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9333695 No.9333695 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw can't get a job because you're a virgin

>> No.9333720

>tfw can't get pussy because no job

>> No.9333741


>> No.9333748

It's so surreal to see normies learning shit en-masse from the fucking news (such as the word "incel") that I've known about forever.

>> No.9333798

who would hire a child to do mans work?

>> No.9333853

>catch 22

>> No.9333907

Just you wait until you have to do a fucksume and have references they call up to attest whether or not you have fucked women.

>> No.9333936

Who had? Also does it count as incel if you fuck a trap and pretend he's your waifu?

>> No.9333946

idk, but it surely counts as mentally ill

>> No.9333968

How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in ’t!

>> No.9333978

Disgusting virgins. Just die.

>> No.9333995

Disgusting fornicators. Burn in Hell

>> No.9334040

Hahaha just lie nigga like say I have a gf haha

>> No.9334727


Well, all this would be solved if you elected someone who legalized prostitution.

>> No.9334906

(((they))) would never let it happen. The only reason society is so cucked today is because the idea of sex being so important is pushed on us so vehemently. This is what gives women a free pussy pass and keeps the men providing for the women. If prostitution was legal then 95% of roasties would die alone. The government subsidizes roasties with your tax dollars, your alimony, and your child support. It will never happen

>> No.9334949
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>mfw the fucking economist magazine mentions incels, Chads and Staceys
the fire rises

>> No.9335136

eh not true, prostitution is legal in australia and everything is pretty normal here

>> No.9335159

This reminds me of my visit to psychologist some time ago. I've told HER about lots of fucked up shit and she just smiled, but when I mentioned I never had a GF she went completely silent for a minute then she grabbed both of my hands and recommended me to visit a psychiatrist. It was very awkward.

>> No.9335209


Not true, Europe has prostitution and it is even more cucked by feminism. The single closest variable correlating degrees of men being goytoys is religion. More religious societies are less cucked.

>> No.9335223

Incels = NEETs confirmed.

>> No.9335271

People are lost in the grand scheme of things, what they fail to realize is that this new wave of progresissm aka cultural marxism works and behaves like a religion belief in the brain and how we construct our reality, the human kind needs to believe, hope is the only answer and it doesn't matter if it's a child rapist, a space mage or a dictatorial doctrine.
Why are we even in biz if it's not for hope?

>> No.9335306

it's NOT normal everywhere else. that's the point.

>> No.9335411 [DELETED] 

jesus what lie can i tell about why my thumb is bruised

>> No.9335444

>what are you going to do about it?

hire prostitutes to pop their cherries? lmao

seriously, if women weren't such fucking materialistic sluts that only sees men as objects the world would be much better

>> No.9335496

>seriously, if women weren't such fucking materialistic sluts that only sees men as objects the world would be much better
ugh if men weren't such fucking pigs that only see women as warm holes the world would be much better

>> No.9335525

sure, men are not innocent either, but the women are on a whole other level of self-importance

even fat whales thinks they deserve a rich chad, and when they dont get one, they seek help in the feminist community instead because men are so eviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil

>> No.9335621

The equation is simple. If a woman needs a man, she treats the man with respect. Women no longer need men. They have money from jobs. They have sex on demand from dating apps provided they do the bare minimum to keep themselves attractive. The one thing they can't get is love, and that's only earned when she submits to her man and makes herself valuable. Men don't care about "feelings". We care about reality and results.

We care that a woman tries to look good for us, cleans up around the house, cooks dinner, is modest in public, drinks little, is faithful, is family oriented and frugal, to name a few. Women who are none of these things, despite how good she looks, will never truly be loved by a man. Therefore, women who refuse to do these things and skate by on looks alone or playing the field will end up never getting what they want: love from a man. A woman who is never been truly loved is the equivalent of a male incel, no matter how good they look or how many guys she can sleep with.

