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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 1160x1160, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9375593 No.9375593 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9375617

Dave stop leaking. You're fired. We're going to have to postpone the listings now.


>> No.9375625

0/10 larp

>> No.9375631

doubt monero will be added

>> No.9375641

but for real tho
don't say you weren't warned when this is suddenly $10 each

>> No.9375657

Not a fucking chance, dude. Do you know anything about Monero?

>> No.9375660


In all honesty, by now Ripple has deserved to get listed there.

>> No.9375664

It's easy to spot crypto newfags if they unironically believe that ripple or monero would be listed on cb. Besides, they will first add the erc20-support on GDAX before cb.

>> No.9375669


>> No.9375675

Wtf, I'm going to accumulate now that someone has made a thread on a Mongolian throat singing forum. Thanks oh pee.

>> No.9375678

lol Monero

>> No.9375680


>> No.9375694

Deluded, ripple will be the first 'crypto' to be a security more likely.
How heavy are your bags?

>> No.9375696

XRP or XLM would be a very good addition, at least they work and are fast as fuck with the transfers so would add something to what is there already. If they are adding further ERC-20's they might as well stick with ETH

>> No.9375725

what's lol about it, it's one of the best projects in crypto and will always exist no matter what happens to any of the others. I have been holding XMR steady for a long time

>> No.9375731


>> No.9375749


>> No.9375753

Ripple doesn't fit coinbase's criteria. Coinbase only lists decentralized coins

>> No.9375757

coinbase has a rule to not add securities so xrp and xlm are no go

>> No.9375782

The CEO of Coinbase was spotted with a certain memecoin maker on Tuesday.

>> No.9375783

Yes sir, buy my coins, sir. Please. Very good analysis, sir.

>> No.9375802
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>> No.9375806

XRP isn't a crypto and its not decentralized. There is zero chance it will be added to Coinbase, stop larping you faggot.

Monero is a kiddy fiddler coin and again will not be added, as soon as the first CP ring is exposed using Monero Coinbase will get crucified by the media and shareholders. Won't be added.

BAT is a shitcoin but its not a scam so sure why not.

>> No.9375824
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Congratulations. Most retard comment until now.

>> No.9375841
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>> No.9375871
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> isnt a crypto

Ok sir. I listen to uneducated morons on the Internet. Thanks for guidance

>> No.9375877

>two simultaneous LARP threads
enough is enough

>> No.9375881

Back to rèddit. There are many fucking uncertainties about XRP and you would know these things if you had done your research.

>> No.9375883

Replace Monero with ZRX and this will be believable

>> No.9375886

How can you not see the truth?

>> No.9375887

Why speculations? Is there any announcements that some coin could be added?

>> No.9375906

>ceo of coinbase specifically says they will not be listing ripple
>some anon pajeet says they will

HMMMMMMMMMMMMM i wonder who i should trust more

>> No.9375911

Its not though, it was not cryptographic mined...its were the name comes from!
FFS the state of /biz/

>> No.9375917

Whats uncertain? U see . Its all just opinions. So no one gives a fuck

>> No.9375929
File: 210 KB, 641x718, palemoon_2018-05-07_22-31-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol monero won't be added durr kiddie porn hurr black market durr gubmint ban pffffttp pssschchch

>> No.9375938

And you decide what is or what? Your thoughts arent the reality

>> No.9375960

Watch circle getting shut down by DHS and FBI.

>> No.9375972

stopped reading there.

>> No.9375974

No i don't, nor do you!
ffs it is a word are you a dictionary? do you even own a dictionary?
fuckin brainlet
have fun bag holding

>> No.9375975

How delusional can a bagholder be? It's not my job to hold your hand and tell the uncertainties about Ripple, stay ignorant and biased to the coins you hold.

>> No.9375992

look mommy i bosted it ageen

>> No.9376048

Did you even read the fucking article coinbase wrote? They exclusively said they will be adding erc20-support. Monero is not a fucking erc20-token and it certainly does not work as a protocol or dex for erc20's. How fucking retarded is this board?

>> No.9376085

Very. It's all garbage tier posters now because anybody with half a brain has already made enough money to fuck off on out of here.

>> No.9376093


Such as the fact that XRP actually has zero use case for Ripple with the exception of generating a fuck load of funding in exchange for worthless XRP tokens.

