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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9402704 No.9402704 [Reply] [Original]

selfmade millionare, alpha as fok. has tons of friends who would die for him. gets tons of calls on christmas meanwhile i dont get shit.

i love him to death brahs and hes everything i wanna be but im already lagging behind so fking much at 23 that i wont ever even be 1/10.

and that does suck brahs. i wanted to make him proud.

>> No.9402719
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 4aaf4799551d0105b025d6d943d0b3b7_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you fags that are gay for you dad. He'd probably call you a faggot for not being "Mr. manly man Chad".
Just know we still love you, brother. You're a part of the /biz/ family.

>> No.9402725

show bobs

>> No.9402728

it's some Freudian shit

>> No.9402731

Live ur own life and stop comparing ur self to him or stay misarable. Take care man!

>> No.9402733

meant to quote

>> No.9402734

I know the feeling. My dad is awesome, one of the coolest guys I've met.

>> No.9402756

don't measure your self-worth against a successful family members. whats the fucking point? just keep away from drugs and don't be a fuck up and he'll always be grateful

>> No.9402762
File: 665 KB, 710x599, liiiiiink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad was in and out of prison and addicted to meth. When I make can't wait to see the look on his face, if hes alive by then

>> No.9402764

Please tell me that's your mom.

>> No.9402785

I'm unironically curious to know what went wrong OP.
My dad was a pathetic, insecure, neurotic excuse of a man. All the stuff that a dad is supposed to teach a son, I had to teach myself or find strangers who would teach me. Stuff like how to fix a car, how to shoot a gun, how talk to girls, etc.
I'm now married to a great woman, financially stable (t. 31 year old boomer) and I'm planning on having children of my own. Are there any mistakes that your dad made when he raised you?

>> No.9402814

m1r4 looking thicker than usual

>> No.9402820

I'm 33 and my dad has been a loser his whole life. Same as yours, he never taught me how to be a man. I'm not doing well in life and i partially blame him. My wife says i shouldn't but we obviously have parents for a reason. To teach us life lessons, guide us, and help us set a path for a bright future but he didn't do shit besides go to his dead end job and come home to sleep. He talked down to me and beat my ass all the time. We haven't talked in years.

>> No.9402826

why does she have so many pepe pictures on her official instagram? does she browse 4chan?

>> No.9402834


As long as you want your child, as long as you care enough to wonder what you should or should not do, your child will be fine. No one is perfect and cheapest and most important thing for a child is to receive love.

>> No.9402879

Wait, you're 31 and you think you're a boomer? Do you know what boomer means?

>> No.9402940

Sometimes I fall into the trap and blame my dad for some of my shortcomings as well. But there's really no point in doing that. It's the roll of the dice I got in life. It could've been better but it also could've been much worse. In a weird way, I'm thankful to have him as an example of what NOT to do with my kids.
I'm not sure if this is good enough. I know tons of upper middle class parents who deeply cared about their child's upbringing and yet their children became total losers and weaklings. I want my children to become resilient first and foremost.
What is a 4chan meme, Alex?

>> No.9402949
File: 67 KB, 472x960, 1515402094241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer cope

>> No.9402964

>In a weird way, I'm thankful to have him as an example of what NOT to do with my kids.


>> No.9402971

How is he gay for his dad?

>> No.9402992

23... you are just getting started chill.

>> No.9402996

Yuck Mira

>> No.9403021

I wanna make Daddy™ proud
I want my dick to be as big as his so I can think of him while stroking it
Showing off your pride is no different from stroking your dick in public

>> No.9403054

You grew up in a fatherless home, didn't you?

It's a shame you'll never learn masculine concepts like honor and respect and pride because you sexualize everything like a woman.

>> No.9403085
File: 34 KB, 655x527, apu_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rong and rong.
I'm saying he craves his dad's love stick.

>> No.9403100

You're probably a homosexual. That's why you project sexual shit onto everything. You have the mind of a woman.