Men want pussy and a good loyal woman. Women want love from a strong, good man. The red pill for women is that she can never get that love until she becomes what a man wants: modest, loyal, hard working. Women who don't believe they have to be anything to get a man will never know what it feels like to be truly loved by a man. This knowledge has been mostly lost in the current age.

You guys think the women win in society and life, because you're seeing it from the perspective of a man. To us, making lots of money and having lots of sex is the ultimate goal, so when you see that women have that, it causes jealousy. None of you recognize that these are not the ultimate things most women want. The ultimate thing the modern woman wants, she will never have: love. Even if she settles with a beta provider, that man won't truly love her but will fear losing her, and even if she takes everything in the divorce, she can't take love with her.

>> No.9335629

>seriously, if women weren't such fucking materialistic sluts that only sees men as objects the world would be much better
>ugh if men weren't such fucking pigs that only see women as warm holes the world would be much better

You're both right, glass humanity imo.

>> No.9335685
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>everyone disgusting talking slab o meat

>> No.9335717

>that 12 year old boomer

>> No.9335757

>Men don't care about "feelings"

>> No.9335798

The fact that there is no barrier between 4chan and normalfag websites anymore as of about 2-3 years ago still bothers me. Was horrifying to see memes appear on here and Twitter at the same time. Mentioning facebook used to be a great way to get told to fuck off back to Gaia.

>> No.9336306

Holy mother of fuck this sent me down a wormhole of totally fucked Twitter posts and rants from outraged feminists. Ellen Pao is toxic as fuck and her Twitter feed unironically represents that fully. Look at this shit she retweeted, some bitch ranting and emphatically denouncing people who can't get laid as misogynistic and hateful towards women. https://twitter.com/brosandprose/status/991703605806854144?s=19 people in glass houses should not throw stones.

>> No.9336325

Nowadays when women are taught from the get go that men and women are equal, she too can be independent, she can have her own career, she doesn't need men then that's the truth
What does today's modern woman have to offer men OTHER than her holes?

>> No.9336329

She married a gay guy so they could consolidate their wealth. She’s a legit psychopath.

>> No.9336356
File: 352 KB, 1079x1448, Screenshot_20180509-220323_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related translates as "if you're involuntarily celibate then you're a sexist cunt who hates women"

Unreal. If the shoe was on the other foot (woman complaining about not getting laid) there would be 10 dudes there right away begging to fuck her and she'd have no problem with it.

>> No.9336440

Australia is one of the rare countries that’s worse off than the US. People just don’t hear about it, because it’s politically uninteresting, and too far away. Whenever I need a really good laugh at the world I turn to Australia. Young people are acting even more fucked up there than in tbe US. I wish I was just memeing.

>> No.9336459

The thing that surprises me the most is the fact that EVERYONE including the numales replying to her tweets is agreeing with her

>> No.9336496

> Pic related translates as "if you're involuntarily celibate then you're a sexist cunt who hates women"

I'm a celibate, it's involuntarily, but I don't call myself an incel. She don't speak about all men, only the one who think they should have the possibility to buy a girlfriend at the local store.

> Unreal. If the shoe was on the other foot (woman complaining about not getting laid) there would be 10 dudes there right away begging to fuck her and she'd have no problem with it.
It's true. But one could say the problem is the 10 begging guys who don't respect themselves.

I'm not too fond of the feminist propaganda, but the incel side is at least as much retarded.

>> No.9336519


>> No.9336525

Incels aren't human, all male virgins over 25 should be euthanized before they become another Elliot Rodgers

>> No.9336529
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>> No.9336536

>I'm a celibate, it's involuntarily, but I don't call myself an incel.
But you are one by definition.
In-cel = Involuntarily Celibate

>> No.9336546

faggots, everywhere

>> No.9336555

Look for Australian mom bloggers. Or young people on benefits, teenage parents. It’s really entertaining.

