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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9347711 No.9347711 [Reply] [Original]

>What is this thread?
Returning /biz/ to it's original crypto roots where we helped out our brothers and weeded out the shitty shills.

>What do we do?
If you have good low market cap gems and generally want to share information with /biz/, then post under a tripcode and post everyday in this thread and have a trustworthy community of /biz/ members that we can all trust in terms of helping each other get rich

All future threads will only be made by my tripcode, if any are different then it is a pajeet attempt at shilling you

>You can only post in these threads with tripcodes
See 4chan FAQ on how to tripcode

If you don't have a tripcode, any post you make will be regarded as pajeet shilling and you will be responded to with "you can't shit here" until you change your ways

>This thread is the first and original thread
You can locate this in the archives in the future and I will be listing dates on every post so you can keep track.

>Why tripcodes?
Because if you're a piece of shit and try to shill anything in one of my threads then you will be subject to desginated street shitting somewhere else and are no longer welcome

>Who to trust?
Everyday I will post this thread under this tripcode and ALL OF YOU will contribute to helping /biz/ go back to the way it should be, gain reputation through your tripcode and you will be recognized as someone who can be trusted. If you have been outed as a member of a PND group or any type of coordination shilling, then your reputation is no longer acceptable in our threads.





>> No.9347717

ill bite anon
what you shilling

>> No.9347777

Kys faggot. Saged

>> No.9347813

KWHCoin. John mcaffe shill goin. Going under ICO. The fundamentals arent so important or the team. What matters is that John Mcafee is shilling this. And eight now, price is sooo low.

>> No.9347844



no shills from me, i will however, detect pajeets and call out scams. i will be lurking mostly.

>> No.9347876

so basically you are doing a biz version of ignite ratings?

>> No.9347915


you can't shit here pajeets

tripcodes or get out

>> No.9348034


Hard pass

>> No.9348054

My first tripcode so no yelling.
I never needed it before. So I hope I understood how to do it, correctly.
If it won't work I'll try again.
Here is something I would like to actually discuss.
VIA coin.
This actually seems like a freaking awesome coin....And the supply is tiny.
And the price is dirt cheap. So I'm at a loss anons. On one hand I really like the project, on the other I can't understand why it's so cheap.
It's like I'm a brainlet and don't see something obvious that I'm missing

>> No.9348093

everyone knows that tripcodes are for faggots, faggot

>> No.9348097
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I believe truly that COLX will grow exponentially over the course of this year.

Look at their roadmap. They will be integrating zerocoin into their protocol. Not only that , they will have android and iphone wallets by end of Q2. They have hit their roadmap properly and they are very responsive on discord.

This is a coin , I see huge potential in and with the listings on Cryptaldash.com when they have raised enough capital , it will increase the volume. Why pick COLX?

>Has Masternodes
>Instantaneous transactions
>Small barriers for huge growth.
>Potential to become next verge pump but less on the dump with the grid computing release
>decentralized governance
>decentralized budgeting system
>immutable proposal
>better then verge (in terms of speed / privacy)
>Lower supply then verge

This is one of my picks for 2018.

Resilience and Prosperity brothers.

>> No.9348120

posting in what I hope will be one of many of these threads.

Anybody have any idea where ZIL is going? I just sold today, caught some nice gainz, I like the project a LOT but don't want to baghold the entire recovery.

Should I rebuy when it dips or is it not dipping?

>> No.9348149

Oh it will dip. Everything does. The question is how much.
I would take the gains and wait for the dip. Yes the dip may be less than what you expecting but I'm an ICX holder.....you should know how I feel for not selling in december/january...

>> No.9348160

This is unironically a good idea especially with trips so we can actually have a small space to build discourse without having to go to discords/telegrams.

>> No.9348173

>VIA coin
Looks like a standard bitcoin clone from 2015 anon.

>> No.9348197

Like stockmarketgeneral but crypto. Weed out shills and fudders and get to the actual meat of the topic.