Ripple quite literally uses this funding generated by the XRP token to bankroll their Xrapid, Xvia and Xcurrent banking token development

>> No.9376095

it's vechain mountain dew kid told me on skype

>> No.9376127

>How fucking retarded is this board?
Extremely retarded. Linkies and Vetards are the epitome of delusional biztards.

>> No.9376145


Don't forget Litecoin bagholders

>> No.9376154

Invalid argument.

>> No.9376202

They dont use xrp, they use xrp, they dont use it, they use it....
Boi you cant make this shit up?


>> No.9376227

ehh litecoin is actually more usable than say bcash.

>> No.9376326
File: 483 KB, 1000x540, Butthurtbutters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wrap my head around that people actually dont see the bigger picture.

Do you ever thought outside of the
>but mah marketcap
>but mah buttcoin
>but its not a crypto

Look at it from above and interpret this as a roadmap for crypto as a WHOLE Thing

>> No.9376374
File: 22 KB, 485x443, 3EA1740F-B9CE-4C6C-8E29-23618A37F4BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying monero using your bank account / credit card
It's not happening, why would kikebase add fucking monero out of all the coins available??

>> No.9376385

>xrp and xlm

>> No.9376398

They bought Poloniex and they are owned by GS.

>> No.9376402

either delusion retardation or all the above

>> No.9376485
File: 231 KB, 683x855, 1525999805511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translate pic related for a brainlet. This doesn't make me confident on XRP in any possible roadmap for crypto.

>> No.9376534

He has an emotional bias on his shitcoin, that's a normal defense-mechanism for retards.

>> No.9376561

>xrp and xlm

>> No.9376563

>coinbase is a shitty exchange
>coinbase will add a shitty coin
>atomic swaps and decentralized exchanges make coinbase worthless
>coinbase is a company
>sole purpose is to make profit
>having ethics
>bcash, roger ver, jihan wu

what makes u think they won't list another shitcoin to make more money?

>> No.9376638


This shows how uneducated the average /biz poster really is, holy fuck.

>> No.9376663

The next one listed would be an ERC20 token, but not EOS.

>> No.9376665


Wew lad, do you have actual arguments or what?

They use XRP to scam bagholding morons like yourself into paying for their private business interests.

Xcurrent is Ripple's primary sale pitch to banks, and it does not use XRP. Eat shit. Even if it did

Ripple would just turn the printers on and destroy the value of XRP until it pleased the banks enough to buy in. You're too fucking stupid to realise you simply cannot win with XRP unless you bought this shitcoin at the start of the year. It's a centralized shitcoin that has pumped and pumped for no reason and if you made hefty profit from bagholding, lucky you.

Medium to long term, XRP is worthless.

>> No.9376688

What if I told you fags, I really know two coins that will be listed on Coinbase. And no. I'm not larping.

>> No.9376692
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LTC is nothing but Charlie Lee's chink scam operation, its got nothing going for it. Nothing at all, it's quite literally bcore's testnet.

>> No.9376704

I think its hilarious how big the XRP coinbase meme has gotten. Fucking retards.

>> No.9376732

Lee already exit scammed LTC didnt he?

>> No.9376792
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Anyone have a crypto discord where I can meet like minded people

>> No.9376851

except neither of them are erc20 retard

>> No.9376894

I can tell you now. Two coins will for sure be listed on Coinbase. And one of them is mentioned in this thread. The other is not.

>> No.9376942

Those were your implications since you are so keen that xlm and xrp are getting listed. Also
>not knowing how green arrows work

>> No.9376958

haha come look mom

>> No.9377014

I think his point was. Why are ICOs band in the states? cause they fit the definition of a security.
If ERC20 tokens do you better believe ripple fucking does, does no one on here use google anymore?
have fun holding those heavy bags
Ripple will be a security by the end of the year
>MUH the ripple CEO says its not a security
ERC20 support has just been added to coinbase, why would they do that then add ripple, which coinbase consider to be to close to a security.
fuck off newfags, lurk more

>> No.9377396
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>> No.9377764

definitely XRP.

>> No.9377772

As one of the few (4?) crypto currencies actually used as currencies it probably has one of the highest potential trade volumes for exchange with fiat so why wouldn't it make sense for a crypto-fiat exchange to add it?

>> No.9377836

LTC is the go-to for sending coins to and from exchanges you mong.

>> No.9377873


Ripple does not fall within the guidelines set forth. Read coinbase paper on how they determine new assets.

>> No.9377936


Top 3 for erc20 gdax

Next 2 are augur and golem for top 5