>> No.9403127


grew up in fatherless home, got to age 18 without learning that shit. Become neet, watch anime and play vidya for years, learn morals from anime, learn socialize skills and team work from mmos. Start improving myself in real life, gym etc. Many years later life is finally going well.

To sum this up thanks /a/ /fit/ /fa/ /g/ and /v/ for raising me

>> No.9403145

Raised by 4chan? Never visit a psych for your own good

>> No.9403177

You’re so stupid that you don’t realize he should see a psych

>> No.9403295

Thanks :)

>> No.9403518

Mines been dead for some time now. Was smart as hell, but wasted himself away in drink and what-if regret, instead of living up to his potential. We weren't even that close but it hit hard, then. Im fine now, but the first few months were rough. Nowadays, back on track, Ill make him proud, I know hes watching. Ill say this anons - few things will put things into perspective like a parent dying. You have no fucking idea the clarity it will bring, especially when its going down and you are scrambling. Crystalline view of all. Its faded now over the years, but still there. More powerful than the most revelatory moments of any drug, or combination thereof, that I have taken. Some kind of evolutionary fight or flight shit, probably.

>> No.9403807
File: 374 KB, 538x4046, CD170429-26BA-4F47-ACA7-74512C73A485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ll reveal my untold wealth to drug addled criminal
No way that could possibly go wrong eh

>> No.9404401
File: 1.17 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20180501_173631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, we probably do a far better job of raising these little fuckers than their own kukd.com mangina dads
Most are willing tools of the matriarchy and would place these young men on the chopping block of virtue signalling and social justice.
This /a/fit/ anon is probably a beautiful compassionate awesome guy who I would get along with well and play some vidya with.

>> No.9404537

>tfw both of those
>tfw only do it because i'm depressed
I have a good heart

>> No.9404563

My dad is a selfmade thousandaire that constantly chain smokes and is pissed off at everything.

>> No.9404611
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>> No.9404792

Name of the girl in this pic ?

>> No.9405004


I know this feel anon. My dad legit slept with possibly over a hundred women in the 70s. I know because like my entire life growing up I had all these 'family friends' that were all older women like news reporters and journalists and shit, then when it came time to get internships my dad could always 'put me in touch' with some woman in that field. And they would ALWAYS do this classic 'sigh' and talk about my father like he was gods gift to women. Not only that but apparently he was so smooth that every woman he broke up with remained a long lasting loyal friend. This is aside from the business success he had as a designer. He's also the funniest person I've ever met, he has stories that could get me in tears of later.

Truly an amazing person I know I will never rival, but despite this he always talks about me like I'm the most impressive thing in the universe. No matter WHAT I do, even if I drop out, I know I'll hear him on the phone to his buddies talking about my dropping out like it's an achievement. Obviously this only drives me further to succeed. I don't know why I'm ranting, gonna ring my dad now.

>> No.9405026

>What is regression towards the mean?

>> No.9405033

too bad you turned out to be such a faggot.

>> No.9405109

>4chan meme
You are a boomer lol.

>> No.9405184

Whats her instagram handle

>> No.9405209

the fuck is this blogpost
you think your dad would be proud of this shit?

>> No.9405219

What are some lessons you've learned from him?

>> No.9405229

>but im already lagging behind so fking much at 23 that i wont ever even be 1/10.

My dad died 15 years ago in a skiing accident.

Be happy you got a dad

>> No.9405269

>tfw dad was an abusive cunt that left when I was 4

Single mothers are a mistake. My life is and always has been a fucking mess. I'm so neurotic that there's no chance of long term success. I was getting better but I fucked everything up. 24 starting from the bottom again = might as well just an hero

>> No.9405277

If it makes you feel better the opposite is worse.
>Works hard labor entire life
>Really good at it
>Offered dozens of promotions
>Doesn't take them because doesn't want responsibility over others
>Never ventures out to start his own contacting business because it's "too risky"
>Says credit cards are evil
>Didn't support the idea of me working in finance because "banking" is a scam and "investing" is cheating people out of their money
>Never contributes to 401k so is now 65 with 10k$ in the bank
Why couldn't I be one of those kids who's Dad gives them a few thousand to invest while they're in high school? I wasted so much of my life trying to please him that it took until just a couple years ago to say fuck it I'm going the finance route. Now I'm a lowly staff accountant at a 6 person firm, not even in the investment world yet and I turn 29 next month. My plan is to work here two or three years, go to a better b-school than my undergrad was done in and moved over to a hedge fund or at least AM. My biggest worry now is how people view someone my age with little experience.