>> No.9336581

Some people don't like taking on labels
It's "alt-right" all over again

>> No.9336605

Yeah, I think he understands that, but is distinguishing himself from the actual movement. Like "feminist", "incel" has become a catch-all for bad behavior on one side. ie, like incels, not all feminists are total fucking garbage, but the bad behavior of some actors is culturally prominent enough that it is super easy to make generalizations and probably be correct.

>> No.9336636

Nice trips but what are the people you mentioned actually doing in Aus?

>> No.9336658

Feminist is a catch all because there's different interpretations of feminism. Incel has only one definition, I don't get why people read into it more than that and try to attribute some meaning which is not there.

>> No.9336687

they gonna use every HR girl as the corporate whore. Every virgin gets to fuck your roasted puss and problems will be solved. Good girl making the world a better place.

>> No.9336713

Just reading the article and they mention Elliot Rodger as an example of an incel, which is fucked. Elliott "supreme gentleman" Rodgers was an autistic retard who also happened to not be able to get pussy. Actually as I write that now I get what you mean.

>> No.9336745

But the definition of incel (just a person who is an "involuntary celibate") can be different from the definition of incel vis "the incel movement"
To the individual, they just can't get laid. To the incel movement, "incel" encompasses a wide range of beliefs and ideas that may not necessarily mesh with individual incels.

>> No.9336755

It's like you trying to take others peoples who don't care about your community and says them "We alike. You're one of us."

Well, no.

We may share a incidental detail of ours persons, but we handle it completely differently and have point of view about it which have nothing in common.

You think you're under attack by the feminists (yeah, that's the case), and you search allies or friends. I understand it may be hard for you, even more when you don't consider half the population as human being, but you put that on yourself. That's not my problem.

>> No.9336772

Christ. He’s saying he doesn’t hang out on r/incel and doesn’t spend all his time bitching about not getting laid you autist.

>> No.9336782

*Quoted the wrong anon

>> No.9336927

The thing that bugs me is that there is a literal definition of incel. To me it just means virgin who can't get pussy, which implies that Pao wants employees to provide video evidence of them banging or else they're fired. Seems weird to me and kind of sexist desu. P.S. I'm not incel and also I didn't really understand your last paragraph.

>> No.9337111

underrated comment

>> No.9337129

I don't agree with her at all and yes it is ridiculous. However, you're being far too literal. She doesn't mean people that are "involuntarily celibate" she means people that are a part of the "incel" community online. It's shocking to me though that there's been so much written about this and so little to suss out that important distinction.

>> No.9337218

>not being normal enough that you can fake being a normie and people don't suspect you're a virgin at all
LMAOing at all your lives..... ;(

>> No.9337332

Yeah. But you know how it goes -- people like labels. Labels are easy. Labels are simple.

>> No.9337389

great thread, really riled up the pathetic losers on this board

>> No.9337394

yay gamergate is back

>> No.9337547

>only the one who think they should have the possibility to buy a girlfriend at the local store.
no one actually thinks that though but these people are projecting that viewpoint onto everyone who's involuntarily celibate. It's like beating someone who's already down. What the fuck? A lot of these people have been shit on their wholes lives, and close themselves off to others. Not because of hate. But these vile people project their hate onto a mostly innocuous group.

>> No.9337670

cool your omega rage, he didn't say nor imply that

>> No.9337691

damn i thought i was just ugly. i didn't know i hated women, too.

>> No.9337749
File: 7 KB, 473x454, 15524A4E-642A-4E31-BBF5-CDF5F5521999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a new job
>all the roasties at the job try to figure out if I have a gf or not
>never even had one but lie anyway because don‘t want to get fired
>once somebody seen me with my hot sister
>suddenly all the roasties in the office are super friendly and flirty

>> No.9337833

it's like in business sorta, your connections generally help express your value to the crowd. like that episode of seinfeld where george is fucking that supermodel way out of his league and all these other girls that know he's with her are into him

>> No.9337874

Where in europe is prostitution legal except for Netherlands?

