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9398964 No.9398964 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, building a trading bot for ETH/USD on gdax
>run historical data sim
>+72% from this past week
>+450% from this past 30 days
>44% win rate
>2:1 win:loss size
Im pretty sure ive calculated this correctly. I heard that i should only expect 30-40% of what the historical sim returns, but im still nervous as fuck

A-am i going to make it?

Also, what is the lowest sleep time i can use to call histdata from gdax before it warns me about spamming? Im using sleep(0.5)

>> No.9398995

fuck i need to (re)learn python. learnt it in school over 10 years ago and never bothered with it since :(

>> No.9399007

Sleep 0.5 should be fine. I recommend to use the feed though.

What is your strategy?

>> No.9399027

resources to learn this shit op? i am a developer and have known python for years but know shit about trading with code

>> No.9399046

Been thinking about making AI for crypto, whoever does it, good job!

>> No.9399052

You have to actually get filled when trading live. This could potentially wreck your returns, depending on your strategy.

>> No.9399060

Would love any guidance you have about how you put this together. I'm a data scientist and I'm quite familiar with building time series models. I've also done some work with Python so I don't have a problem with picking it up. What I'm not familiar with is how I go about actually getting the data to train the model, how to get live data fed into the model to produce my outputs, and how to have the model talk to the exchange and make trades.

>> No.9399095

What do you want to trade and what kind of data do you need (as in OHLC, tick data, order books, ...)?

>> No.9399111

googling seems to point to tons of big datasets, such as https://www.kaggle.com/kingburrito666/ethereum-historical-data

i imagine you could fill in gaps with other datasets for your model (after formatting and stuff and assuming theyre consistent or from the same source)

>> No.9399132

not to mention the api for coinbase lets you pull some historical data too, though i don't know how much


>> No.9399144

Thanks for this! Something to start with for sure.

>> No.9399167

I guess I figured I'd start with something like BTC or Eth, but really I figured I'd build models for various coins and see what performs best during validation. In terms of actual data, I mean really just everything I can get get my hands on that's relevant to the coin and I'll figure out from there what has statistical significance.

>> No.9399248

The complete tick data and order books are quite expensive (at least the sources I know). You can find free tick data here http://api.bitcoincharts.com/v1/csv/ , but for example bitfinex BTCUSD is not up to date. You could use bitflyer BTCJPY and convert it to USD for example, but this might not work well depending on your strategy. Other interesting links are https://www.kaggle.com/jessevent/all-crypto-currencies and http://www.cryptodatadownload.com/ .

>> No.9399286

>developing on windows
You are not going to make it brah.

>> No.9399305

you could use DOS and be successful. fucking brainlet.

>> No.9399327
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>setup a bot an hour ago
>already made $0.15

>> No.9399370

Check out numeraire, might be something you're interested in.

>> No.9399413

What >>9399052 said
Trading strategies work until liquidity issues arise, and you become a buy/sell WALL and your orders don't get filled fully.

>> No.9399444

you do realise if this worked to the extent you could make significant reliable gains, people with the same or better knowledge than you would be doing it
it's always surprising to me to see the number of anons with obviously decent programming knowledge fall into logic traps middle school mathematics should save you from

>> No.9399470

>people with the same or better knowledge than you would be doing it
no shit retard, what do you think hft trading and algorithmic trading firms are? people ARE already doing this

>> No.9399497

>you notice $100 on the ground and you tell your economist friend, ‘hey, there’s $100 on the ground”
>your friends says “no that’s not possible because markets are efficient and someone would have already picked it up”

>> No.9399527

OP here
Yeah that was my thought. I know the larger my orders, the more i have to cut profits
GDAX offers an API that lets your program hook into its system. I did some digging and found a python wrapper to make that connection easier on github. Reading the wrapper code, its actually simple to do yourself
>whats your strategy
Buy high, sell low with negative leverage

>> No.9399544

let's rephrase it another way: what makes you think your homegrown bedroom project will beat hypothetical teams of experts?

>> No.9399562

yes, a location-specific temporary event is exactly the same as a global market accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world

>> No.9399595


If you use a Mac you won't either. Devs used to use them but Apple quality has gone downhill and Linux Desktop quality has gotten better so we all jumped ship.

>> No.9399632

obviously not, i never claimed that and never claimed op would have a lot of success. if anything, this is a great opportunity to learn more about ML and its still worth pursuing

>> No.9399646

Jesus, you don't have to tell the complete strategy. The general concept would be interesting though. For example the average duration of your trades? Is it built on regular indicators like the RSI in your picture? etc
Also, what is you sharpe ratio if you know it?

>> No.9399671

Last month was bull, test it on February data

>> No.9399672

That’s the beauty of it. I don’t need to beat them. I don’t even need to trade the same timeframes or markets as them. Not all markets are equal in profit potential.

>> No.9399695
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>> No.9399715 [DELETED] 

>muh teams of experts will beat out a homegrown bedroom project
some strategies are still viable even in the hypothetical situation that algo-trading firms are trading low-liqudity shitcoins (hint: they aren't) because they simply have too much capital where trading those strategies is a waste of time or infeasible.

Idk why you think you're so smart when you obviously have 0 experience doing this sort of thing

>> No.9399733

I remember I was reading the reddit post about people earning from making arbitrage bots on crypto exchanges, the most common comment was:

`I wanted to do something similar, but thought "many other people must already be doing this, opportunities in that method should already be scarce and not worth it`

And so those that actually went through with it and did it last year made HUGE bank.

Don't forget, crypto is a babby market, a LOT of big players aren't in yet, so things that might not work in traditional markets MIGHT still have a chance of working for a while here.
I've been reading some penny stock traders posts (mostly Tim Sykes students), and they all also call crypto something similar (easy mode market, babby's first market, etc.)

>> No.9399764


>> No.9399782

>You muse to your economist friend. "Hey there could be a 100 dollar bills on the ground all over the place. I only have to look for them and pick them up"

>Your friend says "the odds of being the first one to spot and pick up the money are very low, and there are hundreds of thousands of professional street urchins already running there own loose money programs"

>> No.9399785

holy shit an actual baby boomer browses /biz/

how do you feel about all the "30-year-old boomer" posts OP

>> No.9399788

Nigga gdax only offers 3x leverage. Howd you get these returns?

