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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9362853 No.9362853 [Reply] [Original]

Millennials/Gen X'ers of /biz/, what's the worst career advice you've ever received from a baby boomer?

>> No.9362876

Boomers from work recommend to invest in stocks and property. They are fucking insane

>> No.9362885

Follow your dreams and study something related

Didn't work out

>> No.9362890

>Anon, I worked in a factory for 30 years, but you guys? You guys are fucked
>Kids don't want to work. They aren't grateful. It took me 3 years to get my raise to $10.00/hr at the dealership, what's their excuse?

>> No.9362894

You need to get a job

>> No.9362903

>go to college

ruined my life

>> No.9362912

>theres no rush

>> No.9362915

"you need a 4 year degree to be competitive"

>> No.9362916

hint: this only works if you are not retarded.
Only non retarded people study STEM.

>> No.9362936

same here, I'm so fking angry my family was pushing this college perspective on me for the entire life

>> No.9362941

Go to college
Just work hard and you will accomplish something
The USA is a meritocracy

>> No.9362971

The other problem is that STEM was never my dream, but by the time I realized it was my nightmare I was already a 30 year old boomer.

>> No.9362982

"Don't waste your time on all that technical stuff, learn to be sociable and make people like you."

>> No.9362985

Bitcoin at 3000$ is to high to buy in, you are to late

>> No.9363036

Bitcoin is rat poison and uses baby brains

>> No.9363053
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continue perpetual labor in exchange for currency that will continue to be devalued, while contributing a portion of that currency into a pension fund that will be consumed before it can be granted to you

>> No.9363060

>sell everything at 19k

>> No.9363091

This also is great, and the fact it is made with a straight face by every living boomer today just blows my fucking mind. They really do think we just don't have a choice.

>> No.9363101

No one has ever given me any advice. No one has ever wanted to help me.

>> No.9363102

>your only choice is college or the military. there is nothing else that comes close to earning you a livable income
And I fucking ate it up too

>> No.9363104


>> No.9363141

>sell everything at 19k
Isn't this meant to be a thread about bad advice?

>> No.9363146

"go live on your own, and not with roommates, you'll learn how to live"
-boomer professor in nyc
also wish I didn't go to uni

>> No.9363147

Gen X'ers are old fucks now.

my sister was born in 1978 and thinks gold is a good investment

>> No.9363180


>Don't kill yourself. You have so much to live for.

>> No.9363209

Man I thought I was the only one who had a bad time in college. STEM is a nightmare for retards and the unenthused, you’re better off studying what you want and make money somewhere else.

>> No.9363240

The worst boomer advice I've heard was "follow your dreams".

The worst millenial advice I've heard was "Don't go to college, it's a scam".

The best boomer advice I've hears is "Improve yourself a little bit every day"

The best millenial advice I've heard is "Start your own business"

Honestly both Boomers and Millenials are retarded but they are on opposite ends of the retardedness spectrum. So if you pick the good half of boomer advice and the good half of millenial advice you actually accomplish something.

If you take the worst of both sides you become /biz/

>> No.9363247

they told me to go to school

>> No.9363248

>boomers: invest in yourself, anon
>2 failed startups later I would have been much better off investing in an obvious genius in their field like Zuckerberg, Musk, Satoshi, Vitalik
now stuck working for other's failing startups but at least with a much better salary

>> No.9363265


>> No.9363316

"Son, free market capitalism will ensure that working class folks like us are always taken care of"

>> No.9363342

I uniroincally look up to boomers as a millennial. Sure they have done some questionable policies but at the end of the day, they part a lot of wisdom on us youngins.

>> No.9363345 [DELETED] 

Work hard

>> No.9363365
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>You're a handsome young man, anon. You'll find a girl easily.

>> No.9363389
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>Exposed to parents shitty 60's rebellion music
>Rebel in elementary school because CC Revival and pink floyd said so
>Carry this meme into high school with gen ex music
>Have fun while your young.
>Get it out of your system
>If you don't have
> Fun Now you won't be a responsible adult
>You only live once
>Drink here at the house instead of going out its better this way.

