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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9405776 No.9405776 [Reply] [Original]

Insiders know what's coming. I can only tell you this.... may 18 New York conference

>> No.9405792
File: 431 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180513-151602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally organic posting

Begone pajeets

>> No.9405807

So sick of this fucking shilling
Just bought 10k Modum instead

>> No.9405969

Please release these bags

So much loss

>> No.9407010

You idiots are going to kill any enthusiasm for this and turn it into another chainlink on biz

>> No.9407031

That's exactly why they're doing it

>> No.9407039

>Non-AMBer posts shitty low effort shill thread
>Chadsetti deniers fill thread with FUD to scare away normies

>> No.9407090

>turn it into another chainlink
That's what they're trying to do. In reality it's going to be the next DBC.
Screencap this.

>> No.9407169
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>>Chadsetti deniers fill thread with FUD to scare away normies

"Chadsetti" - you mean the commie scum Russian "CEO" that larps as an Italian?

1) CEO is a Russian that left Russia for trying to scam people & claims it was because "he looked Chechen."
2) CEO uses an Italian name, "Angel Versetti" that sounds as scammy as it is.
3) CEO comes from stolen money in Russia, is around 25-30 YO.
4) https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2013/02/506758.html
5) Is prone to outbursts: https://www.reddit.com/r/ambrosus/comments/86v6w6/gentle_reminder_sanity_check_for_fudsters_angel/
6) "CEO" paid John McAfee $100,000 to shill Ambrosus, and also Dr. Gavin Wood.
7) Will call you an idiot when Ambrosus inevitably fails due to lack of marketing, a scam CEO with no credibility, and biz pajeetshilling it (which he pays for).
9) CEO doesn't really believe in the project because he already got millions.
10) This coin keeps dumping when others are mooning.

>> No.9407229
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This is old bearfag fud

>> No.9407287
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Any coin shilled this hard on /biz/ is to be avoided at all costs

>> No.9407294

Agreed, total scam do not buy this shitcoin, I want to protecc my /biz/bros

>> No.9407354


If it's FUD, people can click those links and figure out for themselves, you shill.

Anyone can click anyone of those links, or Google search and they'll find out they're true.

You honestly expect people with any real money will invest with this amateur, Russian pajeet that has been mixed up in serious criminal activity the last decade, and has serious credibility issues?

>> No.9407374
File: 707 KB, 1200x1058, 1525365222868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those "reasons" are lies or opinions, the only one that is legit is the indymedia link. I don't need to shill, don't buy this coin

>> No.9407532


Let's destroy your credibility.

1) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/unwanted-in-russia-excluded-from-cambridge-2309511.html

Angel, who fled Russia three years ago with his mother to escape alleged persecution "because I look Chechen", has been told by the university he could not qualify for a loan as a home student because he did not have refugee status.

2) "Angel Versetti" - Russian. "Lies or opinions."

3) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/unwanted-in-russia-excluded-from-cambridge-2309511.html

"Eighteen-year-old asylum-seeker Angel Versetti" in 2011.

He's 25. He's even younger than I thought. Let's trust a 25 year old impulsive, Russian criminal, with no experience, who's connected to deep pockets from Russia.

4) https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2013/02/506758.html <- If this is "FUD" I encourage people to read this on "Angel" Versetti & see the activity he's been up to.

5) https://www.reddit.com/r/ambrosus/comments/86v6w6/gentle_reminder_sanity_check_for_fudsters_angel/


"Ambrosus moves ahead with actions, not words. Anyone who believes we are scam should come visit us either at our offices or at one of countless public events we attend. Otherwise, if there is nothing to say, I would ask those people to disappear. I have instructed our mods to be more unforgiving to disinformation and spread of panic. Ambrosus is here to stay and we will not let FUDsters destabilise our community. Some solid news is coming from us as early as next week."

By all means read that thread /biz - see what the majority of comments said (before they try to delete/censor it)..

>> No.9407597

"I defenended you multiple times when you were attacked for your public behaviour but this time I have to agree you crossed the line. Standing up for someone you trust is excellent but that does not mean you have to insult others, especially those who lost money. In a way we can all be called stupid tomorow if this project fails and you can call as stupid for throwing money into this. Even you mean this YOU CAN'T SAY IT PUBLICLY. Seems like some 14 year old kid writes this stuff cause he is hurt because someone insaulted his friend. You obviously have good managing skills and huge potential but you should sustain from this behaviour. I am looking forward to see those NDA but now I am wondering do you attack everyone who disagrees with you? And how do you treat partners and potential investors? You should look at CEO of Binance and how is he handling FUD and crisis situation. I still believe in AMB, and I don't think you are scammer but you really need to control your emotions and perhaps hire some PR consultant"

6) It is well known by biz and reddit that John McAfee only endorses small time projects for $100,000. Fact.

7) Go through his comments on reddit, & you'll see how he behaves & ask yourself if that is behavior fitting of a CEO. For a 25 YO, it surely is.

