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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9381593 No.9381593 [Reply] [Original]


This goes along with so much of what /biz/ has been saying, and dispels a LOT of FUD. He wouldn't have been hired if his views weren't in-line with the company.

Here are some highlights:

>"Why there's hardly any news, what I think, is smartcontract is mainly gearing toward large enterprises, so in a way they could kinda care less about wanting to give the average joe, or even the average crypto investor some kind of breaking news. The team is actually doing exactly what they should be doing right now- and that's putting their faces and their product in front of big companies with a lot of money."

>"There's a reason why Sergeys been talking about smart contracts for years- because he knows that big companies want to use them, and they're spending millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars on people and outside services that smart contracts could effectively replace."

>"So, whats going to happen with the token? And here's the whitepaper for chainlink- is basically companies that are making use of smartcontract's network, or we can call it the chainlink network, they're going to be required to use the token as they come on board with the chainlink platform. So they're going to be holding large amounts of the token, and they'll likely purchase more early, while the price is relatively low, so the token will be used here as a form of payment for the node operators, so on the other end, node operators are actually incentivized by holding more LINK to operate their node. You don't have to hold LINK in order to run a node, but the more LINK that the node operator is holding, the more that the data that comes form that node can be trusted within this network."

>"So all this means is that the majority of the LINK tokens in existence will actually be held long-term, so they're not going to be on exchanges, thus razing the price per LINK token. So in the immediate future, I'm purchasing more and more LINK tokens every chance I get."

>> No.9381722



>> No.9381775

Yup. Now keep an eye on the sell side of the order book. Never more than a million LINK for sale with 350million in circulation that's only ~0.29% of the 350million in the orderbooks.

once hype finally does come, there's not going to be any more cheap LINK left

>> No.9381779

Damn son

>> No.9381784

Pretty good, Thomas was a good addition for the team.

I just cant wait until september.

Literally, my money runs out in july.

>> No.9381828

Because basically, there is no profit taking, they would appear once 5-10x gains

>> No.9381861

Ill take it considering BTC is going to hit six figures before EOY

>> No.9381963

I feel like thodges is someone who would post insider infro on 4chan.

>> No.9382115

He's definitely a candidate for Assblaster imo

>> No.9382329

delete this now

>> No.9382382

AssBlaster worked in finance.

>> No.9382385

I have a theory he started a thread the other day to get us to see that he has made a new 'chainlinked' directory in GitHub.

Also SE changed his settings in GitHub yesterday after some anon posted that Steve was doing a lot of work in private repos.

So Steve also lurks

>> No.9382447

Link never leaves my ledger nano s
I have the price locked in at $1.20
Its only a mere 11k but that is 11k that will never be in circulation
What Thomas speaks here is the truth
I'm just a poor fag
Imagine what rich fags are holding onto

My name is anon
I will not let the things I can't control get in my way
I will strive to do the best at what makes me happy
I will not let short term gratification get in the way of my long term investments
My linky will stay stinky

>> No.9382480

>I'll take lower sats xd


>> No.9382496

>price locked in at $1.20
What does this mean?
Explain to a brainlet like me

>> No.9382525

it's a meme. and not like "chainlink is a meme", or like "chainlink is a meme is a meme", but an actual retard tier meme.

>> No.9382532

It means he bought high and is retarded (or pretending to be).

>> No.9382554

I've been holding since anime chan presale

>> No.9382555

c h e c k e d

>> No.9382593

ledgers allow you to "lock in" a price, so when you transfer your coins over to them, if the market value of your coins falls, the value of your coins on your ledger remains the same. this feature is why ledgers are so expensive.

>> No.9382594

Did anyone catch Thomas talking about payment initiators in slack today?

>> No.9382600

I enjoy my linkies. Look at my repeating numerals.

>> No.9382614


>> No.9382619


>> No.9382684

I am Satan 1k eoy

>> No.9382690

Why are we sharing shit from 7 months ago?