Instead of

>Don't waste your youth partying and killing brain cells
>Use this time to study and lift weights develop goals and personal character
>It will make life easy as a 40yo Boomer.

Change my life around and did the opposite when I found out all this was a Meme and lie

>> No.9363401

Personal development > a bit more wealth

>> No.9363422

"Don't buy index fund ETFs, there's too much risk. Put it all into this low mcap business down the road which is clearly failing - the price is so cheap right now!"

Heard this just a couple of days ago from my father in law. He gets all of his investment advice from a (paid) app on his phone.

>> No.9363424
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I literally did work in a factory when I was 20 with a guy who worked in the factory for 20 years.
I had asked him how much he made.
He told me 10.00 an hour

I quit smoking pot the next day and cleaned my system out

Quit the job a month later.

Got in trouble for quitting the job by my father who insisted I was afraid to work with men

Pic Not related

>> No.9363433

>The best millenial advice I've heard is "Start your own business"
Unless you can either get enough investment to stay in the red for at least 5 years or you happened to stumble on an opportunity where you have specific connections in an emerging industry-in-demand that is the WORST advice right now. Startup failure rate is well over 90% these days. At least back when I started my business it was only something like 70%.

>> No.9363444

>implying you can't do personal development while also investing in people much smarter than you
you're not going to make it

>> No.9363486
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>> No.9363488

My stepfather all but tried to force me into either of these, although I think because neither of my parents saved shit for any of us to even go to college they ended up not pressing too hard

>> No.9363493

The failure rate is 90% because most people who start businesses are brainlets, don't work hard enough and/or didn't study any BM.

>> No.9363503

We've probably all heard some good advice over the years but disregarded it because as millennials, we think we know it all.

Now we hoard all our money into crypto. It's our hope; it's our way out.

>> No.9363507


>> No.9363509

You're retarded.
Its cause people like you assume you need a "unique tech" idea for some crazy great new business.
Just copy another shitty succesful service business, like pretty much any easy blue collar business and market the shit out of it. Its not hard, most of these blue collar businesses are owned by boomer types who havent marketed properly a day in their lives.

>> No.9363572

>thinking you're in the top 10th percentile while browsing a predominantly racist alt-right anonymous forum
you guys aren't going to make it

>> No.9363584

Did you listen?

>> No.9363591

>Take whatever job you can get right now
>No it doesn't have to relate to any actual skills you have; I don't care if you can be more productive with your time and we can easily afford it
>Sleeping more than 6 hours a day is for lazy fucks
>Life is 100% fatal (the implication here being that you should just eat shit, not care about your health at all, and torture yourself the whole way through)
>That little black girl was eyeballin' you checking you out, you should go talk to her
>You need to have a job so you can get a girlfriend
>Why do you want to start your career (having a real job after college with real income) before you get a girlfriend? Do you want her to just want you for your money?
>Never hit a woman

>> No.9363596

Tbh yes I do

>> No.9363605

>the smartest people on this earth are oblivious to the reality of race
not going to make it

>> No.9363617

I'm not saying that, just suggesting that you should keep doing the startup shit till you die and not become comfortable by living off from investments.
responsibilities and goals give life meaning

>> No.9363620
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So tired of the kikes, man.

>> No.9363641

>>Never hit a woman
But this is good advice because if the woman has any intellect whatsoever she can fuck up your life forever even if she deserved it

>> No.9363643

Are you implying all of those people spend 12+ hours a day complaining about jews on turtle milking boards?

>> No.9363655

Ok, dad

>> No.9363688

Of course you shouldn't hit a women for this reason but saying it is just bad because it reinforces the idea that women should never be hit under any circumstances. The less we say "Never hit a women" the more we can hit them when they're out of line (which is pretty much constantly)

>> No.9363716

underated. I had a union guy trying to sign up part timers to help shore up his pension. was pathetic. he looked like a jew too, now that i think of it.