>> No.9337900

I fucked a prostitute in Germany while I was there for business. Pretty sure it's legal there.

>> No.9337993

later I got fired because I ignored the advances of a roastie and she conspired with a backstabbing manlet

>> No.9338018

Ok didnt know that. Is it regulated or do they legally sell themselves on the streets?

>> No.9338035

whats it feel like to have subpar genetics? you should be hating yourself rather than projecting

>> No.9338046

incest is wincest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9338051

>NOT wanting to hire social parasites?

>> No.9338056


>> No.9338133

legal in the uk

>> No.9338143

Ah the rare frowny winky

>> No.9338230

Legal in Denmark as well

>> No.9338272

What's going on, I don't really watch news or anything. Since when is being a virgin employee a problem? Is this serious, like that transgender stuff with Cait Jenner? (not that I take that mutulated man serious)

>> No.9338304

yeah it really would be upsetting to lose my high paying tech job just because girls dont like me

>> No.9338393
File: 156 KB, 621x524, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking insane and detached from reality are these people? Holy fuck. They twist everything they see into a feminist fantasy.

>> No.9338410


...imagine my surprise

>> No.9338420

Lol is this females trying to be dominant?

>> No.9338450

Ellen K Pao: You're almost certainly a woman. What are you going to do about incels?

>> No.9338496

psychiatrist? isn't it the job of a psychologist to deal with people things, and the job of a psychiatrist is to proscribe drugs?

>> No.9338529

I'm voluntarily celibate, checkmate atheists.

>> No.9338561


what a nice way to cope with the fact that nobody wants you. Whatever works, right?

>> No.9338603
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are those extremists from daesh and shit alike a bunch of incels?

>> No.9338608
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>"if you're involuntarily celibate then you're a sexist cunt who hates women"
But I'm voluntarily celibate.
I only consider a female to be a "real woman" when she does her duty to her family, husband and God.
I'm waiting till she get's old enough to marry and not be considered "underage".

>> No.9338685

>But I'm voluntarily celibate.
So when some hot chick spreaded her legs in front of you and asked you to fuck her, you would refuse?
Who are you trying to fool?
I don't believe you at all.

>> No.9338733
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>So when some hot chick spreaded her legs in front of you and asked you to fuck her, you would refuse?
I'll try to avoid getting into any situation like that in the first place.
I don't go out to parties etc and do degenerate things like that so it'll be hard for that to occur in the first place.

I've never been in a situation where that would occur. Only person I'll ever have sex with is with my wife when I get married.

>> No.9338775

>All male virgins over 25

I refuse to believe people are still virgins in their 25th year of life except if they are severely handicapped/down syndrome maybe.

Seriously if you didn't even buy a hooker in that time and still obsess over never having any sex then you will never be a functioning member of society.

But again I don't think there is anyone that actually fits this and it's just underaged geeks and maybe 19 year old late bloomers ranting and trying to "protect" these imaginary 25 year old virgins that don't even exist.

It's not even like sex is hard to get even if you are ugly,fat and anti-social. It's just a fucking numbers game. If you hang out with enough drunk women while partying you WILL get to fuck one of them.

Therefor Incels don't even exist because they refuse to participate in these events that leads to sex and therefor they aren't involuntary.

If you are a virgin then you are a bad person, it's just that simple. You refuse to put any effort into getting laid and instead blame the world for it.

>> No.9338790
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i guess you never met a hardcore antinatalist. Risk sex is one of the five major sins next to donating organs.

>> No.9338815
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>t. edgelord

>> No.9338829

Have you seen the state of women these days? They're a trainwreck and nothing but trouble. I would be volcel too.

If you fuck them you get hit with sexual harassment lawsuits, if you don't fuck them you get fired for being incel. Can't win with these people

>> No.9338830
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You realise you would be going to hell for that, yes?

