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File: 75 KB, 300x228, trumpcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9333726 No.9333726 [Reply] [Original]

Any Trumpcoin OGs still on this board? What's your portfolio now? I wish I could turn back time

>> No.9333777

Very very first coin.
Even tho I was pumped and dumped trumpcoin will hold a special place in my heart

>> No.9333820

Good to have you lad, which discord where you in back then

>> No.9333873

Still got 100k. At best my portfolio was 7.2 millions or around 423btc and at worst 1.1 million (100 btc).
Today it's around 2 million (202 btc)
Started with 75k. Lost around 3 millions when bittrex delisted rise. Quite butthurt about it.
I also hold 1mm and 10k of chain link, 101k of arks, 10k of pivx and other small shot coins which I am too lazy to sell.
I personally believe with the rise of Verge, tron, Bitconnect and byte coin, trump coin will reach around 70 dollars per coin. Before second election round.
When this shit coin originally was listed there weren't enough retarded money to pump up price.
Only bad scenario I see is if other project like president trump coin will take spotlight.
In my personal opinion trump coin will be my golden ticket to make up loses from rise.

>> No.9333890

are you bitbobb?

>> No.9333925
File: 349 KB, 711x540, everytime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P. S I forgot I hold also 2000 neo or anshares as it was originally known. I also bought 1 mil of chain link because meme strength index is off the charts. As old fag I can say even ants or ether never was shilled as much. Plus Vitalik did visit biz at one point because he defended his retarded code after ico.
Now he is turncoat who act like as he is better than we are.

Lmao no, bit Bob was some pajeet developer from trump coin? I remember selling half stash of trump at 40 cents because I thought it will reach 2 dollars but never did. I think trump coin project is abandoned as for now. I hope some chink marketers will take project for a ride like they did with chain coin which unironically made me around 400k which I invested into rise, which unironically is worth it a Fucking dust

>> No.9333971

Nice stack bro, I just started with 50$ in Trump back in summer o' 16 and have about 150k$ worth of crypto now.

>> No.9334245

had 400 dollars worth for the lulz while i was buying drugs off the darknet around october 2016. dumped from 4 cents to like 1.6 cents so i panick sold. if i sold at the at that is like 21k. i also started trafficking drugs after i sold trumpcoin and my personal darknet buys and a couple for my friends got out of control.

i find it all slightly amusing

>> No.9334268

I still have a Trumpcoin stack sold most during the election and inauguration pumps. It was my first alt coin. I guess the campaigns will probably start up next year. Ill be ready to shill with you guys.

>> No.9335327


I am the OG Trumpcoin shill. I invented the '7k thursday CONFIRMED' meme that everyone started spamming.

I sold all my Trumpcoins at 80 cents (first 50k I ever made in crypto) unfortunately, instead of buying and holding something like ETH I spent most of it on student loans. Now only have like 300k (still not bad).

>> No.9335876

We will pump it again in 2020 brother

>> No.9336161
File: 154 KB, 945x1500, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was the only holder left. I fucked up royally and ended up holding through the pump, so now im just waiting till reelection

>> No.9336869

Checked and this
First coin I bought it and sold when Trump won the election

>> No.9337255

Loaded up on Trumpcoin and XRP when Trumpcoin came out. Loved those threads.

>> No.9337673

Never bought any trumpcoin, didn’t think he would make it desu
The only good thing it did for me was get me into btc early enough to ride the big wave, and for that, thanks tcoiners

>> No.9337827
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