>> No.9399799

Fuck off with your retarded EMH theories poorfag

>> No.9400173
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t. started with $2500 and made this during the bear market with a bot

>> No.9400200

no u didnt

>> No.9400216
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>> No.9400251

trading eth and btc?

>> No.9400313
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Were it that easy. I trade everything that moves on over a dozen exchanges. The profits cycle though. Some days, liqui.io is popping, other days, it might be tradesatoshi, then bittrex will bless me, then binance, and on and on. You gotta have a pattern with a good probability for success then you beat it like it stole something. Easy as that. I'm on track for 100 btc by this time next year. Hopefully more

>> No.9400332

savage. what's your strat? market making, (statistical) arbitrage, mean reversion?

>> No.9400352

machine learning or your own strategy?

>> No.9400382

My own homegrown strategy. Can't give it away, at least not until I've made it but I stumbled on a pattern that pops up a couple of times a day at random on any given exchange. The trick is.. well, I'll post that part in a year or two. Sorry. Just know that it's possible.

>> No.9400407

Did you write this bot yourself?

>> No.9400433

This I can answer. Yes I did. Python, node, ccxt, lomond, websockets, matplotlib for testing, and cryptocompare for historical data. That's all you need to get rich.

>> No.9400440

Whats the downside of just giving us the strat? 99% of the these pajeets will write it off as faux anyway.
I sure will appreciate it however.

>> No.9400453

What degree do you have?

>> No.9400456

signed message from btc/eth wallet?

>inb4 "i'm worried about my privacy from one address i can tumble easily"/"i keep 200k on centralized exchanges all the time without ever hedging my risk"

>> No.9400468
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>Went from 2500 to 25.

Holy fuck

How did you mess up so bad

>> No.9400469

>what is overfitting historical data

Nice try pajeet. Run the trading bot live and see what happens

>> No.9400476

The downside is that other people start taking his trades and his strategy stops working.

>> No.9400484

How do I follow you so that I can keep track when you release your strategy after a year or two?

>> No.9400494

It's a strategy I've never seen anyone use with a bot before. No TA, no FA, nothing. Just a pattern that seems to work. It can be wore out though cuz it only shows up a couple of times a day when combing through hundreds of coins. I know that eventually somebody just as capable as myself will stumble on it so I'm really keen on maintaining my edge until I make it. I want everybody to make it but I have to be stingey for now.
BS in compsci
I keep 200k on centralized exchanges all the time but I at least hedge that by having it more or less equally spread out in dozens of spots.
This is biz. Obviously I buy high and sell low
Give me some way I can contact you. No, seriously. I won't forget.

>> No.9400501

>same pattern
>couple of time a days
>at random
>on any exchange

I know you won't reveal it (of course), but at least can you be a little bit more specific.
Different shitcoins or the BTC/USDT pair?

>> No.9400526

what is lomond?

>> No.9400540

All shitcoins all the time. I'll trade anything with my only caveat being there be some kind of volume. Speaking of volume, here's a little tip. The bot used to buy whatever's available but after bagholding a few too many times, now it never goes deeper than 1/7 the daily volume of the coin or 1 btc whichever is lower.
A nice websocket library for Python

>> No.9400546

Post wallet

>> No.9400566

Damn, I'll hit you up with my contacts if this is possibu too.

>> No.9400587

it's striking how every single successful arbitrage bot computer scientist on /biz/ has limitless amounts of time to spend alluding to their strategies and posting screenshots from an app where the data entered is arbitrary, but there's always a good excuse as to why they couldn't take two minutes to provide unfalsifiable proof through the very technology they allegedly spent months investing in
gullible bystanders would do well to research "signalling" in economics

>> No.9400614

>using windows 8 on a thinkpad

>> No.9400616

kek, this

/biz/ loves larping

>> No.9400628

Its just an endless cycle of some pajeet larping and other pajeets begging against his lies

>> No.9400630

bro hes not LARPing he posted his blockfolio. its not like people can just enter random trades on blockfolio or anything

>> No.9400655
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Do it. I'm not kidding, I won't forget.
Your cynicism is understandable. I don't believe much of what I see on here. But, I mean, shit man, I trade constantly and I can't trade coins if they're in cold storage. It don't work that way. I'd screenshot my exchange holdings but I mean how hard is inspect element? I usually judge the veracity of what I read here on the surrounding details. Does the poster sound legit? Is he a native English speaker? Does he give any supporting details that check out? I mentioned the technologies involved, I mentioned a volume strategy as an aside. You be the judge. Here's another old blockfolio.

>> No.9400671


Hope you dont forget about me
Feel free to tell me whenever, I'm not gonna tell anyone either, and I can't write/use bots or anything so I'm just gonna be doing it as manual trades anyway.

>> No.9400700
File: 751 KB, 1536x2048, Screenshot_20180512-230816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotcha bro. I screenshotted your post cuz I'm too lazy to cut and paste. I never delete anything though so I'll get back. Probably just after you forget all about it lol.

>> No.9400719

Get me in that screenshot too bro.
franciscoarmstrong@gmail.com (not my real name btw)

>> No.9400724

I was on your boat, and then I realized two things: one, unless I'm placing orders, I'm going to get eaten by fees. And if I'm placing orders and no one eats them, I'm fucked. And two, the real reason the strategy was so good was because the stop loss was so low (0.5%). In fact, buying and selling at random in 15 minute intervals with the same stop loss generated returns that were still very good, which means my strategy was shit. No offense, but if you're asking biz, you're probably in that boat. Keep iterating.

>> No.9400737

How old are you btw? From the states?

>> No.9400752

You're in.
40 year old boomer. Sunny south Florida

>> No.9400764


I love that this is even possible. Gives me hope.

>> No.9400767

I won't forget, I REALLY want to have a working trading strategy.

I'm a NEET that has nothing to do but trade all day, and I can't seem to find a working strategy despite trading 16 hours a day, ending up barely above break even after a few months, so it has been REALLY frustrating.

>> No.9400777

Wyckoff does another boomer well.

>> No.9400780

Damn nigga. Are you the same nigga that posted a thread about buying and selling randomly in 15 minute intervals maybe a week back? (the thread pic was a complacent pepe with coffee, or something to that effect).
Or is this strat quite popular on /biz/ ?

>> No.9400804

No, but I did make a post to similar effect stating what I said in the post. I don't save pepe images. And it's not a real strat. It's just to prove that any strategy that relies on small stop losses is inherently trash.

>> No.9400811

God bless your soul.