>> No.9338832

>The fact that there is no barrier between 4chan and normalfag websites anymore as of about 2-3 years ago still bothers me.
It's because moderation got too effective.
In the beginning, the normie repellent was CP, it was left undeleted for hours sometimes
then CP got cracked on hard
then the main repellent was pony porn that was posted everywhere, it got cracked down hard too
the only normie repellent left is /pol/'s approach to the JQ, but that's getting normalized in society at an express speed, so its effectiveness is close to zero now.

ie. 4chan was great because effective enforced rules were substantially different from official rules. I think in 10 years this will be a total normie site and the autists' den will relocate organically somewhere else

The evolutionary point of sexual attraction is to propagate genes. A man that's popular with women is likely to have a son (a daughter was almost always certain to procreate regardless) that's popular with women, making it likely he will procreate further. Therefore in a circular way women will find you hot if other women find you hot
A married man in a ring gets +2 on the attractiveness scale automatically because marriage is proof he can find a mate

>> No.9338837
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>19 year old bloomers

>> No.9338920

Exactly, all these fags do is obsess about kikes and niggers.

>> No.9338946

There's nothing to be confused about.
Women are like sheep, they need to be told what and who to want, usually looking to other women for social cues. A woman will never want someone who can't attract other women. But if she sees other women flocking to him then that must mean he's desirable so she will flock to him too.

Basically, why would someone want you if no one else does? They only like you when others like you

>> No.9338963

this hurts my feelings
I'll likely never approach women, and the ones that approached me growing up were minorities, overweight, or poor

>> No.9339012
File: 6 KB, 251x201, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares about sex, its nothing without the feelings behind it

desu, im a virgin ass loser, but i dont really care about sex, i dont even masturbate anymore, i lost all interest, i only care about the emotional part of a relationship, the feeling of someone unironically caring about you

buying a hooker wont fix loneliness

>> No.9339026

said like a true virgin

have you seen yourself? balding, fat, no personality, and angry

no wonder you dont get the time of day, i feel sorry for you really

>> No.9339058


>be virgin because all women propositioned have said no
>get called sexist

>> No.9339091

>blame women for having 0 game and disgusting genetics

>> No.9339163
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Nice projecting but I am none of the things you listed and I actually have a great easy 8.5/10 girlfriend who is marriage material. In fact, I sent her a screenshot of >>9335621 just to see what she'd say.

I simply don't find hooking up fun, and that's all that 99% of women go for these days. Very very few women have the qualities of a good wife, the vast majority just focus on ways to pretty themselves up to attract Chad.

>> No.9339174
File: 693 KB, 500x281, AnimuBAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Friendly reminder that the following things are sexist against women:

>being depressed because no gf
>calling in to question the lack of logic in feminism
>fighting back when attacked, physically or verbally, by women
>being successful at business
>being white
>saying to hell with it and ignoring women (MGTOW = muh sojiny)
>fighting back in family court
>being happy while unattractive
>acknowledging female existence while unattractive
>being nice to women while unattractive (sexist manipulation in hopes of sex)

>> No.9339220

winning the generic lottery must be bliss

>> No.9339309

The surreal part is that promiscuity in youth is now considered healthy and something to brag about while virginity is frowned upon.
Total inversion of more than 1000 years old western values in something like 50 years, I wonder who is behind this.

>> No.9339347

I'm actually probably a 7/10 at best. No clue how I did it. If this wasn't 4chan then I'd post a picture of us, but you know how it is on here so I wont

>> No.9339436

I agree with his post as well, however you can easily flip the sexes in that guys post and it would still be true. What he described as an ideal woman fits the bill for a man.

Do you think guys who jerk off to porn every day, are slobs, have no goals, and don't push their partner to achieve their own goals deserve an ideal woman like in that post? Likewise, ask someone who slays different pussy every weekend how happy they are. They aren't deep down, they can't find true love either. They probably never will until they work on their mental issues. Guys who fucking different women every weekend are just as fucked somewhere as the stacy that has had 80 different dicks in her by 21.