>> No.9363757

I agree with you there but fear it is too late for us in that respect. Hopefully gen Z is able to revert the changes

>> No.9363782

Oh shit I missed this post. Have a ton of friends who are stuck working dead end jobs just because their pensions are accumulating and being withheld until they are old. Hope it works out for them but won't be surprised if it doesn't and their pensions (((disappear)))

>> No.9363786

"Get a job"

>> No.9363802

i am Gen Z (95)
I despise all the old fat fucks I see that let the world get like this
And they are almost all fat fucks because I'm in America
The men are so god damn weak they can't even keep themselves physically well, let alone discipline their women and keep them in line.

>> No.9363827

You're a millennial.

>> No.9363865

>you will become successful if you just work hard and dont take any major risks

>> No.9363885

that's not true. there are a lot of retards that somehow make their way through a STEM degree, mostly through cheating.

>> No.9363919

the irony i find with pensions is that almost all of them (((guarantee))) matching contributions. so if you put in an extra 100 dollars, they also put in an extra 100 dollars.

all this guarantees is that the money supply will double by the time you retire. since everyone is getting the same (((guarantee))).

>> No.9363922

same, not only did I waste the money but even worse I wasted my time.

How do we get some of our money back or get out of our student loans?

>> No.9363930

How does this shit work exactly? I was born in 1984 and I've heard stuff like if you became an adult after the year 2000 you're a millenial. But then other people say other shit. We all boomers coping maybe.

>> No.9363949

buy a bitcoin miner and run it on campus?

>> No.9363955

he tried to sell every single thing that he owned at 19k
only apartment and car sold tho

>> No.9363984

this. you're the worst generation. just own it.

>> No.9364025


>> No.9364058
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No I'm not. I have nothing in common with any of the faggots I know from that generation.
pic related

>> No.9364059

Millennials came of age around the year 2000... So 18 19 or 20 in 99 2000 or 2001. It's not a fucking catch all for anyone younger than your geezer ass.
Fucking idiots who fill up this board.

>> No.9364087

You are literally the definition of a millennial...

>> No.9364101

he's kind of on the boarder because he's a little older.

>> No.9364106
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even after i researched and planed out my next move i talked a Baby Boomer loser who never accomplished anything in life about my plans just because he was an elder and that faggot made me second guess my move and missed out on an amazing deal then i spent the next year selling drugs trying to get back on my feet after listening to that asshole

>> No.9364121

It's a Jewsrockracy

>> No.9364131
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> That 33 yeald millenial boomer who doesn't know what a millenial is but at least knows millenials don't either

>> No.9364137


>> No.9364139

this, lol:

their advice is literally worst than worthless. it's cancerous. at least you've learned from your mistake

>> No.9364140

Literally true though and very unboomer like to say.

>> No.9364153

Sounds like he was insinuating that US is free market though so still boomer-talk

>> No.9364159

>dad: "Anon study something that will allow you to feed your family when you have one."
>*studies art history*
>dad: "well anon you're lucky you had an education trust fund and have no student loans but how will you make money?"
>*convince dad to make me his property-management apprentice*
>dad: "gee anon in retrospect, who would have taken over the family businesses if you had gotten a job somewhere else?"

>> No.9364163

kek im retarded i meant this

>> No.9364167

"Sell your stack of Link."

>> No.9364176

>one year makes you different from literally everyone born a year before

You're a dumbass millennial. Depends on your sources. Some say 95' others say 96', but most just say the end point is "mid-90's".

>> No.9364198

Some old fuck was pontificating about his days as a "Pinkerton Man". After he finished, I told him about my job in Electrical Engineering. He said I should try to get in with Pinkerton. I don't know if they're still even a thing and even if they were, why would I take a pay cut to be a goon? What a fucking dumbass

>> No.9364200


It's always been a vague term. I was born in 87 and I don't think I heard the term until I was half way through college, and thought it referred to kids born after 2000 for a long time. When people talk about the damned millennials it seems like they're almost always talking about kids that have entered college over the last 5 years or so.

