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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9372277 No.9372277 [Reply] [Original]

if you were ever gonna create a one world government the first thing you would do is create a decentralised global currency system

>> No.9372304
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what a pathetic fud/disinfo attempt

>> No.9372308

Why decentralized though.
Decentralized currency means less money for whatever state entity and thus it will have less power.

>> No.9372314

Holy fucking autism batman
nobody gives a fuck about your fucking NWO.
Literally keep your mind on the fucking prize (MONEY) and all the faggots that give a shit can head to /pol/ if they want to fantasize about toppling the deep state.

>> No.9372333

implying they wont get your money back once they implement 100% inheritance tax

>> No.9372357

now you're fantasizing about how (((they))) can take your fortune. Holy fuck, there's an entire fucking board dedicated to this shit- can you faggots stop spilling over into /biz/?

>> No.9372377


they already own the entire banking world, but they risk that by building tech that makes their established dominion obsolete.

Makes sense, anon

>> No.9372390

Case closed

>> No.9372418

they own the block chain too

>> No.9372436
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>creating a fixed money supply they can’t inflate whenever they feel like taking the goyim’s money

You’re thinking of central banks, senpei.

>> No.9372449

Holy fuck are you taking FUD lessons in pajeet kindergarten? Fuck outta here

>> No.9372504
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>> No.9372541
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>> No.9372570
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if by "block chain" you mean "Lightning Network" then yeah sure maybe, in a way.





>> No.9372616

>Fixed supply they can't inflate
(inhales) .....

They used to inflate and deflate the price of gold all the time, even though there is a "fixed supply". Their trick is OWNING MOST OF IT. If they buy up most of the world's Bitcoin, Bitcoin is finished.

>Watch "The Secret of Oz", a documentary by Bill Still.

>> No.9372899

I could not give less of a fuck
>b-b-but why anon!! (((they))) own you!!!
because I cannot use this information to make me money right now unless I use a tinfoil method of investing into stocks

Go the fuck back to >>>/pol/
Anons that want to theorycraft how to break free of the jews can join you. Let the anons that want to make money, continue making money on this board

>doesn't realise Jew's are welcome on /biz/

>> No.9372909
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>>doesn't realise Jew's are welcome on /biz/

>> No.9372944

because (((they))) control satoshi's wallet

>> No.9372961

Any of those Satoshi coins move and the market will bottom out in ten seconds.

>> No.9372978
File: 40 KB, 331x132, Source; Dude trust me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9372994

the whole of crypto is literally built on that statement

Dude just trust me, my names satoshi and im a real human

>> No.9373037

yeah, and i'm on board as long as i own a huge amount of that currency and it can't be inflated.

>> No.9373065

>the absolute state of /nubiz/
Have you read any whitepapers anon? If your entire crypto experience is "dude trust me" then you need to do some more reading.

There's verifiable information out there with verifiable sources, logic and information.

holy fuck is there a /420/ board I can send faggots like you?
>like dude, the whole thing is just people saying one thing and other people listening like whoa haha is satoshi even human
>No, I haven't read into the contextual history of bitcoin or any of the relevant papers that presaged it but lol dude the CIA could totally own the NWO if they and the jews owned the supply huhu

>> No.9373090
File: 1005 KB, 928x8800, JEWS EXPELLED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jew's are welcome on /biz/
they aren't

>> No.9373097

so basically your source is: dude just trust me

>> No.9373115

Globalisation is good

>> No.9373133


>> No.9373143

>he thinks this is /pol/
holy fuck, Jews are good at making money
/biz/ is about making money
What don't you get about this anon?

Take your financially useless /pol/ shit and let the likeminded faggots join you there. I'm not saying you're wrong, i'm just saying /biz/ isn't the place to post it.

it's like trying to teach calculus is history or English. Or trying to teach fitness and health in a fucking photography class.
Fuck off with your useless irrelevant shitposting.

My source for what? The whitepapers? The open source code available on most large-scale blockchain projects?
What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.9373228

no the source on the random guy named satoshi writing the code for this piece of shit technology in his basement then disappearing and leaving billions of dollars in his worth of btc in his crypto wallet

satoshi is the original: dude just trust me

>> No.9373302

What? His source was his fucking whitepaper and the product it produced.

"dude trust me" is when an unverifiable source provides unverifiable information

EG. Anon on 4chan says CIA and Jews control Bitcoin
Where the fuck is the source?
Where the fuck is the evidence?

Satoshi writing bitcoin goes like this
Hey guys, I made an immutable, unfungible currency that can get audited in real time.
>oh yeah? prove it faggot
Here it is
>oh, thanks

>> No.9373340
File: 26 KB, 645x729, 268zj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so satoshi is the block chain?

thats deep as fuck my guy...