>> No.9400816

Well, if it's not a problem add me to the list.

(my 4chan shitty email where OPs and people never actually deliver).
Still worth a try, thanks bro.

>> No.9400831

let's judge you based on the surrounding details, then
do coins need to be on cold storage to post a signed message? no, any btc/eth address will do, so a transfer in and out only takes as long as the exchange's withdrawal times. mentioning cold storage at all could be a slip of the tongue but it could also make you sound either unfamiliar with the technology or trying to mislead those who are unfamiliar with the technology
do coins need to be on your address now for you to sign a message? no, past history would do. while possible, it's difficult to believe your coins would have never gone through a btc/eth address you control at some point
what was your entry post? a simple "lol", and the second post followed with "seething". while we all like shitposting, it still opens the possibility your presence is ego driven above anything else
it comes down to this:
1) the pool of english-speaking people who can namedrop programming concepts vastly outnumbers the pool of people who can build successful automated strategies
2) an anonymous larp has multiple upsides (ego boost, trolling, possibly get contact info from gullible people you can sell useless software or even malicious keyloggers) and no downsides
cynicism doesn't come into play. it's simply not rational to believe you without tangible proof

>> No.9400839


Please let me in if possible. Thank you.

>> No.9400866

Created a bot that traded off the 15 min macd (and rsi to some effect) with a small af stop loss. Used it during exams as i didnt have the time to trade. Was up about 5%. Though sample space too small to say if the bot works well.

>> No.9400874

I understand. I couldn't make shit happen for the first few months if you notice my blockfolio above. I discovered the pattern and made the bot immediately which is when my success jumped through the roof. Like a light switch. One day, nothing, very next day, everything. Keep striving in the meantime though.
I gotcha. I'll get off my ass and actually make a text file. I'll put it in my dropbox so I won't lose it.
Homey, I just got into this shit back in July and before that, I actually believed in a weak form of the EMH so that should tell you something. I'm a trader, not a blockchain expert. That said, one of my exchange wallets has like 9 and a half btc in it. How do I sign a message or whatever?

>> No.9400893

Thank you

>> No.9400895

Small stop losses are great in backtesting and fall apart in practice. I've seen BTC lose 1% in an instant before order books could catch up. Either you fill orders and get eaten by fees or place orders too late. Either way, in practice, any strategy with small stop loss (under 2%) is garbage.

>> No.9400923

Bruv it's all about those NodeJS wrappers nowadays. Shit's asynchronous as fuck.

>> No.9400927
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Fuck, man. I want to believe.

Can you give some basic advice to someone who could only 5x over the past year? I want to /make it/ so bad and just be done with this shit.

>> No.9400935

Are you the same guy claiming he was up 60x thru the pink wojak on an earlier arbitrage thread?

>> No.9400951

well i had the idea back when LTC was 5% off of gdax.
i figured it would take me two weeks to do it, and someone else would already do it (and the exchanges would have an unbeatable latency advantage)

sure enough a few weeks later i never saw arbitrage opportunities again

>> No.9401017

I've got a memory like a speeding truck man never forgetti. versericaw@gmail.com

>> No.9401026
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Pretty much. Except I'm still hard at work so now I'm up 84x. Would be a bit more but, you know, taxes. I don't arbitrage as a specific strategy though. I'm on so many exchanges that every so often, I'll have a bag that happens to be going for more somewhere else so I'll send it over but I don't do it systematically. I should though. It's not hard and there's money to be made for sure.
Basic advice is buy lower. If you look at something and think, this is it, I'm buying low, I'm about to get PAID, set your buy 20% lower than that.
Node is awesome with the whole nonblocking io but don't underestimate what can be done without that. I thought node or nothing then I ported one of my scriots to Python and it worked just as well and I depend on executing trades asap.

>> No.9401033

you can't sign a message from an exchange wallet, you need to own the private key. not sure how much blockchain expertise is required to understand the basic concepts of it. this is all one google search away
programmer with the technical chops to build a successful arbitrage bot in a competitive market needs to be told where to find basic info on computer technology, and had no interest in said technology during all these months... idk man. probabilities are still firmly biaised towards trolling, with a newest touch of "look at me, i don't even know how your shitcoins work but i make 6 figures off it". very effective in the same way people get angsty at trust fund kids
your story is possible but it isn't probable

>> No.9401035

u realize he is larping right?
there's no one out there with some super duper secret strategy that makes 100x the market average.
but there are a lot of people that will claim to but never reveal their wallet.... lol

>> No.9401066

Point blank. If by any stretch of the imagination what you're saying is true I'm beyond jealous, so my mind has to deal with it in some way.

>> No.9401094

Burner email. I like talking to other bot devs anyways might as well see if I can be entertained. Two way street as well I'll share my super secret strat soon lol.

>> No.9401138

wow, if this is real you'll be very wealthy within a few years. gj

>> No.9401148

>there's no one out there with some super duper secret strategy that makes 100x the market average.
There are, I doubt they brag about it on 4chan though.

>> No.9401154

I can code a trading bot but the hard part is devising a strategy... That's the real beans. Any tips to a fellow programmer?

Why should he stop the bot (stop making maximum profit) to move coins off the exchange to a wallet to prove you wrong

>> No.9401175

>Oakton ANTI - RACISM Team

>> No.9401178

Yeah, I didn't think you could. Just wasn't 100% sure. I'll tell you a story. I have a degree in this shit but for various reasons, I'm not employed. I worked for a few years on server side web stuff, then did mobile apps when that got hot but I got out of the rat race a few years ago and got into making affiliate sites. Built an automated splogging setup and have been cashing checkes for a while. I only publish for one company though and back in July of 2017, I checked my earnings and saw zero. Thought they were having issues so I waited the next day and the same thing. Zero. I emailed and got nothing back and came to the slow realization that I'd been booted. At one point I couldn't log i to the dashboard. I was like fuuuuuuck. Started brainstorming alternatives and settled on day trading stocks. I figured if others can do it, I can too. Saw /rhg/ when that was still a thing here and downloaded Robinhood. Fucked around with it for a few days and wasn't impressed. That's when I created my Coinbase account and the rest is history.
I read Saroshi's writings, read some stuff by Antonopolus or whatever his name is but, I want to make dollars. I could become a blockchain expert and beef up my technical knowledge or I could focus on what is working and trade this shit. I made my choice. I might not know everything about blockchain or Solidity, or sha256 and on and on but I know how to make money. If that seems like LARP then oh well. PS, my affiliate account wasn't banned, they just had some issues so now I make money from both.
It's real. Thanks.