You could easily say most guys here are addicted to video games, have soft physiques, are behind socially, and know 0 life skills. Instead of working on these issues they post whiny posts on this anime forum looking for validation. Sadly they get it and will never strive to who they can become.

>> No.9339528

I guess I've fallen too much for the pol posters memes on how all women are sluts, etc but didn't see it so much in the guys. Women these days seem to only want Chad's dick and not much else, but I guess the degeneracy is in both sexes. I consider myself lucky I found a marriage material girl because I'm well aware of how few of them there are. She was even a virgin at 18 when I met her. Every poltards wet dream except she's not Asian.

>> No.9339573

Cheers to you mate

>> No.9339635

Thanks buddy. Hope we can all find qt marriage material gfs someday

>> No.9339701

how the fuck is this /biz related?


>> No.9339721

This is only Western society. Get an Asian girl and your problem is solved.

>> No.9339730

Most women are deranged enough to evaluate male value according to how many women one has bedded. It is them that encourage Chad behavior by being the sex with the privilege of choice. Had they decided to scorn male promiscuity, males would immediately cease being promiscuous to increase their chances with them.

>> No.9339754

Just like how incels think they deserve a hot girl then turn to incel groups for support. Incels are just as bad as feminists. They're two sides of the same coin.

>> No.9339909


I just lost

>> No.9339970
File: 163 KB, 804x795, Pareto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could easily say most guys here are addicted to video games, have soft physiques, are behind socially, and know 0 life skills. Instead of working on these issues they post whiny posts on this anime forum looking for validation. Sadly they get it and will never strive to who they can become.

Those men lack drive because they have nothing to be motivated about.

The social medias/dating apps and the loosening of social norms have totally fucked the sexual market by letting hypergamy run rampant while at the same time women are totally financially self-sufficient and just get kids in panic mode in their 30s when the biological clock is ticking, those women make subpar partners and most men at least know it subconsciously because marriage rate is crashing.

An average man born in the 40s in western america could easily find a decent paying job, a girl, provide for young children and a own house in his early 20s.
An average man born in the 90s in western america will need to work hard to get the two firsts and the third/fourth will just not happen.
Now guess which one will be more driven in his daily life? The family-man owner or the lonely single tenant?

Sure the millennial man can "JUST" self-improve, lifting weight, going to a bar talking with strangers and spend his free-time learning and reading books after his wagie job is over, but it's a lot of effort and discomfort that most men won't do simply because there is little incentive.
Why trying so hard to get something that was just given 2 generations ago? Why swimming against the tide? Especially when there are so many easy possibilities for escapism in parallel enabled by technology?

I advise you to read "Whatever" from Houellebecq if you want to understand what is happening.

>> No.9340076
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The irony is that leftists have a complete cognitive dissonance everytime the topic of the sexual market is discussed.
Pic related they are entitled to the redistribution of the property and wealth of someone else but when it comes to sex it's different.
For the feminists free market is evil for everything for their pussies.

>> No.9340119
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>In the beginning, the normie repellent was CP, it was left undeleted for hours sometimes
Then the Feds seized 4chan's servers. Everyone now posts directly to the NSA.

>A married man in a ring gets +2 on the attractiveness scale automatically because marriage is proof he can find a mate
It is true that a taken man becomes "more attractive" to a woman, but for different reasons than one usually thinks.

Women are vicious and miserable creatures that will destroy others simply to give themselves a few moments worth of attention. Women are not interested in a taken man; women are interested in hurting the woman he's with. That other bitch. If she can, in her mind, hurt the bitch you're mating by stealing you away, even for one night, in her mind she's proven that she's more attractive, a better fuck, etc... and thus better than that other bitch. These THOTs will gloat about destroying another woman's relationship, and if they do talk you into an affair after an office party it's usually the THOT herself that reveals the secret, because she wants that other bitch to know.