>> No.9364209

I do. Most of my startup's success is the data analyst/marketing guy. Otherwise the business itself is literally nothing new, and we make 2 million a year between 3 of us

>> No.9364225

Actually received the best advice from one:

>Chill there is time, always time to solve problems - let's enjoy life.

He ran out of time tho - rip father.

>> No.9364232
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>mechanical engineering degree
>kickass extracurriculars
>kickass undergrad research
>no job one year after graduating

>> No.9364235
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>If you want a girlfriend, you need to treat her with love and respect.

>> No.9364247

lol college cucked.

Coulda just went to a vocational and be making 50-75K+ a year doing any number of professions

Fucking college scams

>> No.9364248

How salty will nocoiner liberals be when racist neets become ridiculously wealthy from internet meme money?

>> No.9364264

>You're a dumbass millennial.
No u.
Fucking retarded millennials, I swear.

>> No.9364267

best advice i've ever taken from my 10th grade auto-tech teacher

>> No.9364282

If you failed to get good results out of this advice, you only have yourself to blame.

>> No.9364320

kys boomer scum

>> No.9364353


>> No.9364369

my dad got 600k when his parents died from an inheritance, the only stipulation was he had to hire a bullshit financial adviser to "manage" the money. My dad tells adviser wanted to put ALL of it in gold, this was in 2005 when it was like $525 an ounce. This (((adviser))) told him that was literally the dumbest thing he has ever heard and that he would rather kill himself then let him make that mistake. He told my dad to put it in AIG and other similar stocks and some real estate funds.

Of course the 2008 crash happened and that 600k turned into 40k. Also, this (((adviser))) had to be paid something like 20k a year to "manage" it. Adviser calls dad up and tells him it is time to sell all the stocks before they go lower. Dad tells him it is already low and we should just wait a few years for it to go up. This faggot sells it all anyway even though almost all of these stocks recovered massively in the following few years.

A few months after , dad finds out this faggot literally killed himself because he lost his own and all his clients fortunes.

The guy kept shitty records and it was almost impossible to recover that was left, he also owed shit loads of money to people and pretty much lost all of it.

In the end, if my dad had put 600k into gold in 2005, he could of sold it in 2012 for $1.8 million, but INSTEAD, this boomer (((ACCREDITED INVESTED))) gave the worst advice possible, at the worst possible times.

>> No.9364376
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>Friendless ronery virgin in high school
>Siblings were always more popular than me
>Everyone made fun of me

>Turned 21 last week
>Almost done with college
>Getting a STEM degree
>Stacy Sister and Chad Brother dropped out of college and just stay at home without jobs

>> No.9364384

>walk in to a business and hand in your resume in person

>> No.9364402
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>Just go out and talk to people
>Make sure to give them a good firm handshake
>You should be thankful for any job

>> No.9364416

>Coulda just went to a vocational and be making 50-75K+ a year doing any number of professions
Yeah enjoy working yourself to the bone every day with back-breaking physical labor while I get to sit in my cushy rolly chair in my air-conditioned office building

>> No.9364437

Where you at anon? I work somewhere that's looking for you. Ain't even that bad either

>> No.9364521


>Generational cohorts come in three year spans

How fucking retarded are you? "Millenials" encompasses people born in the 80s through the mid 90s. It's kinda a useless grouping since in the time between the first people in the cohort joining the workforce to the last in the cohort joining the workforce there was the largest economic collapse since the Depression & full recovery. Generational demography is stupid & only really worked for describing the Baby Boomers.

>> No.9364536

You're too hung up on the media-created cultural depictions of millenial; all it is is a generational thing, just because you don't have anything "in common" with them doesn't mean you aren't part of that generation you idiot

>> No.9364563


Beating up striking union workers sounds like a fun time.

