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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9356568 No.9356568 [Reply] [Original]


>no money
>no social life
>no prospects
>family is ashamed of you
>depression and anxiety


>no free time
>constantly tired
>have to make small talk with boring normie coworkers
>depression and anxiety

>> No.9356592 [DELETED] 


Just B yourself

>> No.9356612

Just B.E yourself

>> No.9356664
File: 71 KB, 642x413, C7A9071A-A6C3-44A2-9C44-096DD30AC95A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be crypto NEET
>rich af
>family begging for my money
>“friends“ begging for my money
>golddiggers diggin
>can live every day exactly how I want

>> No.9356684

Maybe I'm just a terrible human being.

Good for you man. Why are you still here though?

>> No.9356702

why would I stop making money?

>> No.9356723

I guess if I could spend every day exactly how I wanted I probably wouldn't spend them here.

How does /biz/ help you make money? Got any tips for a poor wagecuck trying to make it too?

>> No.9356725

Unironically this

>> No.9356810

/biz/ is a very comfy board, we got the best and freshest memes here, whats not to like?

>Got any tips for a poor wagecuck trying to make it too?
buy chainlink or get a time machine to buy ETH

>> No.9356829

Where did you start?

>> No.9356883

Believed into Vitalik Buterin from the start

>> No.9356913

>crypto all day
>rich af
>no time for chicks
Getting laid is good but getting money is always better.

>> No.9356917

You have to become a master of capital.

>> No.9356921

>buy chainlink or get a time machine to buy ETH

What's your portfolio look like now?

>> No.9356965

56% chainlink, rest in ethereum and also a little bit ICX

>> No.9356984
File: 58 KB, 874x639, bitcoin logarithmic chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a breakthrough when I realized that rich people are basically NEETs who make correct decisions consistently enough. I'm not as happy as I could be, but I think I will be one day. Most people I know are just financing their lives, anyway, so most of the apparent alternative is truly an illusion.

>> No.9357110

Choose a job you lova, and you never have to work a day in your life :)

>> No.9357319

You can alternatively lurk more and find a low market cap coin. Go all in and quadruple your money, buy link and wait a couple of years. If you already can afford more than 10k links you can skip this step but it's still a good way to afford even more linkies. Beware this might not work at all (I believe it can still work if you start this year), it's almost a gamble but still the best shot to escape wage slavery.

>> No.9357364

I wish it were that easy

>> No.9357376


>> No.9357390

smoke weed. is it really that hard to solve for x?

>> No.9357613

Unironically drugs.

I was a NEET and now have a career. They are both shit. Pussy is overrated. True happiness is being young and rich

>> No.9358038

>wage slave
>no free time
Minimum wage works like 20 hours a week if you are lucky.
No one wants to pay for benefits of full time employees.