>> No.9401193

He seems legit. Honestly it seems plausible I don’t know why you guys think he’s larping. Botbro, just come back and when you’re ready to share strategy plz when you made it. We’ll be here and listening. If they think you’re larping then forget them

>> No.9401212

reroll email versericaw@gmail.com just incase ya missed it

>> No.9401239

Thanks man. This place is frustrating sometimes. It's Saturday night though so why not argue on the internet some.
I saw ya and I won't forget.
Here's a link to an affiliate thread I made in March of 2017. http://archive.is/ytGp7

>> No.9401242
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Is that python?
>indent based nesting

>> No.9401258
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snakes in the markets man

>> No.9401267

>I'm the expert super programmer, exploiting deep complex patterns over a gorillion exchanges for constant revenue non stop through extensive mathematical models
>How do I sign a message lol
I just can't believe how you fucking retards are actually buying this guy's shit lmao

>> No.9401270

Throw me in sir, using some ptython for my physics degree at the mo

>> No.9401275

I've been interested in this too, but ultimately I don't think it can really work because the market being affected by external factors. Unless you just make it a high frequency trading type thing... I guess then maybe it could work...

>> No.9401290

You're a data scientist and you can't figure that out? You train with historical data, live data and trading are just API calls.

>> No.9401317

fancy degrees mean fuck all lmao. Experience is the only metric that matters in this game.

>> No.9401341
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If I'm larping, I put a lot of work into it. >pic related
I can "figure out" anything I want but why do I need to sign wallets to trade? I don't train with anything. i noticed a pattern, pored over a bunch of charts by hand to make sure I wan't kidding myself, knocked out the first draft of the bot in an afternoon and went at it. It worked so I doubled down by adding more exchanges.
Ain't that the truth.

>> No.9401342

unironically enigma catalyst.

see. crypto isn't just for trading. it's also for building bots to trade crypto.

>> No.9401350

>If I'm larping, I put a lot of work into it
Yeah that's the most sad part

>> No.9401354

from his affiliate thread

I wrote a script that builds an entire website in its entirety including a years worth of content and ads before it even goes up. Takes about 30 minutes from start to finish.
When it goes live, it's pure set and forget with no further intervention necessary.
That's why I mentioned having some programming skill as vital."

i think this guy has a attention whoring disorder. there's no way to create 1 year of organic content for a website without simply plagiarizing another website or having stupid markov chains tha don't make any sense

>> No.9401374

none of that proves you made any money, let alone 100x market average like you claimed lmao

>> No.9401393

> there's no way to create 1 year of organic content for a website without simply plagiarizing another website
Ya don't say
The saddest part is I make a ton of money and you (probably) aren't making nearly as much. Yet here you are arguing with me. People are strange.
There is no possible way to prove that. If I literally drove to your house in a brand new Ferrari and showed you the title, it wouldn't prove I made the money trading. This is the internet. If you don't believe then don't

>> No.9401399

do you know what a bitcoin wallet is? jesus christ it should take you a maximum of 10 minutes to prove you have that much BTC.

or post your trading history on the exchange

>> No.9401409

Oh shit, I name a ton of shit with z*, z_*, zz_*

>> No.9401410

The coins are on exchanges. I can easily fake any trading history with inspect element. Besides, if I go into my coins, people start extrapolating my strategy. Nuh uh.

>> No.9401422

take it off the exchange then put it back on dummy

>> No.9401424

Could you email us(or me) some pointers in the right direction? Really wanna learn how to code properly

>> No.9401428

This is a brave new world we're living in.

>> No.9401429

>pay all these withdrawal fees just to satisfy me!
lol fuck off, i believe the guy

>> No.9401433

and it would be impossible to fake a trading history in 5 minutes with inspect element duhh.
but of course you make excuses every 5 seconds about why you can't prove the least of anything you claim

>> No.9401444

Yeah, I used to collaborate with a group of people and anything I shared, I'd append a z to it to remind myself not to include any sensitive stuff like api keys or whatever. I left the group cuz I was the only one really contributing just haven't deleted those files yet.
Yeah right man. To convince random strangers on 4chan in a thread that'll hit the archive and nobody will ever give a shit again? What if I miss a trade while I'm moving coins around? Besides, the exchange only lets you pull so many coins off at a time.
Nice try bud but I'm not showing you my coins.

>> No.9401446

Looks like it. Also, these are .py files, so...

>> No.9401447

oh god its like $5 maximum of fees for someone that makes $100k in a month from his garbage thats nothing

he's the one who wants attention from bragging about his lies
you believe him because you're a moron

>> No.9401452
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>> No.9401471

you seem interested in farming lots of emails...
why do none of these idiots want proof??

>> No.9401488

google NodeJS. Learn general IT/Linux (Windows aight tho too). Learn a bit of statistics. You're golden at that point.

>> No.9401507

Yes, ~$5 but the maximum I can pull off the exchange is much less than 100k even if I were inclined. Which I'm not especially since you're such an asshole.
The emails are probably throwaway accounts and if not then they should be ones made specifically for this thread. Furthermore, if I'm the real thing which I am then they win if I'm not they've lost basically nothing but 2 minutes of their time.

>> No.9401511

And affiliate marketer, thank you, now everything is tied in my mind and I can sleep..

>> No.9401513
File: 30 KB, 357x384, 1520091208348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright, we are all very proud of your blockfolio screenshots and your amazing skill to rename files on your file system. Feel free to fill the thread with another 20 different childish excuses of how you're unable to do something as basic as signing a message or even grasp the concept. Hope you have a great week enjoying all your imaginary gains

>> No.9401554

plz remember me anon
am poor wagecuck

>> No.9401568

Hey, I run some python bots too. I'm always interested in talking shop without giving too many strategies away. I will probably do similar to you and be more public about my strategies once I make it. Email me if you like silicontare@gmail.com

>> No.9401572
File: 42 KB, 354x500, 09090623594594533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guys so full of shit.