These THOTs that are all over you the moment they find out you're married or dating don't give a damn about you in the slightest, and will almost always dispose of you once they've accomplished their mission of fucking over that bitch.

Women keep no friends; only enemies that they will occasionally not talk shit about to their faces. They backstab and bitch about any woman they see as a rival, calling them whores, spreading dirty rumors about them, then will laugh and giggle and hug upon each other when they are together.

Everything they do is to destroy each other. That is why the fabled "office full of women" experiments ALWAYS ends up in disaster. Women will rather die than accept that another woman has something they don't have. Men see a greater civilization and strive to advance themselves; women see a greater civilization and destroy it.

>> No.9340142

>people with vulvas
>not "women"
>because some women have penises, shitlord
I want the jew to be eradicated. The damage they have done to society will take generations of bloodshed to fix, starting with theirs.

>> No.9340169

this, combined with the massive competition over just one girl

everyone is working out, everyone is dieting, everyone is trying their hardest to impress the females
30 years ago no one lifted except for athletes and body builders, now its almost every guy that does it

all that work and effort, just to be one of the 50 guys that sweeped right on the girls dating profile that day
at this state, you can say someone is born a virgin, if he isn't going to be tall and handsome, he'll most likely end up an "incel"

>> No.9340207

>everyone is working out, everyone is dieting, everyone is trying their hardest to impress the females

Meanwhile whores make no effort to improve their value as a partner, instead believing themselves to be worthy of the greatest possible mate by virtue of being born with a vagina.

>> No.9340268

I'm a virgin at 25.
Growing up I wasn't allowed to leave the house and was constantly hit by my single mother.
I have a job, stay in shape, and improve myself but I fucking crash around people, I become a silent awkward mess around others and I get a pain in my throat like I'm being strangled. Anytime I'm around other people my heartrate jumps to 120.

>> No.9340307

Maybe women should have been happier back when they had value other than their hole... and then they decided to give that hole away for free to as many people as possible to "find themselves" in college, reducing the value they had left to a mere plaything. Now burdened with at least one other man's child.

You no longer have any skills to maintain a household. You cannot raise children. You cannot clean. You cannot cook. You cannot care for the next generation while your husbands work themselves to death to provide for you. A woman refuses to do all of it, still desperately relying on the wet gash between their legs and the attractiveness of their youth to get everything they want. But that beauty fades, leaving you with nothing but bastard children and a few cats, crying that there are no "good men" left to give you money while you continue to demand to contribute nothing but your fuckhole to the partnership.

You decided that instead you would become good little "empowered" office drones, losing all of the skills and feminine traits that once made you a crucial and valued member of society and turned yourself into lesser versions of men with self-lubricated fuckholes. And then you decided to give those fuckholes a world tour.

How's that (((feminism))) working out for you, ladies?

>> No.9340435


I'm 29, was the same until 25 when found a gf.
The same thing happened with my mother.

Hit the gym, therapy, read books about seduction and get into uncomfortable situations where you can improve the pain you get from being social like a job that puts you around people and women.

You can overcome this. Use drugs if for anxiety if you need them just don't abuse them.

>> No.9340496

>everyone is working out, everyone is dieting, everyone is trying their hardest to impress the females
>30 years ago no one lifted except for athletes and body builders, now its almost every guy that does it

More like 50 years ago, the whole fitness thing really begun in the 80s, also you can easily explain that by the fact that men used to do a lot of physical labor as factory workers or farmers (now everyone is a computer grunt) so they didn't have to lift to develop decent looking body (however it's true that the cult of performance didn't exist back then).
I don't think men try particularly harder, they just get a lot less reward for their efforts imo while the top 20% get to build harems through the hooking up culture.

Briffault law states:
>The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place
Women don't really need what the few things an average western male can provide these days, only very good genetic is considered benefitial enough to justify a relationship.

>> No.9340586

i mean the 80's

50 years ago would put you in the 60's

2018 - 30 = late 80's