>> No.9348202
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Buy LINK 1000 dollars EOY

>> No.9348239

nuls sir, good buy u see 100x sir.

>> No.9348266

tripcodes, you street shitters.

If you're too much of a newfag to know how to do that you just put a "#" in front of whatever word or symbol you want, Except "faggot" because Moot took that for himself years ago.

>> No.9348309

I agree. On a first glance that's exactly how it looks like.
But what I find intriguing and different is that the team actually is working on the project.
Their Styx privacy swap / transaction shtick that will make the coin kind of private.
And ( what I completely don't understand) RSK smart contract capabilities.
Maybe that's common for the BTC offshoots from 2015 but so far all I've seen are dead products.
If I'm a total fucking brainlet you can absolutely point that out btw.

>> No.9348416

Interesting, will keep an eye on it. Seem to me like litecoin is the competitor there?

>> No.9348434

the absolute state of biz

>> No.9348468

That's what it appears to be.
I bought it by accident desu and it pumped, so I looked into the project.....And I seriously can't tell if I'm a total brainlet or it's one of these hidden projects with no marketing.
I'm not putting any significant money into it right now, but I'm observing it as well.
Just weird that something like that would go unnoticed. That's why I'm so weary.
Also how big is having Trezor support? I'm actually completely in the dark on this.

>> No.9348554

test tripcode

>> No.9348590
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Share buddy, ban the bad actors.

>> No.9348609

Ledger not Trezor.

>> No.9348715

Well... I've tried shilling CargoX on biz a few times. Everybody kept saying that the project would never go anywhere because finding partnerships in the Seafreight industry is pretty hard. This past month they got 4 big companies to get on board and test their product (1st test run should be happening in the end of Q2 according to the roadmap), I'm pretty hyped for it, i believe it could reach a U$1 EOY (only 129 million coins) and it's only valued at U$0.09 right now. They also have some pretty politically influencial people from Slovenian government helping out with the project.

Just check their twitter and website, the team also sends weekly email updates with what their up to...

>> No.9348751
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Also check these numbers that are same.

>> No.9348763
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buy link sirs

>> No.9348775

what a fucking fail.

I think you meant to do this.

>> No.9349141

Not posting with a trip because I have no good advice/tips to share. Just curious what everyone's opinion of PFR is.

>> No.9349188
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I need to say I hate the idea. If tripcodes are the solution then a subreddit may help more than a general thread. Seriously. If private groups are a threat to the board then they're a threat to the thread and tripcodes aren't going to protect shit. Very easy for private groups to coordinate and now pump and dumps can become approved which makes things very dangerous, even more when dealing with smallcaps. Infiltrate and wait, try playing Mafia/Werewolf with tripcodes. When people are worried about their own track records, cred and history being public then they can have a harder time trying to challenge opinions that go against the agreed common sense.

I posted this before, then shared the link with a guy that made a funny post and literally asked to get shilled.

To spell it out: Rumors about non beta release of Ripple to be officially announced on May 15th. No need to love how things work to profit form them, draw your own memelines.

>> No.9349253
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OP here, all of you faggots get a tripcode or all your street shitting pajeets and you're not allowed here.

You are a massive faggot for thinking this should belong on a subreddit as it ruins anonymity. Fuck off.


>> No.9349483

Im ok with this

>> No.9349519

Espers on YoBit sirs, a mooning will be yours

>> No.9349534

It's that I really don't see the advantage, maybe I'm just stubborn because I have a very visceral reaction to tripfaggotry. If the idea is that it helps to identify pajeets, then a forum with ids has good things, it doesn't need to be reddit with the upvotes, it can be one of those phpbb things. You can have the lightning network thread, the sharding thread... and you skip problems with timezones.

>> No.9349567

lets give it a try.
i do like to flip shit while im improving my skills as a salesman, also i own a little factory wich is struggling but hopefully i would keep it alive enough as i need it to be...