>> No.9401576

Yep, I'll have a great time. Matter of fact, I stumbled on something recently that inspired me a little bit. Right now I'm only on a dozen or so exchanges and I make $x a day average on each one. Bringing a new exchange up is a somewhat time consuming process what with testing, any custom things that need to be done with how the api works, etc. But this thing I've found (and it isn't ccxt if that's what you're thinking) is going to simplify things greatly. I've identified about 150 exchanges on the exchange volume list over on coinmarketcap.com that fit my criteria. Gonna start building out Monday morning. Should multiply my earnings 5-10 fold. I'm really excited. Hope your trading goes as well, angry guy.
I won't forget. Just to spite the assholes in this thread.
Awesome, I'll shoot you an email.

>> No.9401579

40 Year Old Boomer, if you're still here PLEASE add me to the list. I'm dying to make it once you're comfortable sharing your strats. Thank you.


>> No.9401599

trading a bear market is easy as shit since you know everything will crash back down to groundfloor again

>> No.9401602

I'd love to hop on too if your willing.

>> No.9401644
File: 161 KB, 1207x915, Selection_010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done and done
I'd argue a bear market is easier to trade than a bull market. When the bull is raging, trading sucks so you just hop on and wait. But when shit's dipping all over the place, it's like mana. Just buy buy buy. That's trading. Of course the key is knowing what the local minima are. Not always as easy as it sounds. Nothing worse than catching a falling knife. SCC anyone? Now that's some ugly shit.

>> No.9401655
File: 147 KB, 1027x863, easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is inspiring me to go back and hammer away at my genetic algo I was working on. Written for bittrex from a long time but I'd like to rejigger it to work on Binance.

Biggest issue with it is it would evolve signals that frequently would trigger on all alts at once (ie when BTC is shitting the bed and everything is dipping). I want to somehow parse my altcoin backtest logs based on the top 100 altcoin average, ie, only buy shitcoin X if it's dipping relative to how altcoins in general are doing. Or if it's [whatevering] relative to how altcoins in general are doing, based on the signals the algo evolves.

It still made 2x vs holding BTC in October/November which was pretty decent for a shitty bot written by a mouthbreathing retard in PHP.

pic attached is the output format for the signals it would generate, I can hardly even read what it's saying it's been so long since I tinkered with this shit.

>> No.9401670

150 exchanges? jesus you never know when to stop
it's a miracle anyone is this fucking retarded to believe you.
there are less than 10 exchanges with any amount of volume to take advantage of
>should multiply my earnings 10 fold

ohhh sure, because those tiny exchanges with $100 of volume will surely be worth it. maybe you're purposesfully saying retarded shit to filter out anyone with a brain.
then you can start selling them on your affiliate marketing bullshit or get them to buy your stupid profitless bot

>> No.9401672

Lol, you're fucking retarded if you think this will work.

>> No.9401681
File: 7 KB, 250x199, 1521742432662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a strategy I've never seen anyone use with a bot before. No TA, no FA, nothing.


>> No.9401684


Shoot me an email too anon

>> No.9401686

For anyone interested in making money with bots and not a lot of programming experience check out Gekko bot. 100% free and open source. Amazing community that will help you. I bought a cheap PC to install Linux on and now I’m making a killing running dozens of bots 24/7 365.

>> No.9401704

this is more in line with what i expect.
someone makes a genetic algo, it works for a short while. then they lose interest when it stops working

>> No.9401743

well I mean, it was december. Like OP said, trading starts to suck chunks in bull markets, better to just hold on tight and ride the lightning.

By late january I'd pulled all my funds out of shittrex and was too busy refreshing my blockfolio and not getting any sleep to think about retooling it for a new exchange... like I said I'm a fucking retard so I don't even use any trading libraries, I don't know how. Write all my API calls from scratch.

>> No.9401747

Looks cool anon, I don't get into the ML stuff and haven't needed to since what I have works so well but I know some people make bank that way.
I regularly make a grand a week on 2 exchanges that are right now in the 150's here: https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/volume/24-hour/.. I'm starting to think you're kind of slow man if can't even imagine how somebody can make money this way.
> tiny exchanges with $100 of volume
Dude, you keep saying I'm LARPing but you don't even check your figures. The 150th top exchange in volume does over $300,000 a day. I only want a little fraction of that. If you only make $100 a piece from the top 100 exchanges a day, that's $10,000. That's over a bitcoin a day. You need to reevaluate your arguments, son.
I tried some open source bots but they failed me in back testing. I don't have much faith in traditional TA which these bots mostly rely on.

>> No.9401755
File: 142 KB, 1410x793, hidethepainharold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shoot me an email too anon


>> No.9401756

POR (proof of retardation), meant to respond to >>9401704

>> No.9401769

You're essentially stating you want to do stastical arbitrage? You should be looking to decorrelate your time series data from underlying BTC price movements to prevent your algo from evolving on "all alts at once"

>> No.9401770

you make $20 a week from scamming anons from your hut in india pajeet

>> No.9401772


i bet we are very similar. i bet i could guess your pattern more then i could guess the pattern itself. so is this the 'tism speaking or do you just trade out of feeling. i want to bed you take 3 hard looks at things and make a trade

>> No.9401775

Then make a fake one. If there were another way to contact people who are interested in a winning strategy after I'm done with it then do tell. Otherwise, email it is.

>> No.9401776

we should start a discord for everyone who gave emails.

>> No.9401786


>> No.9401790


>unironically using fourier and rsi on a trading algo in 2018

im sorry OP

>> No.9401805

Hey, if you're still in this thread I'd appreciate being added to the list of anons wanting your strategy when you release it. Much appreciated: lmj12socom@gmail.com

>> No.9401806

Weeeel, that SCC was just an example of the type of trade you wouldn't want to take. He was talking about trading in a bear market and I was just saying, yes, bear market trading is great just don't catch a falling knife, like SCC here. As far as the strategy, two charts can look exactly alike and based on my strat, I would take one trade but not the other so you would have a hard time deducing it by just looking at the same charts I do.

>> No.9401811
File: 11 KB, 289x319, grinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people giving their email thinking they're going to "make it" when the guy tells everyone his strat and there 100 other people using it

>> No.9401817
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>> No.9401820

Wtf is that? Pyramid?

>> No.9401843
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>> No.9401859

So far I have like 10 emails or so. Those 10 people can definitely make it without killing each other as long as they keep quiet. There are a lot of exchanges after all.
I'm sorry man. I can't do it. I want everybody to make it but I gotta make it first.
I hunted for news and couldn't even find it. It's some coin that was supposed to be used for trading stocks or something. Guess that didn't work out.

