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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 193 KB, 1280x1280, 1525786994657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9351406 No.9351406 [Reply] [Original]

Skywire enters testnet phase in 5 days. It's not too late to get on the Skycoin train.

>> No.9351426

it's being going up 10% daily, looks like close to the top already, did they announce anything about the exchanges?

>> No.9351466
File: 52 KB, 605x605, 1525788516754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing except that there will be 5 new listings, but apparently they've been making changes to their wallet in order to comply with some bigger exchange..

>> No.9351481

Oh shit I got 7 of these things. Still waiting for an email about a skyminer...

>> No.9351617

I'd buy this shitcoin IF they'd change their marketing and the testnet showed some promise. Decent project but so much fud floating around

>> No.9351648


>> No.9351707
File: 427 KB, 1320x1838, 1521261314119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powerful words, thank you.

Initial skyminer positions were filled a while ago.

I'm kind of sure the testnet will be a success, sending the price to ath in less than a month.

>> No.9352332

Any news on the whitelisting?
Also, did they ever give the prizes for any contest?

>> No.9352472

>buying a coin after marketing prop up

>> No.9352583


>> No.9352702
File: 129 KB, 1024x987, 1520066723004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully whitelisting starts again soon. And yeah, I heard there were some cryptography contests, there might be more in the future.

>> No.9352721

i'll buy when synth resigns

>> No.9353182

i feel the same way, it's a good project otherwise

>> No.9353194
File: 1.39 MB, 3192x2386, 1525177856718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe its actually happening

>> No.9353238
File: 25 KB, 281x75, hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will never happen. Try to bypass the cringe, I've wanted to dump my stack so hard when I saw some posts but in the end I'm in it for the money and they are doing both development and marketing

>> No.9353365
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, Skycoin_Coin_Texured_Blue_3Quarter_Fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skycoin will eventually replace Bitcoin. That was actually why it was created 7+ years ago by the original Bitcoin devs. They designed SKY to overcome all the flaws they saw in Bitcoin.

>> No.9353633

what are you targeting? long term or just riding the testnet release?

>> No.9353647

oh look the next shiny object has appeared

>> No.9353707

I can't say I've ever noticed coins to ever have a marketing strategy. Looks like coins either grow organically or flop, many times in spite of the actual value of the project. What's the strategy you've noticed here?

I've got 2 skynodes for the testnet launch.

>> No.9353738

Agreed - marketing feels overzealous sometimes, but I'm in it for the money so fuck it.

>> No.9353789

Both, will sell some right before the testnet and will buy again afterwards if the price goes down, otherwise will just hold

>> No.9354770


Too true.

It's going to take quite a few years. Once the skywire has become abundantly adopted it will blow right paste bitcoin. Imagine when all the chinks in china are buying coinhours to have uncensored internet. That's 1,000,000,000 people right there. There are only 25,000,000 coins and once coin hours are able to be sold no one is going to let go of them. Why would you sell the cow if you could just sell the milk?

$10,000 per coin by 2023.

>> No.9354830

You are very dumb.

>> No.9354930

I just FOMO'd in with half my portfolio how fucked am I???

>> No.9355139


Don't expect it to keep pumping as fast as it is. If you're in it for the long haul then you and me are in the same boat. We gonna make it.

>> No.9355185

what's with the tards spamming rapsberry pis? do you mean to tell me someone was dumb enough to buy like 10 raspberry pis instead of just using their desktop computer?

>> No.9355188

Very. Lead dev will probably scam.

>> No.9355216


Funny, I was told the same thing when I said the coin would reach 50ish dollars by the end of last year.

Funny, because I was told the same thing when I said it will hit $100 by the end of this year.

Always the same reaction: SCAMCOIN! SHILL! IT'S A CULT.

Screen cap and wait, post on January 1st to ether gloat or beg for more tips. .

>> No.9355328

whats the skycoinhour generation per skycoin?

>> No.9355393


1 hour each coin each hour.

>> No.9355406

Fuck, did I miss the boat?

>> No.9355540


It's barely begun. It's going to take years for skycoin to be implemented on a global scale. They're fine tuning the code and haven't even begun selling the long distance antennae. It's still in its infancy even though it's been in development for 7 years.

Metamorphosing the entire internet's structure is not an easy or fast task.

If you're looking for quick gains to keep day trading then yes, it's over for now (I think it's going to hit $100 this year at least briefly before skywire release.)

If you want to sit on something that is going to create a truly free incorruptible internet while making you immensely rich then you have years to buy before it's going super nova. I'd buy now so you can get as many coins for the least amount of money though.

>> No.9356372
File: 75 KB, 600x620, photo_2018-04-18_22-35-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in it for the long term. I sure do hope that this coin is the one.

>> No.9356934
File: 162 KB, 1280x960, 1519936771755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if this coin is the one, it's probably gonna be the only one. There would be no need for other coins if this makes it.