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File: 8 KB, 240x99, chainlinkcryptofund.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9336919 No.9336919 [Reply] [Original]

Well they officially have a LinkedIn page:

>About us:
>ChainLink is a hedge fund of funds seeking diversification across multiple strategies in blockchain and crypto assets.

as well as a fund website:

I guess based on their name we could assume that their main holding is ChainLink? I'd be curious to know how much they're holding.

>> No.9337039

Old news like a month ago. An anon called them and they denied holding any stinkers, but the gestalt is they do.

You have to go back.

>> No.9337047

Facebook "researchers" need to shut the fuck up and lurk more.

ChainLink Fund has already been confirmed to not be linked to smartcontract.com and Sergey's ChainLink.

It was disproved in fucking November or December last year.

>> No.9337062

Doesn't seem like they're holding LINK.

>> No.9337075

suprise suprise

>> No.9337093

It's too bad nobody developing a blockchain will use ChainLink. Look at Stellar- they've got Mobius as a native decentralised oracles solution.
Look at VEN, they're developing their own decentralised oracle that will be live BEFORE ChainLink lmao.
Look at IoTA, they've announced Qubic- a decentralised oracle that will be live as early June.
ChainLink is valuable because it was a decentralised oracle? Well looks like that's not the case anymore as these 20+ man teams MINIMUM are working night and day to deliver a superior product.
ChainLink is valuable because it's a first mover? Lol it's literally going to be released after 3 (THREE) other MAJOR decentralised oracle projects.

Face it linkies, ChainLink got BTFO by Pajeets (Mobius), Chinks (VEN) and Hippie stoners that have gone ON RECORD for supporting white genocide (IoTA).
This isn't to mention the 15+ other decentralised oracle projects like Aeternity that is designing their decentralised oracle better than ChainLink- more secure, efficient and there's actual incentive to buy, hold and use the token instead of ChainLink where you don't even NEED ChainLink at all lol.
>LINK network lets you run a node with ZERO ChainLink and be paid in ETH if you want

Stellar also has IBM talking to several central banks about launching their own digital currency on Stellar's network. So not only does Stellar have a HUGE team on Mobius working on a decentralised oracle, but they've got the attention of CENTRAL BANKS because of the superiority of their product.

>but anon, LINK has a better product!
So your cope is to tell me that Central Banks and the Chinese goverment are opting in for a security flaw in their new primary digital asset?
Maximum fucking kek


>> No.9337146
File: 5 KB, 235x215, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, pic related. It's you

>> No.9337432
File: 164 KB, 1308x1364, 71ouuLlskXL._SL1364_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the amount of effort put in just to be this retarded, probably 2 bizlets successfully fudded at most
take a hike retard

>> No.9337491
File: 10 KB, 236x301, 7d97d8aaab63535b096fe48f4b1efc13--big-sizes-gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this post is particularly hilarious because it sounds almost exactly when i tried to make my first fud. the grammar, the sentence structure, the syntax etc etc all points towards trying very hard. I wrote my post on microsoft word tho, then ctrl v. did you anon?

>> No.9337540

OP get out of here you Facebook nigger

>> No.9337610


>> No.9337702

I legitimately can't muster surprise or anger at this shit anymore. Sergey hasn't done a single god damn thing right (or any for that matter), yet you linkies talk of him like some omnipotent being that is about to change the world.
I can't even find the words to describe how much I loathe this sad excuse for a project right now. Holy shit. I have never hated any group of idiots more in my lifetime. Fuck all of you assholes that shill this fucking disgrace of a project.
God, what is happening to our board? The mental state of linkies is making me more and more depressed about our current situation and future. Each week I tell myself that nothing will surprise me anymore, and each week I find myself proven wrong.

On the plus side, textbooks in twenty years will be really interesting. I mean if schools still exist after all, because if you linkies are any sample of where humanity is going, there won't be any schools. We would just throw shit at each other and lick batteries.

Something something oracles something something decentralized.

Fuck. You.

>> No.9337736

I'm at Payments Canada Summit and the speaker just mentioned smart oracles. Not Smart Contract not Chainlink but smart oracles. Wtf does that mean? Did not mention decentralized either. There is a Q and A and I'll try and get a question in.

>> No.9337968

decentralization is a meme no one cares
>we are going to decentralize central points of data
>autistic node operators will make sure it is trustworthy

face it kids link is dead

>> No.9338004

smart oracles are what Mobius and VEN are implementing LOL.

IoTA is speculated to be doing this too but not confirmed.


>> No.9338861

smart oracle is the language sergey uses on the SWIFT testamonial section on the website. I doubt its related though.

>> No.9338972

the only people invested in chainlink are shitcoin speculators. no big investors, companies, institutions want anything to do with their token.

chainlink is worthless without platforms to use it, and if those platforms get big enough, the network effect of the platform massively outstrips the effect of chainlink. that's even ignoring the fact that grabbing data from a centralized source is not a decentralized oracle, and generally worthless.

>> No.9339000

News is old as fuck, no meaningful connection to serGAY

>> No.9339022

> decentralization is a meme no one cares

>> No.9339055
File: 114 KB, 764x960, 10174827_10152080631272274_6814116898989363630_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is nothing wrong with supporting white genocide, its a trend now and we need a war to happen.

>> No.9339167

Why are you holding link? You should just sell.

>> No.9339223
File: 450 KB, 1385x967, 1525816476753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paitently waiting for this kind and humble anon to deliver