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9361483 No.9361483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

28 year old engineer. Worked for the last 5 months almost non stop. About to get a 3 month break from any projects. Come home to the GF, buy her $200 in sex toys and $200 in meals.

Girlfriend is distant and constantly complaining (as always). Sick of her. Sick of her dog. Sick of the way she treats me. Sick of how I haven't been happy, even though I own a house, make far over 6 figures, and have 150k crypto.

I dumped her ass a few hours ago. Hurts, but I deserve to be happy. I haven't gamed in 8 years, so after a nice, long workout decided to pick up a console system. Seems like a better investment right now.

Have a good night, biz.

>> No.9361504

>not buying ps4 pro

>> No.9361520

go fucking kys normiefag

its better to have loved than be a fucking hugless virgin loser like the rest of us

>> No.9361521

>God of War

Good choice, OP. Well done

>> No.9361527

sounds like a mistake desu. why not go on a short trip / vacation just to give both of you a break? If you still want to dump her at that point at least you'll have more certainty

>> No.9361536

if the broads a cunt then you made the right call.

don't go back with her either you cuck

>> No.9361546

Normies buy consoles. Master race stays master race

>> No.9361556
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> Make far over 6 figure
> Buys a standard PS4

>> No.9361564

Good job anon. You deserve to be happy. You don’t need that toxicity in your life.

>> No.9361569


far over 6 figures as a 28 year old eng?
You work site rotations or what?

>> No.9361578

I haven't gamed in over 8 years faggot. I'll go return it right now and get something better. I just left best buy.

>> No.9361583

6/10 larp

>> No.9361585

>Dumps all of it into link = millionaire in 2020
>dumps it into a PS4 and paws it for 80% less in 2 years
Now I understand why people are poor.

>> No.9361592

is this the /larp/ general thread?
if so I banged six 9/10 chicks today

>> No.9361594

Not trying to start a console war, literally leaving thread after this post. BUT

>not buying an xbox in 2018

>> No.9361600

this. OP must be a poorfag who doesn't even have a 4k tv

>> No.9361606

Congrats man and enjoy your time

>> No.9361608

Op hopefully you don’t live in a country where you relationship is considered common law because she lived with you. If you do say good bye to your house.

>> No.9361609

ps4 is utter crap mate, 30 fps gaming is boomer tier.

>> No.9361610

Ex Navy nuke working in the field (travel)

>> No.9361613

Should've gotten a pro or an xXxb0nExXx

>> No.9361614

On the one hand I want to congratulate you for taking charge of your life, on the other hand you went and bought a fucking console you fucking peasant.

Go buy the components to build your own ultra-light gaming pc, install a linux on it and play some good mouse and keyboard games from the couch, see what gaben was talking about.

Bonus redpill: the nagging is due to chemtrails creating brain inflamation and giving extra autism to everybody.

It's always worse in the spring and autumn, I think they do it to give the illusion of normal temps for summer and winter respectively.

>> No.9361617

PS4 is like $250 you poorfag

>> No.9361619

console peasants always getting cucked

>> No.9361628

I own a 4k tv. I'm about to return this bitch.

>> No.9361633

You should buy a nice PC I would if I could afford one. (Aka if I dumped my gf and canceled the trip I’m planning with her.)

>> No.9361636

I still can’t believe that’s a thing
How the fuck would that even work?

>> No.9361638

Congratulations are in order anon.

>> No.9361643

Engineers always have the ugliest girlfriends. OP probably didn't exactly drop a dime piece

>> No.9361645

Because it sounds like this wasn’t a rash decision. It sounds like he was making the cheese and she was grating him to powder. If he takes her back from this point, assuming she didn’t fuck around, he holds the value and the cards in this relationship. So she should be enlightened of this fact. His equity and value is only going to increase. Assuming she his around his age +/- 5 years, her value is on the decline. If someone cannot put aside their own shit to support their partner, then they are not worth having. Especially if she cannot explain her own psychological issues to him without resorting to passive aggression.

>> No.9361650

Who gives a fuck
Kys normie scum

>> No.9361653

>Not buying a brand new 80 in tv to go with your PS4

>> No.9361652

There you go. Buy a pc instead.

>> No.9361656

Get a PS4 pro and pickup uncharted 4 and the last of us. These games are fucking masterpieces.

>> No.9361660

>work nonstop for 5 months
>cant figure out why girlfriend isnt happy
are any women always happy though? i thought they like to complain and just chatter in general

>> No.9361661

She has consistently treated me like garbage.

>> No.9361666


This guy has a head above his shoulders. Learn from him virgin neets

>> No.9361678

>Bonus redpill: the nagging is due to chemtrails creating brain inflamation and giving extra autism to everybody.