>> No.9364668
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coping boomer detected
I don't have anything in common with them, including a birth date.
How does it feel being old?

>> No.9364680


>> No.9364719

my stomach hurts from reading this

>> No.9364739

"Hard work builds character"

>mfw every boomer who says this is a self important piece of shit

>> No.9364767

I'm a millenial born in 93, if two years is enough to separate us in your eyes then I don't know what to tell you. You're retarded.

>> No.9364789

Literally doesnt work.
They mostly find it annoying

>> No.9364790


>> No.9364883

>Go to college

If I would have never gone to school I would have 300k + in the fucking bank right now, assuming I just lived at home for 6 years.

If your parents aren't rich don't listen to a fucking word they say.

They might be good parents but they are probably shit with finances and career advice.

>> No.9364892


>> No.9364930

literal oldfag

>> No.9364949


>> No.9364976

Well, I already am in the top 1 percentile. So there is that.

>> No.9364982

I you aren't REALLY good, then this is great advice. Normies love to hire normies, even incompetent ones.

t. techy autist

>> No.9365044

>Thinks a generation is less than 20 years
>Trusting the media

>> No.9365162


>> No.9365167

I make the distinction at whether or not you remember 9/11. If you don't remember, then you're gen Z

>> No.9365242

Sorry the people around you in your life don't reach out to you, do you need some help with something an anon like me could potentially assist you with?

>> No.9365243

Don’t get a higher paying job because you’ll have to pay more in taxes.

>> No.9365248

It does though. If you have never had at least one backbreaking physical labor job, you're probably a worthless bugman comic book fanboy

>> No.9365298

Boomer when crypto coin goes up
>you haven’t made anything until you sell and realize those gains!
Boomer when crypto coin goes down
>i told you it was a scam and a bubble you have lost everything sell now!

>> No.9365372

I look down anyone who uses financial advisors, has whole life insurance, or owns beats headphones.

>> No.9365550

The first time I encountered any information about 9/11 was when I was looking at a newspaper that said "Remember 9/11" or some junk with a picture of fire fighters in the rubble. I think that was a year or 2 after it happened

>> No.9365590

>just invest in stocks and work hard and you will be ok.
Not interested in being a wagie for my entire life like my parents.
This is a tricky one. I followed my passion which was a stem field. I make good money now and have lots of possibilities. But I suppose if a English major followed his passion he could be working at Starbucks forever.

>> No.9365604

How is the only legit way to keep your millions and stay ahead of inflation insane?

>> No.9365643


>> No.9365753

This is a good metric. I was born 91 and remember my parents picking me up early that day.
This is actually a very good list. So many dumb thots at the gym using those dumb headphones.

>> No.9365775
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>"smile more!"

>> No.9365785

Washington state.

>> No.9365813

TN anon here

>> No.9365858

"wear a condom"

>> No.9365880

A-any chance you're at ORNL? I would kill to get in there. I write a lot of HPC software.

>> No.9365919

>play football

>> No.9366165
File: 430 KB, 750x655, A7458022-C37E-4B9F-9162-EDE4BDBC0559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my neighbooor that thinks he is an hero for rasing another mans daughter

He told me I should stop being neet and pay my taxes

Good guy desu

>> No.9366232

No, he's suggesting that all of those people spend 2-3 hours a day complaining about jews on turtle milking boards

>> No.9366236

>>Thinks a generation is less than 20 years
Spics and niggers are breeding starting at age 12-14 now, so the time span between "generations" had to be adjusted to match.

>> No.9366247

thats hilarious

>> No.9366266

>87 years old
>on the chans

fake n gay newfag

wat do u do

>> No.9366308

Literally move to Wisconsin

Cost of living is zero and there's like several of the largest factories ever built going online (Foxconn, Haribo, Amazon, Etc) in next few years 45 mins from any populated area (dead zone in between chicago and milwaukee).

