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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9405739 No.9405739 [Reply] [Original]

Disclaimer: Before I begin, I am a $COLX mega whale. No I will not offer proof with screenshots or addresses, because I refuse to give out any information that could potentially put me at risk. This is not financial advice, this is simply why I went all-in when $COLX was 7 satoshis.

This thread was made to clear up any FUD surrounding ColossusXT, or better know as just “colx”.

First of all, there has been a lot of stupid posts lately, with an incredible amount of even stupider replies screaming “colx is a pajeet coin, it’s a scam etc etc.” Let me clear this up.

The colx team is extremely professional. I have been active on their discord for 2 months, and they have been outspoken and against /biz shillings. They have always put their project first, and in time they know investors will come when their vision is being played out.

There are so many things I could tell you to prove to you that colx is NOT a scam, or another “pajeet” coin, but when it comes down to it, you have to make the decision for yourself. YOU need to do the research.

But to help you out, let me tell you a few reasons why I risked it all on colx:

>> No.9405746
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1) The history of colossus coin goes very far back. Some extensive research will show you that this is a true grassroots project with the intentions of creating a better decentralized world. Colossus coin had two precious swaps until colx was born. Do research into the other coins and it will show you it has a long history of dedicated team members.

2) They get the job done, and always update their investors. The 2018 roadmap is on track. They nearly always hit their goals, and when they don’t, they give updates until it is finished.

3) The biggest one of all, the colossus grid. it's the only privacy coin that's also going to deliver anonymous Grid computing and storage via their upcomming marketplace.

I can go on and on, but I trust this team and community to get the job done. This coin will be, without a doubt, be one of 2018s biggest gainers. I leave you with these links to begin your journey of research. Good luck!


The Grid intro:




>> No.9405754


Tell quick faggot.

>> No.9405781

Confirmed: You'll be poor forever.

>> No.9405793
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Bro, nobody here takes those FudFags serious anyway. Don't worry about it. It only takes a few minutes of research to know Colx is going places. It indeed speaks for itself.

>> No.9405804

Idk about your shitcoins and shilling. Fucking kill yourself pajeet. Youre tainting this board

>> No.9405806

It's so annoying. I swear this place is filled with children. But it is 4chan, I don't really expect anything else.

>> No.9405829

Happy Mother's day!

>> No.9405846
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Also, lets recap the last few weeks:

>showing healthy and steady growth.
>showing signs of major accumulation
>Volumes going up nice and steady
>Got accepted by 3 new Exchanges
>Had two succesfull fundraisers and launched another one just two days ago
>partnered with Flogmall
>partnered with Emporium
>partnered with Mycryptocheckout
>Got feautured on several high-profile websites
>Visited the International Crypto Show in London
>Succesfully rolled out the android wallet beta
>Update on zerocoin protocol; almost nearing completing
>etc, etc.

Good signs all around colxbros.

>> No.9405919

I agree with everything OP said. Ignore these fag fudders. They literally have no life.

>> No.9405951
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ah look, another "privacy" shitcoin with anonymous devs

I'm sure as fuck going to drop money on these pajeets.

1000 EOY, brainlet

>> No.9405973


>> No.9406254

I hope you pajeets won't spam /biz/ with this shitcoin like you did with Turtle.

>> No.9406294

1) not a shitcoin
2) not Indian

>> No.9406340

1) yes it is
2) even if you are not from India, you are still a honorable pajeet for shilling shitcoins

>> No.9406387
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held since cv2. can confirm at least what he says about the team and devs always delivering.

>> No.9406535

The wallet is good.

>> No.9406561
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It will dump the minute I buy it.

I'm not buying it.

Thank me later colxfags.

>> No.9406569

Legitimate project that actually is going to 20X. I might go all in