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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9357783 No.9357783 [Reply] [Original]

It's actually disgusting watching everyone disregard Chainlink and chase empty pumps instead. This is the most innovative piece of technology that financial and insurance sectors have all been waiting for and it will actually revolutionize the world and strengthen every industry it touches.

Look at Vitalik, Roger, Justin, and Charlie constantly focusing on publicity stunts, shilling, and talking about the pricing of their coins. Sergey is actually the most reliable leader in the cryptosphere focusing only on his technology and development, no bullshitting with publicity stunts. Only honest answers to honest questions when he gets the chance.

I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills watching all of this play out. Etherscan shows that soon 95% of all available circulating LINK will be consolidated into less than 15,000 wallets and that continues to shrink as more people try to chase pumps, they're being shaken into stronger hands. As soon as Sergey's saved up LINK is finally handed over to institutions we'll see the price jump by increments of dollars and it'll be way too for most people by then. This is so fucking ridiculous and scary in showing how stupid most of /biz/ actually is.

>> No.9357791

fuck off pasta I'm still coomalatin

>> No.9357802


>> No.9357805

Blame Delphi. They are causing this.

>> No.9357820

If I’m in the top 2400, where will I stand among the world elites in 2020?

>> No.9357828
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>> No.9357836

A few spots behind jeff bezos

>> No.9357902
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>> No.9357909

I have to check where my wallet is at this point, a few months ago it was a top 300 wallet

>> No.9358305

Fuck em, we will be rich anon. That is all that matters.

>> No.9358342

Yes, go back to your make-believe bubble where everything is set for you to have the life you always wanted and the only thing you need to do is trust someone else to solve it all. There is nothing for you to do, just wait. It will all get better once you make it. Your parents will be proud of you and look up to you. Your friends will respect you and want to be on your life more often. You'll find love, be sure of it. Once you've uncovered who you really are after acquiring your wealth people will agree with you: You're the best! You’re so smart! You’re so lucky! I am so lucky to have met you, I'm always going to be by your side, and I love you. I love you. Maybe she does and maybe she won't leave. Maybe your new and old friends like you all the same and do care for you. Maybe your parents do think they did a great job raising you. Or maybe you don't have anyone at all. Even better then, because once you make it none of this will matter.

That's because everything you've dreamed of being depends on only one decision. Would you'd made it if it wasn't for this? Would you'd made it if you didn't risk being a fool for a year or two before whatever scam you're attached to succeeded? I don't think so and you don't think so either.

That's why you're still here, looking for yet another clue to lay back and be calm while you wait for the day when the rest of your life can truly begin. Keep waiting.

>> No.9358357


>> No.9358378

No one knows about LINK ;)

>> No.9358410
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>> No.9358627

Money = not set for life. Its literally just money, And worthwhile investments do exist, they called CL.

>> No.9359004
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fuck off

>> No.9359186
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delet this

>> No.9359870
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I’m in the top 1000 wallets. Feels comfy... but when mün?

>> No.9359906

its crashing as we speak. this is the exit scam that won't die. I hear Sergey is doing his philosphy thesis on cults and this is just part of it. Chainlink will never exist. they're just spending your ETH on a performance to make it look like they're working.

>> No.9360023

“They called CL”

>> No.9360060

Btc just sharted itself a bit, everything dips when that happens

>> No.9360110

>top 200

>> No.9360171

>tfw was within top 600 but had to sell half to cover unexpected medical bill
hold me. really getting the urge to try and trade some other coins to try and replenish some of my stack. watched zil 2x in the last 3 days, wanted to kms

>> No.9360177
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I am irrelevant to whatever success any of these projects can have because I'm not developing them and they'll do the same with or without my funding. You can be principled and not take Bcash money because you see it as dirty, someone will not give a fuck about your principles and will. You have your timelines and I have mine, good luck.

>> No.9360220

why the fuck would you sell to pay the medical bill when you could have just waited til Summer and sell once the entire cryptospace is 5x+ where we are now?
you sold the bottom, son.

>> No.9360246

It’s not disgusting, it’s beautiful. I agree with everything else though.

>> No.9360266
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>tfw top 500

Feels good to be honest