I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.9361691

Away for 5 months yet always calls me too clingy and needy. Fuck that bitch.

>> No.9361696

Op I broke up with my girlfriend a few days ago. Very similar situation. Haven't gamed in years. Debating about buying a ps4 but I haven't made it like you yet. I'm engineer 26 without your crypto gains or 6 figure salary. Don't think I'll ever get there. There might come days when you question your decision but the thoughts will be fleeting. Remember that nagging and the sense of unhappiness. Better investment too.

>> No.9361707
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>spending money on a deprecating asset like Vidya
>not finding a productive hobby
>not learning new skills such as painting, draftsmanship, or being a mechanic
>playing mindless video games instead of hitting the Gym and working on gains other than Crypto

baka desu senpai. Good on you on getting rid of that roastie parasite, she will attempt to get back with you though and stalk you and even go as far as taking nigger dick to somehow show that she is better off without you to get you jealous even if Tyrone beats her ass and before you know it she'll spawn a nigglet mutt and you will someday see her bruised face posting on social media as a single mother whoring for attention with the mutt right next to her in the hopes she will attract a nu-beta male cuck to support her financially. Screencap this.

>> No.9361708

>have gf
>live with her for 1 year
>automatically qualify for a common-law relationship
>dump bitch
>she takes you to court
>she takes half your net worth

>> No.9361712

Does this place even have mods? Holy fuck

>> No.9361721

one word

>> No.9361728

>calls me too clingy and needy

she knows you have mommy issues lol

>> No.9361739

>posting cuckime reaction pics
>talking like a retarded weebshit
>bumping shit thread

>> No.9361741

>150k in crypto
>breaks up with gf
>blogs to /biz/ about it

I guess money can't buy straightness after all. Maybe I should drop out of school...

>> No.9361753

That’s fucking insane
How would they prove you were actually in a relationship and she wasn’t just staying over as a friend or that you were even in a relationship in the first place. Wtf.

>> No.9361760

posting that... and here...
Business & Finance, sorry

>> No.9361765

Let's see your paintings then. Oh wait, you're a fat useless faggot like the rest of us and you're only projecting.

>> No.9361777

Dude wtf better get a Xbox, playstation is for faggots...

>> No.9361789

damn right fuck that bitch, she should cling to you as well.
cheers anon, have fun with the games and fuck other bitches

>> No.9361793

Text messages of you both talking back as forth as a couple. Amount of calls between you both. It wouldnt be hard to prove.

>> No.9361795

good call

>> No.9361803

It really depends where you live. This is BC canada for example

>> No.9361807

>hitting the gym
So he should lift heavy objects for hours every week in hope some other roastie picks him up? Because I see no other reason why anyone would exercise.

>> No.9361810

Cool beans. What was your rate?

>> No.9361812

I don't understand how everyone thinks she lived with me. She's got her own fucking apartment. Just stays over at my place a lot, because I own a house and her roommates are annoying

>> No.9361816

>i thought they like to complain and just chatter in general
These are typically what are called shit tests and most women (subconsciously) do them constantly to test a man's worth psychologically. Failing them often enough is when they leave or start cheating. Too many men fail and end up trying to appease they're bitchy wives/gfs. Sounds like OP wasn't desperate for a gf and had enough of her shit so he cut his losses.

>> No.9361819

Just learn a hobby bro trust me you will stop playing video games and they'll become less and less relevant and you'll be more in tune with perfecting a craft, currently learning how to draw and pander to degenerates for some of them patreonbucks. I've seen artists make thousands of dollars a month for illustrating fetish shit even if their work isn't the greatest it still sells like hotcakes.

>> No.9361821

socrates told me to

>> No.9361842

>Because I see no other reason why anyone would exercise.
Health? Fitness? Endurance? Energy? Good looks? Pride? There's a variety of different reasons to improve and invest in yourself other than attracting another roastie cunt.

>> No.9361851

please link to official law document that states this is a thing

>> No.9361852

Get a PSVR while you're at it too


>> No.9361854

this. you had one choice to make and you blew it

>> No.9361864

>a fucking faggot complaining

>> No.9361865

she could still probably argue that she lived with you given those circumstances

>> No.9361871

Also the fact that I constantly have women trying to fuck me. The hard part about giving up the gf is that she had the most perfect pussy, kind of why I kept her around so long. Plus she was actually really hot. I'll post pics of us in a sec. We were a good looking couple.

>> No.9361879


Move to Canada and find out the hard way

>> No.9361884

Absolutely fucking mental. The world is turning mad. I’ll just move to my own private island when I make it with a bought thai qt waifu away from all the disgusting western society.

