to live here" but we're going to shill the most awful lifestyles and life habits while guarding sacred knowledge that prevents such medical developments within the individual.

>> No.9413885

Depends on whats wrong with you. Triage.. If your in critical condition you will be seen imidiatly no matter how many people are waiting. If your not about to die than it doesn't matter if you have to wait a little bit.

>> No.9414089

Alas, I can confirm this is true and non exagerated (at least for Parisian surroundings)

Marty, give back your deloreane to Doc, it's 2018 here, not 1958!
Paris is shitty now.
And good luck to find young (<30 years) who wants to fight to make France great again.

>> No.9414228
File: 9 KB, 183x275, 1526250286573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking niggers dont realize the plebes in Cuba have fucking rat infested "hospitals " that reuse needles

>> No.9414241
File: 18 KB, 399x370, 5678678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mutts pay socialist tier taxes with none of the benefits
>muh military superiority
>muh niggers
Top jej

>> No.9414477

>quotes average life expectancy of Americans
>doesnt account for niggers
protip: nigger deaths are why American life expectancy is different from Europe.

>> No.9414633

it should still be up to the parents, you statist cuck
>Mommy, mommy government! Please take care of me!!! I CAN'T DO IT MYSELFFFF

>> No.9414655

Her eyes look like the flag of Ireland lol.

>> No.9414691

this keeps the capitalism alive and functioning, at the cost of human welfare

>> No.9414743

>Allowed to give hormone blockers to young kids to ruin their lives permanently
>Not allowed to keep kid alive with private money even if there wasn't a good chance to come out of it

I'm not sure I like your utopia there bud

>> No.9414745

Taxes pay for healthcare, idiot.

>> No.9414763

I don't really pay much taxes because I have a family. Now if I lived in some faggot town or state like California I would, and I'm sure that's going to spread to the rest of the country along with the plague of the mutts, but not yet.

>> No.9414912

Any time I see someone from the UK post about their wretched abomination of a country I'm dumbstruck. They live in a literal dystopian hellscape and are complete mental weaklings to the point that I can no longer feel pity. They take it up the ass willingly and will sing high praises to their floating island of islamic garbage. They sold out their entire culture and history just to pat themselves on the back and now they're slowly watching in some sort of slack jawed unaware stupor as their country sinks in to a third world abyss. I would just laugh at them, but I know that the US faces the same fate. Maybe it's commendable that they're going first. At least they won't suffer as long.

>> No.9414952

>US has same problem
yeah, my only hope is that South Africa or parts of Europe will be a visible enough canary in the coal mine to snap most of the US out of their blindness

>> No.9414991

ked'd at pic

>> No.9415059

I dont feel bad; the west terrorized the rest of the world for literal centuries and now everything it has done to the rest of the world is coming back to it. play stupid fucking games win stupid fucking prizes

no colonization > no globalization > no mass immigration

the west played itself and opened up pandora's box when it decided to colonize the world, they have no one to blame but themselves. /pol/fags get rekt

>> No.9415084

you're posting from a technology resulting from imperialism, shut the fuck up you stupid fuck

>> No.9415107

doesnt matter; the west is still rekt. You think I give a fuck who created what? Youre just extremely butthurt because you know that everything that I wrote is true. The west brought this entire situation on itself. Deal with it

>> No.9415123

western civilization btfo

>> No.9415136

oh and one more thing. The internet and the airplane (both created by the west) are the two things which are the biggest enablers of globalization. Without these two, globalization would be moving at a snail's pace compared to what is happening now. So ironically the west cucks itself again, except through its superior technology. LOL

>> No.9415279

No, I just don't feel the need to condemn history through a modern relativistic perspective.
I understand that it's almost impossible that any of us got along long enough to build any of this shit, seeing that 90% of any people is made up of fucking animals.

You have absolutely no clue when it comes to the bigger picture. Globalism is inevitable and there are different types. IMO the globalism spread by the internet is a good thing, where it's a global community not a global governance.

Go western shame someone who's stupid enough and weak enough to fall for it. You'd still be living in a hut made of mud and shit if it wasn't for us.

>> No.9415487

massive cope

muh technology, muh western shaming muh mudhuts

None of what you said debunks or even changes what I said. The west opened itself up for a world of hurt when it decided to colonize the world. Now it will deal with the consequences. This has nothing to do with "condemning history through a modern relativistic perspective" and everything to do with the fact that actions have unexpected consequences. This is not a moral promulgation, it is simply a practical fact.

The one who has no clue is obviously you. As if you think that the globalizing INFLUENCE that is enabled by the internet is going to just stop at the keyboard. Have fun protecting the genetic and cultural integrity of your race while the internet is enabling race mixing and global cultural exchange on a scale never seen before. Are you really this stupid? Or just naive? Admit it, you have no clue when it comes to the bigger picture and that's why you just got eviscerated.

>> No.9415635

>Deal with it

We will.

>> No.9415662
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>> No.9415701

>Cubans don't have niggers
The absolute state of brainlets in this board.

Cuba is like 50% black.

>> No.9415702

>free healthcare
fuck off commie

>> No.9415839


>> No.9415880

It was exact same shit with Charlie Gard too. The Aisha King incident really embarrassed the UK and the NHS (supposed envy of the world, kek). Big Brother wasn't allowing that shit to happen ever again.
I liked the fact these hospitals hired reputation management companies to try and sway public opinion to side with them and the doctors. The morons lapped it up.