>> No.9382715


>> No.9382731

Watched it already. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.9382741

he means he locked his tokens in at that price (can only be done on hardware wallets)

>> No.9382743
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Am I gonna make it?

>> No.9382781

Monero could 5x in the next year. Good project. ETH could too. Good project. Chainlink WILL 20x by EOY 2019. Why not go all in on LINK then rebuy the other coins once it moons?

>> No.9382792

why? :/


they probably monitor us, like a zookeeper and an autistic monkey.

I like this pledge

it's a meme bud, you can't price lock.


the video has less than 1000 views, and it dispels a lot of FUD, so I thought it a good idea to share


>> No.9382900

That makes sense but also feels risky af

>> No.9382935

It all depends on how much risk you want to take. Monero and Ethereum probably won't see insane gains ever again, but will obviously probably rise many multiples of where they are now over the next few years. other projects could 20x, 50x, 100x, 1000x, etc or fail and lose it all

>> No.9382991

Why even mass reply like this when you have nothing valuable to add?

>> No.9383004

Can confirm 1000 to end the year

>> No.9383039

Ive spoken with hodges on reddit. He has to be assblaster.

>> No.9383069

This just makes no sense. So ledger says your shit is worth 1.20 but the market is buying at .58. What does locking a price in actually do for you other than support delusion? No one is buying it from you at your locked price.
>coming from a 45k link HIDLER

>> No.9383091

Hope he is but does he seem like the Kind of person that would choose the name assblaster.

>> No.9383115

you didn't do the firmware update in april

>> No.9383122

Its a joke dude

>> No.9383125

Painfully obvious

>> No.9383141


>> No.9383159

The absolute state

>> No.9383185

Christ what a brainlet, how can you not follow along with one of THE premium features of hardware wallets? We're not explaining it any more

>> No.9383186

I Checked & I Came

>> No.9383265

It makes me feel like one of those LARPing tripfags who reply to everyone calling them faggots

Why do you say that?

>> No.9383323

It does come with risks though.
If you lock in your price and the singularity arrives, your tokens will still be $1.2 and won’t increase in value.

>> No.9383382

it keeps happening

>> No.9383401
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>It makes me feel like one of those LARPing tripfags who reply to everyone calling them faggots

>> No.9383444

The way he writes. You could make a pretty convincing ab larp using chopped up hodges quotes.

>> No.9383446

It doesn't matter if the market is buying at .58 because he locked his in at 1.20, that's the whole point.

>> No.9383571

That's what I was trying to say to you guys all along. Just have patience to hold on to your LINK for few more months.


>> No.9383572

of madagascar.

>> No.9383582


>> No.9383584

>anal bead

>> No.9383686

Sure are a lot of newfriends today

>> No.9383853

20x? Nice FUD try 1000x pajeet!

>> No.9383874

Thanks OP. You saved me a trip to pornhub before I sleep.

>> No.9383888
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>> No.9383907

Do you even have verge to pay you linklet.

>> No.9383966

I have bad news for all of you. They don’t just lurk, they post here and control the cult of link. You’re all checking your watches wondering where the marketing is when it’s right in front you. They didn’t make all the memes but they started the trend and stoke the fires. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.9384312


>> No.9384324

Municipal Marmalade.

>> No.9384376

its old news that the team monitors biz
they know theyve can catch a leak early since this is always where info gets shared
why do you think they don't allow 4chan threads on the reddit?

>> No.9384394

That doesn’t disprove my point. They know more normies are on Reddit.

>> No.9384608
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no FUD in this world can ever make me sell my LINK. Kek wills it

>> No.9384685

found the newfag that joined crypto in december, every oldfag here knows about locking in prices. majority of the oldfags here locked in btc at 19k

>> No.9384724

how does the whole node running thing work?
can anyone run a node or only institutions who sell their data?

>> No.9384861

Anyone can, even with 0 LINK. The more nodes on the network, the better.

>> No.9384959

I'm gonna run a node on my smartphone just to help the network

>> No.9384991
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look at them!!!!

>> No.9385477


>> No.9385579