>> No.9361887

I did here. I was generalizing but it depends where you live.

>> No.9361890


Being constantly immersed in autist fetishland seems like a miserable existence 2bh.

>> No.9361891
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She has her own apartment with her name on the lease. Nice try, faggot.

>> No.9361896

Imagine putting the thoughts in your head out there in a thread and they come out like this post

>> No.9361900

Do you want an in depth explanation with sauce, or just the cliffnotes?

>Planes (not passenger jets) spray for geoengineering, lowering temps and literally makin it rain

>The aerosols do indeed help keep the temps lower (you don't even need to read about this, you can just see it for your self - first the spray grids appear and then the weather gets colder)

>the aerosols eventually make it to the ground

>you inhale them, your allergies flare up (headaches, mucous membrane irritations) and your body sends macrophages to clean it up

>macrophages eat the aerosol particulates and carry them around the body. They have the keys to the place so they're able to pass through the blood/brain barrier

>the aerosols are now trapped inside your brain, giving you a slight inflammation that is enough to make people edgy and irritable

It's like lead poisoning, which has similar personality-altering effects but is not permanent compared to lead poisoning.

>> No.9361902

What a cucked fucking nation

>> No.9361903

Fuck off eith this thread. I already feel like shit today. I don't a reminder that I'm a poorfag on biz. This is not r9k

>> No.9361906

Unfortunately if you want to make quick money off your work as an artist this is a viable alternative.

>> No.9361911
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>> No.9361915


ok, op, you win

10/10 b8 thread

>> No.9361920

based OP

>> No.9361934


>> No.9361935

>all this obsession over smv and relationship politics

shit sounds exhausting. forgo normies and just stick to high empathy qts

>> No.9361941

holy shit FUCK drafting. I had to do that shit in school. Not fun.

>> No.9361948

this girl is not asian gross

>> No.9361973

And the goal of this conspiracy would be?

>> No.9361981

>not buying a switch

>> No.9361982

>date a girl for 8 years without marrying
>she’s now nearing inability to have children
>dump her onto the streets
>buy a PlayStation

I feel bad for your girl but shit a bitch is a bitch

>> No.9361983

this girl is not asian

>> No.9361996

Alpha af get on the tinder you dog!

>> No.9362003

where did this meme come from that women can't have children after their 20s? menopause happens at like 50.

>> No.9362007

Legit overweight. I'm sure she's ok but calling her "really hot" is pushing it way far.

>> No.9362010
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> that 28 year old boomer who tries to cope because he broke up with his girlfriend by playing video games

>> No.9362013

Not bait.

>> No.9362029

Yeah she put on maybe 20 lbs throughout the relationship. I packed on a few too.

>> No.9362042

you should be able to do a prenup before this

>> No.9362044

Also a horrible pose. Who takes pictures like that. Almost looks like a bodybuilder flexing in the mirror.

You look good OP, you can do better

>> No.9362063

But desu I found her so attractive and wanted to fuck constantly. She said yes maybe 1/5 of the time, but it was always good. And she fucking sucked I like a pornstar. Like with all the spit and stuff. She should get paid for it and that's why I kept her around as long as I did because pussy and mouth that good in one package is hard to find

>> No.9362075

You should do a 10,000 calorie food challenge and post it on youtube

>> No.9362076

she can say that she signed the prenup under distress. There is no winning for the man.

>> No.9362081

She's a fridge.

>> No.9362095
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>mae wee wee feel gud

>> No.9362097
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>> No.9362103

8/8 b8

>> No.9362113

Why didn't you buy a switch? We could've played splatoon together

>> No.9362114

jesus christ, i will then require an additional paper signed along with the prenup so that she is legally declared not under distress

>> No.9362136

Good for you OP.

>> No.9362145

Do you have any such paper saying you don't have donkey brains?

>> No.9362192

i don't think you followed through

>> No.9362207

At the store getting a pro now.

>> No.9362215

nice good job

>> No.9362222

Proud of you man, you made a good decision. Now play some video games and dump this joint for a day or 2

>> No.9362239

>playing on console

>> No.9362245

although by the way i think you can get a much better girlfriend than that fat whale, what the fuck, you looking good in that picture of yours
i thought you put up with her shit since she was hot, so really you made the best decision of your life dumping her

>> No.9362256

I think op is better off. Without communication that would make the situation better there's no hope anyway. Great choice cost wise. Enjoy single life senpai

>> No.9362260

speak for yourself faggot

>> No.9362277
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Fuck off all of you faggots,


>> No.9362286

Does she have a neck in real life?

>> No.9362303

Nice blog op, where do I subscribe ? >>9361483