All right thread, the wife wants to swallow my load so I'll be off for a while. I got the emails and it'll be a while before I get back to you but don't abandon the accounts. We're gonna make it, anons.

>> No.9401867
File: 12 KB, 480x360, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9401880

Sorry dude... i bet your gain wont be anywhere near that because you dont take volume/sell books into account.
Thats a mistake everyone makes when backtesting... you are dumping way more than is on the sell book at that price.

>> No.9401886

>magic crypto AI
>uses IDLE


>> No.9401897

i wasnt talking about the trade i guess i shouldnt try too hard to expose you . but maybe i would have successful stories like you if i wasnt so emotional. i held coins when i get caught up in the green and pretend everything is a bullflag even tho i shouldnt

>> No.9401923

for the record... i havent made any bots but ive built a liquidator which means I can dump everything to BTC or USD with one command over telegram. And vice versa... dynamic portfolio allocation is what im after.. shapeshifting between configurations/portfolios of coins depending on the market. Needs manual triggering but its easy over telegram/tcp when im out and away from my computer.

>> No.9401962
File: 1.72 MB, 341x237, 1521182625145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry man. I can't do it.





>> No.9402051


please sir add me to the list. Doing the best I can here, but not as quick as I'd like

>> No.9402086

If you're still here and not LARPing, OP, godspeed. Seems to me like a simple arbitrage bot that anyone could've made. I would've done it myself if I wasn't so lazy.

>> No.9402102

Email please.

>> No.9402118


Am aspiring wage cuck and I would desperately be grateful drgonicshade@yahoo.com

>> No.9402123

Thanks and good luck, I'll be keeping an eye out sometime in 2019 or so. Hopefully sooner depending on how long it takes for you to hit your target, lol.

>> No.9402226

When I email it won't be anything to click on, just a simple explanation.
I'm still and not LARP. I got everybody's email in a file. Like I said, it'll be a while but I won't forget.
2019 is about right. Seems like a long time but it isn't really.

>> No.9402267


Please add me to the list. Hope to wait for your email a year or later on your strategy. That time it's probably useless but nonetheless hope to understand how you manage to come out with the pattern...

>> No.9402288

whatisjet@gmail.com - sign me up to the newsletter as well.

>> No.9402289

Sign me up anon. I want to believe.

Going to try my hand at this in the meantime. Thanks for the inspiring posts.

>> No.9402358

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.9402434
File: 164 KB, 1452x1002, Selection_011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks to know the way out is there and somebody's found it but for whatever reason, it continues to elude you. There's big money in crypto and everybody in this thread's dreams would come true if they just knew the right price, the right volume, the right wall, exchange, coin, when to buy, when to sell. It sucks when the same charts are staring every one of us in the face but only some people luck into the right series of buttons to press to make everything go your way. I know what it means to be hungry and it sucks. I'll be back though throughout the year, you guys will see me post my 'folio periodically showing the progress. And I know this all sounds like some bullshit. But sometimes it isn't.
>made a pdf of the thread.

>> No.9402453


You knew I was referring to you lol wonder why

If you spent half as much time actually working on a bot as you do larping you could make some good money (and maybe make your lies at least semi believable)

t. Guy who actually bots

>> No.9402457

>posting your email address
enjoy your keyloggers, anons

>> No.9402461

do you have any beginner resources for where to start learning about building a trading bot?

>> No.9402467
File: 53 KB, 1710x564, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with an advantageous secret keeps it to themselves.

Anyone claiming to consistently make even more than 5% on a portfolio is either lying or insider trading.

>> No.9402502

The total time I spent typing in this thread was probably 10 minutes which is the most time I've spent on /biz/ or any other site like it all week. And unlike you, I'm responding constructively instead of trying to tear people down. For all i know, maybe you do make more than me with your bot. I'm sure a lot of people do. I really don't give a shit. I do just fine. Enjoy being mad though, I'm sure that helps you make lots of money.
Google ccxt.
5% what? A day? How big is the account? If I had an account of $100, of course I could do 5% a day. I could do 50 or 100 percent a day. $1000? Maybe 5% probably not much more than 10% though even on a good day. $10,000? $100,000? $200,000? Not a chance to consistently make more than 5% a day. 1% consistently is stretching it pretty far and even then you won't do it for long. Everybody knows you face liquidity issues when you get too big. There are a lot of exchanges though so maybe that's a way to stave off the inevitable for a while.

>> No.9402507

That 40yo boomer posted his trading technique earlier in the year. I didn't know he used a bot though. His technique sounds too simple to be true, but I guess it could work well, especially if he made a bot for it.

>> No.9402530

I've come a long way since then and I've gone through 3 orthogonal strategies so you may be thinking of something else I was doing. At any rate, the strategy I"m using now is virtually impossible without a bot to execute trades fast enough. It got to the point I even had to refactor my imports cuz some of them were introducing a delay that made the trades take too long. matplotlib in particular takes several milliseconds to import even on an i7 with an nvme drive. It's nuts.

>> No.9402559

>The total time I spent typing in this thread was probably 10 minutes.
you posted 28 times over a span of 4 hours and your average word count is in the hundred range
the world record holder's speed in short bursts is around 170wpm
that's before we consider screenshots, and time spent thinking about the content of your posts

>> No.9402567

just to confirm youre the same guy I was talking to 3 months ago; your portfolio doubled in a day from a lucky trade on a low vol shitcoin on cryptopia back when you had a few bitcoin, right?

>> No.9402576

royal kingdom coin was the coin

>> No.9402584

Anyone remember the poster awhile back who posted the source for his triangular arbitrage setup? He linked to a pastebin of code, I opened it and was going to return to it. Returned a day or so later and it was removed. Any chance anyone saved that?

>> No.9402587

Very interesting analysis. You should write a book.
That's me! Still chugging away, doubled the account once or twice more since then even in this shit ass market. Still being accused of LARPing. Small world. How's your luck been? Oh, and yeah, the strategy has evolved considerably.

>> No.9402655
File: 48 KB, 1686x472, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...'on a portfolio'. No time-frame for return was provided to you because it does not matter. Any trader can understand my statement.

World class is considered a consistent 2.5%

So suddenly you've bested all traders going back 100s of years, in a short period using nothing more than Fourier, a volume oscillator, and RSI?


>> No.9402667

thx anon

>> No.9402672

Very inspiring to see you come so far. I've been mostly out of the market and busy with university. I have been devising my own strategy which involves 100x leverage, so far I have a 85% win ratio playing with fake money.

