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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9390257 No.9390257 [Reply] [Original]

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeUfDTn5huM

Ask questions about how to start the glorious passive business of shrimp farming and post and talk about your own shrimp farms in this thread

>> No.9390619

don't let this thread slide you ingrates

>> No.9390644

The meme that saved biz

>> No.9390698


>sitting down after a long day of shrimping
>feet up
>glass of scotch in your right
>cigar in your left
>press play on this song
>stare in admiration at your tank of money makers

>> No.9390734
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beautiful green text anonkun

>> No.9390753
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>> No.9390768


I'm starting a bonsai tree hustle - but godspeed shrimpkun

>> No.9390775

were all gonna make it anons

is that birch polypour? if so where do you get the spores from?

>> No.9390799


Are you going to reinvest your shrimp gains into more shrimp or crypto?

I've been stacking silver bullion from some dude who gets it near spot price so gonna turn those bonsai into precious metals.

>> No.9390804

>is that birch polypour?
Nope, oyesters. They don't ship well at all so they're good for selling to high end restaurants.

>> No.9390845

I already have 99.5% of my portfolio in gold so more shirmps probablly

>> No.9390861


Don't you mean 100% in gold?

>implying shrimp aren't gold in crustaceanic form

>> No.9390872
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thanks for correcting me desu, almost caught me slippin'

>> No.9390926
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>> No.9390931


>> No.9390938

I’m seriously doing research on this shit. Just like when I heard about bitcoin hitting $1000.

>> No.9391041

this is a joke right?

>> No.9391082
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Yes this is a joke please don't start shrimp farming in NY.

Add filter on this board you will never hear about this again

Please leave this thread

>> No.9391099
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yeah big prank

>> No.9391197

i have 30 acres in the north east. it's next to a wallmart, there are about 3-4 small ponds. not really sure about how safe the water is to farm fish or shrimp in for human consumption because of water run off.

any ideas on what to farm in them without getting the epa or usda too involved?

theres methheads in the area so im weary about having anything "too out in the open" farm wise

was thinking of doing ginsing for a long term thing for the land.

>> No.9391287

shrimp r ghey

>> No.9391426

Outdoor ops are hard because of disease and predators. You'd also see a very low survival rate. Build a hoophouse

>> No.9391573

Where do I sell these shrimps at?

>> No.9391841

KEK, you live off of them ya dummy. It’s better than going to work that’s for sure, real men grow their own food anyways. Just don’t eat them too often because shrimps have high cholesterol.

>> No.9392035

Dude thousands of shrimp can fit in a 20 gallon aquarium

You don't need to use public resources for private gains

>> No.9392131
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Make sure you eat a spoonful of cooking oil with the shrimp, or you'll get rabbit starvation, and be constantly starving no matter how many shrimp you eat

Dr. Richardson, also, has remarked, “that when people have fed for a long time solely upon lean animal food, the desire for fat becomes so insatiable, that they can consume a large quantity of unmixed and even oily fat without nausea:”

>> No.9392193

Okay I'll bite, where's the catch on this? Is this the GOMAD version of /biz/?

>> No.9392218
File: 148 KB, 333x493, mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is. You can unironically breed a shitton of shrimps and sell them for good prices. It takes a while to get started but it is not a meme.

>> No.9392443

Paper shrimp for a few days.. make a ton of money. Finally get myself a real boat.

Lose all money. S

Such is life in the bayou.