>> No.9349609

ECC has potential.
>no one knows about it yet
>has a lot going for it
>will either turn out to be a legit project and 1000x, or will turn out to be a shitcoin but will still get p&d to 10x-100x

Hopeful for AGI too, Sophia is already getting some normie hype so even if AGI is a worthless memecoin, the normie hype will result in redditors making it briefly moon.

>> No.9349623

Test trip

>> No.9349678
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>> No.9349912

>makes a post mentioning all posts up to that point every so often, so you can quickly navigate a larger thread.

professional shit, anon.

>> No.9350960

Just to be clear. I'm not exactly shilling VIA.
I'm saying -> observe because it's not your usually 2014 BTC clone.
Observe for now, because it sounds too good to be true, and we all know what that usually means. This is crypto though. So anything can happen.

>> No.9351013
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Great thread anon. Normally tripfaggotry is bad but this has a good use. I'm going to throw this out there: BIX token. Currently its USD value is $0.86 according to cmc. It's an exchange token, they offer margin trading and crypto lending. Also they have a token lock up program that you earn annual interest on, with different lock up periods. Looks like a good buy. Their trade volume is growing.

>> No.9351088

I will look into that, but does is also save you money on the fees?
Which exchange?

>> No.9351130
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NEXO is an easy 5x from here. Crypto backed loans, superior to SALT and ETHLend, instant approval, working product already, releasing a credit card in July.

HYDRO has great potential and is only at $6M market cap. Hydrogen Platform is building infrastructure and APIs for connecting public and private financial products to the blockchain. The coin was distributed through airdrops exclusively, with a large reserve held by the developers as a community fund to sponsor projects built on Hydrogen. They are preparing to release their first app, a 2-factor authentication system built on the blockchain, and are already in talks with exchanges who want to use it. Potential 20x moonshot

>> No.9351160

Yes, it offers 50% reduction on trade fees. Bibox is the exchange. It's easy to sign up for the exchange. Also, as general advice, I recommend you use a new email exclusively for any new exchange, and new password as well. Can't be too safe

>> No.9351164

Serious discussion about REQ guys. Solid partnerships, amazing whitepaper and ideas. Mainnet is out and several apps such as Chango are already being developed. Where do you see this price wise if the roadmap is completed EOY?

>> No.9351277

I'm with you on this. LINK and COLX are my two main holdings atm.

>> No.9351283

And like quite a few good coins it hasn't moved at all after the crash. Almost no reaction to the pump a lot of them got.
I don't know why desu
Shitty marketing?

>> No.9351294

Do you really believe that link has a chance to do x2 by the eoy?
I've heard goid and bad and still can't make up my mind.

>> No.9351324

they arent focused on marketing until their product is finished at the end of the year. thats when the hype train starts

>> No.9351380

>REQ not focused on marketing
Anon you’ve been Pajeet pocketed

>> No.9351412

Anyone else insomnia researching?

ENG hitting that yeet in the last few hours, is it finally time?

>> No.9351732

OP is a professional lad, good thread. Recurring threads is what /biz/ missing a lot.
Probably soon I will shit on a street named after you. It would be a honor good sir

>> No.9351915

ENG and ADA, you will make it

>> No.9352069
File: 161 KB, 700x452, Caste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeets have surfaced like cockroaches and rats
oh fuck I hate you people so much
Bunch of scammers and immoral spics of scum
Niggers are white people compared to fucking disgusting pajeets
Whats your name Pajeet?

You people are disgusting.
Get the fuck off biz you disgusting pajeets

>> No.9352230

Explain yourself

>> No.9352277

ELIX is primed for a big move over the next few months and has already begun. Dev team release weekly updates and consistently hit their targets. Is relatively under the radar maybe one thread here about ELIX every 2-3 weeks or so.

Deffinately worth watching

Been holding since 18 cents.

>> No.9352288