During the semester break I'll give your old technique a crack, Making a trading bot is beyond my capabilities, however I'm all ears when you're ready to share. llabwons44@gmail.com

>> No.9402688

You have me confused with somebody else. I don't use any of those things. And, yes, I've been very successful but I don't have any illusions that I'm one of the all time greats. I mean that is prima facie absurd. Let me do this for 10 or 15 years and somehow beat the specter of liquidity issues, trade the account up to 9 figures, then I can lay some claim. Will that happen? Fuck now. But I'll make it to 7 figures for sure and I'm cool with that.
Awesome man. I'm afraid of leverage. When I've been doing my thing so long I get bored, I might give it a try! Email noted and I'll get back to you for sure. Good luck!

>> No.9402724

so you're larping about arbing? absolutely no other strategy would care about "several milliseconds" ruining their strategy
well i'm proud of you, you have fooled several dozens of anons, maybe i should become a scammer too, how do you convert their retardation into money?

>> No.9402738


Put me on the list, thanks man. adpullicino@gmail.com

>> No.9402758

>so you're larping about arbing?
The only arbing I do is if my bot buys something and the order book is so thin, I can't get out at a good price so I look around and see if another exchange with the coin has an arb opportunity. if it does, I go for it. Again, I don't know who you have me confused with.
>absolutely no other strategy would care about "several milliseconds" ruining their strategy
What about the hft wall street traders? They aren't arbing and they literally use FPGAs that can execute on a strat before a regular computer gets the data through the network stack. I'm not saying I'm doing any of that but, obviously, there are more strategies than arbitration that require speed. Anything comes down to milliseconds if multiple traders are trying to buy/sell the same thing at a given price. I mean, somebodies gotta get on the book first. Now, is it something so crucial that it kills my strategy if I lose milliseconds. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure but I'm still collecting data. In the meantime, I can certainly imagine scenarios where it would make a difference so I try not to lose any time unnecessarily. i've even gone so far as have my buyer script which uses ccxt run as a service since ccxt forces a fetch_tickers on first run every time adding a second to every single buy depending on how your setup works.
>well i'm proud of you, you have fooled several dozens of anons, maybe i should become a scammer too, how do you convert their retardation into money?
Several dozen anons in this thread probably are "fooled" but I don't think it's the several dozen you think it is. Feel me?

>> No.9402770

I am currently working on one and I am quite familiar with the APIs of the exchanges as well as getting data... Wanna join up?

>> No.9402919

where is months april and may

>> No.9402945

I use a Nexus 9 and if you're familiar with these tablets you know they are slow and shitty cuz of the encryption. It finally got so bad, I had to root the thing and decrypt it else replace the thing. I really like it though so I went through the process. Of course blockfolio doesn't allow you to back up anything so I lost it all. When I reinstalled 'folio, for some reason the charts don't work like at all. So now when I post it, I don't bother showing a chart since it's always completely wrong. Sucks but now I show old charts beside whatever I'm up to on a given day.

>> No.9402954

why do you only have 999 stinky linkies

>> No.9402973

Cuz I like the memes. And I wanna believe. But not that much. I tried to buy 1000 but for some reason I fucked it up and only got 999.

>> No.9403195

I'd also like to hear more about that! Email ?

>> No.9403233

Seeing all those naives niggers ITT tells me the market hasn't been purged enough. BTC definetely going to 2k.

>> No.9403752


>> No.9403805

Add me to the list too plz


>> No.9403866

>security = 'ETH-USD'
Do you know something we don't?

>> No.9404153

With 1x leverage

>> No.9404211

Im actually using neither rn, i have a lot of unused code because i was experimenting. My code even says
>#do not use fourier

>> No.9404243

OP here
The beauty about my strat is it works on all time sales. My next step is live backtesting so i can deal with volume

>> No.9404259

I broke crypto, I just earned 10% and I perfectly fine with that. I usually don't trade, I lurk and buy your next dip then I sell

>> No.9404483


Hope you'll see the message. Anyway, I'm interested: u7bou@protonmail.com

>> No.9404513

Dude stop posting your code here if this is real you are basically giving away clues to a treasure map, however when the bot stops working can you post like a github link or something so we can see how it was made. I actually found some of the dumping patterns myself but didnt make a bot for it, and didn't use stop losses so i made like 20% in week during the bear market but got btfo later. Im 19 and coding during my free time and you have my respect boomer man.

>> No.9404600

>live backtesting

>> No.9404624

Prof trader on crypto desk here? Did you take queue position into account? What about partial fills? What about exchange rejections? What about latency on your network and the exchanges matching engine? Oh you didn't? Fuck off with your 450%, its probably -12% in live.

>> No.9404669

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.9404710

please add me to the email list

t.fellow stinky linky

>> No.9404891


>> No.9405067

kek, biz really is full of retards that will believe any larper, no matter how ridiculous. BTW I found his secret "strategy" from the archives (this guy LOVES to post his larpfolio around, there's so many threads).

"I pore over charts all day long looking for dips and I set buys at insultingly low prices. From time to time I get filled. Then I sell the inevitable bounce. Wash rinse repeat. I probably win 19/20 times because I utterly refuse to buy at a price that is anything other than an insult to the seller. "

There you go, I'm sure you'll all be millionaires in a year now.

>> No.9405688

Don't bother it's slow as fuck - write your bots in java or C++, much better response times.

>> No.9405729

Thanks for the tips, ill add that into my code

>> No.9405761

Oh shit I REMEMBER that thread! Honestly I've been meaning to play around with $1k to test that tier 1 strat.

Also why would a bot trader even keep a blockfolio?

>> No.9405815

No you won't because you don't know jack shit about about what I mentioned. And if you did you'd know it takes months to write a half decent simulation.

>> No.9405841

set gains = 2 for double gains

>> No.9405858
File: 299 KB, 775x625, 1518191309379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still here botanon, i want in too


ty friend

>> No.9405860
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1522779243169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So say I check CMC for the biggest % losers of the week. What are some important filters to playing that? I figure volume is pretty important for liquidity issues.


This one seems pretty ripe for a bounce back. Over a million in volume and a 5 mil mcap. I guess the next step is to check and make sure the project isn't DOA over some news or something right?