>> No.9405284

He was born with a silver spoon up his ass.He's not used to working for stuff,thus he will never get stuff,he will probably die of an od or some stupid shit done with his daddy's $$$.

>> No.9405292

twitch streamer

>> No.9405312

Pride comes before the fall and is not anywhere near the same realm as honor and respect

Y’all niggers need to read the Bible

>> No.9405423

I'm confused, aren't we supposed to hate boomers because they destroyed the world economy and put us all into lifetime financial slavery?

>> No.9405469

Thats beautiful anon, make him proud.

>> No.9405538

damn m1r4 is thicc af no wonder mitch threw his life away for this

>> No.9405642

+ Lodsa money, lodsa studies, lodsa connections, surgeon to lawyer to finance.

- Fat as fuck, spaghetti when truck drivers banter, no other real friends but mom.

Where he's been succesful I'm not catching up easily ever so basically doing my thing even if I feel the pressure but at least he has blind spots where I can feel a bit of pity for him.

>> No.9405667

how big is ur dick anon

>> No.9405711

who is this fluid druid

>> No.9406369

STOP right there. This is the ass police. I'm going to need to see that girl's ass before we move forward, a'ight.

>> No.9406463

I love my Dad. Yeah, things weren't perfect, but he always made time for me.
When I was younger in the years after he and my mother split he was very angry and I felt that I was stepping on eggshells around him. He was never the best with money despite attempts at investing and always being in work. Don't get me wrong, there was always food on the table and the lights were on, but I feel bad for him in the way that he's almost in his mid sixties and I still think he's still a while off of retiring.
That said, he values family over everything and even though I'm living in another country and haven't physically seen him in three years we still talk regularly and I want to make him proud by finding my own success.

>> No.9406502

>growing up in the 70s
>you're at least 40 something and still have daddy issues

>> No.9406555
File: 249 KB, 370x590, screenshot.2018-05-13 09.30.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9406558


>> No.9406566

You both need to go back to plebbit quarantine immediately

>> No.9407146


Retard, he slept with them in the 70s, I grew up in the 90s, these women are all now 60+.

>> No.9407298

>he never taught me how to be a man
Neither did mine, he left me in the care of women (his mother and sister) and that was that.
Had to learn from a random faggot to look people in the eye when I shake their hand ffs. The guy was trying to pick a fight with me and taught me one of the first things a father should teach his son.

>> No.9407316

Take off all the makeup, 7/10

>> No.9407357

Well my dad is a famous musician, got famous at 19/20ish. I'm 26 and almost finishing university, and definitely not living up to his achievements. That being said, I do not feel like "making my parents proud" is something I give the slightest shit about desu.

>> No.9407368

Yeah all that "fatherly advice" crap just never was a thing for me either. I wonder how much of it I still don't know.

>> No.9407375

lol. I am your father in your fathers youth. made it by 24. become a streamer like iceposidon or jakepaul since you started life with a monetary advantage. The rest of us had to earn our way to the 6 figure club.

>> No.9407397

>become a streamer

jesus christ that is the worst piece of shit advice I've ever heard

>> No.9407459

Not to whiteknight her or anything, but you realize a 7/10 without makeup is basically too tier? Many girls will be lucky to still look average. Idk she's like an 8.5 with makeup to me.

>> No.9407483

Plus it's not only makeup, but also the extremely misleading snapchat filters that beyond just the animal ears, also smooth out your skin in extremely devious ways. The latter is REALLY why they are so popular

>> No.9407499

Parents never understood anything I was doing or wanted to do. The things I do that make me proud my dad doesn't understand, making money makes him proud but that's just a side effect for me.