>> No.9415935

fuck the usa and fuck the FDA. god knows how much innovation those fucking kikes have stifled. i've been to third world countries like pakistan and can get high grade medicine out of a pharmacy, no red tape, for a fraction of the price back home. we have no freedom in (((western))) countries.

>> No.9416325

The top-notch service, doctors and infrastructure you mention all exist because of the free market.

Healthcare is not a right.

>> No.9416342

> The ER is where you go when you break your arm.

People like you who don't know when to go to urgent care vs. the ER are the reason it's so expensive and the wait times are so bloated.

>> No.9416394

Wtf? $400 for X-ray and fixing your arm is fucking amazing. You must be poor as fuck and stupid. Modern medicine is a miracle but idiots like you take it for granted.

>> No.9416493

You know if you're going to die anyway there is only one thing to do... harass the fuck out of insurance company executives. Find their addresses, phone calls, and start using a DSLR to take pictures of them in public. They gonna love that.

Police and law enforcement will be sympathetic. Representing yourself in court is a breeze because people who represent themselves get a lot of leeway to act like assholes in court. So even if you're sued with the time remaining you can create a circus.

At some point it isn't worth it. They will pay to make you go away.

>> No.9416575

you guys are fuckin retarded
cry your eyes out every time putin sneezes on a butterfly
then say militaries are not needed
meanwhile 14-22 yo illiterate fighting age men crossing your borders every day raping everyone

same thing everyone cries bout USA's healthcare system but have no problem stealing our medical innovations and using them for free
(90% of medical innovations come from the USA, gee I wonder why)

>> No.9416618


Really this.

Our healthcare is phenomenal. It's the financial system behind it that is a mess.

Also fast food and junk food at the grocery store need to go. We've clearly shown our people cannot handle it.

50% of all health care expenses in America are due to obesity. Look it up.

>> No.9416673


> doesn't mention fat people
> doesn't explicitly say how fat people cost America literally hundreds of billions a year.

>> No.9416715

Fat shaming is a thing in Japan, and they look great. I think we need to bring it back.
it's simple and doesn't require any law changes

>> No.9416871

>The service is top notch
No it fucking is not. Have you ever had something more than a broken arm? I have an autoimmune disease and for the last two years they've been denying me proper treatment because they've been trying to convince me that I have an inherited genetic disorder. That's in spite of the fact that nobody else in my family has this and their own god damn tests say it's not. Healthcare in the US is a scam at every level.

>> No.9417070

go to a different doctor then dummy

>> No.9417115

>I have an autoimmune disease

faggot go fuck more men and die already

>> No.9417140


Its disgusting.

>> No.9417146

I've been to almost ten now, each more incompetent than the last. They keep handing me off to the next guy because they're confused why my presentation doesn't fit their bullshit diagnosis of an inherited disease. Finally got the gene sequencing results back after waiting six months for them, proving that it's not genetic, so now I'm just waiting two and a half months for his next opening when I can hopefully get some real treatment.

>> No.9417217

It's literally the opposite of AIDS.

>> No.9417236 [DELETED] 

The same country that secretly experimented on its own citizens and likely still does.

>> No.9417237

good luck m8, but with 5 in 100,000 having your disease only specialists will know wtf they're dealing with.

>> No.9417238


Holy fuck, Every other country that isn't a third world shithole has some form of universal medical system, same as the universal police system, court system, military and fire department. It's just another emergency service you dumb fuck. Imagine if cops required you had some cop insurance to show up. The fucking state of burgers

>> No.9417256
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1512951791292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>democrats write terrible law
>likely worse than single payer, on purpose
>"guys looks like the 'free market' failed, let's do socialized xd"

>> No.9417334 [DELETED] 

Have been to a few doctors, one who jumps between 3 medicines over and over for years. Dose is likely exactly the same. How does he not realize it won't work. Refuses to give stronger medicine without an upper gi, how about gave me medicine for what is likely the issue!? 10 years in school yet his knowledge has guessed my condition wrong (likely) when me just checking internet has narrowed it down to the most probable issue. Had a different doctor also guess some condition wrong. After the last time I'm done going to that doctor for this issue. If the condition hits me hard enough I'll go to the ER where they will likely give strong medicine to quell the pain. They want to pull shit well I can easily get grade A access to useful medicine using their own system against them the ER which would be honest considering how much pain I can get

>> No.9417689

and.... after all this... cuba BTFOs burgerland in both life expectancy AND child mortality rates

b t f o

>> No.9418688
File: 28 KB, 470x243, food public hospital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not here to defend the us system, but if you think that public healthcare is a solution then you are mistaken, queues are very long, waiting 5, 10 even 15 years for important surgeries is normal, doctors treats patients like trash because they have no incentive to do otherwise as their pay doesn't depend on them, and food in hospitals look like pic related, most patients come malnourished out from hospitals

>> No.9418776

>autoimmune disease
>opposite of aids
well that makes sense, thanks for clearing this up anon.

>> No.9419179

So why don't you get AIDS then, so it cancels out

>> No.9419427

You guys hate Reddit, but this discussion would be of far higher quality there...hmmm

>> No.9419583

You need to go back

>> No.9419588
