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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 687 KB, 1080x1080, textgram_1526125574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9404952 No.9404952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Go fuck yourself you fucking mangina beta-orbiting white knight cunt, I'm on a dynamic IP, can't touch me you dumb little nigger bitch

>> No.9404960


>> No.9404965

why were you banned?

>> No.9404968
File: 755 KB, 1080x1080, textgram_1526207735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To any anons who read my posts, looks like I'm already starting to have an effect since these kuk mods have let the brap posting continue while deleting and banning me for calling out thots
Continue the war, friends

>> No.9404979

Mods can't take any anti-female criticism, they worship pussy and have no dignity as men

>> No.9404984

The only thing is I don't quite get why you equate birth control pills with steroids. I don't see how they're analogous.

>> No.9405011

I once got banned for making a thread asking about proof of weak hands.
not shilling it, asking wtf it was

>> No.9405017

I got banned for no reason also

>> No.9405019

I suggest you look into birth control pills then. They *are* steroids, at least the main components of them are. The reason I mention they are steroids is because they have the same destructive effect that typical steroids do, yet they're marketed as some kind of magic sexual liberation medicine.

>> No.9405034

Not agreeing with OP because he sounds like an incel madboi, but birth control is predominantly just tablets of hormones and filler.

>> No.9405044

more like they dont want an r9k sperglord shitting up the board

>> No.9405058

Its fine if anyone doesn't agree, I want people to disagree and give me a good counterargument. Banning me is retarded especially when I'm on a dynamic IP. If chinkmoot doesn't like free discussion he can fuck off back to selling ads to pedos on 2ch.
Chinks fundamentally don't care about free speech so I'm not expecting that ugly cunt to comprehend.

>> No.9405062
File: 154 KB, 867x933, howto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ the most ban resistant board seen
if people do remain banned here it only because they want be

>> No.9405138


>> No.9405161

Yeah and all I was doing was taking the thot-brapper images and superimposing that text over them.
>>9404296 check this thread, I did it to this image too and the original got left up and my edited image got deleted
There's someone who doesn't like wamyn's bullshit getting called out deleting my stuff.

>> No.9405174

steroid is layman term for hormones, basically.
the word steroid is used to cause a negative connotation.
however, it is legal for women to have access to hormones but not men thanks to joe i cant play baseball well biden

>> No.9405200

Why don't they ban thot posts in the first place? Anything unrelated to business, money or crypto should be deleted instantly.

>> No.9405207

i support you. FUCK the onions-boy cucks

>> No.9405212

I agree. Not to mention the fact that like 30 offtopic threads are still up and out of all those, my posts (not even threads) get singled out for banning? Something there is fucked up, you guys should know what's going on.

>> No.9405230

>steroid is layman term for hormones, basically.
no, estrogen is literally a steroid hormone. not understanding that is layman retardation

>> No.9405232

Thanks man. If you're on mobile, get textgram or any similar app and impose this text on brappost images . I honestly didn't expect to get this reaction so quickly I.e. getting banned and deleted. Must have triggered some s@ykuks in charge of moderating

imagine being a useless, vapid, anti-intellectual retard with a shelf life of 30 years. imagine spending most of those 30 critical years indulging your chronic narcissism and taking steroids that destroy your fertility and only chance at reproduction of your race. now imagine giving this piece of shit voting rights in your society and even placing it in charge of policy.

>> No.9405234

Do you think OP's maybe hung up a little bit?

>> No.9405245

It was just for some fun and I thought I would trigger some s@ykuks. I didn't realize those s@ykuks would have mod privileges though lol.

>> No.9405251

wipe your cookies if they re-ban you. 4chan tries to identify you via cookies across different IPs

>> No.9405254

I noticed many threads lately that should belong to /pol/ but OPs throw in some finance-related word like investment or ''how many eth or some other shitcoin for a thot like this'' etc. just to keep it related to crypto.

>> No.9405274

Well that's been going on for a long time but it comes and goes. Lately they've been very active puking their obnoxious hangups over every good thing.

>> No.9405280

Thanks anon, noted

>> No.9405303

Reported so you can get banned for ban evasion :^)

>> No.9405306

Practically everyone here is on a dynamic IP. Do you even know what that is?

>> No.9405307

I'd understand if they banned me for posting offtopic threads, but that's not even what I did. I just replied to the threads with an edited version of the OP image for keks. I know posting offtopic threads is going to get you banned but I've never seen them go after people posting comments * within* threads. So I must have triggered the s@y

>> No.9405317

Yep I do. Here is my new dynamic IP for example.

>> No.9405330
File: 55 KB, 600x900, 1526099987033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, can you just confirm this is you next to Marine on this photo? thanks.

>> No.9405342

Yep that is actually me, how did you find this?
I had my thumb up her butthole, that's why she looks so happy, she told me she hasn't got any for years.

>> No.9405350

>ow did you find this?
I recieved orders to ((shut this thread down))

>> No.9405371

It was clearly a good call. Stop posting your retarded nigger-tier chimpout garbage and protest the ban by setting yourself on fire - you would be doing us all a favor.

>> No.9405383
File: 333 KB, 1600x2812, feminism-jewish-war-on-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attacks and blames the women themselves
>never names the Jew even once

Congratulations, your retardation level is over 9000. Your probably even support (((MGTOW))).

>> No.9405388

Only s@ykuks who serve the vagina should set themselves on fire

>> No.9405403

I haven't named the Jew or even women specifically in my images you fucking asstard
I want people to work it out for themselves, its not hard, the clues are literally in every direction you look, if you choose to look
I'm just trying to provoke people to start looking , don't need to hate on me dude, we probably agree on most things