They will have to hire several hundred engineers per year at competitive rates.

>> No.9366376

>mining the goalposts

>> No.9366450

This is complacency anon

>> No.9366500
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Fight me whippersnapper.

>> No.9366585

Its a guaranteed way to get your CV thrown in the trash the second you leave

>> No.9366727

Look up what inflation is dumbass.
It's why so many boomers retire, have basically nothing, and keep telling you about how the price of milk used to be a nickel.
>savings accounts are brainlet tier at 1% APR
>dumping your extra cash in S&P 500 is normie tier at about 10%-15% APR
>day trading OTM weekly options is literally insane tier at -100% to 1000% ROI per day

>> No.9366750

I wasn't allowed to do art, compsci or design courses in HS because the teacher thought it was a waste of time and I should focus on the path to getting a "real" management degree

Now I'm a game dev :/

>> No.9366821

>he fell for the STEM meme

>> No.9366949

Not him, but I'm 22 and making 90k per year in Richmond.
I don't know what's a meme about STEM unless you literally did not think about the job market at all while persuing your degree and ended up in some autist shit like astrophysics

>> No.9367162

>you haven’t made anything until you sell and realize those gains!
But he's right there. Normies think you let the winners run and drop the losers (even those you research and have long term prospects) but only idiots do that. Do the opposite of normies and you'll find success.

>> No.9367339
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My dad lost even more money. And it was only because he was a sad, status conscious asshole that was never happy with everything. When I add up all the money that he lost along with losing our home, it adds up to over $1 million. My dad would be a literal multimillionaire right now if he had my financial brain. I only speak to him 2 days out of the whole year.

>> No.9367454

Good fucking lord that is some of the saddest shit I've ever read. Literally all the (((adviser))) had to do was basic risk management on that investment and he'd have at least 1.2 million right now on the shittiest risk-managed portfolio.

>> No.9367584

Story time?

>> No.9367599
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Bedtime story anon please

>> No.9367763
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Born 93 as well, but I somehow feel people 4 years younger than me are puritanically retarded. 90s kids are the lost generation.

>> No.9367805
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Pretty good place to make a distinction. I remember my third grade teacher freaking out and rolling in a TV on a cart to show the class the first tower burning, and shortly after we got to see the second tower get hit.

Guess I was happy that they let school out super early, but wowy the teachers seemed a lot more paranoid the rest of my time in grade school.

>> No.9367834

You're a millennial whether you like it or not. Gen z doesn't start till 2005. Generations last 20 years.

>> No.9367884

Yeah pretty much this. Just started my own and 5 years in the red?? No, if you're 5 years in the red then you don't know what the fuck you are doing or can't do it efficiently enough. Problem with starting a business is that you can't get anyone to actually work for you unless they are getting paid, so there are two options.
>Let go of equity
>Pay them
If you can manage to get past that and you're not a social retard, really all that is left is selling. I hate selling. I pay people to sell. So, maybe I sacrifice a bit of my potential stack, but I don't do the shit I don't want to and get to go after the bigger fish.

MS Engineering, psych degree too
>Fell for college meme, 11 years.
No debt cause I worked and class was a full time job. I went to class at 8 and studied til 5, after that time was mine, no excuses (bartended).

Maybe I'm just not a brainlet, but it's not that hard. Learn how to propose ideas and don't sit around waiting for shit to happen to you. Say fucking anything, opine, ASK for stuff like advice or help, ffs, swallow your pride.

Worst thing you can do is give a fuck about what others think because nobody gives a shit about what you think, just do something, work towards something.

Side note, everyone told me I was a retard for buying eth @ 80. Follow your heart and give no fucks about what other people say, unless it's the people who matter - you should know who those people are, and still be skeptical.

>> No.9367936

>Generations last 20 years.
boomer definition lol

>> No.9368549

>You're a millennial whether you like it or not.
and you're an AIDS-ridden 30 year old boomer whether you like it or not
Sure hope you enjoyed all that communist butt sex.

