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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9399904 No.9399904 [Reply] [Original]

COSS Chads check in

>> No.9399983

The value of the weekly fee split is increasing but the price per coin is going down. If there's anytime to buy this coin it's now.

>> No.9400095

yeah pretty much where i am at, sitting at 43k right now

>> No.9400099

This coin dropped from my initial investment of 22c
Even after kyc


Makes me sad really but I guess everythings suffering the same

>> No.9400145

Coss sucks. They launched at the same time as binance and yet haven't been able to achieve 1/50 of their performance.

>> No.9400147

Yeah kinda bullshit how everything just follows BTC, dont really understand it.

>> No.9400160

Rajeesh don't you need to figure out how to feed your kids? Also invest in toilet paper.

>> No.9400163

COSS is like the Jeb Bush of crypto.

>> No.9400182

>Please clap

>> No.9400212

This. Coss wont accept my legit government provided documents. Fuck their "service".

>> No.9400255

They require your nationality.

>> No.9400282

There is nothing more sad that coss cucks

>> No.9400305
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>> No.9400309
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>> No.9400900

I'm sorry you're a poorfag

>> No.9400932

Can someone shill me this coin sorry for being a no brainer

>> No.9401688
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>> No.9401708
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you may be a no-brainer, but luckily so is this coin

COSS.io is an exchange that plans to be fully compliant with all world government crypto regulations and splits 50% of the exchange's fees with users who hold the COSS token.

Basically, by holding COSS token you get free coins every week that users have paid as fees, depending on the proportion of tokens you own. You get all coins from the exchange, because all trades require fees traded in each coin