>> No.9373369

Satoshi is very obviously the NSA, they invented the SHA256 algo afterall.

Satoshi nakimoto can be read as "central intelligence" in Japanese.

Tracking darkmarkets is something spooks prob quite like. They probably enjoy selling guns and drugs also

>> No.9373386

Why? Its logical, we already have the BIS and IMF and WB

>> No.9373409

No your not welcome

>> No.9373435

Jews are good at lying and have no morals when it comes to dealing with the goyim. Theivery and subterfuge are their trades

>> No.9373520

The bitcoin whitepaper doesn't need a credible writer because it stands as a verifiable piece of work on its own. How the fuck don't you get this?

Lindsey Lohan could've fucking written the Bitcoin Whitepaper and it would still be Bitcoin.

>the absolute state of the /nubiz/ migration from /pol/
You fuckers don't even know what a SOURCE is HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

>> No.9373599

>Doesn't know Yuji Ijiri
>Doesn't know Nick Szabo
>Doesn't know what Bit Gold is
>Doesn't know what Nick Szabo's blog is
>Doesn't know who Ian Grigg is
>Doesn't know what Triple Entry Bookkeeping is
>Doesn't know about Satoshi's posting history on bitcointalk.org
sure, CIA made bitcoin
It's inconsequential whether you live in delusion or not
d be a lot richer than I cur

>Jews are good at lying and have no morals when it comes to dealing with the goyim. Theivery and subterfuge are their trades
How can you be so new that you don't realise nobody on /biz/ gives a fuck. Take this shit back to /pol/
There's literally an entire fucking board about this shit and you try so desperately to be financially useless here.
Is it because nobody goes to /pol/ anymore so you're desperate for attention?
Why? Why do you shit up this board anon? WHY?

>> No.9373623

>lindsay lohan could've fucking written the Bitcoin Whitepaper and it would still be Bitcoin.

lol you went full circle and proved my original point

anyone could have made this shit tech

reality is it was likely government funded

>> No.9373682

>reality is it was likely government funded
This is what you need to source.

>lol you went full circle and proved my original point
No I didn't you fucking brainlet. I said Satoshi's source for Bitcoin is Bitcoin.
There is no source on who Satoshi is.
Anyone claiming to know who Satoshi is without providing a source is the Dude saying Trust Me.

If someone says "hey I have this immutable currency blahblahblah", they can Source the Bitcoin Whitepaper.
If someone says "Hey CIA is Satoshi", they cannot source anything.

It's like saying "hey, there's this study about rats doubling in size when they eat pineapples"
and you source the fucking scientist instead of the paper. That's what you're doing right now. You're ignoring the paper and saying "PROFESSOR CIA IS ALL THE SOURCE I NEED"

>> No.9373741

>There is no source on who Satoshi is.

so basically you're agreeing with me? crypto is built around a "dude just trust me" moment

>> No.9373779

lol are you skitzofrenic? the hypocrisy radiating off you is overwhelming...

>> No.9373812

No, his paper stands on its own two feet.
You didn't need to trust him as you could verify his whitepaper yourself

How so?

>> No.9373823

Fuck me, you're right anon. I'm bumping this useless thread and becoming part of the problem.

I can't continue arguing with someone who doesn't understand what a fucking SOURCE is.
Good luck.

>> No.9373889

can i ask you a question? when during the last 10 posts i made in this thread did i ever ask for a source on btc. i thought we were talking about satoshi? because you are confusing the fuck out of me right now brother

>> No.9373910

>crypto is built around a "dude just trust me" moment
Fuck sake I can't stop biting your bait

>> No.9373993

>Fuck me, you're right anon. I'm bumping this useless thread and becoming part of the problem.
>Fuck sake I can't stop biting your bait
just kys yourself

>> No.9374025

This. A few decent kikes here, one actually opened a thread last year giving (good) advice on trading, which I still follow to this day. Fucking /pol/tards, I used to be on /pol/ too for a year some years back until I got "redpilled" on /pol/ and how fucking useless it is to one's time.

>> No.9374048

i was talking about the moment satoshi popped up and literally said "dude just trust me, im a real boy"

not about btc itself lol. you literally strawmanned me for 10 posts in a row to the point of sounding crazy and i played along just to see how mad i could get you

bro this isnt healthy. you legit seem to be genuinely maddened by your own strawmen argument. you should probably take a break from biz for a bit...

not normal behaviour, come back when you source satoshi and we can talk business. schooled btw

>> No.9374098
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>> No.9374185

thats another strawman argument.

do not get it twisted, at no point in this conversation was i laughing at myself. im laughin at you and the level of retardness that i managed to prod you into reaching in this thread

you are out of control

>> No.9374231


>> No.9374905
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Only if it could be harnessed and controlled.