>> No.9368817

This sounds similar to bad /biz/ advice.
>Why hold this good token/coin? It's so expensive already, not much gains to be had. Buy this 10MM marketcap literally-who token! So much more room for growth! :^)

>> No.9368854
File: 49 KB, 590x550, 1526009359377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it came time for the SATs, all my Boomer did was demand that I take both the SAT and ACT. As if that would help my college prospects. She got indignant when I said no, and I didn't prepare for the SAT in any meaningful way.

>> No.9369102

They want you to pump their bags.

>> No.9369207

>This is my neighbooor that thinks he is an hero for rasing another mans daughter
Are you fucking his daughter? Because he is. That makes him a hero.

>> No.9369237

Making 90k where housed are over 1 million.

>> No.9369642
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I feel like that generation coming up has a weird from of gullibility that is unique to them, probably as a consequence of growing up watching youtube and in a constant state of hyperreality where the very nature of truth is in a constant state of flux and subjectivity rules the game. I feel they are the most influenced by meme culture, far more than millenials even, and sometimes come across as more sociopathic but also more insecure as well. I'm pretty worried about them.

>> No.9369781
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>Anon, you should try buy a small property when you can and then rent it out. Its hassle-free and helps with consistent income
Its fucking none of those things. If i could go back in time, id remove that boomers voicebox for the sake of a better society

>> No.9370411


Already sent in my mail-in ballot.

>> No.9370520

Ok then, everyone can cheat in every degree, this is not limited to STEM.
But in STEM is much harder since you get fucked afterwards if you don't know shit. Everyone sees this.

>> No.9370614

>Invest in GE, that shouldn’t be a $20 stock because it should be a $30 stock
>these baseball cards are going to be worth a fortune some day
>It’s 2005, I’m easy money in real estate kid
>Don’t buy cheap SFH in 2011, that’s too risky, I lost my ass in the crash

>> No.9370738

>dont buy bitcoin its worthless
this was back when its under 100$ i was poor and they convinced me otherwise

>> No.9370953

DIY or die.

>> No.9371039


Buying a house in this gigantic fucking property bubble

Also this

>> No.9371068

I've never gotten good advice from anyone.

>> No.9371104
File: 287 KB, 400x414, ChainLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you done the math before you went to college?

Nice pic. Saved.

You're Gen Z then.

>> No.9371106
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>> No.9371118


>> No.9371422
File: 38 KB, 600x465, 1417242637001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Dad's a boomer and he gives great advice. I can't really think of anything bad.

>> No.9371428

Anime was a mistake

>> No.9371434

>listening to a generation before you instead of reading books and using the internet for actual research

>> No.9371582

>save up and get a home to settle down in
Literally in the same conversation:
>you need to save up and travel the world before settling down

>> No.9371587

>and thinks gold is a good investment
Well you sure as fuck could do worse

>> No.9371827

Probably the example of my parents of being extremely risk-averse. Both are doctors (not in the US) and approaching the ends of their careers and I guess they are millionaires but only taken together. They just did not at all invest their money for decades, just saved all the time and let inflation eat up a good part of it. Recently my dad started to invest in some ETF through the bank that takes about 25% of profits and he's very happy.

I think it's a meager outcome for all the night shifts.

>> No.9371845

What did you find out you really wanted to do anon?

>> No.9372141


t. lost all his money in coins

>> No.9372204

I unironically wish I had been born a boomer, looking up to them might be a bit of a stretch though.

>> No.9372223

Don't buy Bitcoin (in 2014)

>> No.9372247

Not to job hop. Stick it out in one place and work your way up.

I've jumped jobs 4 times in 4 years and tripled my salary, current job also being the easiest. If I hadn't jumped so many ships I'd still be working 2x as many hours for 50k

>> No.9372289

>"you're only 25"
me rn

>> No.9372427

What's your field?

>> No.9372454