>> No.9405875

>"#Use ISO 8601"

>"#btw # means this is a comment"
>"#i mean i don't mean to make fun of you this is in case you forget"
>"#btw you're pretty cool did you write all this??"

>> No.9405899

just paper trade the "strategy" about a hundred times. say you bought that shitcoin right now on Bittrex for $0.28. set a sell target, and make sure there's enough on the books to cover your dump.

>> No.9405920

A reminder that bots are going to be banned from ETH trading in the near future.

>> No.9405939

lmao buncha young niglets about to get BTFO in here

try getting a fill on gdax bro

>> No.9405965

If you mess with api, you're gonna get hacked.

>> No.9405974

DOS would be a better choice than windows because windows updates can force your computer to restart at a critical time.
Also certain versions of windows (normally home) have limits on the number of TCP packets the can send which can drop internet connectivity at random times when you are asleep.

>> No.9406040

OP here, if the bot is successful im planning on putting a cheap server in the house running on linux for that reason. The resets will kill me otherwise

>> No.9406044

fair enough.

>> No.9406069
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>Windows 8

>> No.9406284
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29 something hoping to actually get to live a happy retirement, put me in plz, my 10k portfolio is bleeding.

>> No.9406300
File: 163 KB, 531x517, 1490271790641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot email;


>> No.9406395

good luck running this when you are so big you will move the market you trade by your trades

>> No.9406484


If your strategy involves basic technical analysis, RSI, moving averages and or volume as shown in the picture - you're going to get rekt.

Run it for a day, a week and see what happens.

You could have found a great system, I've never seen one work like this, though.

Make sure you account for the trading fees, so you account for all the costs involved.

Good luck,

>> No.9406542

This exactly.

You need to consider if there was a fucking edge, someone smarter than you would've discovered it and started using it more.

Let me articulate this for you friends.

If there was a certain combination of technical indicators that consistently generated profits, it would be found out very quickly.

There are guys who, all they do all day, is mine data for these types of edges, so they idea that you can stumble across it like a doofus and get LOLMONEY is pretty much retarded.

Now if you were to stop this bullshit and work a viable strategy like BASIS TRADING you can automate this and make money all day.

This comes from the desire for something from nothing. You think you can just endlessly extract value out of the market like a parasite, but it never works, cause you don't have the character of a person who makes money to begin with.

In short,

If you weren't a degenerate trying to get free shit you might actually stand a chance

>> No.9406627

yeah if youre talking about christmas time last year, I made 2000 from 200 bucks in the span of 3 days.

>> No.9407013

gdax allows 6 messages in a burst and then limits to 3 per second.

>> No.9407049

>If you weren't a degenerate trying to get free shit you might actually stand a chance
This what crypto is all about: buy, hodl, then retire

>> No.9407207


>trading bot written in python

Shit performance and your calculations are definitely wrong.

>> No.9407228

How much OP

>> No.9407261
File: 35 KB, 480x480, python.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all these little script kiddie bots are easy to BTFO with a god-level C++ bot

>> No.9407310

lol what? explain yourself

>> No.9408043

could i please be added on the list? Thanks so much anon. johnfinikoudis@gmail.com

>> No.9408056

you know, the force of Python is to set up really fast draft programs.
If you are a real coder, you will then, when everything works, write in C core functions, and keep non critical / GUI in python.

C++ is not designed for trading more than rust go or whatever.

>> No.9408207

Id love to write a pure C version of the finished product.

Does anyone know how the api encrypts your api keys during sending? Obviously a plaintext version would result in >>9405965

>> No.9408293

Connect with SSL or you're actually retarded

>> No.9408855

Enjoy your "trick". Unless it's arbitrage or constant evolving machine learning it will be biting you in the ass later. Remember these words for then.

>> No.9409216

That was 2 strategies ago and it quit working back in March when the exchanges started opening up to new users. Especially Binance.
It only has to work until I make it. After that, the market's all yours.

>> No.9409534
File: 125 KB, 1536x2048, Screenshot_20180513-140719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>etc. etc.
On another note I just want to make a general comment on the state of biz. So OP starts a thread about his day trading bot, I see it and post. I don't post a multi-million dollar folio or claim to BTFO George Soros or anything. I say I made a couple hundred grand in a few months with a bot. Simple as that. And for my trouble, I get called a LARPer, I get heaps of opprobrium, get insulted cuz I won't move a bunch of coins off the exchange to prove whatever, man get real. Then I wake up and posts from the peanut gallery going through the archives finding my posts from months ago about a manual strat I used to use that doesn't even work anymore and calling it "tier 1" or whatever. Man, fuck every one of you guys. You win. I'll never post about my bot or my day trading again. I'll show my folio to brag but fuck it, you fucks win. Good job running off people who actually do what you wish you could. Oh, and as a final parting shot, I made another 1/4 of a bitcoin while I was asleep. Again, FUCK YOU

>> No.9409620


add me anon

>> No.9409630

Thank (you) Anon :^)

>> No.9409664

thats what i also thought. but my coworker made 1.5mill over the last 8months with his bot. his initial investment was 500usd. his bot does almost 2bill turnover per month only on bitfinex. i mean he studied maths but he said to me that he doesnt really know why his strat works so good. he just uses a modified MA method tight stops and thats it. lucky bastard.

>> No.9409696


Hey can you add me to the list? I like to trade with fractal but it is hard to find the time if you're not staring at the screen for a while

Pbresta@gmail.com thanks

>> No.9409791



i hope i dont regret posting this.

>> No.9409833

29 years old poor boomer add me please

>> No.9409871


i beliv

>> No.9409899


>> No.9409910

I gotchu guys and anybody else that post theirs'. I'll make a PDF of the thread when it's archived so i won't forget. Also so whenever I make a trade and get stuck holding some bags (happens to everybody) and start feeling a little dejected, I can read over this hater shit in and get inspired all over again.

>> No.9409928


good larp guys! add me to list please

>> No.9409995

i believe

>> No.9410016

please add me:


>> No.9410026


slnovak@iastate.edu, I am interested in seeing what you do

>> No.9410079

What are your thoughts on the cryptohopper bot OP?
Shit works great for me on binance, bittrex, and kucoin.
It does arbitrage, DCA, trailing profit, stop loss, basically everything i need and its cheap af to use.
I avg around 3%-11% gains a day and my stacks just keep getting bigger.
Been using it for about 5 months and when the market is normalized, its all gains baby.

How can your little brainlet bot even compete?