9) CEO already got millions from Ambrosus. That's a fact. Whether or not Ambrosus succeeds, he is financially set. Biz is not.

10) This coin has dumped while others are pumping, whereas other no name coins such as UUU have continued to grow, and have had nowhere near the same level of shilling.

11) Ambrosus will hint at partnerships that do not exist, and they will be at best weak, or flimsy agreements for some minor project, but not fully fledged partnerships. Market will see this, & there will be another dump, & then other, and so forth.

>> No.9407604


>Ambrosus is here to stay and we will not let FUDsters destabilise our community

Is this why the pajeets are turbo shilling now? I don’t see angel complain about it

>> No.9407607
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Your FUD is dedicated but sad because you wilfully move the goalposts.

>1) CEO is a Russian that left Russia for trying to scam people & claims it was because "he looked Chechen."
No proof he scammed anything
>being Russian is bad for some reason
>2) CEO uses an Italian name, "Angel Versetti" that sounds as scammy as it is.
lol wtf
>3) CEO comes from stolen money in Russia, is around 25-30 YO.
No prood of stolen money yet again
>being 25 is bad thing for some reason
>4) https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2013/02/506758.html
Nice an actual link.
>5) Is prone to outbursts: https://www.reddit.com/r/ambrosus/comments/86v6w6/gentle_reminder_sanity_check_for_fudsters_angel/
>Oh no a CEO gets mad at his employees, this is horrible and never happens
>6) "CEO" paid John McAfee $100,000 to shill Ambrosus, and also Dr. Gavin Wood.
No proof of this one either
>7) Will call you an idiot when Ambrosus inevitably fails due to lack of marketing, a scam CEO with no credibility, and biz pajeetshilling it (which he pays for).
This is an opinion, not a reason lol
>9) CEO doesn't really believe in the project because he already got millions.
No proof of this and an opinion to boot lol
>10) This coin keeps dumping when others are mooning.
Another opinion based on when you buy in lol

Anything else?

>> No.9407756


>> No.9407768

1) Read through the lines. Insiders in the telegram groups know his background from Russia & the circumstances on why he left. His family messed with the wrong people in Russia, & were forced to flee.

2) To any normal person, the name "Angel Versetti" is sketchy. Tenfold so when it's a Russian that changed his name to appear more European (go ask for his real name :D)

3) 25 YO, involved in criminal activity since the day he arrived in Europe at the age of 17, says he fled Russia because "he looks Chechen." You really take biz whales for granted.

5) A CEO that spends more time making social blunders on reddit, and who also wakes up every day at 11 AM (like the typical /biz neet). You think VEN, WTC, or EOS ceos spend all day fighting with redditards like this russianjeet?


"1) my typical day is waking up at 11AM and working until 4-5AM (I am an owl). I don't think i'm the right person to give tips about good habits. I'm a workaholic and work on something that interests me. I don't care much about surroundings, just see the tasks and deal with them"

6) Whales, and serious investors all know that John McAfee is paid. Who are you trying to convince? Pajeets on biz with 0.1 ETH?

> Anything else?

I've said more than enough incriminating evidence, as well as shown your bias for this shitcoin. There is far more that can be said, but I'll save it for when more AMB-jeet threads are made.

>> No.9407781

Right in the f...

>> No.9407820
File: 68 KB, 454x712, magic money machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May 18th in NY? Did you guys use fake CCs to book the airport Ramada conference room or something?

Asia is where it's at now and the Chinese are pouring their cash into Skycoin.

>> No.9407824
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>He got exiled from two counties and that still doesn't raise any red flags for ambtards

>> No.9407848
File: 311 KB, 678x879, 1525997324764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How high are we going?

>> No.9407930

bump for posterity.

>> No.9408357

bump again for more luls. BUY AMB NOW.

>> No.9408597

community bump for our pajeets

>> No.9408602

bump some more.

>> No.9408665
File: 14 KB, 249x211, 1519854718885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread CANT stop no WONT stop getting BUMPED
>mfw creme brule is wreaking HAVOC on AMBlets

>> No.9408677
File: 87 KB, 537x767, 1524548081848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your "incriminating evidence" is lies and opinions, kek. Still DO NOT BUY THIS TOKEN/COIN

>> No.9408697

The bear finally shows up. Did you fuck your mommy today?

>> No.9408700

The fact is the CEO has been exiled from two different countries, and no business is going to partner with someone with is past

>> No.9408757

What was the other country he was apparently exiled from?

Also, what does being exiled from Russia have to do with anything? This is why I ask for proof of claims.

>> No.9408873
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>> No.9408901


For someone who has zero interest in this coin, you're quite keen on posting a lot. You can argue semantics, but you're talking with whales.

You take for granted the intelligence of the average biz user.

"What does a 25 YO manlet CEO's exile from two countries, arrests, & asking reddit for advice" have to do with anything?

Try harder, Pajeet.